Monday, November 25, 2024

Astrology Report November 23 - 30, 2024 by Dietrech Pessin Saturday, November 23, 2024 - Saturday, November 30, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Hi. This is Dietrich Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead, this the 23rd of November. The report will be talking about the days of this next week, including Thanksgiving Day on Thursday the 28th through the 29th.

We have something important coming up, Mercury retrograde on Monday at 8, rather 9:42 PM. It points right to the Full Moon, December 15th. So, it is really kind of all about that. So, we want to stop and look and listen to what is being said and shown. It is very important stuff that will lead to some wild information that comes up. It is interesting because that Full Moon lands right across the axis of Donald Trump's planets. He was born as a Gemini, with the Moon in Sagittarius, at that same spot, 22 degrees of Sagittarius. So, the Moon will be in December. It will be in Gemini, and the Sun will be in Sagittarius on that Moon. Sounds a little confusing. but it is that axis of Gemini and Sagittarius that is being activated, and Mercury is all about that. So, everything that is going on now is all about that Full Moon on December 15th. So, it will be interesting to see what you plan ahead or do that could be related to that.

So, the Moon that we have today is a Virgo Moon. It is a work Moon. This is a Moon that is famous for its ability to cooperate with others. Neptune is confusing the experts with the interesting aspect to Pallas Athena. Pallas is an asteroid representing the brilliant mind. It is educated and well advised, but Neptune clouds the facts. It was a sort of a comical sight or thought: Marjorie Taylor Greene Will Lead New ‘DOGE’ Panel on Government Efficiency with Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy. Two brilliant minds being headed by someone who is a conspiracy theorist. Interesting cloud, a Neptune cloud, she definitely represents that energy. So, I thought that was kind of a funny coincidence to have this Neptune and Palace configuration coupled with that interesting fact. Because it clouds the facts. So, we will have to see how that goes.

Then we have the Moon running through the sign of Virgo. Sorry if I was not too clear about what I was talking about. It has been a long, hard week. Everybody is exhausted. Everybody is talking about either being depressed or super angry or broke. A lot of real hard challenges going on. So, the Virgo Moon is really one to help you work through problems and issues and get the cooperation of others wherever you can.

That Moon is going to be void of course after making a trine, or rather an opposition to Neptune on the 25th, which is on Monday. So that happens at 12:34 AM. Just after midnight on the 25th. The Moon will be void of course for the morning up until 6:19 AM on the 25th.

There is a really cool aspect during the void of course Moon, which is Sun trine the Lunar Node. This gives you easy access to your feelings about your private life, your family, your home. All of that is so demanding right now, and it needs your full attention. But you do need to express yourself through your profession or your public image or a public group. So, get connected with others. So, you may have a message that needs to be heard by many people, not just your own family or group. So, this is kind of a megaphone that you could use to get your message out, if that is something that you want and need to.

Then the Moon changes sign 6:19 AM, on Monday. There will be a Libra Moon. The Libra Moon is waiting for that all eyes on Mercury turning retrograde 9:42 PM. That retrograde Moon, as I said, speaks to the Full Moon of December 15th. That is also the day that Mercury will turn direct. So, you want to focus on what is going on now. How does that relate to the future and the promises that that have been made? Also, there is plenty to learn. Listen to what is going on. Keep your eye out, your ear to the ground.

Venus and Jupiter form an aspect on the 26th, November 26th. That is Micah's birthday, my son, Micah. We have a Libra Moon, which is pleasant. It is an easy, soft energy, but it does have its challenges or tickles with Sun and Mars in particular, are making an aspect where they bump into one another with a contra parallel. This says there is some cooperation that they have for a moment. It is kind of like you bought a sofa and you need help getting the sofa inside. So just as you pull up to your house, there could be a couple of able-bodied young people that you could give a little bit of money to, to take that sofa upstairs. That is what is a split parallel. Contra parallel is like. It is it is a temporary joining. You do not marry it. You just use it or interact with it and then let it go. But then later, the Sun will Trine Mars. This one deals with the ability to express yourself with confidence and plenty of energy to achieve your goals. This aspect is highly creative, and it has a vision for success. So, from November 26th into the 27th there is some hope and there is some promise in there.

The last aspect of the Libra Moon will form a quincunx to Neptune. So that is kind of messy. It could be very alcohol related. It could be difficult to deal with your addictions, if your addictions are sugar or alcohol or people. Neptune is definitely a hard buddy to try and beat.

The Moon is void of course from 1:36 PM on the 27th until 7:20 PM. 27th is on Wednesday.

Then the Moon goes into Scorpio. That is a really good Moon sign as Scorpio is tough and intense. But what makes it good is the last aspect that it makes is a positive one. It is making a beautiful aspect to Venus. So, if you are looking to pair with somebody, it should definitely make for a very pleasant Thanksgiving Day. Making some deeper connections.

Also, people are a lot less social than they were on the day before, and two days before on Tuesday and Wednesday, during that Libra Moon. But there is a lot of positive bonding with the Scorpio Moon that we have over this Thanksgiving holiday. It could be pleasantly quiet and carries a benefit right through the next Saturday. So, if there are some business ventures that you have been working on, definitely Friday is a real good day to be signing things, talking about contracts with others. Friday seems slow moving and back to business if you definitely want to take advantage of conducting business that will last for a long time. That is because the Moon is parallel to Venus. That makes Friday night rather social in a deeper way. Just sort of one-on-one company. More intense, private company that could make for a very pleasant time.

That Scorpio Moons runs right into early morning on next Saturday. So that Is it for the week.

There is no other Moon phase this week until the first December 1st. There is a New Moon at 9 degrees Sagittarius. So, the most recent lunar phase was The Fourth Quarter, or I call it the Last Quarter Moon. We had that last night, Friday night, 8:29, 8 PM.

That reference, that references medical questions that would have come up. So that is the Last Moon phase for the week until next Sunday, when we have a New Moon on the following Sunday. Okay, that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website, at You can also play it back at WZBC [90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts] for two weeks on the archives. Look for 90.3 the expanding awareness hour. And Kimberly Chin does a transcription, which you can also read about on my website, again at Give me a call at 617-558-7233, if you have questions about astrology, if you'd like to make an appointment or a class. I'm having one on one classes right now. And have a really good week. Join Victor with his pow wow on Thursday. I will. that should be fun, as he always does every Thanksgiving. Okay, that is it for the week. Thank you very much. Back to you, Victor.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Astrology Report for November 16 - 23, 2024 by Dietrech Pessin Saturday, November 16, 2024 - Saturday, November 23, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Hi. This is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead. The Moon is in Gemini. It is time to learn and hear about things, decipher things, and make up your mind about things. This could be new information or new awareness.

We just had that great, big, fat Full Moon in Taurus. This was about money, the Taurus Moon sign and, tradition, family things. So, the Gemini Moon sign is one that will continue beyond Sunday and going in to early Monday. It has a quality of excitement.

The Sun will oppose Uranus. This is exciting. It is today at 9:44 PM, but we are under the influence. We have been under the influence right through that Full Moon. So, the Sun opposite Uranus is a sudden, abrupt change. That is what Uranus is all about. It is confrontational and forces upsetting circumstances. People aligned for a united purpose could be at odds with this type of aspect. A fast-paced objection to ideas and information that challenges the status quo is also the signature of this aspect. So, surprises and reversals come about—misapplication of technical data. So be careful how you are using your technology. You might click the wrong button and have it enter into a world you did not intend. There is a nervous restlessness that exists with this aspect. You may have a hard time sleeping. You may wake up unexpectedly. There could be sounds or noises that wake you up. You may suddenly decide to bolt away from those people who seemingly oppose you. So be mindful of the fact that maybe they do not oppose you; maybe they are your friend.  Maybe you are just in an oppositional mode.

So, you want to discuss efforts to understand and change unconventional behavior. If your behavior seems unconventional, maybe you want to do something by yourself to sort things out.  

During this Gemini Moon sign, confusion is a tactic that might prove to convince those who need to be better informed. So, if you have been confused, you are looking for the right information. You might be more confused by how information is being twisted or manipulated to bring you a better understanding or different understanding than what you already have. Yeah, it is confusing. So that is the whole nature of this Gemini Moon square Neptune.

Then, the last aspect of the Gemini Moon is quincunx. That is 150° (degrees). I call it Life's messy, Clean it up. It is quincunx Pluto. So, the Moon, quincunx Pluto is likely to hold those accountable for damaging gossip that is flying around. During this Gemini Moon sign, being a good listener is your best tactic for getting ahead. You may take action during the Cancer Moon sign for the benefit of your good listening. The Moon travels through the sign of Cancer. But wait. let us talk about a void of course Moon. It is barely noticeable from 3:46 AM Monday morning until 3:49 AM Monday. That is when the Moon goes into Cancer. It travels through that sign for a couple of days. it will be going into Leo not until Wednesday.

So, we have that Cancer Moon sign. It is noticing something going on between Mercury and Jupiter. Mercury is at odds with Jupiter. Well, being in opposite positions of each other's signs. Mercury is in the sign that is ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius. And Jupiter is in the sign that is ruled by Mercury. So, there is confusion there. It is like, what are you doing in my house? You get out of my house. I want you to leave my things alone. Meanwhile, they are upsetting each other. Each planet is occupying the each other's sign.

So, Mercury rules Gemini, and there sits Jupiter, big as life on the ground that Mercury cultivates. Mercury is sitting in Jupiter's sign of Sagittarius. They try to understand what is happening but cannot wrap their heads around this strange situation. So, if you feel like you have packages that do not belong to you. Or you are in places where you do not want to be. Or if you are confused about all that is going on. Mercury opposite Jupiter could be the culprit.

Then Mercury joins up with Venus. This is on Monday, and so was that Mercury Jupiter thing. That is Monday, 3:54 AM.

So. then Mercury is parallel Venus. So that is where Mercury joins up with Venus to try and comfort it, after delivering the news of the day. Also trying to explain this unnerving situation that is going on. People in different places than where they had originally planned.

We have the Sunshine Neptune as it reaches out to enjoy images and films and stories being presented now and things that were created are beautiful. So, this is a time to appreciate all sorts of entertainment that is enriching.

So, we have also a time when you want to choose your poison. This is under the Cancer Moon. Tuesday Mercury is trine Chiron. So, this is a lovely relief maker, Mercury trine Chiron. Indulge in anything that life has to offer to soothe and comfort. It may just be sleeping late. It could be indulging your favorite beverage or your favorite meal or with your favorite friends.

So, we go on with Tuesday the 19th, and there is a big deal happening. Pluto enters Aquarius. Now it is has crossed over this line back and forth over this past year. It goes into Aquarius, finally, for the last time. It will be there until 2044.

This is about worldwide cooperation. Being the business of Pluto and Aquarius, it is likely to bring about scientific break breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity. I hope that is true. But they may be forced to change the way science is viewed. So that is interesting, because there are things going on potentially to change the nature and the impact of science.

Now, the shift from Pluto in an earth sign going into an air sign focuses on material aspects of highlighting ideas, intellectual capital, and the mental realm. The notions of originality and freedom. I see freedom as the biggest player with the Aquarius sign, ruled by Uranus. Wants freedom at all costs. Pluto promises substantial appreciation of these matters for the coming year. And there is that constant striving for freedom for the next 20 years, while Pluto is running through the sign of Aquarius slowly.

The Cancer Moon is still with us beyond that on the 19th into the 20th Wednesday. It will change signs at 8:50 AM on Wednesday, when it enters the sign of Leo. This can be another one of those confusing times. If you have a special talent or special interest, you may want to look more deeply into your subject, while the Sun is still in Scorpio. It is only there until Thursday afternoon, and then you are ready to break out and have some fun when the Sun enters Sagittarius on Thursday.

So, the rest of that Scorpio Moon is digging things. Scorpio Sun sign, rather, is digging very deeply into matters. It is during the Leo Moon. This is a fun Moon. It wants to be fun. It is a happy Moon sign.

And on Thursday, that Leo Moon sign sees the Sun entering into the sign of Sagittarius. That is beautiful. The two are in excellent companionship. When you have the Sun and a fire sign and the Moon and the fire sign, they are both in agreement. But this could also be tricky or tricked. That is because the Moon runs into surprises when squaring off with Uranus. Then its fire could be doused with a wash from Neptune. So, there are some things to watch out for. Getting a little too excited without understanding what could be ahead.

The Moon is quincunx Neptune. This is during Friday, the 22nd. You could sleep right through a big event, something that could have been important for you. You could be asleep at the wheel or be replaced by someone less talented. So, whereas Leo is about your talents. You want to be sharp and available, to be able to present what you have to offer and not be cut out.

The Moon is void-of-course at 12:30 PM until 6:00 PM, all in the afternoon now on Friday. So do not sign anything during that time.  It is not a good time during that Leo Moon to sign anything. Because of the fact that the Moon has this difficult aspect with Neptune, which clouds the subjects, it convinces you to engage in things that may not be good for you. So, you want to take things slowly and wait for a better Moon sign to sign any long-term agreements. A better time is actually over Thanksgiving days, beginning on Wednesday at 7:20 PM through Saturday, November 30 at 5:38 AM.

We have the Leo Moon void of course from 12:30 PM until 6:00 PM. Again, that is on Friday afternoon, early evening.

The Virgo Moon comes in, and it ends with an opposition to Neptune. So that is not the absolute best way either to move forward with your goals. Neptune is a player in a lot of these events. Neptune is a planet of confusion and illusion. It can cast a cloak over what is supposed to be the right thing, the presentable thing. It clouds issues. So be careful about what you take on. A Virgo Moon is about work and cooperation with others. It is usually excellent for getting along with others and doing things that will help to forward your and someone else's goals.

There is a very positive Last Quarter Moon that comes up on Friday evening, 8:27 PM, when the Moon is in Virgo square to the Sun. That is when it picks up the pieces from the mess left behind during the challenges that we had during the Leo Moon sign. So, Moon in Virgo is a work Moon. That is the time to clean up and get things, situations situated for better things ahead. That is, it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website, at And I want to thank Julie Stoller for helping us out. Victor. And also, Kimberly Chin for transcribing the report that you can find on my website at You can give me a call at 617-558-7233. We can talk about astrology. Make an appointment for a session. And if you want to have a class right now, I'm teaching one on one classes. I will be having a group class coming up in the future. So that is it for the week, 617-558-7233. Dietrich Pessin here. Thank you.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for November 9 - 16, 2024 with Green Light Days Saturday, November 9, 2024 - Saturday, November 16, 2024


Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM.


Hi. This is Dietrech Pessin with the astrology report for the week ahead. If you are happy with the results of the US election, congratulations. If you are sad about the results of the election, I am so sorry. We have definitely a lot ahead of us, as far as trying to sort through what is going on. For the next four years, we will have a look at the process and the progress of this up-and-coming administration.

We have, on the 9th of November, Saturday, an Aquarius Moon sign. So, there is a First Quarter Moon in this Aquarius Moon sign. It is related to a New Moon from 9 months ago on February 9th. This means that the events and the matters that were started back then are picking up speed with this Quarter Moon. People bond with like friends and people who are like mindedness. So, this is a good time to join with others who think the way you do. You want to exchange and commiserate or celebrate, whatever. The Aquarius Moon is a gift for that. That Quarter Moon takes place at 12:55 AM. That already happened early this morning.

Then there is a Venus square Neptune. This allows your good impressions to likely be fantasies when Venus is square Neptune. It is filled with illusion and confusion. So, there is perhaps something that you need to check and recheck. I kind of get the image of a scarf, a silk scarf around one's neck. It is flowing out the window. There was a scene in a car. I do not remember what the movie was, but it was a deadly scene, where the scarf actually strangled the driver. So, because there are fantasies, and illusion of freedom and happiness in some way, you have to check deeper. So, this will kind of cover or color a good portion of today, right through to the Moon making its aspect to Venus before the Moon leaves the sign of Aquarius.

That Moon aspect finishes up nicely, where friends can be a comfort at this time. That is the way to go, bond with your friends. Use your friendship as a tool for survival.

 The Pisces Moon beginning 11:00 PM Saturday night begins a Green Light period. So that means you can take action on your goals. There is also… let me back it up, a Green Light period with the Aquarius Moon sign is all day on Saturday. But best after 8:15 AM when Venus is done with that square to Neptune.

Moon square Uranus is not good for making decisions either. That is at 3:17 PM on Saturday. Then the rest of the day after that very good if you want to buy something, sign something, do something important with that Aquarius Moon sign.

Then once again, we will go into this Pisces Moon sign. It is there for a couple of days. It starts 11PM on Saturday night. Goes through Sunday into Monday, and it will be with us also very early Tuesday morning. So, it is a long one. It sees a change with Venus that comes in on Monday, which can color the nature of plans being etched in stone. So, you would never have it etched in stone anyway, with a Pisces Moon.

But the problem is that when Venus changes signs, you might drop everything that you had planned just prior to that. Making that the business of Sunday and Monday. I would go lightly in regard to what it is you are planning to do and how you are planning to do it.

Sunday's Pisces Moon can be very sensitive and a shy time. You may want to hide away until you have the strength to engage with others with this Pisces Moon sign.

On Monday, it is a bit more engaging. Venus leaves lofty Sagittarius and presents a good impression for her 26 day stay in Capricorn. That is what is going to happen on Monday at 1:25 PM. Venus in Capricorn develops relationships very slowly but they are likely to be enduring. Relationships are solid and they are committed. A really good sign for joining with others.

Venus in Capricorn allows you to be responsible with your money and your possessions.  The focus is on the business end of your relationships. Or that is how it starts, then it can morphs into something different, if you like, and brings people closer to you.

Venus will be in the sign of Capricorn until December 7, 2024. After Venus travels into Capricorn, you get a solid Green Light. That would be after 1:25 PM on Monday, right through until 1:13am on Tuesday.

Then we have an Aries Moon sign that comes in. That begins at 1:25 AM on Tuesday. It is with us all day Tuesday, all day Wednesday. There is a cranky spot with Mercury square Saturn. This is when Mercury thinks a lot in the sign of Sagittarius and talks more. But Saturn puts a stop to any running off at the mouth.

The Mercury and Saturn are square in the morning on Tuesday. So, they will carry “a mood” most of the day. Or moodiness.

The Aries Moon is impulsive and ready to go. That appears to gain momentum by midday, but the Moons final contact is a challenging square to Pluto. So, it does get stopped before it can get started from a very bossy and demanding person.

Wednesday, November 13, we have an Aries Moon as well. It is quincunx the Scorpio Sun. A quincunx is that life's - messy, clean it up, aspect. It is happening exactly at 12:53 PM and that is with the Aries Moon sign. You can expect something out of the blue to pop in front of you as you are trying to run ahead or force something through, the way Aries likes to do. There is this big stop. Stop of that full charge ahead. It just does not happen. Does not get off the ground.

The Moon is square Pluto at the end of this Aries Moon sign at 1:49 AM and beginning a void of course Moon sign although for only nine minutes.

Then it is reset, and it is happy to be in the loving hospitality of Taurus. The Moon goes into Taurus at 1:58 AM on November 14th, and it continues through all day Thursday into Friday and Saturday. A little bit into Saturday until 2:02 AM, and making a positive aspect to Pluto securing its future as well.

But what happens on Friday during a Taurus Moon is that Saturn is going to turn direct. Saturn has been retrograde since June 19th, and it is now returning to its direct motion on Friday, this Friday, November 15, at 9:20 AM. Saturn in Pisces is at a loss because feelings muddy the waters. Saturn has a need for concrete foundations and the cold, hard facts. This may be a time when you are planning for an escape to engage in a safer environment. So, think about that after Saturn turns direct 9:20 AM on Friday 11/15/2024.

Neptune rules Pisces. Saturn does not care to be under the rule of this cloaked character Neptune. I always see Neptune as casting the cloak over its face, disguising itself. Dishonesty being one of the greatest enemies here, and it is common with the Pisces energy. So, Saturn is a standup character that may be forced to present a façade or to present in a facade. So that will be interesting to see how that turns out. All and all, going into a new presidency with Saturn in Pisces. There is a lot to be said about things that are going to be on the up and up or not.

Then for the rest of Friday there is a Full Moon. Great, big fat Full Moon, 4:28 PM. 24 degrees of Taurus is where that takes place. This is where times of full exposure is a good thing to balance out those Pisces energies that Saturn is faced with. So, the Taurus Moon is about food first. It is about family values. It is about money, for sure. Definitely money; Your savings, your spending, all that sort of thing. I would say, try and hold on to your money. We do not know what that is going to mean in a few months.

Then for the rest of the Taurus Moon sign, there is a friendly characteristic with the Sun and Uranus in the evening of Friday, making for some fun. A good time to get together with friends. And enjoy good times, good food, and drink. So that would be the bright spot.

There is a Green Light during a Taurus Moon sign. So that Green Light begins at 9:20 AM on Friday and continues right through all day Friday and into the early hours of Saturday, for just two hours there. So that is it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at And you can also read about it when Kimberly Chin transcribes it. Thank you so much, Kimberly. That will be posted on my website as well, You can play it again for two weeks on Victor's show at expanding awareness. [WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings] Look for the 9:30 portion of the 9 to 10 o'clock hour, and that is it for the week. You can give me a call at 617-558-7233. If you want to talk about astrology, make an appointment, talk to me about class. I am having one on one classes right now. I will soon re-start a regular class, so stay tuned for that somewhere in the future.  That is it for now. Dietrech Pessin, signing off. Have a good weekend. Thank you.

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