Monday, February 12, 2024

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Feb 10 - 17, 2024


Saturday, Saturday, February 10, 2024 - February 17, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Hi, this is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead. It is Saturday the 10th of February. This report will run until next Saturday, which is the 17th of February.

We had the Moon in Aquarius earlier this morning. It entered the sign of Pisces at 8:42 AM. The Pisces Moon is much more sensitive than the Aquarius Moon sign. There is a Green Light in that Aquarius Moon sign as well. There is probably still a little bit of residual energy left over from mentally pushing limits with Mercury and Jupiter who had a square earlier this morning. So, there is a lot of over-interest in and overconfidence. Judgments. Judgmental-ness, opinions, and  blunders are huge with that. So even going into the sign of Pisces, which can shift that energy, there still could be some, maybe some hurt feelings or something as a result of that. Because Pisces is very sensitive. It really does assume a lot. It can assume the blame for just about anything. I mean, I know someone that no matter what it is that is happening or going to happen she assumes that it is her fault. So that is a Moon in Pisces will sacrifice themselves for. I do not know whether it is the greater good or the greater thing or what. But we do not have to sacrifice ourselves. with this Pisces Moon is quite a bit of Green Light energy in there. We have that going through Saturday, and Sunday, and it ends at 7:31 AM Monday. That can be a little stretch of time. People conduct business over the weekend. This would be a good one to do that. If you are doing things like maybe joining a choir or doing something that is creative. Maybe ballet or something. maybe going to the cinema. This would be a really great Moon sign, this Pisces Moon, to allow a nice time for people to come together in a very sensitive way.

The Sun is making a beautiful Trine 120° (degrees) to Vesta. So, this allows for multiple investment options. Because it is a Sun in Aquarius is trine Vesta in Gemini. So, Gemini is two or more multiple types of things.

Then we have a Green Light that ends on Monday morning 7:31 AM. Sunday is a really nice day. There is nothing obstructive or difficult in particular that we can mention on Sunday.

Early Monday morning The Moon is conjunct Neptune, and then parallel Neptune. So, this is an occultation, which is like a little Eclipse, between the two, which can bring very big wild weather with it. we can often see wild weather in February. So, this could stir that up.

The last thing that the Pisces Moon does is make a beautiful sextile to Mars. That is 60°. So, it ends with a business opportunity. Moon in Capricorn. I mean Moon in Pisces and Mars in Capricorn. So, there is something of value. Mars is at the 29th degree of Capricorn. The last little thing. So, it is catching something on the heels of a situation that may have been difficult.

So, the Aries Moon comes in at 8:25 AM. This is on Monday. That Aries Moon runs for a couple of days. Monday does not see a whole lot of problems or obstructions.

There is a Moon square Ceres. Ceres is the caretaker, and caregiver. Takes care of babies and families. That is at 11:27 AM. So maybe there is a need to go home and feed maybe it is just your dog, taking care of someone else. That takes you away from the other things that you had planned for Monday.

Then Tuesday, Mars enters Aquarius at 1:04 AM. It remains in the sign until March 22nd. Well, when Mars is in Aquarius, you are motivated to fight for just causes. This is a highly unpredictable position for Mars. Anything could happen. These matters will probably be initiated by a group leader. People may become rebellious when they are angry when Mars is in Aquarius. So, I stay away from crowds.

Then the Sun will join an aspect with Jupiter. This is a nice aspect. It is very short-lived, but it can bring about a fortunate meeting. But even though it is short-lived, you can gain some insight and some expansion of your ideas. The motivation to advance your own goals with this aspect can give you the get-up and go that you are looking for; that your projects have been waiting for.

Mars is conjunct Pluto. It is Mars in Aquarius conjunct Pluto in Aquarius. Both at 0° of Aquarius. So, this is high energy. It is Valentine's Day on Wednesday when that happens. During that Aries Moon, which is more amorous after the Moon enters Taurus at 10:02 AM. So, if you are trying to find the right thing for your sweetheart, shop after 10:02 AM throughout the rest of the day, while Mars is conjunct Pluto. That is at 1:05 AM. So, it could be difficult in the middle of the night too. It can be unkind when they are together. I see this pair as the steamroller. To make its changes, it just acts like a steamroller.

There are efforts to unite others to transform to share power and territory. There is an intense cleaning and purification that goes along with this. So that could be very helpful. Lots of sexual interest. That is good for February 14th. Convincing or being convinced of something. That could be bad for your health if it is not something that you would choose on your own. Very high energy output with this Mars conjunct Pluto on Wednesday.

The difficulties with Venus, Moon square Venus, and at 5:20 AM which begins a void of course Moon until 10:02 AM On Wednesday. So let things sit. Do not try to push things or make things happen or make dates or answers if somebody is trying to get you to answer about a date. Do not take it until you have thought about it and worked it out after 10:02 AM.

Then that Moon is in Taurus, and that is a much better sign. It is much more lovable, comfy, and cuddly. But Mars is compromised. I mean the Moon is compromised in Taurus because of Venus's position at the late degree of Capricorn. When Venus changes signs on Friday at 11:04 AM, You can find that your choices or projects need to be reworked or reconsidered. So go about things very methodically, which is kind of typical of the Moon in Taurus anyway. Moon in Taurus is always food first. this is a very persuasive sign. So, you can gain a lot by using your powers of persuasion softly and gently.

The Moon in Taurus is conjunct Jupiter and then parallels Uranus. So, this is a little lucky stretch. Although it is it is in the middle of the night. 1:03 AM to 5:33 AM. I do not know if you are up late or out, It could be lucky.

Pluto 9:04 AM. It is on Thursday, and its parent Pluto is parallel to Ceres. This is an aspect of working on a long-term solution to sensitive matters. They could involve food or care for children. Maybe it is about immigration. Striking a deal to retrieve something or someone of great importance. It reminds me of the myth of Pluto and Ceres when he abducted her daughter. There was an agreement that was struck where he agreed to allow her daughter to go back with her mother for 6 months out of the year, and then she had to go back and be with him. So, there is a deal to be struck. You want to be careful how you go about these deals with Ceres being the little dwarf planet that is in charge of taking care of others and nurturing others. That is, it is for Thursday.

As we come into Friday, we still have a nice Taurus Moon. Taurus wants traditional things and traditional settings for people, comfy settings. This is on Friday. All or part of your project with this Taurus Moon could be dropped. That is something that could be dropped or arranged differently after Venus changes signs. That is 11:04 AM on Friday. That has a lot to do with any type of project that you are doing.



There is a Last Quarter Moon on. No, it is not last. It is first. it is the First Quarter Moon on February 16th on Friday. It is at 10:00 AM at 27° of Taurus. This is important because it is a money Moon. This money Moon has its roots back in May of 2023. So that would be the middle of May. May 19th, when there was a New Moon there. This is the Lunar Gestation Cycle. So, February 16th is when you are actively involved in the process of getting on with the matters of the Moon and matters of money. A Full Moon will come up on November 15, 2024. This one is when all the cards are on the table. Everything is out in the open. So, if you are expecting some big money, this could be your week, August 16th, 2025 is the last piece of this. That is when you are collecting anything leftover and bringing those seeds to seed the future. Maybe there is a part that gets dropped. Maybe it is the kind of thing that pays off a bill or any number of money situations. Also, traditional situations as well.

There appears to be a brief encounter with the Moon. rather, Venus changes signs at 11:04 AM when Venus enters the sign of Aquarius. It will be there and bring a brief Green Light right there. It will be there until March 11th. Although the Green Light is only on Friday. is this still Friday? Yeah. Friday. It is only on Friday, around 11:04 AM. You could stretch it to 11:20 AM. But things could get very tricky. It is Mercury and Uranus. you know how tricky they can be. This appears to bring a brief encounter Mercury and Uranus. was someone who appears to be helpful, but they may get you thinking that there is money in the pot and they may motivate you to try and do something with them to get it. But this will turn out to be a mistake. So, it could cost you a lot. You know much more than you bargained for later in the night. Mercury will square Uranus and there could be a sudden falling out as a result of the things that you kind of bought into. It could involve friendship. So, these things could end badly. Do not buy into something wild. Stick to tradition and ask a savvy person for their advice, what would they do.

Still on Friday, we have a Moon sign change here. It comes at 2:39 PM. That is the Moon entering Gemini. Gemini Moon will go through the weekend. There is a Green Light attached to it near the end. There is a sweet spot on Friday with this Gemini Moon. That would be 3:09 PM. But do not put any money on it. Date night may not go very well because of the fact that you do not see eye to eye. One person's radical thinking breaks the mood and causes difficulties. The Gemini Moon is a Moon that is not one that you can bank on. It is very disruptive.

Mercury is square Uranus. Mercury rules the sign of Gemini. Matters could turn in a flash. Most likely you are operating under a misconception during any Gemini Moon. So, remember that. This is because there are clearly two sides, if not more to any matter. You do not know which side is good for you. It is difficult to sort through the sales pitch. You do not often believe you are well-informed. Sometimes things turn out during a Gemini Moon if it is a good day. That would be on next Sunday when things could turn out even though things are unstable. That is, it is for the week.

There is this Mercury square Uranus that is on Friday night. it causes great big blunders and mistakes all around. It can be accident-prone as well. Mercury rules travel, short-distance travel. So going to the store could be very difficult. I would say even late afternoon on Friday could be difficult to navigate around some dicey situations. Okay, that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at Victor stores this on WZBC’s website [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts]. You can go to the 9:30 hour on Saturdays Expanding Awareness to find the report. It is there for 2 weeks. And you can call me. If you want to talk about astrology, make an appointment. You can reach me at 617-558-7233. You can find a copy of this report. Kimberly Chin is back on board with transcription. That would be on my website at That is Lunar Shadows with a hyphen in the middle. What else can I say? You should have a healthy safe week. And we will be back here with Victor next week. And a big hello to Julie. Okay, bye now.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Astrology Report for February 3 - 10, 2024 with Green Light Days


Saturday, Saturday, February 3, 2024 - February 10, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Observe and expect the things that are bizarre and unusual. Things that are difficult to understand. Things that are interesting and give us plenty to talk about. But it cannot be very good for things like trying to sort things out in a way that makes any sense. It is great for innovation, and anything that you want to make changes. Doing something brand new.

But with the Scorpio Moon that we have, Moon is opposite Uranus, early this morning. It is going to move out of that position and make some aspects. So, there will be a really nice aspect to Mercury and Venus later on today. That is great for social settings. Although it is a Scorpio Moon, so people are going to be guarded. People will not have a good sense of who you are. You will not know who they are. But there will be a lot of sexual intrigue.

The Moon will go on through Scorpio making its last aspect, a very nice one to Mercury. Which says there is an opportunity to be able to think and communicate with those that are interested in the things that you do and how you do them. And for introducing people to others. Right around 10:24 PM is the last aspect of the Scorpio Moon, when it makes this nice 60° (degree) aspect to Mercury. If you are out and about, consider the introductions. Unique. But be mindful that the Sun square Uranus coming up can bring about strange and unusual situations, where people are not who they present themselves to be.

The Sagittarius Moon comes in with us at 1:27 AM on Sunday morning, tomorrow morning. It will remain in the sign of Sagittarius until Tuesday, Tuesday morning.

So, the Sagittarius Moon does a couple of things that will square Saturn tomorrow. So, if you are having a Sunday dinner, it might be difficult to get people to relax and communicate. Some people may not be there at all. It could be a stubborn kind of environment.

Mercury changes signs Monday morning, and that would be a 12:09 AM. It goes into the sign of Aquarius, where we will all be more open minded and be interested in communicating with people that are like minded. You may want to join with people in groups that you can relate to.

Then Mercury lines up with Pluto on Monday. So that conjunction, takes place at 7:57 AM here on the on the East Coast. That conjunction is about digging into something deep. Talking about subjects that are deeper than your normal topics. The Moon being in Sagittarius wants a broader understanding of what you are talking about. So, there can be the quality of getting to know someone and then again, trying to dig deep. Be careful you do not offend by digging too deeply. Asking too many questions with those that you are trying to relate to it. Maybe you are not going to be relating anymore. There could be kind of a hostage taking situation. It could be mental, emotional. I do not know. You could also have a lot of things going on with pets as well.

The Moon is in Sagittarius Tuesday morning, early. 12:05 AM is the last aspect that this Moon will make, and it is square to Neptune. So, it really brings about a lot of confusion and the illusion that everything is okay, but it is not.

That Sagittarius Moon wants to break out and do something fun. I do not know whether you are going to want to skip work that day. Or maybe not be able to sleep.

There is a Moon sign change 7:00 AM. The Moon goes into the sign of Capricorn on Tuesday. That begins a Green Light. So that is a bit of a relief. The Capricorn Moon which is about business, and about things that are properly aligned, getting all your ducks in a row. That Moon sign will welcome the Venus square, the Lunar Node, which is an extreme amount of interest in relationships and money and materialism. So, the Capricorn Moon is focused on finding whatever it is that you need to continue your business and to further your family's interests.

Venus will go on for 2:25 PM to make a beautiful trine to Uranus. Uranus is just recently turned direct. So, Uranus is also kicking up its energies in a lot of different ways. But this is a friendship aspect. It is in the afternoon on Wednesday. This one is likely to bring you together with friends or like-minded people in in the business world. People that are very savvy with business might have something to share with you that you have been looking to accomplish or understand or join with others.

Then the Moon goes on to conjunct Mars. That is early Thursday morning. This aspect is motivated. It is activated by strong interest and maybe a lot of talk. It brings about this Sun square Uranus which we are under the influence of now and we have been all week, even though it is early on for this aspect. It takes place at 5:45 AM on Thursday morning. But it will feel like we are involved in this even today because Uranus is moving so slowly. It is catching everything in its wake.

The Moon will be finishing up in its sign of Capricorn changing signs 8:59 AM Thursday morning, when the Moon goes into Aquarius. That Aquarius Moon, again wants to join with like-minded people throughout Thursday. The Aquarius Moon is filled with all sorts of unique interest. Maybe there is something that you have not explored or experienced before. It is not the best time for one-on-one activities. You will most likely handle whatever situation comes up in a very detached and impersonal way. Matters that proceed could feel a little bit filled with discomfort. Your environment may be sparse or cold. Marriages during this Moon sign of Aquarius are based on friendship. Both partners will tend to be highly individualistic. So, allow people to be individuals and you will get along best. if you have a someone extremely controlling trying to control the other, this is not going to work for them, for either side.

Still that Aquarius Moon is with us also on Friday. Friday the Moon comes in to square Uranus at 3:35 PM. That is before the New Moon.

The New Moon is at 5:58 PM at 20° of Aquarius and it will be square Uranus. So, this Uranus energy is huge all week. So that is anything can happen. Anything unusual. Just take a step back and take a perspective that this is all about inviting, unique and unusual things. Try to hold on to something that is practical and familiar to you. That will bring us right into the end of the week where the Aquarius Moon finishes out. Coming into February 10th. We have just a moment more of the Aquarius Moon. Then the Moon will go for next weekend, goes into the sign of Pisces. More sensitive, compassionate Moon sign.

So that is it for the week. You can find a copy of this on my website at And you can also find it on the WZBC 90.3 FM [Boston Massachusetts website]. I replay their archives to play it again. And we will come back to you again next week. Victor, have a good week.

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: