by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin August 29 - Sept 5, 2020
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin form August 15 - 22, 2020 with Green Light Days
Listen to the Astrology Report here:
10:32:47 PM . Do not plan anything important or physical on Saturday. Dangerous
due to the Uranus Retrograde station this weekend. Saturday, August 15, 2020 Wow
- look at this day. Watch out with Mercury 150º Neptune - hoodwinked by Sun 150º
Pluto - overpowered- Uranus stationed for the bizarre. At the end of the sign,
Moon is opposite Saturn. This does not bode well. There is a grand attempt to
breakout of the ties that have bound us all. Rebellious ideas are seeded for the
up-and-coming New Moon on Tuesday. All of the nervous Mercury aspects
surrounding the Uranus Station are like a "cat on a hot tin roof".
1:13:20 AM
EDT This Mercury 150º Neptune aspect is the epitome of the illusion. However,
the illusion that all is well when in fact that is the illusion. Mercury loses
what Neptune covers-up. Mercury on one hand is fiddling with figures and data
while headed for a long list of adjustments with Jupiter then Pluto and finally
Saturn. This is the picture of a big mess. If you have travel plans over the
weekend you are likely to be sent off on different roads than what you expect,
as with detours. Information that you gain is out of date or not useful.
Attempts to connect directly with those who might answer questions are not
20°♌16' ☿ 150º ♆ 20°♓16' R 6:08:13 AM EDT 05°♋41' ☽ 45º ☿ 20°♌41'
6:12:41 AM EDT Sun quincunx Pluto= Oops - The is a bigger problem when those in
the seat of power are unreasonably forcing their objective onto others. Steam
rollers and booms! 23°♌02' ʘ 150º ♇ 23°♑02' R
10:26:24 AM EDT Uranus
Retrograde until Jan 14, 2021. This Uranus retrograde station is packed with a
great flip, twist and punch. If you are able to turn things around in your camp
then you can effect some positive change. This planet will not turn direct until
Jan 14. 2021. This is the planet of the rebel; the rebellion. The riot. Uranus
sreads the voice of the people. 10°♉41' R ♅ R Sunday,
August 16, 2020 4:00:04
AM EDT Cancer Moon is not good for family gatherings. Too much conflicting Mars
energy which ends with a heavy foot and no one wins. 23°♌54' ʘ 135º Chiron
08°♈54' R 9:38:16 AM EDT Mercury is worried what Pluto is capable of. How much
will the general population need to pay for pressures applied by those that
won't have to pay the cost. 23°♌01' ☿ 150º ♇ 23°♑01' R 10:01:36 AM EDT Sun
trine Mars - You might have the talent to succeed but you require the backing of
funders to advance. 24°♌09' ʘ ▲ ♂ 24°♈09' 1:23:31 PM EDT Moon in Cancer is not
intimidated by the big guy. 23°♋00' ☽ ☍ ♇ 23°♑00' R 3:31:42 PM EDT Cancer Moon
square Mars in Aries presses to the point in argument. Both sides are qualified
and each makes a good case. Do not get in the middle of this. It does not end
well. 24°♋13' ☽ ▄ ♂ 24°♈13' 7:58:55 PM EDT Cancer Moon opposite Saturn in
Capricorn. This indicates a major halt of all procedures. Families are
distraught possibly about the safety of their children entering school during a
pandemic. 26°♋45' ☽ ☍ ♄ 26°♑45' R 8:05:50 PM EDT Mercury continues to connect
after the Moon's opposite Saturn. 23°♌53' ☿ 45º ♀ 08°♋53'
Monday, August 17,
2020 The Cancer Moon changes to Leo at 1:38 AM. 1:28:57 AM EDT Mercury trine
Mars is positive introduction to someone you already know but have not seen for
a while. Your conversations are lively and fun. The Moon allows for
intermingling easily. This aspect brings a needed boost of positive energy.
24°♌21' ☿ ▲ ♂ 24°♈21' 1:38:15 AM EDT Moon cnj Mercury 28 Leo 00°♌00' ☽ 0º ♌
00°♌00' 12:21:32 PM EDT While Jupiter rescues the situation when parallel Ceres
but Pluto is still holding its power grab to assure no one gets in or out
without his say so. -22°32' ♃ ‖ Ceres -22°32' 1:29:48 PM EDT This can't be nice.
There is a long hard road to a resolve. 22°♑59' R ♇ 45º Ceres 07°♓59' R
3:23:42 PM EDT 07°♌58' ☽ 150º Ceres 07°♓58' R 4:54:59 PM EDT 08°♌52' ☽ ▲
Chiron 08°♈52' R
6:19:12 PM EDT Mercury // Uranus is ready with the technology
to give long term solutions for a difficult environment. +14°35' ☿ ‖ ♅ +14°35'
6:32:36 PM EDT 09°♌49' ☽ 30º ♀ 09°♋49' 6:33:19 PM EDT +21°02' ☽ ‡ ♄ -21°04'
8:01:13 PM EDT Moon square Uranus. 10°♌41' ☽ ▄ ♅ 10°♉41' R 10:00:00 PM DNC
begins 9PM Milwaukee, WI on a Green Light in Leo which ends with Leo Moon
conjunct Mercury at 28º Leo which lands on Mr. Trump's Ascendant. 11:53:42 PM
EDT +20°22' ☽ ‖ Vesta +20°23' Tuesday, August 18, 2020 12:15:30 AM EDT There are
messages in this day about the turn around that Jupiter and Saturn will bring in
four months when their great conjunction occurs on December 21st at the Winter
Solstice. 13°♌11' ☽ DkMn ʘ 25°♌41' 12:30:15 AM EDT 13°♌19' ☽ 150º Pallas
13°♑19' R 1:54:54 AM EDT +20°05' ☽ ‖ ♀ +20°06' 5:16:44 AM EDT Mercury 150º
Saturn is worried about the limits but will find a way to clear a path. 26°♌40'
☿ 150º ♄ 26°♑40' R 9:04:56 AM EDT 18°♌25' ☽ 150º ♃ 18°♑25' R 11:44:06 AM EDT
Moon 150º Jupiter is broadminded and looks ahead to the Great Jupiter and Saturn
conjunction Dec 21, 2020. That conjunction at 0ºAquarius has not been seen since
the year 1226. 20°♌00' ☽ ③ Juno 20°♎00' 12:02:23 PM EDT 20°♌11' ☽ 150º ♆
20°♓11' R
10:41:32 PM EDT Moon Family New Moon 18/Aug/2020 26° Leo 35 First
Quarter 19/May/2021 29° LEO 1 Full Moon 16/Feb/2022 27° LEO 59 Last Quarter
16/Nov/2022 24°LEO 9 26°♌35' ☽ 0º ʘ 26°♌35' 10:42 PM August 18, 2020 This New
Moon brings positive new adventures and capable stars to run the show. This New
Moon allows for the right seeds to be planted for a wonderful new beginning. All
sorts of new beginnings are set for the royal treatment. This allows for those
in the forefront to rise top for the prize. On a personal level you may find
ways to indulge in treatments for your body, mind and soul. ' R Wednesday,
August 19, 2020 The Leo Moon is void of course at 1:38 AM until the Moon enters
Virgo at 4:20 AM. 1:22:48 AM EDT 28°♌12' ☽ 135º Pallas 13°♑12' R 1:38:12 AM
EDT Moon cnj Mercury 28 Leo. Easy success! More information is given freely.
28°♌21' ☽ 0º ☿ 28°♌21' 1:57:14 AM EDT 20°♓10' R ♆ 150º Juno 20°♎10' 3:39:58
AM EDT +15°47' ☽ ‖ Pallas +15°48' 4:20:12 AM EDT Moon sp//Neptune after refrain
Mer - Virgo 00°♍00' ☽ 0º ♍ 00°♍00' August 19, 2020 Allow the day to gain
light to lead your to your best choices. You may offering help and receive the
cooperation you need but after Mercury enters Virgo at 9:30 PM. Use the energy
generated from Tuesday's New Moon to allow your creative side to take the lead.
9:50:36 AM EDT 03°♍20' ☽ 135º ♃ 18°♑20' R 9:51:28 AM EDT Moon parallel Uranus
allows technology to advance the projects. +14°33' ☽ ‖ ♅ +14°35' ' 4:18:02 PM
EDT Moon parallel Mercury confirms and informs. +13°13' ☽ ‖ ☿ +13°15' R 8:28:03
PM EDT Moon parallel the Sun aligns with conviction and creative purpose.
+12°19' ☽ ‖ ʘ +12°21' 8:41:53 PM EDT 09°♍58' ☽ DkMn ʘ 27°♌28' 9:00:41 PM EDT
10°♍09' ☽ 135º ♂ 25°♈09' 9:29:39 PM EDT Mercury enters its own sign of Virgo-
Productivity increases and your goals gain support from others. Great
organizational skills attract the best of the best. 00°♍00' ☿ 0º ♍ 00°♍00'
9:51:52 PM EDT 10°♍41' ☽ ▲ ♅ 10°♉41' R 11:19:05 PM EDT 11°♍34' ☽ 135º ♄
26°♑34' R Thursday, August 20, 2020 Thursday appears to be a fairly easy day
with the Moon in the busy sign of Virgo. There is plenty of cooperation after
1:15 PM until 9:51 PM when there is a surprise of sorts that shows up that you
did not expect. Adjustments must be made and you might need to consult others to
sort through facts or orders. Later in the evening all is calm, stable yet
energized. You find you gained the help you were looking for even if for only
the task at hand. 1:15:18 PM EDT Moon opposite Neptune- blindspot - lost items.
20°♍08' ☽ ☍ ♆ 20°♓08' R 9:51:27 PM EDT An argument or mishap. Be mindful and
keep the peace. Moon 150º Mars. 25°♍26' ☽ 150º ♂ 25°♈26' 11:54:27 PM EDT The
DNC has its engines running at full speed ahead. Best of luck! +05°57' ☽ ‖ ♂
+05°57' Friday August 21, 2020 The Virgo Moon changes to Libra at 5:15 AM.
4:03:49 AM EDT Help is offered possibly from a different camp. This is favorable
because of the alliance itself is the assistance you need. +04°55' ☽ ‡ ♆ -04°55'
5:15:35 AM EDT Moon sp//Mars after Sun enters Virgo, Sat 11:45 AM. Temporary
help or alliance with people you hire. Possibly someone from a different field
or camp. 00°♎00' ☽ 0º ♎ 00°♎00' 7:20:18 PM EDT +11°42' ʘ ‖ ☿ +11°42' 7:27:09
PM EDT 08°♎44' ☽ ☍ Chiron 08°♈44' R 8:42:50 PM EDT Social plans for Friday
evening are pleasant until the Moon is 150º Uranus. Keep your distance from
others and allow those who are familiar with these situations to bring calm to
any rocky potential. +00°46' ☽ ‡ Juno -00°46' 10:35:47 PM EDT 10°♎40' ☽ 150º ♅
10°♉40' R Saturday, August 22, 2020 The Libra Moon goes through its up and
downs but is pulled together with those willing to fight a good battle after
11:45 AM Saturday.
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