Saturday, April 23, 2011

Report for April 23 2011

Listen to 90.3 FM Newton MA at 9:30 AM for a live report.
If the radio file does not work, you can paste the following address into your browser:

Or visit for more.

Mercury is now traveling direct in motion until August 2, 2011.
This Mercury retrograde station has been filled with crisis, challenges, stalemates and standstills. You may have felt cut off and isolated from those that bring you comfort. With Mercury at 12:54 Aries when it turned direct was opposite retrograde Saturn at 12 Libra. This creates a set up for mental blocks and failed attempts. You may have been frustrated the entire week with annoying mishaps and seemingly constant misunderstandings. The good news is that most of this is behind us with the exception of next Saturday's Venus - Saturn opposition.
Expense is measured through the relationships as well as money.
As you move forward your efforts are less likely to be met with paper jams and missed calls. Maybe you have spilled just about everything you touch. I have. The extreme resistance to compromise is evident with this elongated opposition of Mercury and Saturn.

My thoughts about the Royal Wedding will follow this report. The charts of William and Kate and their marriage will be the topic of the astrology class this Monday night in Watertown. This is a very interesting study that you won’t want to miss. Call ahead for your seat in the class and directions. Although there is no birth time available for Kate Middleton her solar chart supplies adequate information for this study.

The Moon is in Capricorn Saturday April 23 - Sunday at 1:59 PM
The Moon is in Aquarius Sunday at 1:59 PM until Wednesday April 27 at 12:57 AM
The Moon is in Pisces on Wednesday at 12:57 AM until Friday at 1:33 PM
The Moon is in Aries on Friday April 29 at 1:33 PM until Monday May 2nd at 1:58 AM.

Green Light Days to Move Forward with Your Goals are:
Saturday 4/23 from 6:05 AM through Sunday 4/24 at 3:27 AM when the final aspect is a positive Moon-Pluto parallel aspect. The Moon is void of course (VOC) from 3:27 AM until 1:59 PM Sunday.

Therefore again on Sunday 4/24 you have a green light from 1:59 PM through Tuesday at 11:43 PM with a positive Moon - Jupiter contra parallel aspect. The VOC period is from 11:43 PM Tuesday 4-26 until 12:57 AM Wednesday.

Green Light Wednesday 4/27, from 12:57 AM until Friday April 29, 2011 at 7:49 AM ET which is 12:49 PM in London for the Royal Wedding. VOC period is from 7:49 AM ET until 1:33 PM ET when the Moon enters Aries.

There is a new Green Light period that begins with the Aries Moon through Monday May 2nd at 1:23 AM.

The Aspects this week. All times are eastern daylight time. For the UK add 5 hours.

Apr 23 2011 6:03:56 AM Mercury Direct 12°Ar53'
Apr 24 2011 2:12:28 AM Sun 30° Venus - 03°Ta44' - 03°Ar44'
Apr 24 2011 4:34:27 PM Venus Parallel Uranus - +00°18' - +00°18'
Apr 25 2011 7:09:36 AM Saturn R 150° Ceres - 12°Li16' R - 12°Pi16'
Apr 27 2011 3:21:21 AM Venus 90° Pluto R - 07°Ar25' - 07°Cp25' R
Apr 27 2011 8:59:47 PM Sun 120° Pluto R - 07°Ta25' - 07°Cp25' R
Apr 28 2011 7:54:33 PM Sun Contra parallel Ceres - +14°16' - -14°17'
Apr 28 2011 8:39:15 PM Venus Contra parallel Saturn R - +02°15' - -02°15'
Apr 29 2011 9:00:40 AM Mars Parallel Jupiter - +07°32' - +07°32'
Apr 30 2011 8:14:24 PM Venus Opposite Saturn R - 11°Ar54' - 11°Li54' R

The following are the interpretations for the individual aspects this week.

Saturday April 23, 2011.

Apr 23 2011

Sunday April 24, 2011

Exact Apr 24 2011
Brief description: Budding artistic expression and development. Work with women. Work with artistic projects. The earliest signs of a romance may be developing. Encounters with kindred spirits.
For Personal use: Personal gains. Take stock in self worth. The temptation is to spend but wiser to increase your bank account.
For Business: Signs of financial progress. Choose this time enhance public and business relationships. Have a sale and show your best work. Use art, color and entertainment for a positive presentation.

