Monday, October 15, 2012

Astrology Report with Green Light Periods for the week of October 13-20, 2012

The absolute best time to take action this week begins on Wednesday night at 8:25 PM through Friday at 4:26 PM. This is exceptional because the final aspect of the Moon is a 60 degree aspect of opportunity. Take advantage of what comes to you & move forward.
The Green Light periods this week are as follows:
Saturday 7:01 PM through Sunday at 8:00 AM. This period is cut short by the disappearance of the Moon into its Dark Phase. The Dark Phase of the Moon will last until Tuesday at 10AM.
(At 7:01 PM Saturday the Moon enters Libra through Monday at 8:06 PM and is actively engaging with planets until it becomes void of course (v/c) Monday from 10:08 AM after the Moon is parallel Neptune until 8:06 PM.)

For Monday October 15th I have reservations during the next Green Light Period which begins at 8:06 PM when the Moon enters Scorpio and continues through Wednesday night at 8:25 PM. During this time it might be best if you receive with an open mind & heart but avoid taking outward direct action until Tuesday at 10:00 AM when the Moon emerges from its Dark Phase. This period Green Light period within the Scorpio Moon beginning at 10:00 AM Tuesday runs through 7:13 PM Wednesday night.

As the light develops on Tuesday mid-morning a more obvious path emerges with the Scorpio Moon’s Green Light period. This is terrific for focusing on the soul of the matter plus you can successfully move into positions that encourage payouts or loans.

Wednesday at 7:13 PM the Moon is v/c until 8:25 PM when a new Green Light period begins with the Sagittarius Moon until 4:26 PM Friday. This is the best time during the week to advance your goals.

During the dark phase of the Moon we lack the guidance of our best advice because all the facts are not available to us in the dark period. Avoid outward actions as more will be revealed & you can avoid the regret of having acted too soon.

Sunday October 14, 2012.
The Moon is in peace loving Libra all day & you have a Green Light with caution of missing important facts. Let things come to you.
As for the planets; Mercury scouts for a good investment when connecting with Vesta. This is also a time for creating a sacred space for yourself to nurture your needs.
2:47 PM Mars in Sagittarius is square Chiron in Pisces. This is an accident prone combination. Mars in Sag is already bumping into walls & tumbling. Mix this with a bit of horseplay from Chiron & wound is likely.
Monday October 15, 2012.
The Libra New Moon occurs on Monday Oct 15 at 8:02 AM bringing a unique set of circumstances to the negotiating table. People are not resigned to the old way but are ingeniously moved by innovation & the momentum of current progress; as Mars & Uranus display their most dynamic energies with completely open doors. The doors may not be those of bliss but simply an opening for the notion of remarkable change. This shift can bring a united force which invites a push-back with rebellious intent. The New Moon is a time when the seed is planted. It is best to make your intentions obvious after the Moon develops some light & you have fully processed your thoughts.
Just before Monday the Libra Moon sees a harmonious 120° trine between Mars & Uranus. I always say it’s the players that create the harmony & Mars & Uranus combinations are too wacky to predict harmony which instead might maintain a higher risk of accidents. However the pair may reveal where invention has made life a little easier. It could lead to something great in the future.

The v/c Moon period from 10:08 AM through 8:06 PM is filled with the aspect between Jupiter & Saturn at 135°. During this transit you may have difficulty striking a balance between your own personal goals and your responsibilities. Tension & frustrations can arise. You may benefit by cultivating cooperation with others. Meeting people head on or dismissing them is counter-productive. The positive note for this transit is a sense of gratitude for the life you have & that you may see a way to foster positive growth in stagnant areas of your life.

At 8:06 PM Monday the Moon enters Scorpio until 8:25 PM on Wednesday night. This period has a Green Light zone within the Scorpio Moon beginning at 10:00 AM Tuesday through 7:13 PM Wednesday night.

Tuesday October 16, 2012.
The planetary aspects for Tuesday include a lovely Mercury 60° Venus at 8:31AM. This is perfect for accepting invitations that could lead to romance. It also shows an opening for monetary gains. If you need to invite others into your plans this is a good day to do so.
Mercury moves into another aspect at 6:36 PM with Jupiter which could send you packing for reasons of advancement. Even better is an aspect between Venus & Jupiter but this one is a little too celebratory. You may over indulge & miss the important appointment in the morning. An encouraging message could come in before 10:30PM when the Moon joins Mercury at a high point in Scorpio.
Wednesday Oct 17, 2012.
Venus & Saturn are 45° apart bringing dissatisfaction with partners or a money problem. This aspect is stingy but there is a signal which is ready to mow down worries for the time being. Later the deal could pull together.

At 7:13 PM the Moon is v/c until 8:25 PM when a new Green Light period begins with the Sagittarius Moon until 4:26 PM Friday. This is the best time during the week to advance your goals.
Thursday October 18, 2012.
The Sagittarius Moon & the commitment aspects of the Sun, Saturn & Vesta bring money for property or the commencement of work previously allocated.
The aspects for Thursday are Sun 120° Vesta
Sun parallel Saturn
Mercury parallel Pluto

Friday the Sagittarius Moon continues to take us outside our comfort zone for some much needed activities for the mind & spirit. There are no planetary aspects to hinder progress on Friday so “go for it”!

Friday at 4:26PM the Moon is void of course until 9:40 PM when the Moon enters Capricorn. There are no good times to move forward during the Capricorn Moon sign which lasts until Monday October 22 at 1:02 AM.

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