Sunday, June 5, 2011

Jupiter In Taurus

Jun 4 2011 – June 11 2012.
Jupiter represents abundance, optimism and perspective. We can assume there will be expansion along various avenues and hopefully there will be an expansion of money and property. Most frequently Jupiter offers freedom from something if not through an expanded awareness or change of perspective. The freedom could be more philosophical in nature or in addition to actual release from something that binds you now. Certainly Jupiter in Taurus seeks the underlying truth or source of loyalties and traditions which are under Taurus’ domain. We might assume the tone for the current economic condition has been set by those given the monetary power under the Bush administration. This fact acknowledges Jupiter’s overindulgent nature. Bush gained momentum during his run for president at the time of the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Taurus in 2000. This single astro-event marked the beginning of a new soci-economic cycle. From an optimistic perspective one may expect to enjoy the performance of stocks and other investments. Assuming the average person has anything left after the pillaging from the richest corporations such as Enron and World Com and some greedy individuals such as Bernie Madoff, etc. Madoff bilked thousands of people out of their retirement funds. Bernard Madoff is a Taurus who was born April 29, 1938 in Queens, NY (no birth time is available). As Jupiter returns to the 2000 Jupiter and Saturn conjunction over the next year, (exact May 11, 2012) we may claim pieces of that era with new gains or an honest perspective of what happened. However Saturn will form a 150° quincunx to the conjunction point this fall and Jupiter at that time will be retrograde at 4° Taurus. We can project to June 28, 2011 for a clue to the meaning of the adjustments for the many that lost so much during a time of the great gain of a few when Jupiter is first at 4° of Taurus.
On a lighter side this would be a wonderful time for an ancestry search or title search of property or the planning of a family reunion. Jupiter tends to be redundant and loudly proclaims its gains. While in Taurus Jupiter may pack on the pounds as Taurus is by nature, in love with food.

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