Exact Apr 24 2011
Brief description: Extremely lucky event with love or money. Allows a merging of the feminine principal with innovative companies; how about a cell phone in a lipstick case. A long-term friendship is formed that may have a cause or mission. Unique or strange costumes.
For personal use: Connect with like-minded people. Have a party. Expect the unexpected. There may be a silver lining in a recent cloud.
For business use: Keep a close record of you ideas for profitable innovative notions

Monday April 25, 2011

Exact Apr 25 2011
This aspect is difficult for those trying to have children. Food and urgent supplies could be down and the support you had hoped for is too little too late. Elderly people require more assistance. Medical procedures could be indicated here. This aspect is hard on children as they feel they are completely misunderstood or are not important. There is a better aspect on Thursday to mend this issue. This aspect can bring low feelings of depression.

Tuesday April 26, 2011
There are no planetary aspects on Tuesday.

Wednesday April 27, 2011

Exact Apr 27 2011
Brief description: A highly sensual or sexual energy that may spark jealousy or obsessive behaviors. This may reveal territorial disputes. There may be disagreements about shared possessions or monetary responsibilities. Issues regarding wills and estates may surface. Deep emotional matters seemingly difficult to resolve.
For personal use: You may feel there is a better time to address difficult issues. Other wise this can be good for some sexual healing when appropriate.
For business use: You may not be able to gloss over matters when you owe money. Put your issues on the table with a few good proposals for action.

Exact Apr 27 2011
Brief description: A display of power and magnetism. Financial determination. Matters of trust have an opening for powerful alignments. Physical stamina and resilience. Sexual drive. Balance expressed with physical issues. Financial matters begin to balance out.
For personal use: Use this time for deep inner and outer development. Approach maters with a sense of trust and sharing
For business use: A good day to turn financial issues over to an accountant or an influential person.

Thursday April 28, 2011

Exact Apr 28 2011
The Sun and Ceres team up for a big event. This is a temporary assistance that supports a prominent figure. Certainly this is a great help to the bride and groom for their Royal Wedding. Attention to the food and comfort for others are a high priority. For the rest of us this could be a good time to select a health practitioner or daycare provider. Children feel comforted with this aspect.

Exact Apr 28 2011
Brief description: The joining of those in different ranks or class. The Royal couple is the perfect example for this aspect. This allows for an arranged opportunity to meet with leaders or family head.
There may be a temporary understanding for the cause of separation between loved ones. A temporary decision to cease spending, borrowing or lending money or possessions. To join with those of greater age or rank differences such as the Defense Secretary visits with the troops at the battle site.
For personal use: Look into alternative retirement plans.
For business use: Position yourself by appearing competent and not pushy.

Friday April 29, 2011

Exact Apr 29 2011
Brief description: This infrequent beneficial aspect enhances foreign matters, travel, education, plans of acquisition or any business ventures or mergers. Mars is the planet of active energy and aggression; Jupiter is the planet of expansion and therefore may increase military operations.
A show of luck and favorable conditions that supply lasting results. You are able to advance in a big way with the right combination. An optimistic endeavor is initiated. To connect with benevolence. An abundance of confidence, courage, energy and drive. A sign of fully charged batteries. Too much energy could lead to calamity. There might be motivations toward legal action or legal joining (marriage). A "might makes right" mentality.
On the downside egos loom large and bringing a quarrelsome, impatient energy which is prone to errors. You may find some to be over opinionated without forethought. Misjudgments can be made when leading others. You may hear yourself or others strongly boasting beliefs and fights for ones religious beliefs. This favors athletic and competitive sports. This aspect increases social involvement with others. A fortunate time for finding like-minded people to join in shared activities. Conferences, workshops and spiritual gatherings. The green light with publishers. A winning combination. Positive and successful attitudes and activities. Issues concerning ethics. The mark of the crusader. Enterprising.
Personal activities: Socialize. It’s time to hop on the band wagon. Practice your spiritual tools to move forward.
In business: Advertise, market your ideas. Send out your proposals; submit to publishers; pitch your projects.

Saturday April 30, 2011

Exact Apr 30 2011
Brief description: This a tough aspect emotionally and financially. It can mark the end to low period in money and love. There may be a separation from loved ones; loneliness and issues of injuries from past loves. People may be insensitive to feelings and sentimentality. Difficulty getting emotional and financial needs met. Businesses temporarily run weak. Women in business meet with major obstacles or complete opposition. Difficulty loosening your significant other's purse strings. The money is just not there. There could be a loss of personal items. One chooses utility and disregards esthetics. Uncomfortable social settings. Social faux pas.
For personal use: Keep your wallet and luggage close to your chest.
For business use: Avoid applying for loans. If a request for money is denied, wait a few days for this to pass.

April 23, 2011 - April 30, 2011 A Happy Astrology Day - Mercury is Direct once again.

Come back later for a complete report. Listen to 90.3 FM Newton MA at 9:30 AM for a live report.
Or visit for more.

Mercury is now traveling direct in motion until August 2, 2011.
This Mercury retrograde station has been filled with crisis, challenges, stalemates and standstills. You may have felt cut off and isolated from those that bring you comfort. With Mercury at 12:54 Aries when it turned direct was opposite retrograde Saturn at 12 Libra. This creates a set up for mental blocks and failed attempts. You may have been frustrated the entire week with annoying mishaps and seemingly constant misunderstandings. The good news is that most of this is behind us with the exception of next Saturday's Venus - Saturn opposition.
Expense is measured through the relationships as well as money.
As you move forward your efforts are less likely to be met with paper jams and missed calls. Maybe you have spilled just about everything you touch. I have. The extreme resistance to compromise is evident with this elongated opposition of Mercury and Saturn.

Green Light Days to Move Forward with Your Goals are:
Saturday 4/23 from 6:05 AM through Sunday 4/24 at 3:27 AM when the final aspect is a positive Moon-Pluto parallel aspect. The Moon is void of course (VOC) from 3:27 AM until 1:59 PM Sunday.

Therefore again on Sunday 4/24 you have a green light from 1:59 PM through Tuesday at 11:43 PM with a positive Moon - Jupiter contra parallel aspect. The VOC period is from 11:43 PM Tuesday 4-26 until 12:57 AM Wednesday.

Green Light Wednesday 4/27, from 12:57 AM until Friday April 29, 2011 at 7:49 AM ET which is 12:49 PM in London for the Royal Wedding. VOC period is from 7:49 AM ET until 1:33 PM ET when the Moon enters Aries.

There is a new Green Light period that begins with the Aries Moon through Monday May 2nd at 1:23 AM.

Transcribed audio file for April 16- April 23, 2011 for info regarding classes and consultations call Dietrech at 617-924-0929

Dietrech Pessin’s
Weekly Astrology Report
Sat Apr 16 2011 – Fri Apr 22 2011 – Transcribed audio report
phone 617-924-0929

We have a very powerful week happening here. There is a full moon Sunday night. It is power packed. The moon is as close as it gets to the earth in its cycle this month. It’s almost as close as it was with last month’s full moon. The Sun is aligned with Mars. The moon is aligned with a hypothetical planet Apollon, as in the Sun God Apollo. It is related to Apollo the Sun God. This gives the full Moon chart a sort of double sun meaning Apollon will duplicate or double the influence of anything that connects. There is this multiple multi-dimensional quality to it. Sees it as two Suns with an enormous amount of solar energy, solar power. Also qualities of talents and things have to do with putting your best foot forward.

It is expected for the full moon to come to the table compromise and try to move forward in a well thought out manner. The types of things that we can expect with this is there will be greater firing of bombs and missiles and all that sort of thing that’s going on in the Middle East that is stepped up with this duplication thing. Then also there will be multiple marriages, multiple divorces that would apply as well. There are all sorts of things you will want to think through before you move forward. Compromise is the best way to deal with things. Mercury is retrograde so you don’t want to make any major decisions without leaving a lot of room for adjustment later.

The best days this week to take action and move forward going to be on Thursday after 12:06 am until 12:53 pm. And also Next Saturday after 6:04 am when Mercury finally turns direct until early Sunday morning.

