Sunday, November 11, 2012


The cosmic headliners this week are: Since November 6th Mercury is retrograde until November 26. On Sunday Neptune will turn direct again for the first time since June 4, 2012. Tuesday November 13 there will be a solar eclipse. Saturn is a difficult 150° from wacky Uranus on Thursday November 15th. Beware of Saturn & Uranus’ ability to change the landscape all week & completes its aspect Thursday. The aspect is exact at 7:27 PM Saturn quincunx Uranus. The earthquakes this past week have already occurred in Guatemala Wednesday – 7.4 magnitude, Japan & Mayanmar 6.8 magnitude (Sunday November 11). Mild earthquake Sunday November 11
from Kentucky 4.3 magnitude felt in Atlanta and Greater Cincinnati.
Friday November 16 Mars will enter the sign of Capricorn until Christmas Day.
Most astrologers were only half correct for the election. Most astrologers predicted a long drawn out election with recounts due to the Mercury retrograde on Election Day with only Florida results still out. Most astrologers also predicted Obama would win a 2nd term.
Green Light Periods( all times EST);
Sunday beginning at 2:53 AM through Monday at 12:13 AM EST.
Wednesday after 2:43 AM until 5:44 AM.
Wednesday again from 5:52 AM through Friday at 4:44 AM.
For Saturday the Moon is in Libra & not suitable for a major decision with Neptune standing perfectly still to return to its forward motion on Sunday. There are no planetary aspects to mention for a peaceful & sleep Saturday. Neptune’s influence can bring more confusion & vague responses to major issues.
Neptune in its own sign of Pisces attracts goals with a vision & the faith that the desired effect will materialize.
For Sunday, the Moon continues through the sign of Libra all day but now it gains a Green Light rating as Mars warms up the path at the end of its trek. As for planetary interactions Mercury & Venus squabble over legalities & the future of relationships. There may be a lack of ease during social conversation. Obvious pleasantries. Polite talk and superficial interaction. Shared artistic and/or technical interests. Talks or comments of dissatisfaction and differences of values and desires. The focus is on the problems in relationships and not the solution. Nagging. Trivial details. Non conclusive regarding financial matters. Problems that are difficult to resolve as a result of data sharing.
For personal use: Chats about money matters could run into arguments.
For business use: Consider the value of mediators.

There is a wacky Sun-Uranus aspect at 7:21 PM Sunday. During the Neptune station this may invite weirdness & accidents due to blind spots. Extraordinary or strange reactions to confrontation and ideas. Reversals. Surprising and erratic behaviors. Nervousness and restlessness. Radical change. A star figure may be abruptly confronted by a group possessing a well thought-out plan to expose the truth.
On Monday the Moon is void of course from 12:13 AM until 6:10 AM when the Moon enters Scorpio through Wednesday morning. This is the hot zone of the week as there is a New Moon on Tuesday which will be the object of a solar eclipse at 5:08 PM Tuesday. The Scorpio symbolism is the most intense of all the signs bringing out strong passions with aggressive intent. This is the most moody of the water signs with strong judgmental attitudes. Hopefully with Neptune highlighted there will be acts of kindness motivated by compassion. However the quality of misguided behaviors are high with a mission in mind. There is a sting & payback associated with Scorpio. Beware of extreme jealousies & avoid revenge at all costs. Sexual intrigue is one of the strongest motivators of the Scorpio Moon.
We enter into the dark phase of the Moon Monday afternoon through Thursday evening. During this time decisive actions require more information than what is readily available. Allow things to come to you & respond rather than attack an agenda that will need too many adjustments later.
Tuesday’s solar eclipse has a sneaky delivery with the strongest influences is a square between Mercury & Neptune which exposes lies & cover-up but also is the source of misguided & secretive behavior. On a larger scale Saturn & Uranus have an extreme interaction during this intense period. Finances are high on the list as are healthcare. But more serious are the reactions to insults with a bizarre punch. There could be consequences. Iran & Korea come to mind.
On Wednesday the Scorpio Moon welcomes retrograde Mercury back to the sign & offers a brief Green Light period until the v/c Moon at 5:44 AM
After 5:52 AM the Moon enters Sagittarius with mega momentum. As it is headed for Mars at the end of the sign.
Thursday the Moon is in Sagittarius with a Green Light Period through Friday at 4:44 AM. However beware of Saturn & Uranus changing the landscape all week & completes its aspect Thursday. The aspect is exact at 7:27 PM Saturn quincunx Uranus.

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