Sunday, August 29, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin August 28 - September 4, 2021


Saturday, August 28, 2021 to Saturday, September 4, 2021

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00 AM


Hello this Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead.


We have a lot of flip flops going on this week. Today there is a Taurus Moon. a Green Light with this Taurus Moon. especially this afternoon around 2:00 it improves.


Before that Venus and Uranus are in a quincunx, which upsets the balance between friendships and close associates. So, you want to use your patience with friends. Also use your discretion in how much you want to share. Also be clear about what your intentions and goals are. Your money could be something that is a problem. You could lose it. You could lose your purse. So, take care of your belongings for sure with this Venus quincunx Uranus.


There is through the evening, the Taurus Moon brings a really nice night, out or in. Maybe better in. Enjoying a quiet meal of food first with a Taurus Moon. That should be something to take care of the niceties that the Taurus Moon does bring.


Early in the morning the Sun on Sunday is making a square to the Lunar Nodes. This signals a change in the in the year when we are looking forward to the next Solar Eclipse cycle. That comes not until December 4th.  But this is that pivot point when the Sun signals that we should be leaving behind the events that have come before this point. Let go and move forward. It could also bring positioning and posturing that could come from other large players. Primary relationships as well could change because the asteroid Juno, which is a partnership indicator is involved. The Lunar Nodes are about the coming and going of people in our lives.


Mercury is trine the Moon as it moves to the end of the sign. So, this one possibly brings a positive response about a money request. The other thing that it can bring is a serious tone to the information that has been circulating during this time. It does not mean that is a negative message. It is just is sort of to the point and a serious message.


The Moon changes signs on Sunday afternoon at 12:41  PM. It enters Gemini until Wednesday morning at 1:26  AM. That is the Gemini Moon will be with us until Wednesday.  That Gemini Moon sign also has some Green Light energy, but do not take any action before Mercury changes signs. That will be on Monday morning at 1:10  AM. Because you could drop all or part of your project. It could have the chance of messing things up or losing documents. So, you want to just put things down and wait until after Mercury enters Libra. It will be there for an extended period of time.


Normally Mercury travels through a sign in three weeks. But this time Mercury takes over two months to go through the sign of Libra. That is until November 5th it will be in that sign. On the 27th of September Mercury will turn retrograde in Libra.


It seems like Mercury is retrograde now, but it is not. You want to take a chance to review your status, your contracts, your agreements in all of your relationships. Business and partnerships in general with Mercury going through the sign of Libra. Many meaningful introductions also could occur with Mercury in Libra.



There is a Last Quarter Moon also during this Gemini Moon sign. It is at 3:13  AM Monday, early in the morning. This one looks rather dominated by a big storm energy. Hurricane Ida is traveling up the Gulf Coast. So, this could make this wild and a lot worse.


The Sun is square Ceres. That is on Monday, August 30th. This indicates those that are lost. There is a shortage of food and supplies. Be careful letting pets out and attended. Children and elderly people who are not protected against the virus also are at risk during Sun square Ceres. That is all day on Monday, but it is exact 7:40  PM Monday night.


On Tuesday, the Sun is quincunx Saturn. It is a very tough row to hoe. With this aspect of things are hard to get into order. Everything seems to be tied to a heavy rock at the end of a rope. So, avoidance behavior certainly does not work in this case. Everybody must pitch in. The reports get right back to the boss about those that are goofing off. So, if you do not want to lose your job you should pitch in and get the job done.


Moon and Mars makes for a very contentious Sunrise on Tuesday morning.


The last aspect of the Gemini Moon is Tuesday, August 31st. Moon Trine Jupiter. This is very good happy ending to a lot of your activities that you want to engage in during the Gemini Moon sign.


Mars is opposite Pallas Athena during a void of course Moon period of the Gemini Moon. Which starts at 4:49  PM and it goes until 1:25  AM on Wednesday morning. This says this is not a good time to select a counselor. There could be a lot of arguments or battles with those that you to try to partner or pair with.


The Cancer Moon comes in at 1:26  AM on Wednesday. This Cancer Moon is filled with melancholy feelings.


