Monday, June 27, 2022

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin June 25 - July 2, 2022


Saturday, June 25, 2022, to Saturday, July 2, 2022

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM


Good morning. We still have a Taurus Moon, which was present yesterday during the US Supreme Court ruling. The Taurus Moon ends with something to cry about at the very end of the sign. There are the Seven Weeping Sisters at the end of the sign. The Moon is exactly there tonight. The Taurus Moon reaches the Pleiades, the Seven Weeping Sisters at the end of the sign.

That is so appropriate for the energy of the Supreme Court reversing Roe versus Wade. Pluto in the chart of the United States is having a Pluto return. Pluto has gone all the way around the wheel to come back to where Pluto was when the nation began at 28°, 27° of Capricorn. Also, the chart of the United States is having a Chiron return. So that also is a review of [US] history, and of hurts and pain, and that sort of thing. So, there is a lot to process. There is a lot to go through with this. The resolve is to vote. When it comes time to vote, go out and vote and speak your piece there.

The Moon sign of Taurus, being with us today, it does allow for choices with family and tradition to be particularly cozy and connected. The Moon will be in a sign that is great for choosing good food. Also, if you were doing things like shopping at a yard sale, you would probably find things that appeal to you. Or if you wanted to have a yard sale, it is a money sign. If you wanted to sell your jewelry or cook for others. It is a really good sign for doing things that are traditional.

The Moon reaches the Pleiades at 5:28 PM. Then the Moon will be at the end of the sign from 4:09 PM until 7:13 PM.

Then the Moon will enter the sign of Gemini. This is a talkative sign. It does not establish a firm grip on anything. It is just sort of running around gathering information. Repeating things. Do not take everything that you hear as fact. You can be off. Your information may be very off during a Gemini Moon. But it is about you having to vet everything. The thing about this Gemini Moon is that Neptune will turn retrograde under this Moon sign. That will be Tuesday at 3:35 AM.

So, we are under a Neptune influence now which is at its station point. That is an indication that our judgments are clouded. Our information is coming in from strange sources.

Also, your sleep may be affected. You may want to sleep more than usual or you cannot sleep at all. Or things wake you up in the middle of the night. So, it is also about the subconscious; the things that you remember and think.

The Neptune sign is also about the ocean. So, stories about the ocean, those living in the ocean. Our climate change. Stories about the ocean are very relevant During a Neptune station. We are coming into a New Moon. That will happen during the Cancer Moon. we still have the Gemini Moon on Sunday, all day Sunday. then on Monday as well.

Mars and Saturn make an aspect under the Gemini Moon. they make a sextile. This aspect is probably going to develop some kind of work motto. Or will push to use the structure of the administrative offices to work in their favor. You have to be very careful about what it is you take on because Neptune is stationary. Things are not as they appear to be. So be very careful about what you engage with.

Then the Gemini Moon continues through Monday. It will square Neptune at the end of the night, Monday 10:38 PM. So, there is more of that Neptune energy, which says your judgment is way off. But the last aspect of this Gemini Moon will be Tuesday morning 3:32 AM when the Moon is quincunx Pluto. That is life's messy, clean it up. Pluto is about the toll keeper and things that are larger than ourselves. You cannot manage them alone. You often need to get some help to sort things out.

Then there is a void of course Moon that takes place from that time, 3:32 AM, until 7:53 AM.  

Then the Moon enters the sign of Cancer. This is the sign of the home and the family and things that are familiar to you. Particularly your memories, your history; and thinking about the way that things used to be.

The Cancer Moon is keenly aware that there is something happening other than what the mind senses and is able to grasp. You also can notice where the Cancer Moon is taking everything personally and attaches meaning to each item of information from its environment. Feeling connections. That is what it is all about.  Making those feeling reflections and adding some type of strong meaning into every iota of input. So, it is an exaggeration of feelings. There is a desire to bind input to the self in order to feel safe. So, safety is a concern. This New Moon that comes in on Tuesday night at 10:57 PM might be addressing just that. Are we feeling safe? What is it that recognizes our boundaries and our safety in our clan, in our group?

Venus and Jupiter are large in the chart of the New Moon. The New Moon takes place at 7° 23” Cancer. So that is at 10:52 PM on Tuesday night. You may notice that there is an uplifting event. Something that feels connected to the world at large. It is personalized too. You have to realize that everything is personal. You go and you do things because you are personally affected. You want to become personally involved. Maybe it is a demonstration of some sort. The Cancer Moon is with us through Wednesday.

Venus and the Sun make an aspect. It is a semi sextile in the morning on Wednesday. This is not necessarily a good aspect between the Sun and Venus. It is finding that there are problems there. They will show up like cracks in the ground. That that sort of thing.

The Moon aligns with Ceres, the nurturer. the Moon in Cancer is the nurturer. If you do not nurture someone, they may nurture you and anyone that you can care for. Whether it be your little ones or your little pets or family members, elderly parents; it is the time to nurture.

The Moon is square Pluto at the end of the sign coming in at 2:16 PM. That Cancer Moon is not a happy Moon. It is argumentative. It is defensive. It is very, very difficult. It gets worse when it makes an opposition to Pluto at 4:13 PM. So, the Cancer Moon sign is about protecting oneself. Trying to stay inside your own safety zone and not get involved in other people's problems or issues.

There is a Void of Course Moon from 4:13 PM until 8:39 PM. Although the Moon is never considered really void of course in its own sign like that. So, if you wanted to take a chance and forward your goals between that time 4:13 PM to 8:39 PM you may have good luck with that.

You may have noticed, there are no Green Lights throughout this week.

The Moon goes into Leo at 8:39 PM. It continues through all the way through until Sunday of next weekend, July 1st. That Leo Moon sees an aspect with Saturn. This one really marks some difficulties in regard to the Sun in Cancer. So, it is about its boundaries. The boundaries that are associated with the groups. The larger group gatherings, the protests. that sort of thing.

The Moon is some parallel the Sun at 12:41 PM. This reemphasizes that New Moon that Tuesday brought us. The Moon continues on in Leo being very showy. It is Friday. it is headed towards a nice aspect with both [Mercury and Venus.] Mercury at 5:47 PM, then the Venus at 5:58 PM. These have a delightful result. If you were going to have a date night that would be it. It would be wonderful, but it is very egocentric. So, whoever you are out with, either yourself or someone else, it is about the ego that is there. Although Leo Moon is rather romantic. You can enjoy your company with that Leo Moon.

Mars is square Pluto at the end of the night. I would not take anyone home or go home with anyone. That is a nasty aspect, Mars square Pluto. That is Mars in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn 10:13 PM Friday night. And that is it for the week.

This is Dietrech Pessin. my website is My phone number is 617 – 558 – 7233. This report is archived with WZBC [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts] for two weeks and it is also transcribed and posted on my website at Again, my number is 617 – 558 – 7233. Thank you, Victor. Thank you, Julie. And back to you.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin June 18, 2022 with Green Light Days


Saturday, June 18, 2022, to Saturday, June 25, 2022

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM


Good morning. It is a busy, busy day. It is a busy week. I think a lot of what we have that is contributing to so much chaos is Uranus is getting pretty close to the Lunar Node. That can create some trouble. Uranus will be doing that all summer. So, Uranus is that sudden, abrupt, quirky planet that creates wacky things to happen. It rules the sign of Aquarius. The Moon is in the sign of Aquarius today. It is a Green Light day. You can move forward with your goals today, right up until 5:25 PM when the Moon is cooperating with the planet Uranus. So, you want to bring friends along.

Shopping is tricky. Because at 5:31 PM. Well actually, it is going to govern the whole day. Venus is square Saturn. That means you are going to lose what you buy. So do not buy. If you are out shopping for a house or something like that, that is not a good plan.

For this morning, Saturday, June 18, 2022, there might be something you feel compelled to do. You need to put your money somewhere. Maybe you need to go shopping. So, shop cautiously.

The Moon is conjunct Saturn at 10:46 AM. This decreases your appetite until after that point, and then you are likely to get pretty hungry.

Then the Moon changes signs 7:01 PM. It will go into Pisces. So, your judgments might be off with this Moon sign. It is not good. You are likely to be seduced into something or conned by someone else's plan with an alternative motive. So, you want to have your antenna up. Look sharp. Question things as well. That goes from 7:01 PM right through Sunday and Monday. On Monday at 11:36 PM we have a Pisces Moon.

there will be a Last Quarter Moon in Pisces Moon. I will tell you about that in a minute.

On Sunday. Venus and Neptune during this Pisces Moon are brilliant for creative works, If you are painting a creative piece, redecorating. Doing anything, even writing. This could be a wonderful time for you to be able to indulge in some quiet space, where you feel like you can channel the spirit from the other side to help you to absolutely put your best on the canvas.

There is an aspect between the Sun and Pluto early in the morning on Sunday. So, it can influence our day. It can upset the applecart. But it may signal those that are behind the scenes making significant moves in a negative way because it is a Pisces Moon. So be careful about how you indulge your time and your energies and what company you are keeping. This is on Sunday.

If you are out shopping for a house or something you want to invest in. There is an aspect between Mercury and Vesta that says, “No. do not do that.” You are going to have to wait for something better to invest in.

Then the Pisces Moon stays with us on Monday. There is an opportunity between Mercury and Jupiter that says there is some information coming to you that you would need to consider before moving forward.

There could be a promise. A marriage of sorts that comes in. That needs great discretion.

The Last Quarter Moon at 29:46 Pisces is a hot item being so close to the Aries point which is called, The World Axis. This is on Monday at 11:10 PM. Things happen on the Quarter Moons. Different from the Full Moons and the New Moons. They happen sharply right on the day. So, this one occurs at night but I would say all day Monday something could become very relevant. This Quarter Moon belongs to a Moon family that began back in March of 2020. So, the storyline then continued on December 21st of 2020. And then full awareness was seen by the Full Moon that happened back in September of 2021, September 20, 2021.

These were all beginning of the season. So, they are pretty important Moon phases. There may have been a plan that graduated into some secret operation as time moved on. So here we are at the Last Quarter Moon when something could be executed that was seeded two and a quarter years ago. So, think about what began in March of 2020. Here are some things you can do at this Last Quarter. Collect the seeds from the past for the future. It is important to offer recognition where it is deserved. So do not claim all of it for yourself. Award and acknowledge jobs well done. Write summaries and judgments for constructive purposes.

You may want to take an inventory of both home and business. That is a really good thing to do during this Last Quarter Moon. I would not make any announcements, public announcements or promote yourself. Do not make any major career moves because this Pisces Moon has some complications.

You could invest in things that have stood the test of time, but save your money. I would say call for money owed you. Make arrangements to pay off creditors. Hold onto things with promise. But definitely dispose of things that hold no future potential for you. Last Quarter Moons is very cool for moving forward by disposing of things that do not have any value for the future.

The Aries Moon comes in after a Void of Course Moon period. It is short. 11:10 PM Monday till 11:36 Monday night. Both Monday night. The Aries Moon is hot to trot. the summertime comes along. This is at 5:13 AM. we have the Sun in the sign of Cancer. This is a signal that the heat comes in with the Aries Moon welcoming the Cancer Sun. So, it has a sharp edge to it. A lot of activity. Very strong promises for getting a lot done. A lot of family things going on as well.

The Moon will conjunct Jupiter after the Sun comes into the sign of Cancer. That family sign of the insiders.  If you are invited, consider you are an insider. But do not do anything to forward your goals. If you wish to drop all or part of your project, go ahead. Drop it right up until 8:34 PM for Tuesday and Wednesday.

8:34 PM Venus enters Gemini. Venus then is in that very fickle sign, which is not really good for investments either.

The last thing that Aries Moon does is square Pluto. Which says there is a major toll keeper along the way that is going to stop you. This toll keeper could make you pay the taxes; make you pay the toll. So, you want to stop there.

As of 7:57 AM on Thursday you will be in the pick of the week. This is where you can invest. You can do the very best of your judgment and your activities right through until Saturday. This Taurus Moon will be really good for making decisions and buying things. Something needs to be sorted out. However, on Thursday evening when the Sun makes an uncomfortable aspect to Uranus. it says something is quirky, not quite right.

But earlier that day on Thursday at 12:11 PM the Sun and the Moon are in a brilliant aspect that offers an opportunity. So, you need to take advantage of these offers of opportunity. You cannot just say, “Oh, this great thing I just found out about.” And then just expect it to be there later. it won’t be. So 12:11 PM take some action for that.

Friday is really good all day until the Taurus Moon ends next Saturday. Your judgment, however, is off early in the morning. Saturn is square Pallas Athena. So, there is a block there about your advisors. Later on, it picks up and is a little better.

But Friday is really good. It is a Green Light right through until 4:09 PM. Saturday, June 25th. That is, it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can call me 617-558-7233. You can text me there as well. 617-558-7233. Have a great week. And back to you Victor.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Dietrech Pessin's Astrology Report June 11, 2022


Saturday, June 11, 2022, to Saturday, June 18, 2022

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM


There is a Scorpio Moon this morning. So, things are deep and intense. Or you might be having memories of things past that might be particularly uncomfortable to go there. But you could figure some things out. You could open up a box of things you stored. find something really important in there that you have been looking for, even if you were not looking for it this morning.

We have also with that Scorpio Moon a lot of things that are about estates and plans for any inheritances and future family things. Families do not get along when it comes to stories like that or plans like that. So, the Scorpio Moon needs to attend to it. But it is very sticky and uncomfortable. You can make mistakes with the/this Scorpio Moon because it is going to be quincunx Mars this afternoon. So, you are going to have to make corrections later.

What is wonderful about this Scorpio Moon is Venus is conjunct to Uranus. So, there is something unique that occurs with the return of a valuable friend. You want to use your powers of persuasion. which are really famous for Taurus plans, if you want to make any plans that involve money. If you have social gatherings, they will be a success with that energy. Friendship usually goes along very well with a Venus and Uranus conjunction. If you have a romance that is sparking, it could emerge suddenly. However, you could be startled by the appearance of an old love. Also, somebody else's old love could change the whole landscape of your new romance. That comes in just around 9:00 [AM or PM???]. The Moon will oppose Uranus and Venus conjunction. what was so nicely brought together could be pulled apart by a great big batch of emotions.

then on Sunday, do not be hasty. that Scorpio Moon is going on. Lots of things to do. purging and recycling. You could be planning to plant things and more.

Mercury waits for the Moon at the end of Scorpio. This is not a good sign for signing anything. If you are out hunting for your house, it probably will not take because Mercury and the Moon are opposite. Disagreements could be loaded into whatever plans that you have. So that Scorpio Moon is for the course from 5:39 PM until 6:31 PM

Then the Moon enters Sagittarius. Another Moon sign that is not good for any type of long-term future plans. Let this be light. Use it for fun.

Monday, the Sagittarius Moon looks for Mercury to change signs. That is at 11:26 AM.

Just before that, you might have a group of advisers that weigh in with their opinions and their assessments. This is a one-time conference. You will wait until after 11:26 AM when Mercury enters Gemini before sealing the deal with anything. But do that loosely. Let’s find a better day to sign anything or make your mind up about anything. Your engine is running, but you may not have a good plan about where to go later on Monday.

Tuesday. No -  Go Tuesday. So do not sign anything or do any important business. Think about it. You can reach for greater things, now that you have the support that you need. But look for a better day for long-term plans regarding that.

The Full Moon coming in. This is the big headliner this week. Pretty much this is it, the Full Moon 7:51 AM Tuesday. It happens at 23° of Sagittarius. This is the same spot as the Solar Eclipse that we had in December of 2020. So important matters come to light. All the cards are on the table, out in the open. Maybe all of that media treatment of January 6th is what the story is. Also, Supreme Court decisions also come in, in the middle of June like this. So, it could be something about that on Tuesday.

The Full Moon reaches far and has a very long arm. There are problems. There are quirks with this Sagittarius Moon trying to secure arrangements. Especially extended family and travel plans. So, there could be fees and blocks and blockades. Some of them are temporary. Some of them long-lasting.

Then the Moon is void of course from 10:57 AM right through until 6:13 PM.

Then the Moon enters Capricorn. This is Tuesday, June 14th. There is a better Moon sign. This one has a Green Light attached to it. It is all business. It could be about the family business. Maybe it is about the way you manage your business, as far as setting things up, making plans, and securing things. Under the canopy of a Full Moon, you have a better picture of what is going on.

There is a real good option for counselors and lawyers. Find good people who you want to use as consultants when Venus and Pallas Athena come together in the evening. So maybe somebody gives you a tip late at night about a good consultant. So, take that to heart and work on that in the morning. It could be about money. your plans to dig into the foundation of your life come in at this time as well. Your agents add counselors for the right thing for you. So, have whatever you can set up so that you are able to make solid decisions.

Wednesday brings a great teacher your way, so it is a really good Moon sign. It is haphazard, though. If you are out riding your motorcycle, you want to be very, very careful. Mars conjunct Chiron can be rough necking and it causes accidents. It is accident-prone. But it really is an eye-opener in regard to information and new studies. So, it is brilliant. It is a brilliant aspect. That is Mars conjunct Chiron. It is exactly 10:16 AM as an influence of all of Wednesday. Early in the morning through the night.

Then that Capricorn Moon is still with us. It is trine Saturn, so that likes that. The Capricorn Moon making a trine to Saturn says this is solid. It is sufficient. It is not over the top. It is appropriate. So that is a good thing.

Venus and Uranus are back in the game with a parallel this time on Thursday. This is good for sealing the deal with friendship and bringing the money together. All the players are together in the same spot. This is a really good thing to do.

The Sun is square Neptune. That is a major blind spot. that is early. Well, it is 9:41 AM on Thursday morning. So be careful. There is a lot of illusions and delusions and your caution is not to sign until after this aspect is complete.

There is a lot of clean-up that is associated with the Full Moon that we had earlier at that 23° of Sagittarius. That quincunx is at 10:26 AM.

The last aspect of the Capricorn Moon is a 2:41 PM when it is conjunct Pluto. This one definitely reaches into the toolbox for things about money and business management and things of that sort.

The Aquarius Moon comes in. we have a Green Light, and lots of like-minded people showing up. You might want to go to a conference with friends. Your friends can be your allies. You also can notice how the people that were in your life years ago are coming back into your life.

Then there is Friday. Get away Friday. Green Light all day. Finish up by 9:30 at night. That is when the Moon is square Uranus. So, this you could change your mind about the whole thing. If you are thinking of romance. Whenever the Moon is in the sign of Aquarius, it is not romance. It is friendship. If you have great expectations, you may never have a second date. So just have a good time. Allow yourself to be in the company of those that are like-minded. Maybe at the time, they are not. But you could be turning your head around at the thought of events that are influencing people for their own mission. Lots of social media, running rampant with this Aquarius Moon sign. And that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at If you are interested in a class or a consultation, you can call me and text me. My number is 617 – 558 – 7233. This report is archived at WZBC [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts] for two weeks, as well. It is [also] posted on my website at Have a great week. Take care.

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Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: