Saturday, April 23, 2011

Transcribed audio file for April 16- April 23, 2011 for info regarding classes and consultations call Dietrech at 617-924-0929

Dietrech Pessin’s
Weekly Astrology Report
Sat Apr 16 2011 – Fri Apr 22 2011 – Transcribed audio report
phone 617-924-0929

We have a very powerful week happening here. There is a full moon Sunday night. It is power packed. The moon is as close as it gets to the earth in its cycle this month. It’s almost as close as it was with last month’s full moon. The Sun is aligned with Mars. The moon is aligned with a hypothetical planet Apollon, as in the Sun God Apollo. It is related to Apollo the Sun God. This gives the full Moon chart a sort of double sun meaning Apollon will duplicate or double the influence of anything that connects. There is this multiple multi-dimensional quality to it. Sees it as two Suns with an enormous amount of solar energy, solar power. Also qualities of talents and things have to do with putting your best foot forward.

It is expected for the full moon to come to the table compromise and try to move forward in a well thought out manner. The types of things that we can expect with this is there will be greater firing of bombs and missiles and all that sort of thing that’s going on in the Middle East that is stepped up with this duplication thing. Then also there will be multiple marriages, multiple divorces that would apply as well. There are all sorts of things you will want to think through before you move forward. Compromise is the best way to deal with things. Mercury is retrograde so you don’t want to make any major decisions without leaving a lot of room for adjustment later.

The best days this week to take action and move forward going to be on Thursday after 12:06 am until 12:53 pm. And also Next Saturday after 6:04 am when Mercury finally turns direct until early Sunday morning.

So what we have for the most difficult days this week that’s going to be Sunday and Monday, this day will feel pretty tense as well because of the full moon. Deadlines are right in front of you, you have to complete, and you have to join, bring others into the mix. Hear their side or show their sides. So be fair go and try and let fairness be part of the solution.

April 16 Mercury is parallel Jupiter. This aspect has to do with travelling or increased intellectual capacity. Writing publishing teaching, all those things where information comes from great distances. Probably bringing a new insight, a new piece of information. There is a change of scenery that would help get your mind going. It is a talkative day. It is also social.
Also transiting Mars is opposing Saturn. We will feel that in tomorrow’s full moon. And for the full moon, it is definitely a time of great stresses on partnerships and agreements. And we can allow for things that reoccur and reengage with things with Mercury retrograde. Workers strikes are possible. Also dead stop calling for action to stop in its tracks. That is the nature of that Saturn and Mars opposition. Sheer frustration. You have to start and stop and allow for all sorts of things to come in. there are potential for cuts off, blocks, and loss of jobs. An athletic challenge that is going to be very difficult. Hopes the Celtics win. It is really hot and cold with Saturn opposite Mars. Objections to judicial rulings. Some type of an end to a major battle. It is very, very exhausting. Don’t get a lot of rest during this time. Reinforce your supplies. And be careful of your teeth. Don’t be biting into things too hard for your teeth. And you want to utilize the best problem solvers. That is the only major aspect going on for Monday April 18th.

Tuesday April 19, 2011
Mercury conjunct Mars. Now this aspect will be around for a couple of days. Calls it “foot in mouth” aspect. And will be continued with Mercury parallel Mars also on Wednesday. So Tuesday and Wednesday we have that rush of mental energy, mental urgency. Very over reactive. Sometimes too much you have to think before you speak. Some judgments are real quick and real accurate. And others are not. So patience and process. Process your words, process your thoughts before they leave your mouth.

Very quick travel or plans suddenly to have to travel sending enough equipment is likely and maybe you are moving things around on that day. Moving from one job/ task to the next. People expect very fast work.
Also keep an eye out for animals on the road. There May be animals that stray out of the house that are not familiar with cars also wild animals. Also look out for other signals from your pets that they may need your help. It is definitely a day to cut through red tape. That is the kind of thing that we can expect to see with Mercury Mars is that we can possible can reach the person you are trying to get to.

We have a moon sign change from Libra to Scorpio Monday morning at 2:19 am. The Scorpio moon is not meant for light weights. So you want to take a seasoned professional with you. And the Scorpio moon will continue until 2:50 am on Wednesday.

Wednesday is very nice particularly very optimistic type of day. Sun enters Taurus. The focus is put on financial matters, economic matters around the world. The Sun is also sextile Neptune. there is that quality of finding solutions in a visionary way. Finding ways from hidden sources to make things work. The Sun will be in the sign of Taurus for the next month until the sun enters Gemini on May 21st.

The other things that are going on for Thursday - a very good day. The moon is VOC however after 12:57 pm Venus changes signs on Thursday and enters Aries. Venus is compromised in this sign because she is really looking to stand and get her needs met in a very quick way and she is not thinking things through. Venus in Aries lacks the quality of long thought out desires. She is right there along side of Mars. Mars is going to go right along with her. Mars is dominate because Mars is in its own sign. She is not subtle in appearance. She tends to be showy. So this is when the people are really motivated to satisfy their own needs somewhat impatiently. Then the sun is contra-parallel Neptune. This is Good intentions; idealistic plans are met with executive objections. There is creative streak here that becomes confused. Too much information from processing the project. Inspiration is part of your motivation. So work with color design and things of that nature for that Thursday April 21st aspect.

Then what we have is the moon void of course period ending on Friday at 6:24 am when the moon enters Capricorn. A Capricorn moon is all about business. We do have an aspect between Venus and Uranus;this allows like-minded people find one another very spontaneously. They have some connection with groups or some common interest. But also brings strange bed fellows together. There is likely to a lot of unusual attire. Love relationships may suddenly form but also suddenly split apart. So you may want to be a lot cautious about whom you attract on that day.
At the end of the week Mercury is turning direct. 6:04 am next Saturday. And that’s it for the week.

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