Mars is opposite Neptune on Thursday. But it really begins to face off with declination. Mars Neptune are contra parallel In the afternoon on Wednesday. This begins the opposition. So, Mars and Neptune, that is a hole in the bucket. And a lot of wet and wild weather, wet and wild energy.


Then there is a heavy foot with Moon quincunx Saturn. This dampens your appetite on Wednesday evening.


The Sun and the Moon bring a boost to your mood. This is just before 9:00  PM with a nice 60° aspect. You may learn about something that will ease what feels like an eternal struggle. There may be an opportunity for you that you could take advantage of, if you chose to take action on it.


That Mars opposite Neptune, which is the big energy which is sweeping the weather around this week. You are counting your losses with Mars opposite Neptune. This can certainly lead to some depression. If you leave your decision making up in the air, this only allows for the controlling energies of Pluto to run the show. So, if you are managing your elderly family members, you might keep in mind their options are limited to your choices. They are aware of your power and resentment may build. That is unfortunate but they do not have a lot of other choices.


The Venus quincunx Pallas Athena talks about gaining a new counselor and advisor for what it is you are looking to accomplish.


That Cancer Moon continues with a Moon opposite Pluto that comes in at 1:37  AM on Friday morning. This aspect is that power aspect, control aspect. Someone needs to let go of their power.


Then, for the time period, when the Moon is free floating throughout the rest of the morning on Friday, we have what you could call a void of course Moon period from 1:38  AM until 11:58  AM.  


The Leo Moon faces challenges based on attitudes. Maybe it is yours or your associates. This comes with that Leo happy face. So, it is normally a happy sign. It is time to show your appreciation for the Leos in your life. You can also see how reviewing your past hurts causes confusion with those who are not particularly expecting a sad face. So, Leos go a long way to help bring a smile to your face. So, you may want to acknowledge their efforts.


Venus and Neptune says do not take your eye off your belongings for just a moment. Because it could be someone or something sweeps your belongings away. Your love interest can be misleading you. This aspect brings romantic illusions. This aspect comes in on Friday night next Friday. So, you do not want to have your hopes up for someone that may not be there, even as the night finishes off. So that is it for the week.


That Leo Moon does continue through the weekend. And not until Sunday, September 5th, does the Moon go into the sign of Virgo. So, the Leo Moon is looking for a good time, but it is kind of hard to find it this week. It is not all bad, but that Mars opposite Neptune is kind of the headliner that will determine how well we save or sink or swim even. Okay, that is it for the week.


You can call me at 617-558-7233 for consultation. You can also text me at that number 617-558-7233. You can find a copy of this report on my website at Also, Victor will have it on the WZBC (90.3 FM) archive for two weeks, if you want to listen to it again. That is, it for the week. I will be back next week.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Astrology Report August 21 - 28, 2021 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days


Saturday, August 21, 2021 to Saturday, August 28, 2021

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00 AM


Hi, this is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead. We have a big fat Full Moon in Aquarius, which is in a very interesting position. Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus. Uranus has just turned around to go retrograde until January. So, we are definitely in Uranus Aquarius territory.


There is an evaluation that Uranus is forcing, for various commitments and alignments. So that might be various relationships around the world involving the Afghanistan crisis, and regarding it. Perhaps trying to motivate other nations to try and contain the situation. Or calm the situation. Get many of these people out. So that is a strong influence now in this time, when we have this Full Moon also coming up tomorrow.


For today we have that Aquarius Moon. The Moon was square Uranus early in the morning here 6:11 AM. So that may have caused you to get up a little earlier on a Saturday than you might have intended.


There is an aspect between Neptune and Pallas Athena. Now this can do a couple of things. It can stir up the weather. There is a hurricane coming up the coast, East Coast. Hurricane Henri supposed to hit New England. I hope we do not get hit too hard. So that is because Neptune has the Trident. He is the God of The Sea. And Pallas would be stirring up patterns in the sea. So that is going to be a very interesting type of expression for this unique aspect. But it also could be very powerful. If you want to meditate and pray up for world peace. Bring things to a peaceful and harmonious close during these very, very stressful times. This would be the aspect to go for. It is at 1:53 PM Saturday, August 21st.


The evening for Saturday evening with that Aquarius Moon sign is really nice for friendship. It would be a good time to gather with others, like minded people.


Mars and Uranus join up in an aspect at 2:37 AM on Sunday morning. So that would have an influence on tonight, on the events that take place tonight. It is a motivated aspect. It seeks the edge with technology. And there is a consensus that something must be done. So, there is activity in regard to how things are devised and what is put into motion. What do you dream up? What kind of ideas do you have?


The Moon aligns with Jupiter, also in the middle of the night. The Full Moon is right at 8:02 AM. So, this Full Moon at 29 Aquarius shows some history here from February of 2020. Well, that 29 Aquarius lies right across Trump's Ascendant and links to the time when his administration first struck a deal with the Taliban. And at this time, now, all the cards are on the table with the Full Moon. There is valuable information regarding the current Afghanistan crisis. The activities are running amok and out of control. But there is some information that is worth receiving during this time. In our personal lives, it is likely to show changes in our personal relationships.


Saturday night looks like fun. Sunday night looks like fun. That it could be fun as well. But that is under the Pisces Moon. The one with the Aquarius Moon which is tonight that is the most fun night.


There is an interesting Sabian Symbol. That is an interpretation of each point of the Zodiac. This is what it says, a Moon lit field once Babylonia Empire, Babylon are blooming white. So, it is interesting that this Full Moon, the point of its Moon points right to the Middle East. Which is I think kind of really wild. This is why we study astrology for these like mind-blowing connections.


The Moon is full on Sunday morning at 8:02 AM. At 8:02 AM we have that Full Moon and it is at 29°of Aquarius. That will be the last thing that the Moon does before leaving the sign. So, a definitely powerful impact. It is a
Blue Moon. It means that it is the second Aquarius Full Moon that we have had in one month. The first one was at the early part of the month at 1
° of Aquarius.


At 8:42 AM on Sunday morning, tomorrow morning, August 22nd the Moon enters Pisces until 2:57 PM. the Pisces Moon travels along with the intent of connecting Venus and Saturn together, who seek balance. 8:48 AM on Monday morning. this is looking for stability, financial security. This outweighs any of the power of attraction. So that has less to do with why people are coming together, than the need to stabilize. It is a harmonious aspect that is based on conservative ideas.


Mercury and Neptune form an aspect. This looks like more of the storm. That Full Moon at the storm too. Really could bring quite a lot of storm activity. So, you want to heed the warnings and recommendations for preparation for the storm.


The Mercury Neptune aspect stirs it up, kicks it up, even greater. This one comes in at 4:51 PM on Monday, August 23rd. I do not know how long it is supposed to last. But I know that Sunday it is supposed to arrive.


There is an aspect between Pallas Athena and Neptune. This is very powerful for patterns. The Moon sets it off after midnight on Tuesday. That can stir things up again more deeply.


The Moon and Mars connect at 5:43 AM. So, you might be jumping out of bed to put yourself to work on a in a physical way.

A lot of Mercury and Venus things going on. Introductions come from Mercury Venus aspects. There is one early in the morning at 12:00 AM. Maybe you are going to meet somebody during your dog walk. Or maybe it is your pet that meets a new friend. That should be interesting to hear from you, as to what happens on Monday morning.


Then through the rest of the day. It is about follow your leads for the best deals. You could actually happen upon something that is a great deal.


There is an Aries Moon. Comes in at 2:56 PM on Tuesday. It is a Green Light day for the next couple of days. So, that is will go right through until 5:14 PM on Thursday.


The Aries Moon is very active with Ceres. Ceres is the Goddess of the Harvest and the caregiver. Hopefully this is about uniting families. But it is also about people being under the care of a doctor. So that looks as if the Delta variant, the covid 19 virus is really kicking up again in a big way with this aspect. Do not take any chances with getting exposed.


Mercury is opposite Neptune. That also is about confusing your vision. Also going down the wrong street, getting lost. Also, anything having to do with documents. Losing your documents. If you need to produce certain information and documents, you better check everything before you leave the house that you have everything that you need.


Mercury Neptune can make you feel like you are safe. And you go about like, “Okay, it is fine. We got everything.” Then No, you do not. That aspect is 9:13 PM. But it is a big aspect. So, it has an influence over the whole day on Tuesday.


Then Mercury stirs up some wild patterns with its connection to Pallas Athena. That is in the middle of the night on Wednesday, 3:43 AM.


Venus is parallel Neptune for a romantic view or a lazy sleepy morning. This really has some dreamy thoughts. This aspect can affect several birthdays, October 3rd and 4th, September 10th and 11th, March 8th and 9th.  it could bring about something very interesting, ethereal, musical. It is going to impact the whole day, but very much in that morning of Wednesday morning.


Then Mercury has a serious note from Saturn at 3:40 PM. You may want to look that over carefully and address whatever it is that you need to.


Venus is far too indulgent later on just before 6:00. So maybe you go out for dinner and have some drinks. Maybe you might regret. Or maybe you eat too much. You get the encouragement from Jupiter. It just seems to be too far out of your ability to digest whatever it is you consume. It makes for interesting visits with people however. That is on Wednesday.


Thursday, we come into a deep and probing mental probing aspect with Mercury Trine Pluto. This comes up at 10:23 AM, although he does have an influence over the whole day. It is about exchanging ideas that are deep. They are about deep change.  It is a need to address areas of sexuality, psychology, the awareness and willingness to speak of psychological patterns, and a need to share deep issues and information with those who love and trust.


This sets the tone for a forum when trust had previously been an issue. So, you might become aware of some secret information about family, about the family business, about the business of family as well.


You may find that you have a command of your speech. So, if you are presenting something on Thursday, that is a powerful aspect. You should be captivating, when you speak. You should be delivering your message in a powerful way.


Then you may want to grab a hold of a good investment that Mercury and Vesta come up with. Also, this is in the morning on Thursday.


The Moon and Jupiter indicate that it is a happy ending with this Aries Moon sign, now that Aries Moon sign is a Green Light. So let me go back over when that started. That starts 2:56 PM on Tuesday. It will run until Thursday where it is Green Light until 5:14 PM. Then that begins void of course Moon period until 12:26 AM the next day Friday morning.


That is a very good Green Light. It ends beautifully with a nice sextile to Jupiter. That says there are opportunities. You do have to take action when these opportunities are presented, or they just sort of go away.


There is another Green Light period during the Taurus Moon. That starts up the 2:26 AM Friday morning. That will last until the following Sunday. That is also ending well with a trine to Mercury, the information planet. This one also gives us a Green Light right through Sunday afternoon. So, your meetings can go well. Your travels can go well. Your connections that you are trying to make with others, people you are trying to reach. You may actually reach people that have been out of your circle for a while.


Neptune and Pallas joined together for a conjunction. This brings information from seemingly divine sources. Composition, music is a source to soul connection. Wisdom arrives through meditation. Use yoga and dance to dissolve tension. Ask your spiritual guides to direct your next move. This is a very lovely aspect, a powerful aspect. It is filled with wisdom. Wisdom from very unique, otherworldly angelic sources.


That takes place at 5:23am. It will be with us all day long. And the night before as well. That would have been Thursday night., through the night. Write down your dreams when you wake up. Write down what you woke up with. It could be very powerful information for you.


The Sun and the Moon are trine 9:19 AM. So, there is a harmony in the morning with that Moon in Taurus and the Sun in Virgo. The Sun and Virgo also comes up on the 22nd. That is on Sunday, that is tomorrow at 5:35 PM. It will be there for a month when the Moon will enter Libra and begin the fall. That would be in September.


Venus and Mars are seeking a fling. But it is not likely to last for Friday night's activities because it is split parallel that brings them together. So that is a quick coming together. That is a one-night stand. So do not invest your heart in that one.


If you are going out to dinner on Friday night, you could be very, very sleepy more lazy than hungry. And wait lines at restaurants can be very long.


So that is pretty much it for the week. It is a busy week. I hope things calm down around the globe. And I hope in your life, things get better and your memory should start to come back. Hopefully with that Neptune Pallas Athena aspect as well. Okay, that is it for the week.


You can call me at 617-558-7233 You can find a copy of this on my website at and also it is archived at WZBC (90.3 FM) archive. And that is it for the week. Talk again next week.

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: