Saturday, February 26, 2022

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin February 26, 2022 with Green Light Days


Saturday, February 26, 2022, to Saturday, March 5, 2022

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM


Hello. This is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead, from February 26th until March 5th.

We have a considerable amount of activity going on this week. For one thing, March 2nd is a phenomenal New Moon conjunct Jupiter. Making an aspect of three of those planets the Sun, the Moon, and Jupiter; making contact with Venus, Mars and Pluto at Pluto's return to the United States, Pluto. That was 248 years ago, is when the Pluto return occurs. This Pluto return occurred within 24 hours of Putin's invasion to Ukraine. So, this is a perfect example of the power grab that this planet is famous for, and the drive to be able to accomplish “might makes right”. There is an aspect during the week that will emphasize that, again, even in a greater way. When Mars and Pluto join forces, particularly on Thursday morning, it gets even stronger.

But that New Moon at 12° of Pisces is making contact with Uranus in a 60° aspect. This aspect is one of an opportunity to be able to build a bridge in a unique and unusual way. What is interesting about this pair is that the two of those. Or it is actually four planets involved the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter in the Pisces point. And Uranus in Taurus, which will form an arrow right to Putin’s Sun in Libra. He is a Libra born October 7, 1952, at 9:30 AM.  This is an interesting configuration also, where Jupiter is making exactly a quincunx to Putin's Sun. Something might throw him off his beam. Something. But the Pluto return shows, when you look back in history, many occasions when there are times when Pluto has engaged us with conflict and battle.

There is a terrific article that I read on

 you can read a fabulous article on The Pluto Return for the United States.  It is filled with all sorts of fabulous information about what happens during such events. It is quite a powerful time. It can be anything from geological to biological. Or having to do with battles with other countries. Any and all of those things could be things that we see and that we are seeing. Anyway, prayers to the world. Pray for peace all over. It definitely is time for us to stop pushing forward and start praying for peace.

The aspects for Saturday. It is a Green Light actually during this Capricorn Moon that is rather power-hungry. Its last aspect is going to be aligned with Pluto, as the Capricorn Moon ends with a final conjunction to Pluto February 27th Sunday at 9:49 AM. That is the beginning of a little Void of Course Moon period that occurs until 1:35 PM on Sunday.

Then the Moon goes into Aquarius. Which is much more interested in the People by the people for the people. Not so much this, “might makes right”, and power grab kind of thing. So, the Aquarius Moon is with us right until March 3rd. Or rather March 1st, when the Moon will then enter the sign of Pisces at 3:53 PM. That is also Mardi Gras. Then that is on the heels of the New Moon at 12:35 PM.

I wonder if we get yet another snowstorm here? All the way from Texas to Massachusetts, we have bad weather and another snowstorm.

So, the Green Light that we have today will last until tomorrow morning at 9:49 AM. Then another one starts up at 1:35 PM on Sunday at 1:35 PM. It will run right through until March 1st Tuesday at 12:33 PM. It has some money involved with it. So, if you are looking for money, this could be the Moon sign that you want to work with. But realize we are in the Dark of the Moon. So, you do not want to fall prey to someone else's game. You want to stay well informed. I would say if you are going to do any serious business, let it be Monday. Monday is an awesome day in a lot of ways. So, if you have things planned, whether they be physical or monetary. Or about friendship or joining with other people. May want to get together with other people for a prayer group. Like-minded people joined together under an Aquarius Moon sign. So, Monday is an excellent day for that.

That Aquarius Moon sign is with us on Tuesday, right through until 3:53 PM. But there is a Void of Course Moon before that from 12:33 PM until 3:53 PM. Then the Moon goes into the sign of Pisces.

When it goes into the sign of Pisces, we are headed for that New Moon. That will be on Wednesday, March 2nd. There are positive talks when we look at March 1st Tuesday. Mercury and Venus join together in a parallel. These are communications behind the scenes, with also having to do with Mars and Venus in a long-term alignment. Something that may be worthwhile sorting through, if you have the patience to be able to make very fine-tuned agreements during the Pisces Moon.

The Pisces Moon is usually one of self-sacrifice. Anything having to do also with addiction and people that are secluded, people that are shut away. You want to check in with people. Let them know that you are there to give a hand. You want to also try to help others whenever you can.

There are some squabbles that need to be sorted out when the Sun and Venus make an aspect. That is Tuesday at 9:48 PM, but it does govern the day. So, there is some financial squabbles. There are also some problems between couples. So, you want to look through those.

Wednesday, March 2nd, the Sun and Jupiter are forming a parallel for long-term joining. Something that will work where people join together. There is a Sun sextile Uranus, where the Sun sees an opportunity with Uranus that will be on the positive side. All of these play into that New Moon that is coming in at 12° of Pisces.

That has Mercury conjunct Saturn. Very serious thinking and serious plans are laid out with that Mercury conjunct Saturn Wednesday, just before noontime.

Then, just as I said, this New Moon is quincunx Putin’s Libra Sun. While Uranus causes that same quincunx, also from the sign of Taurus, to Putin’s Sun as well. By itself, the New Moon along with Jupiter forms a challenging aspect to Pluto, Mars and Venus. This one, may ask for fairness, and may ask for things to be talked through. Mercury is lined up with Saturn for those serious talks, as we see in Aquarius that it is concerned about the people.


The Moon is conjunct Jupiter while that Pisces Moon is going on at 4:23 PM on Wednesday. This is during a Green Light. But it is under a New Moon. So, you do not have all the facts yet. Mars and Pluto are conjunct. That is on Thursday, March 3rd. That is that steamroller aspect. Stay out of the way of anyone that is trying to railroad you. Take what is rightfully yours and use whatever you need to be able to keep yourself safe and sound.

The Sun and Mars rev up the virus. If you are out, shopping or whatever you are doing, be very careful about the virus on that day on Thursday. Right at noon time in particular, it is more prevalent.

Then Venus and Pluto are looking for some money. It likes to grab what it can and run for the exit, with Venus conjunct Pluto. That is Thursday, nearly 1:00. If you are looking to engage with the bank, that is a good day to engage with the bank to ask about a loan or whatever it is that you need financially.

The Moon, later on, is making a positive aspect of opportunities to Venus, the money maker, and Mars. So, Mars and Venus have been hovering together for a while. So, this is keeping the flow of money simmering at the top. They are late in the sign of Capricorn. They will change signs during the Aries Moon that is coming up. So, this is the last thing that they do in a whole way. That would be on Thursday, March 3rd, if you wanted to talk to people about making a deal.

There is some confusion around the Moon and Neptune while the Moon is in Pisces. So, you want to be able to finish things up by checking everything several times before you sign anything. Even at that, that Pisces Moon is really kind of risky for signing any type of agreement.

March 3rd, Thursday 7:52 PM the Moon has entered Aries by that time. It will be there that is Thursday night until Sunday, March 6th, Sunday morning early. So, what we have during that Aries Moon is a kind of an aggressive stance where people could be ready to get started, start up something, move on with something. People might be short-tempered. People could be running headfirst into their goals or to cut through their problems.

Mercury is lined up with Saturn. It sees eye to eye with the head office for a reasonable plan. So that is a good thing to be on the right side of the law with that Mercury and Saturn aspect.

Moon will align with Chiron at 3:11 PM. That helps to get your emotional side in order for the Sun to come along and do the same thing, make an alignment with Chiron, the wounded healer, and the key to the soul. So, there is going to be some soul searching on Friday, the 4th of March. So, you want to be able to again, pray for peace and allow for your environment to have lots of room in your heart and your soul for your own healing.

Mercury and Neptune have an aspect late on Friday night. This is where Mercury spies for Neptune with little to no useful information, for the rest of the Airy sign. Which will carry through next Saturday and partly on Sunday. Okay, so that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can call me for a consultation at 617-558-7233. You can also ask about my one-on-one classes. There is a lecture I will be giving in April for the Long Island chapter of the NCGR (The National Council for Geocosmic Research). But we will talk about that again, here and there before that time. Again, is my website. You can play this report once again there on the podcast or with WZBC’s archives [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts]. It is there for two weeks. So that is it for the week. And I'm going to say, Victor, take it away. Okay.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days February 19 - 26, 2022


Saturday, February 19, 2022, to Saturday, February 26, 2022

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM


This is a lot of fuzzy Neptune stuff that we are suffering from that seems to be extraordinary. Mercury Retrograde kind of activities, and it is not Mercury Retrograde. We have a lot of confusion and a lot of difficulties with technology. We are in a fog in a lot of ways.

The Libra Moon that we have today, Saturday is complicated by its interaction with Uranus later on tonight. It seems as though everything is trying to seek harmony and friendly outcomes. That would enhance our abilities to be able to communicate with one another. Sit down at the table, make agreements. But then there is a flip that comes in. Something out of the blue occurs in the evening. That would be around 7:00 at night. And is picked up from the Moon's interaction with Uranus and then to Jupiter. So, something out of the blue has your attention as the Moon is quincunx Uranus for an upset. Complicated by Jupiter expanding the upset in a matter of minutes. If you are attending an event, stay clear of crowds. When at home, pick up things in your path. You do not want to be falling down. Do not ignore any health warnings at all. Get help as soon as you notice something that is more difficult than you can handle.

Then we have Sunday, February 20th, the Moon is still in Libra. The final hit for the Libra Moon will be a square to Pluto. That is signaling that the Libra Moon does not have a harmonious outcome. You have to pay with your life, whatever you agree too. So, do not agree to anything.

There is Moon square Venus and then Mars on Sunday. Mars and Venus are a pair that will be with us. They are joined together right through the rest of February and into March. So, it is an interesting alignment. it can bring about the flow of money, which is good. But it also can bring about added conflict for its own interest.

There is an aspect on Sunday, Sun square Ceres. Now Ceres is the dwarf planet that is responsible for food and supplies and also health care. So, for those that are under the care of the doctor or are at the crest of their care, the struggle can soften after this aspect is complete. And progress can begin to be made.

The Libra Moon continues right through until 4:18 AM. There is a void of course Moon after the Moon is square Pluto at 12:01 AM until 4:18 AM.

The Scorpio Moon comes in. This is the good Moon. We do not usually see that with Scorpio, but it ends well with a good aspect to Pluto. Pluto is the guard dog these days because it is late in the sign. It is also joining the United States, Pluto. So, it is rather intense. You do not want to ignore anything that is coming from authority figures or tolls or notices of having to pay debts. But the Scorpio Moon on Monday, February 21st looks as if it warns you not to take the offer on the table. This one is not to your advantage. There is something that you cannot see. There is confusion and a blind spot, and something that is written in invisible ink. So, there is a better offer on Tuesday.

Tuesday is the golden day of the week, February 22nd. It is one of the best days of the week that you can move freely to release the obstacles and expect good results for your efforts. This is like releasing a frozen emergency brake. So, if anything has been stuck, difficult, this is your day to get that released.

By noontime, I would say your appetite is not there. So put your lunch off for. That is because of the Moon square Saturn. And there is a better aspect with Moon parallel Venus, bringing in a healthier appetite, and lots of good things to share. And sweets and anything to perk up your interest.

Later on, Moon and is in a good aspect with that Venus and Mars aspect that is coming up. They are joining in the sign of Capricorn and they are headed right for Pluto; Venus and Mars. But it is a really good day on Tuesday. Take advantage of that. Use whatever you can. Scorpio always says take a professional with you. Do not go it alone. Mars and Pluto are right there in a parallel formation to emphasize that on Wednesday morning.

So, it indicates that deep action to pull together the planned objective is definitely a promise; and should promise to do things in a better way.

The Scorpio Moon works well when it is sextile to Pluto. Making this Moon transit in Scorpio a very positive time to engage in cleaning up your objectives. That is because we have this waning Moon. The Moon is getting smaller as it heads for the Last Quarter Moon on Wednesday.

So, you want to find where there is something interesting. Mars gains some information from the Far East it would seem, and also from hidden sources. that is during the Sagittarius Moon sign.

So, the Scorpio Moon sign comes to its conclusion with Pluto at 4:23 AM Wednesday.

8:28 AM Wednesday the Moon enters Sagittarius for a couple of days. This one is not so agreeable. It is not the one to advance your goals.

There is a Quarter Moon however, that would be on Wednesday, February 23rd at 5:32 PM. Now, this is linked to a Lunar Eclipse that we had nine months ago May 26, 2021. Its origins are with the New Moon from November 26, 2019. And then a First Quarter Moon on August 25, 2020. And then the Lunar Eclipse was May 26, 2021. And then here we come in with this Last Quarter Moon February 23, 2022. All of them are heavy-duty types of Moon phases.

That Last Quarter Moon means you are actively involved in cleaning something up. Receiving payment for work done in the past. It is also when you need to pay up. So, you need to pay the piper. You need to face it in Sagittarius. You may need to face the judge for your discrepancies in your paperwork.

Then we continue with that Sagittarius Moon sign into the evening, which seems rather pleasant, Wednesday evening.

Thursday, February 24th we have the Sagittarius Moon seeking information from emotional sources. Your reactions to things and anything communicating with the wisest links in your network. Healing first is the best way to proceed before joining any group whose action it could be cut short by a reaction and not right action.

The Sagittarius Moon sees Venus and Neptune in a nice 60° aspect. Where they make an aspect that will communicate harmony and link others together. But beware that your choices may be unsafe. So, there might be confusion coming along.

Then Mercury and Uranus at 9:21 PM. This is the time when you really ought to be home and settled in by that time. Because that aspect is likely to cause a breakdown in some way. Breakdown in mechanics. Breakdown in communication. Any kind of breakdown in the information that is coming your way.

There is a sudden abrupt change. It is something particularly surprising with that aspect in the evening.

And then the Moon comes in with its final major aspect in Sagittarius when it is square Neptune. So, it is saying there is a cloud here. There is something that is not clear. There is something that is not right. So, avoid the Sagittarius Moon from taking any direct action. It is possible to have some greater clarity the next day on the 25th with the Sagittarius Moon having a better choice of information and links to positive choices.

Mars is aligned with Vesta, the investor during that Sagittarius Moon. That is at 8:46 AM on Friday.

But the better Moon is going to be the Capricorn Moon. It comes in at 11:27 AM. Another Green Light Moon like the Scorpio Moon. This one right through until next Saturday, February 26th there is a Green Light. So, you get all Friday afternoon, Friday evening, running through Saturday with that Capricorn Moon making choices about your business and your family members. And how you are going to move forward with events pertaining to them.

There is a copy of this on my website at The podcast and also the transcribed report. And I also want to ask for prayers for my dear friend Carol Smith, who's been very ill for the past week or more, and for her daughter Kim. So please pray for Carol. Take care. Have a good week. Use those Green Lights to the best of your advantage. Thank you.



Sunday, February 13, 2022

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Feb 12 - 19, 2022 with Green Light Days


Saturday, February 12, 2022, to Saturday, February 19, 2022

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM


Hi, this is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead. it is Saturday, February 12th. Monday is Valentine's Day.

We have a Cancer Moon for the next couple of days. It is a really busy day.

Jupiter and Uranus are engaged with the Moon in the afternoon. Making this a good day to enjoy time with friends and close family members. You want to also take a look around the house and gather things that you may have that you want to sell. These two planets are really great for some major opportunity or even a minor opportunity. So, they come into their exact aspect, which will be a sextile. That will be Thursday night. So, you have time to plan ahead and create a post on some kind of website.

It is also about expanding your knowledge. If you are thinking about joining a class or take taking a class or having a class of some sort. This is a really good time to wrap your ideas around your plans for learning something new or teaching something new.

Sunday. Talking about that. I want to mention Chris Flisher. [He] was a wonderful man. A great astrologer. He was a great contributor to our community, the astrological community, for those that had the privilege of knowing him and working with him and gaining from his art or his astrology readings. He had a wonderful show called, Turning the Wheel. He passed away recently. He will be very, very missed. We loved him dearly. He went way too young, that is for sure. The NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research), if you go to their website, also have a mention of Chris.

So, moving on about there is too many losses these days it seems. So, every week someone important, someone close is lost. We keep on going.

We have the Cancer Moon on Sunday, as well as today, Saturday. We have not much going on for that Cancer Moon. But there is the quincunx between the Sun and the Moon Sunday night. That is at 9:09 PM. You might want to stay close to family. There might be something that pops up that requires your help.

When the Sun Moon make a quincunx, they are signaling that there is a Full Moon coming. Usually there is an event. The winds get high. Just life just gets really lifee during the time of a of a Full Moon. So, you should probably get prepared. The Full Moon does not come until Wednesday. But still, it is best to be prepared for whatever may come down the line.

Monday, Happy Valentine's Day! February 14th. Pallas Athena, the Goddess of war, she enters Aries. Oh, my. For the quickest minds in the field, for one. She could also be stirring up some activity in the Ukraine. But she is about the best minds out there.

If you are consulting a physician or an educator, you would get the best advisors, and the quickest answers as well from any of the things that Pallas is investigating.

The Moon is opposite Mercury, for the last thing that this Cancer Moon does. That is 5:26 PM on Monday night when a void of course Moon until 6:17 AM occurs. Nope, that is not Monday night. That is Monday morning 5:26 AM.

So, we are probably all still in bed over here on the East Coast. This is not the best show for that big momma Moon. The kids seem to be rather ungrateful. They are asking for the most from a very small purse. So, some lessons need to be learned there.

The Moon changes signs at 6:17 AM and the Moon enters Leo. The last thing it will do in Leo is a split parallel to Saturn. Saturn is very judgmental in the sign of Aquarius. And when the Moon is an aspect with it, it is a good Moon for trying to hold things down, so they are not flying all around. But it is really tough to show your love when there is a strong Saturn component to it.

Mercury changes signs on Monday at 4:53 PM. So, anything that you order during the day. If you are sending flowers to someone, I would do that today. Do not wait till Monday because all or part of your project or gifts or whatever could be dropped by the time that Mercury changes signs at 4:53 PM. Then the Moon sign is a little bit more favorable for trying to get your orders in the right direction. So, you want to have everything completed and tucked away.

Can also find lost objects with the Moon in Aquarius. But also, you would find like-minded people with the Moon in Aquarius as well, who are more friends and not lovers.

So, the Leo Moon is with us again on Tuesday. It is not a very good Moon for important decisions or signings that because of the last aspect. The Moon will oppose Saturn at 3:38 PM. That will shoot down any of the grand plans that you have on Tuesday. But there could be some smaller plans that might work out well.

Wednesday, February 16th. That is the big day of the week because there is a Full Moon coming. But Venus and Mars, they are conjunct, and they will dance through the spring. They have a conjunction now and another one on March 6th. So, they definitely want to let you know that they are holding hands.

They are about the flow of money. This could help those truckers get their ducks in the row as well. People are losing a lot of money because of those truckers. So up in Michigan there could be a lot of problems in regard to anything having to do with shortages on the shelves in the stores.

The Full Moon went on Wednesday, February 16th, comes in at 11:56 AM. It is related to the New Moon from August 2020, August 19 2020. This is when there was a seed that was planted for the current stage of this Moon. I think that is President Clinton's birthday. So, we will have to keep an eye on him. See what is going on.

There were many things that were actively ready to put the show on the road. But are actually waiting for this Full Moon to pop up in all its glory. The dates that are related to that Full Moon are August of 2020, May of 2021, February of 2022, which we have now. And then November 16th of 2022. All those dates are related by the Lunar Gestation Cycle, which is where the Moon phases are related. They carry a story. They carry a message all along their route. So, this route is very important.

The Full Moon is loaded at 20° of Leo, right on Mr. Trump's ascendant. Pluto acts like a slingshot. Firing any hidden items out of the toilet or from wherever Mr. Trump's plumber had to be called in to remove shredded White House documents from the plumbing. Now that could be fake news. But it sure makes for a nice Pluto story, which likes to dig into the dirt.

The Lunar Nodes are involved, which also signals that this Full Moon is an important event in the spring time. It is related to a Lunar Eclipse.  It is three months before it, May 16, 2020. So, you want to get your act together. That one is going to be very intense. It will be in Scorpio. So, the Nodes mark the record for the coming and going of people in our lives and other living things on the planet.

The koala bears have just been put on the extinction list. So, they need our help. Oh, poor koala bears.

Venus is conjunct Mars and linked to Saturn. And also tied in with this Full Moon. But things do not connect with Saturn in a strong way. It is a very weak aspect. Only shows that there is a problem with the runaway prices at the markets. So, it looks like that Venus and Mars want to spend their money. They want to get their money in, and spend their money. But Saturn says, oh not so quick. What you want is not necessarily there, for one thing.

Jupiter and Uranus are also an aspect in this Full Moon chart. That shows there are unique methods being developed for the purpose of advancing our environment. Problems revealed or potentials for problems to be fixed.

The bridges in our country are in serious danger of failing. So be cautious along your travels. Check out the status of your bridges. I would say, if you have a lot of bridges on your route for sure.

The Virgo Moon comes in after the Moon is void of course. That would be 2:03 PM Wednesday until 3:42 PM Wednesday.

The Virgo Moon will be with us until 10:15 PM on Friday. It will host the Sun's transition into the sign of Pisces, where it remains until March 20 2022. That is when spring finally gets here. The Virgo Moon is great for getting organized. cleaning up. Your diet can be on the top of that list. Your health and exercise can also be your priority under this Virgo Moon. Be mindful of your muscles too.

Mars and Saturn on Thursday are making an aspect. This has to do with anything having to do with your muscles and getting things together in such a way that you want to be strong. You want to be right. You want to have the right details before moving forward in any way.

The Sun and the Moon are contra parallel Thursday at 12:38 PM.

Then there comes that Jupiter and Uranus aspect. Having the exact sextile Thursday night 7:12 PM. This is a terrific aspect for selling something quickly. As big as a house or as small as a ring.

Then Friday is the day that the Sun enters Pisces at 11:42 AM. This is a time to reflect on your spiritual health and use your practices for body mind and soul to make the greatest gains. Check in with those who need your help. Or ride, share what you can. Also collect anything that you can for the purpose of expanding your knowledge, and also sharing your knowledge. The Virgo Moon is great for changes you are willing to make. So, there is that Pluto energy involved with it which has to do with great transitions and transformation.

There is a Green Light Friday, February 18th, from 11:42 AM until 6:19 PM. So that is a good stretch of time on Friday to get things done. Sign your agreements. Do what you can to make your life a little easier.

The Void of Course Moon is from 6:19 PM Friday until 10:50 PM on Friday.  That is when the Libra Moon comes in for a very complicated set of circumstances through next weekend. So put off any important plans that you would make during a Libra Moon, for the following Monday. That is, it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can also find this archived at WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts for two weeks as well. Okay, that will be it for the report. You can reach me at 617-558-7233 Have a good week.

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: