Sunday, November 27, 2022

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin November 26, 2022 - December 3, 2022


Saturday, November 26, 2022, to Saturday, December 3, 2022


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM


Well, we have a Capricorn Moon. The Capricorn Moon has a lot to do with business, and government, and anything having to do with how you manage your money. There should be some type of quality of holding on to everything that you have. You do not want to give anything up to get what you want. So, there is a trap with that because you have to look into what it is, and how you can compromise. This is not a Moon sign for compromise. That does not mean not to try. Maybe just do not conduct a lot of business unless you want to lose it. but it really does have a good ending. That the Moon is sextile to Jupiter. So, if you are trying to contract or maybe put an offer on a house or something like that, this could go well. Moon in Capricorn does lend itself well to real estate dealings.

The big event of the week will be actually at the very end of the week. Neptune is turning direct. So, we have a lot of Neptune. Mercury square Neptune. It will happen this week. All sorts of confusion, illusion, and sometimes loss of confidence.

This Capricorn Moon is the Moon sign of confidence. But the Moon being in the sign opposite of its natal position of Cancer, weakens the position. So, I would say you may want to consult your consultants to take the next best step. And ruling consultants and therapists as Pallas Athena. Pallas is the advisor, the wise one, the wisest one. It is doing something special. It is turning retrograde on Wednesday. So those that you consult, maybe in a position where they are postponing or holding back. You may want to give it a couple of weeks before you engage with someone. Because you could start up with a consultant who then drops you because of complications in their life.

Saturday night looks pretty pleasant. It looks as if you could join with friends. It is not particularly romantic. People get together when they want something from someone. The next day, Sunday has a lot to do with Mercury quincunx Uranus. That means sudden abrupt change. Something is off-kilter. There is a quality of innovation in a big way, but there are also breakdowns that can happen. there are things that… mechanical breakdowns, do not ignore them. Pay attention to what is going on with your computer, your vehicles, and also in your personal relationships, and your communications. How are you talking to one another?

The Moon is void of course in Capricorn from 3:11 PM tomorrow until 5:06 PM when the Moon will go into the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is a sign of innovation and individuality. You stand out when you are presenting something. This is from Sunday at 5:00 or 6:00 PM, until 7:14 PM on Tuesday.

The Moon is in Aquarius. So, you seem like you are completely in an unexpected position. This is a time for humanitarian ventures. Regardless of the nature of the project, you can handle a situation in a detached fashion. So, this is not the best sign for one-on-one activities. It is not a good date sign because it tends to lend itself to friendship only. Even marriages during the Aquarius Moon sign tend to be based on friendship and both parties tend to be highly individualistic. So, if you are trying to join with anyone on a business venture, each party has its own individual idea of things. They do not compromise with each other because they really want to get their own point across, and their own mission too.

On Monday the Aquarius Moon is strong. There is a sextile between the Sun and the Moon that is lovely, the Moon in Aquarius the Moon in Sagittarius.

Mars is in the sign of Gemini. Retrograde and out of bounds, it is making a nice trine to Saturn. This is holding down the fort in a way that does not disrupt the status quo, necessarily. But the Aquarius Moon will disrupt the status quo. So, Mars and Saturn are definitely trying to hold onto things.

Venus is having its say with Pluto. Venus and Pluto are really all about money in one way. And in another way, it is very passionate. It has a lot to do with having a physical goal and an emotional goal is not necessarily for the long term. Because then right after that 9:18 PM Venus is quincunx Uranus Monday. So, this is where sudden abrupt changes occur in relationships and friendships.

There could be a falling out when Mercury and Mars are in opposition on Tuesday. This is a difficult day for business on Tuesday. You get a combination of Mercury and Mars, which can be very argumentative. It also can cut things off.

Then the Moon ends up with an aspect to Uranus at the end of the Aquarius sign. Yeah. That is right, the Aquarius sign. Uranus is about changing things. Being an individual, having its say for the purpose of breaking out of the norm.

There is a Void of Course Moon on Tuesday from 6:38 PM until 7:14 PM. The Moon is in Pisces. The Pisces Moon at 7:14 PM is looking for some compassionate understanding. Mercury is in a position where it is contacting Saturn. Reaching out and saying, I want to be part of an organized group that has some type of plan and rules that set up a safe perimeter.

Pallas Athena turns retrograde on Wednesday morning. That is the one about the consultants, where you need to wait a little bit. Let that settle in for a couple of weeks before you hire someone like a financial adviser or a psychologist. You want to be able to let them get their feet back on the ground.

There is a Quarter Moon in Pisces. That is at 9:36 AM Wednesday morning. This one has a lot to do with something very unfortunate, and misfortunate. But it can work to your advantage. This is where people go begging. It is also a very inflexible time or instability. Unstable time. It is evident that these plans that you make should possibly be reworked later. Do not change your plans. Because you could definitely be at a disadvantage. But your gut instincts are the best way to go about the Pisces Moon that will last right until Thursday night. It ends well with a Moon conjunct Jupiter. So, there is a broadening of your insights. You can be able to attack problems. For instance, now Jupiter just turns direct. So, you can attack your problems of addiction and health problems in a way that has a chance for you to be able to be released from these issues.

But a big deal on Thursday, December 1st is Venus opposite Mars. This one is a release of personal relationships and reaching out to those on the other side. Maybe a lover or in a marriage where you want to be able to compromise. You could be so far set apart that you need to back off. Someone may break away. Mercury is square Neptune, says a lot of confusion about what is going on, on Thursday. The sadness, unfortunate principles of Moon and Pisces.

Then we have a Void of Course Moon that occurs from 10:09 PM until 11:09, or rather 11:40 PM when the Moon enters the sign of Aries. So that can lift spirits, and help to get things moving in a forward direction.

The Moon is having a lovely trine to the Sun on Friday, December 2nd at 7:09 PM. So, this may be where you come together for a happy time. This would be a good date night. It also would be a fairly good shopping day as well.

What we have for Saturday, next week will be Neptune turning direct. We will talk about that next week.

You can find a copy of this report on my website at It is transcribed by Kimberly Chin. Thank you very much. You can reach me at 617-558-7233. And it is also archived with Victor’s show on WZBC [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts] for two weeks if you'd like to play it again. I think that is it. I know I'm forgetting something. I think that is it for the week. So, 617-558-7233 is how you reach me by phone. Thank you.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Nov 19 2022 - Nov 26 2022


Saturday, November 19, 2022, to Saturday, November 26, 2022


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM


 The Libra Moon brings our focus on partnerships which does have a little complication with Mars square Neptune at 10:43 this morning. Anything that you are planning on doing, there is kind of an extreme amount of confusion associated with it. So many have been complaining about being confused. For me, it has been difficult to manage.

 Saturday evening. There is a very nice Moon and Venus aspect that is filling the afternoon.

Then later on in the evening, the Sun is making a cranky aspect with Chiron. So, try not to insult your friends. Try to be pleasant to one another. There are topics that come up that might be sensitive and painful. So, you want to be helpful and gentle.

Also, we go into Sunday, with a couple of good size events. Vesta is the ruler of property and investment, and sacred space. Vesta is entering the sign of Pisces. So, that is a beautiful place for that asteroid to go. Putting the focus clearly on spiritual matters.

The Sun trine Jupiter really wants to test your luck. It also has a benevolent awareness as it reaches out to others to be part of a supportive community.

Sunday night the Sun trine Jupiter is a strong aspect. Maybe it has something to do with a ball game. Or perhaps a plan for travel. Jupiter is still retrograde but it is holding on to that station point by a thread. It will turn direct on Tuesday.

At 11:07 PM the Sun trine Jupiter and that is a happy spot. It does lift your spirits. It does bring about a desire to be more; to express yourself. There is a broader understanding of global trends which may give you a stronger sense of exploration. Maybe there are some ties that you have with people from foreign countries. That would all be welcomed with this Sun trine Jupiter.

The Moon in Libra comes to an end with a quincunx to that Jupiter. So that one says, do not invest with that Jupiter aspect because of the fact that life's messy, clean it up. It could create a problem. So, your judgment is off. Jupiter is so much about judgment.

Then going into Monday, we have the Void of Course Moon from 10:10 AM Monday until 12:15 PM Monday. So, do not make any plans or business dealings during that time.

The Scorpio Moon arrives at 12:15 PM. It waits for the Sun to change signs as it will exit the sign of Scorpio where it is been in that heavy water sign since October 23. It transits into the sign of Sagittarius at 3:20 AM on Tuesday. That Sagittarius Moon and Sun combination should also lift spirits.

But on Monday, there is a really beautiful aspect between Venus and Mercury. They joined together at 7° of Sagittarius. This aspect is especially beneficial for the birthdays of March 28; July 30; and November 29. A Mercury and Venus conjunction is about finding your voice. So, if there is something that you have been wanting to say, or write, or perhaps there is an introduction that you want to make. You have this aspect on your side. This will enable you to find your words if you have lost your words lately. Also, sweet introductions are likely. You may enjoy visits with those whom you have not seen for a while and taking interest in expanding your financial plans.

The Sun enters Sagittarius on Tuesday, November 22nd at 3:20 AM under the serious Moon sign of Scorpio. But there is hope and encouragement to make future plans work. Also, travel is an option with the Sun in Sagittarius, but it is complicated. It comes in with the Scorpio Moon. That definitely says getting stuck in airports is a likely matter. Being far from home and losing your luggage. That sort of thing. You want to plan for and pack an overnight bag that you can keep right at your side when you travel. It could be a difficult change of plans or a change of planes. That kind of thing. If you are waiting for family to come in, Mars is square Ceres. Ceres is about the caretaking of others and about babies and pets and anyone who is in the need of nurturing.

So, Mars is likely to start fires in storage places like silos and any place where food is stored. Be mindful of the perishable or flammable foods that could be destroyed. Could be an animal invasion, like mice in your rice. Watch for bears and destructive nibbling from deer. Do not allow your pets to be far from your side. Or any kind of disruption to your food plans. Check-in on those who are shut in. Also, those who are older or infirm, cannot move around very well.

On Wednesday the Scorpio Moon is trine Jupiter. That is the final aspect before the Void of Course Moon on Wednesday. Void of Course Moon means your judgment is off. Things could not go as well as you planned. That is certainly the case with this Mars retrograde, and also traveling way out-of-bounds. A lot of things go awry. You can try and plan and find that you have to fix things. Quirky things come up. Do not ignore the signs or signals from your vehicles that they need attention.

Also, what is great about this Mars Retrograde, which is out-of-bounds is that you can find new ways to do things. There are some new solutions going on with this aspect with this transit of Mars in the sign of Gemini which is ruled by Mercury. Mercury will go retrograde in December on 29th. That stays retrograde right through until January 18th. Mars will go direct on January 12th. So, plan accordingly for a big mix-up that will happen during that time. But also, very interesting. Opportunities and developments could occur during that time as well. So, we are still in with this Sagittarius Moon. The New Moon comes in at 5:57 PM. That is when the Moon lines up with the Sun and you cannot see it. There is a renewal of the Sagittarius energy. It also reaches the cardinal signs: Libra, Capricorn, Aries, and Cancer. So, what it has to do with our ability to be able to make plans? You can find that things could go your way. It is a fun time for kids doing grown-up projects. You have a strong sense of direction with your plans as well. You have the ability to adlib situations. Keep a kind of loose attitude towards events. Avoid getting deeply emotional about things. Ceremonies and social customs can influence developments as well.

Then a lot of Foot and Mouth energy with that New Moon. That occurs at 5:57 PM, Wednesday at 1º 38’ of Sagittarius.

Then Jupiter does go direct at 6:02 PM. It is been retrograde since July 28th. It inspires thoughts and desires to take off and run away from obligations. This is the day before Thanksgiving. So, if you are the one that is supposed to bring the turkey, may not be a good idea to run away.

The Jupiter’s direct energy is benevolent and does have an open heart. You may get a lot of invitations to various places for dinner on Thursday. Such as the studio WZBC, where Victor will be with his powwow that he does every year on Thanksgiving.

The Moon is parallel to Mercury which offers a strong message that comes in on Thanksgiving. Then this Moon is nicely conjunct Mercury and then Venus. Mercury and Venus. This encourages pleasant thoughts and visits with family in a pleasant way. So, it is likely to go a little bit better than it has gone, if you have tensions around family gatherings. This may make it nice with that Sagittarius Moon.

Friday the Moon is still in Sagittarius. there may be some serious weather. However, that comes in with Neptune opposite Ceres. So, if you have plans, you could maybe make an alternative plan because that could definitely bring a snow storm.

The Moon in Sagittarius does end with a square to Jupiter. That would be a 2:21 PM Friday. Then there is a period, a Void of Course Moon period, which you could advance your goals, if you felt you wanted to take a risk. That is one of those periods when that Void of Course Moon does not have a hold on you is greater as in other signs.

Then the Capricorn Moon comes in at 4:17 PM. That one has a Green Light right through the weekend into next week. So, money matters are the topic. They could go better, If there is a way that you think you could work things out. Rehash things. Be careful of the Mars Retrograde. And that is it for the week.

We have a copy of this on my website at I am here by the phone if you want to call me at 617-558-7233. That is 617-558-7233. You can find a copy of this on my website transcribed by Kimberly chin. Thank you. And a big hello to Julie and Victor. We will see you on Thursday. Okay, have a good week.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Astrology by Dietrech Pessin November 12 - 19, 2022 with Green Light times.


Saturday, November 12, 2022, to Saturday, November 19, 2022


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM


A beautiful Cancer Moon will form a grand trine with Jupiter and the Sun. it sort of allows for a happy spot here. We have come through the eclipse season. We are not done with its effects. It will linger for a couple of more weeks, as far as its impact. But there are no more actual events like the Eclipse coming up. So, I think we can get on with our plans. Work hard. There is still a Saturn and Uranus Square going on, which is resistance to change. But, I have been finding that the change is something long awaited. positive results occur. So, keep trying for whatever it is that you have done and that you want to do but failed before. Continue to try. You have a fantastic chance to accomplish your goal. So, do not just lay back on your laurels, but take some action.

Venus and Mercury are joining up with a parallel today. Followed by a statement-making conjunction on Monday, November 21. That will be positive.

That is no small feat for Mercury and Venus. That is an introduction to important people that can come into your life. The ones that are under the influence of this parallel that we have today, can stay in your life for a long time. You can also find ways to grab a hold of your money, your finances, and help them to make sense with this parallel. So, it is a good thing. It lasts right to the 21st. So, it is a good aspect to be able to forward your goals.

The Mercury and Neptune today make for cloudy skies and wet weather. It is an aspect of the mind. The mind is inspired by beautiful things: music and poetry. Also, it reserves nothing. It has no boundaries and allows you to jump over into the next realm, so to speak, to play out your plan your poetry, and your music.

Then we move on with this Cancer Moon, Sunday. Venus and Pluto make an aspect of opportunity. So, something shows up where you can take action on something. That would be exactly at 4:40 AM here on the East Coast. But Friday or Saturday night, tonight, there is more to it that you can try to grab a hold of. Reach up for the low-hanging fruit and grab these advantages. But you have to take action on them.

Then for Mercury and Mars, something said, out of order. Mars is way out of bounds and it is retrograde. Retrograde till January 12th. It goes on with its antics and behavior till May 4th. So, there is nothing here short of exhausting. Everything does feel like it is an exhausting event. Even nice events can feel exhausting. Mercury in its quincunx can also create some difficulties with your vehicles and your communication equipment and your computers and things of that nature. That is tomorrow morning, 10:46 AM.

But you know, planetary aspects have an impact long before they really are exact and can impact thereafter. So, a quincunx is that life's messy, clean it up. So, if something falls apart or there is a mess that falls on the floor, there is a reason for it. There is something that you must see once you get down on your hands and knees to clean it up. Maybe it is a mouse? People have been complaining the mice have been coming in. The Cancer Moon on Monday stays with us. Has its last aspect at 5:40 AM. It is never void of course, when the Moon is in Cancer. so that is a beautiful ending. A Green Light we would see for today, tomorrow, and through Monday till 5:40 AM.

Then the Moon enters Leo. This one is action-oriented. It is poised for a big presentation. It has a long list to share of principles and plans that reached back several years ago. Because there is the Last Quarter Moon coming up in the sign of Leo.

Mercury and Pluto say, there is information, paperwork, thoughts and plans to be able to grab a hold of any kind of plan that you had for money. To put money on a housing plan. Something like that.

Sun is trine Neptune in the evening. Both of these are in the evening. So, Sun Trine Neptune is a time when your inspiration can guide you through the night and through the next week as far as your plans for moving forward are concerned.

Saturn and Ceres on Tuesday. They take a look at food insecurity. That is a factor when Saturn reveals the conditions among many people in the work sector. These could be about food, housing insecurity. Things that definitely need to be addressed and helped.

Venus is trine Jupiter. Opens the hearts on Tuesday. So, this is the day when you want to make a plan to be able to invite others into your plan. They could be more benevolent.

There is an aspect between the Sun and Mars later in the evening. So clear that. But there is a Green Light in there on Tuesday that you can advance your goals.

Then there is Sun quincunx Mars is messy so - clean it up. That is exactly at 8:06 PM. Yeah, I would be off the road by late afternoon Tuesday and into Tuesday night. Because there is a way that this aspect can spoil the ambitions of those in a position that want to unravel any gains that have been made. So, there are consequences for any actions taken with this. There is an aspect that highlights this Mars activity. Being retrograde and out of bounds, Mars has something else up its sleeve. But you may find great new ways to manage your life. Put things together, fix things, and move on to making corrections of old errors.

The Moon and Saturn are opposite of late evening Tuesday night. This could be a good time to recline and kind of shut the noise off in your head. That Leo Moon is with us also on Wednesday. This is the Action Day because there is the Last Quarter Moon that will come up at 8:26 AM. But not before there is a significant change for Venus entering the sign of Sagittarius.

So, this is a good start. With its desire to take on the world. Soon the landscape changes for Venus. Venus is about money and relationships and love and desire. Much of the work is to be completed before you can move on. So, do not rush in into these actions. The Leo Moon has a Moon square the Sun in the Last Quarter. And that will be before Venus moves into green or pastures. This action with this square has Saturn pressing its restrictions in Aquarius. Uranus throws sand in its face to make its point that resistance is not the only way to advance a plan.

The Last  Quarter Moon. It is at 8:26 AM On Wednesday, it takes place at 24° Leo. Reaches back for its origins August 18, 2021. The Quarter Moon arrived May 19, 2021.

Then the Full Moon is revealed. Where that puts all the cards on the table last February. February 16, 2022. So much will be revealed. With this is an Action Day. Unlike Full Moons and New Moons, First Quarter Moons and Last Quarter Moons have action on the day. So, look for this to reveal the changes that you are looking for.

The last aspect of that Leo Moon on Wednesday is at 7:30 PM when the Moon is contra parallel, that is a split parallel to Saturn. So, it may send you back to the drawing board. But do not feel that it is a total setback. There something much better there for you to see and help you to revise your plans in a way that gives you a golden entrance to the next stage of your plans.

The Virgo Moon which is usually about work and food and food preparation and cooperation with others. This Virgo Moon comes in at 8:03 PM. That Void of Course Moon for Leo started at 7:30 goes to 8:03 PM on Wednesday. The Virgo Moon will be with us for a couple of days thereafter.

There is a highlight when Mercury leaves the sign of Scorpio too and joins up with Venus. It is headed for that conjunction. So, this is that plan about meeting people that are important. Their keepers and their people that you want to enhance your life. You can count on them to be on your side.

So, your judgment improves after Mercury changes Thursday morning 3:41 AM. But it is not a Green Light in there. So, hold off. Your approval is yet to be stated or stamped yet. Because your expanded ideas could be the subject where you need to take a deeper look.

The plans for the Virgo Moon on Friday are offering an opportunity between the Sun and Pluto 4:37 PM. This one might be a bigger one than you had encountered before. So that is why it was good to wait to see how these things work out. That Virgo Moon is not a Green Light but there is an opposition to Jupiter. Jupiter is 3:46 AM. It is in Pisces. it is late in Pisces. It will turn around and go direct because it is retrograde now. Its direct movement will allow for things to advance because it will quickly go in to Aries. This will allow you to stir up some things that bring you into a broader field. And that is it for the week.

My website is at This is Dietrech Pessin at 617-558-7233. The report is archived at WZBC [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts] and also transcribed by Kimberly Chin. Thank you. And a big hello out to Julie and Victor. We have a good week ahead of us pretty much. So that is it. Victor. Take it away.

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