So what we have for the most difficult days this week that’s going to be Sunday and Monday, this day will feel pretty tense as well because of the full moon. Deadlines are right in front of you, you have to complete, and you have to join, bring others into the mix. Hear their side or show their sides. So be fair go and try and let fairness be part of the solution.

April 16 Mercury is parallel Jupiter. This aspect has to do with travelling or increased intellectual capacity. Writing publishing teaching, all those things where information comes from great distances. Probably bringing a new insight, a new piece of information. There is a change of scenery that would help get your mind going. It is a talkative day. It is also social.
Also transiting Mars is opposing Saturn. We will feel that in tomorrow’s full moon. And for the full moon, it is definitely a time of great stresses on partnerships and agreements. And we can allow for things that reoccur and reengage with things with Mercury retrograde. Workers strikes are possible. Also dead stop calling for action to stop in its tracks. That is the nature of that Saturn and Mars opposition. Sheer frustration. You have to start and stop and allow for all sorts of things to come in. there are potential for cuts off, blocks, and loss of jobs. An athletic challenge that is going to be very difficult. Hopes the Celtics win. It is really hot and cold with Saturn opposite Mars. Objections to judicial rulings. Some type of an end to a major battle. It is very, very exhausting. Don’t get a lot of rest during this time. Reinforce your supplies. And be careful of your teeth. Don’t be biting into things too hard for your teeth. And you want to utilize the best problem solvers. That is the only major aspect going on for Monday April 18th.

Tuesday April 19, 2011
Mercury conjunct Mars. Now this aspect will be around for a couple of days. Calls it “foot in mouth” aspect. And will be continued with Mercury parallel Mars also on Wednesday. So Tuesday and Wednesday we have that rush of mental energy, mental urgency. Very over reactive. Sometimes too much you have to think before you speak. Some judgments are real quick and real accurate. And others are not. So patience and process. Process your words, process your thoughts before they leave your mouth.

Very quick travel or plans suddenly to have to travel sending enough equipment is likely and maybe you are moving things around on that day. Moving from one job/ task to the next. People expect very fast work.
Also keep an eye out for animals on the road. There May be animals that stray out of the house that are not familiar with cars also wild animals. Also look out for other signals from your pets that they may need your help. It is definitely a day to cut through red tape. That is the kind of thing that we can expect to see with Mercury Mars is that we can possible can reach the person you are trying to get to.

We have a moon sign change from Libra to Scorpio Monday morning at 2:19 am. The Scorpio moon is not meant for light weights. So you want to take a seasoned professional with you. And the Scorpio moon will continue until 2:50 am on Wednesday.

Wednesday is very nice particularly very optimistic type of day. Sun enters Taurus. The focus is put on financial matters, economic matters around the world. The Sun is also sextile Neptune. there is that quality of finding solutions in a visionary way. Finding ways from hidden sources to make things work. The Sun will be in the sign of Taurus for the next month until the sun enters Gemini on May 21st.

The other things that are going on for Thursday - a very good day. The moon is VOC however after 12:57 pm Venus changes signs on Thursday and enters Aries. Venus is compromised in this sign because she is really looking to stand and get her needs met in a very quick way and she is not thinking things through. Venus in Aries lacks the quality of long thought out desires. She is right there along side of Mars. Mars is going to go right along with her. Mars is dominate because Mars is in its own sign. She is not subtle in appearance. She tends to be showy. So this is when the people are really motivated to satisfy their own needs somewhat impatiently. Then the sun is contra-parallel Neptune. This is Good intentions; idealistic plans are met with executive objections. There is creative streak here that becomes confused. Too much information from processing the project. Inspiration is part of your motivation. So work with color design and things of that nature for that Thursday April 21st aspect.

Then what we have is the moon void of course period ending on Friday at 6:24 am when the moon enters Capricorn. A Capricorn moon is all about business. We do have an aspect between Venus and Uranus;this allows like-minded people find one another very spontaneously. They have some connection with groups or some common interest. But also brings strange bed fellows together. There is likely to a lot of unusual attire. Love relationships may suddenly form but also suddenly split apart. So you may want to be a lot cautious about whom you attract on that day.
At the end of the week Mercury is turning direct. 6:04 am next Saturday. And that’s it for the week.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Astrology Report for April 9-April 23, 2011

Visit my new Moon Family page at:

This week has several Green Light Days:

1. Saturday April 9 after 5:02 PM until Monday at 2:26 PM.
2. Again on Monday at 11:37 PM until Thursday April 14th at 12:42 AM.
3. Again on Thursday beginning at 2:40 AM until 11:15 PM on Friday when the Moon is parallel Venus.
The Green Light days translates to a positive outcome for your efforts this week however, there is a hitch. For one Mercury is retrograde until April 23, 2011 bringing better luck for your activities that involve anything that qualifies as "second time around". Another snag is seen with Mars headed for a difficult square to Pluto on Monday April 11 and then moves into an opposition to Saturn on April 18th. This adds up to a heavy workload with few rewards. You may be operating in the red until the Sun enters Taurus on Wednesday April 20th. The Full Moon on April 17th is packing another large Moon while at the closest distance from earth this month. The Mars and Saturn opposition looms large at the full moon but defines the closeout point of a long hard wait. It appears that the energy lifts by midweek April 20th.

A question from Sally Pelliccia came in today. "What was the connection to 1995 when I related it to the Jupiter and Saturn opposition. Here is my answer.

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned how 1995 was back up again by astro-memory when Jupiter and Saturn made their opposition at 14 Aries/Libra. I should have included 1996 as there was a pair of lunar eclipses at those same degree in October 1995 and April 1996. You may continue to find connections with that six month period. Even though Jupiter has left the scene, retrograde Saturn will pass this way again for two weeks in August.

Enjoy the week and drop me a line with your feedback.

Times EDT Saturday, April 09, 2011

Saturday The day begins with a void of course Moon period in Gemini until 5:01 PM when the Moon enters Cancer through Monday night. Mercury in Aries is retrograde for another two weeks. Our thinking is highly active although not focused. Neptune's recent change to Pisces on April 4, 2011 has created a fog with many smoke screens clouding issues.

2:48:54 AM The dress is all wrong and the couple are at odds with Venus and Juno, the two most versed in relationships are opposed at 15° Virgo/Pisces. At least you are able to see the nature of the problem which involves cosmetic finishes.

4:50:50 AM Pluto turns retrograde at 4:50 AM until September 16, 2011. Pluto’s overbearing energy brings added pressure to an already emotionally loaded situation. Those in the seat of power attempt to force their will on others. The US Congress has decided on a budget after pushing the limit before a government shutdown. Heavy consequences are indicated by Pluto’s station at the midpoint of Mars and Saturn. Pluto rules births, deaths and abortion. It was the abortion issue that held up the decision of the US budget. You may experience a visit of your greatest fears when you are flushed with anxieties of being overrun by finances or some type of infiltration/infestation.

3:36:16 PM The Sun and Mercury join for an important announcment while conjunct at 19° Aries. This is an eclipse degree which reflects back to 2005 when a solar eclipse occurred here. The Pope John Paul died and Prince Charles and Camilla were married under the influence of that eclipse. Now Prince William and Kate will marry. The US Congress has decided on a budget after pushing the limit before a government shutdown.

5:01:40 PM The Moon enters Cancer. During this Moon sign you have positive energy to move forward with matters that you have previously attempted.

5:18:33 PM Moon trine Nepune for an inspired notion soon to be uprooted.

8:06:03 PM Moon square Uranus is abrupt and disruptive.

10:45:31 PM Something you perceived as worthy has suddenly lost its value or been disturbed.

Sunday Sunday April 10, 2011. This is a Green Light Day. Go for it if it qualifies as ongoing or second time around events. The Moon's final aspect is a ontra parallel to Pluto on Monday afternoon which colors the outcome of the activities during the Cancer Moon period. This indicates the need to compromise or adhere to the demands of others. You must meet the requirements to increase or gain ground or money. Family may dispute over rights.

4:52:19 AM Moon square Mars adds to conflict.

6:21:41 AM Family needs are your primary concern. Moon trine Ceres.

7:00:52 AM The pressure from others is overbearning. You may feel the need to micromanage your enviornment.

3:05:49 PM Take a break for something pleasureable. Enjoy your company.

5:44:41 PM A low mood invades a nice day.(Moon square Saturn.) Eat something and enjoy a
nice evening with family and your closest friends.

Monday Monday April 11, 2011. This is a Green Light Day. Go for it if it qualifies as ongoing or second time around events. The Moon's final aspect is a ontra parallel to Pluto on Monday afternoon which colors the outcome of the activities during the Cancer Moon period. This indicates the need to compromise or adhere to the demands of others. You must meet the requirements to increase or gain ground or money. Family may dispute over rights.

2:03:12 AM There is something to celebrate with Venus and Jupiter aligned for a temporary contra parallel.

2:15:31 AM Moon trine Venus.

3:03:02 AM Moon square retrograde Mercury.

6:28:00 AM Pluto is 60° to Ceres. There is an opportunity to compromise for the good of all.

7:53:03 AM Retrograde Mercury is 30° to Venus. There are attempts to smooth over a difficult situation with information or topics once before known are reintroduced into a delicate setting. Visits with friends and relatives are pleasantly received.

8:05:23 AM The First Quarter Moon at 21 Cancer occurs at 8:05 AM. Action is taken to forward a goal that was seeded nine months ago when a New Moon occurred on July 11, 2010. This is a signifcant lunar phase because the New Moon was a solar elcipse and carries a strong message. Matters begin to take form

2:26:48 PM The Moon is considered void of course until 11:37 PM after a contra parallel to Pluto. This indicates the need to compromise or adhere to the demands of others. You must meet the requirements to increase or gain ground or money. Family may dispute over rights.

4:40:55 PM Mars in Aries is square retrograde Pluto in Capricorn. I call this "the steamroller aspect". Steamrollers are effective for flattening the surface to create a flat hard top for a new road. On a symbolic level it may indicate that those in a position of power may mow others down with greed and a severe competitive drive at the root of the intention. On a positive note, the objective is to accomplish a mission at all cost and pull out all stops. Therefore for those planning to take charge of life and redesign a new path, you may succeed in erasing all existing remnants of the past or current setting to assure a new future but you must avoid ruthless advances. This combination allows for very serious strategic planning and allow one to cut a new design. Impatience shortchanges strategic plans which may affect failure. Speeders get tickets. Over drawn bank accounts rack up fees. Pornography is in the news.

The physiological indications necessitate surgery; irritable bowl disorder. Psychological indications may include a fear of being "raked over hot coals"; obsessive drives and behaviors; some may experience a bout of paranoia with difficulty discriminating between reality and tricks of the mind. This may be true for those in positions of power who feel threatened by both insiders and outsiders. Deep nervous tension that is hard to sort through. Good day to process anger in your therapist's office. There are strong sexual urges with this combination. A strong drive for dramatic core change.
For personal use you might be serious about the direction of your future. Avoid allowing strong sexual urges to interfere with your primary objective. This is a time for personal transformation. Access your own power and reflect on help from those in positions of power but do not approach them unless you are also in a powerful seat. Break out of the grip of the monkey on your back by surrendering your grip on the reigns. Things to avoid are annoying symbols of greed and misuse of othe'rs finances. Proceed only if you are well prepared. Dig deep and plan to cut new fabric.

11:37:04 PM 4/11/2011 The Moon enters Leo until Thursday morning. There is another green light period during this Moon sign becaue the Moon's final aspect is parallel retrograde Mercury. You are sucessful when creating a paper that describes your creative principal or project. Executive desicions are supported by others. By using Mercury retrogrades strong suit for any attempt which qualifies as a second time around, including marriage to the same person.

11:59:13 PM Mercury is conjunct Jupiter to broaden our minds and act quickly to effect change where there is a problem.

11:59:21 PM Monday, April 11, 2011

Tuesday Tuesday, April 12, 2011

1:06:58 AM Mars rushes to the aid of Cerest in Pisces. Someone has been left behind or has not returned. The food is contaminated and new methods must be addressed to solve these problems. Children are in need of protection.

2:43:01 AM Tuesday Moon is trine Uranus.

4:14:38 AM Sun is parallel Mercury. Finally we are getting somewhere. Good minds come together to brainstorm. Useful suggestions emerge.

12:42:43 PM The Moon forms two 150° aspects involving first Pluto at 12:43 PM followed by a 150° aspect to Ceres. This aspect is troublesome and may involve issues with children. What comes to mind is the summer camp attended by Senator Scott Brown has been shut down pending an investigation of sexual abuse.

1:29:43 PM Moon 150° Ceres.
1:53:48 PM Moon trine Mars Tuesday.

10:27:38 PM Tuesday Moon 60° sextile Saturn. Progress is made with the help of seasoned professionals.

Wednesday 4/13/2011. The Leo Moon brings a green light until 12:41 AM Thursday morning.

4:48:16 AM The Moon connects with retrograde Mercury for an easy access to information about important players for your goals. Move forward with a Green Light until the Moon parallel retrograde Mercury early Thursday.

6:42:43 AM Mars contra parallel Saturn will allow for difficult advesaries to see eye to eye for a short time. Use this aspect to accomplish a large task or finish a project.

6:50:12 AM Leo Moon trine Jupiter in Aries.
3:58:14 PM Leo Moon trine the Sun in Aries.
5:53:51 PM Leo Moon parallel the Sun. Go for it.

Thursday Thursday, April 14, 2011

12:41:44 AM Void of course Moon period begins at 12:41 AM until 2:40 AM.

2:40:21 AM Apr 14 2011 the Moon enters Virgo until Saturday morning. This is also a good Moon sign to move forward with things already in progress. Retry and redo matters that include the cooperation with others in areas that require money and compassion. Venus is the last planet to engage with the Virgo Moon on Friday at 11:15 PM. Funding may be available for existin projects.

3:06:40 AM Moon is opposite Neptune and blinds the primary goal. Look out for dumb decisions.

5:45:56 AM Something is upset by the truth when the Moon is 150° Uranus. Wait another hour before moving forward with your goals.

2:43:41 PM Chose this time to ask for money for one time only.
2:57:00 PM Your banker is open and accessitble with Moon trine Pluto.
6:50:15 PM Moon quincunx (150°) Mars puts you to work on an unexpected task.
7:34:32 PM Moon parallel Mars will allow for others to join in your project to make a difference.

10:02:53 PM Mars 60° to Pallas, the godess of wisdom is ready for battle and knows exactly how to make the most out a well thought out plan.

Friday 4/15/2011. Overall there is a positive outcome to the events on this day. Venus is graciously holding the door for the Moon as it exits. This may set you on your way with a little money and a sense of satisfaction. Others are happy to help when they can.

2:24:14 PM The weather and your mind are cloudy when retrograde Mercury is 45° from Neptune. Avoid jumping to conclusion or aggreeing to things until this passes.

4:48:35 PM You may loose temporarily but try again later. Virgo Moon oposite Venus in Pisces. You may be ready to work but Venus is applying her makeup.

6:47:12 PM With a little hard work it comes together. Moon parallel Saturn.

8:07:38 PM Expect a short delay when the Moon is 150° from the Sun. You get a glimpse at the matters at hand that need to close for the Full Moon deadline on Sunday April 17th.

10:22:36 PM Moon contra parallel Mars - helps you to get your act together.

11:15:06 PM Venus parallel the Moon. Enjoy a happy ending.

Saturday April 16, 2011.

2:58:49 AM Saturday April 16. The Moon enters Libra and is headed for a Full Moon Sunday as the final aspect. This is an intense Moon sign that places stress on partners and aggreements. For some, important compromises are hashed out. Engage carefully and consider all sides before saying yes.

5:43:41 AM Venus contra parallel Mars to add some money for your efforts. Enjoy a happy ending.

2:48:44 PM Moon is square retrograde Pluto.
9:08:39 PM Moon opposite Mars.
11:17:17 PM Moon conjunct Saturn.
Sunday 4/17/2011 Full Moon at 10:44 PM in Libra.

10:43:59 PM Full Moon at 27° Libra 44'. This begins the void of course Moon period until 2:19 AM on Monday when the Moon enters Scorpio. (Hello Sally and Thank you)

Monday, April 18, 2011

12:02 PM Mars opposite Saturn. This is a cut off period filled with layoffs and possible strikes. The issues of the reduced rights of a union is under this aspect. This is a hard work period which is mostly to find work.

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: