Monday, December 17, 2012

Astrology Report with Green Light Days Dec 15 - Dec 22

It has been too painful to form words that seem to have little meaning in the wake of such great sorrow. My family and friends have been shaken by the great loss of life in our New England town. Truly our hearts & prayers remain with those in and related to those of Newtown, Connecticut where enormous grief cannot be described or explained. God Bless those who must endure such a tragedy & Good Bless those who rush to their sides so they may shine a light on the long road to heal. God Bless those in a position to make a difference, to do so without regard to the luxury of politics.

Green Light Days for this week are few.
Saturday Dec 15 at 11:38 PM - Monday at 1:11 PM during the Aquarius Moon sign only.

The rest of the week there are other considerations as we approach the Winter Solstice December 21, 2012.

Saturday, December 15, 2012 – Saturday, December 22, 2012
The following is transcribed from the Saturday December 15 WZBC, Newton, MA radio show.

Good Morning. It’s a hard day to say good morning. Our hearts and prayers go out to the Sandy Hook Elementary School community. This tragedy is absolutely beyond comprehension. Looking at the chart astrologically Saturn was in direct contact with the Sun at the moment that this occurred. Saturn is in Scorpio right now with the nodes of the Moon and Venus and that is a very hard difficult place to be for Saturn. The eclipse that took place back in November on November 13th was the seed to these events. And we just had a new Moon where Uranus had turned around. Uranus is that sudden abrupt change and sudden abrupt shocking events and sure enough this was just too tough. This loss of these babies in Connecticut. And I realize around the world there is great loss taking place. But this is close to home and I am just praying and praying for these families.
For Saturday Dec 15th, we have what is called a Green Light Period. It means the last aspect of the Moon will be a favorable one to Venus in Scorpio. But all things considered, good is only as good as the conditions are set to be. This may be favorable for money events, but not so favorable for family events. And that occurs at 4:14 PM when we have a Void of Course Moon that does begin. So it’s a Green Light until 4:15 PM today. And that will last only until 4:52 PM when the Moon changes signs and enters the sign of Aquarius. So today and yesterday, the Moon has been in the sign of Capricorn, which is under the rule of Saturn which makes this a heavy couple of days. So when we begin with the Aquarius Moon there is a bonding together with community that like minded people join together to try and make change. And that Aquarius Moon will be with us until 7:48 PM on Monday night.

The changes that will take place for the rest of today is that Venus will change signs. Venus is in Scorpio a very tough place for the planet of love and the change will take place at 11:38 PM and then the Moon enters a lighter sign of Sagittarius. So that is good for Venus but Saturn is left back in Scorpio for a couple of years to come. Venus will be in the sign of Sagittarius until January 8th and this allows our choices to be a little more generous open hearted and also looking towards the future. People feel more connected to their freedom, to their need for space. So don’t fence in your loved ones give them as much space as possible.

For Sunday, December 16th it’s a Green Light all day long. And that Green Light begins actually after Venus changes signs tonight at 11:38 PM.
The aspects for Sunday Mercury and Mars are in a very cranky difficult 45 degree aspect. This is when people put their foot in their mouth. People in the news are in danger of setting off all sorts of controversies. Certainly we have conditions for that. There are all sorts of public figures with their medical needs being aired and also there is a tendency to argue and fall into conflict. This aspect is exact at 10:10 AM tomorrow morning. So you want to be careful think before you speak. It could be problematic especially with cars, mechanic, computer breakdowns that sort of thing. So you want to practice stress reduction think first before you say anything get the facts.
Then we have for Sunday an overly sentimental and romantic Venus square Neptune at 1:23 PM. this one is emotionally dreamy and unrealistic. shopping during this time you could really get it wrong – that is if you are buying for someone else you may in fact want to buy something that is extremely cosmetic or over the top , fashion over done, and there is a very creative musical, it’s very good for that sort of thing: poetic musical . It’s frivolous though in the regard to good sense so there is not a whole lot of good sense with Venus square Neptune. And someone might be taking you way off the track or seducing you into - for whatever reason. It could even be seductive for relationships. So then information is gathered and the information that is gathered in secret is passed among heads of family, heads of state - that is a very serious aspect occurs between Mercury and Saturn. And ruling that serious thinking, reading materials is serious certainly it’s the tone for what is going on right now.
Mercury and Pluto are also dealing with the dead. That is what Pluto regards with the underground, the underworld. Mercury talks with the matters in regard to or with those that have passed away. There could be signing of papers or loans and also insurance claims are filed and talks that go on about things that are heavy and serious are also related to that and that is on Monday.
Monday Dec 17
Also on Monday is an aspect between Mercury and Jupiter. This is a know-it-all aspect going overboard with ideas and critical thinking philosophical thinking. it is very opinionated could also be speaking of a step up in military action . So you want again to check your facts before you react to things it’s one of those loose lips sink ships aspects. And then there is a Void of Course Moon period for the Aquarius Moon at 1:11 PM on Monday and continues until 7:48 PM on Monday evening. And then with the Pisces Moon that begins on Monday evening there is an aspect between Mercury and Jupiter once again. And this one brings people together temporarily to try and sort through a problem make connections contact with others make plans.
Tuesday Dec 18
And then on Tuesday the Sun is opposite Ceres. Ceres is the loss of children and the loss of loved ones is that grieving mother so the grief is very heavy here in this area of the United States and probably greater. The Sun being in Sagittarius is on a point called the Galactic Center 26 degrees of Sagittarius and then Ceres opposite that point at 26 degrees of Gemini so it reaches out throughout the world. And we have at 10:53 AM on Tuesday, now Tuesday is not a Green Light Period. So you don’t want to sign anything, agree to anything long term with that Pisces Moon. There is a change that takes place with Juno. Juno is the marriage indicator she is the bride she is the queen of the gods. She is Jupiter’ wife so she would be an indicator of the Royal family that sort of thing also anything the wife of or the mate of the head of state and that is 10:25 PM on Tuesday. Juno enters the sign of Capricorn at that time. Capricorn is about the heads of government heads of business and the top point for that as well.
Wednesday Dec 19
Venus and Pluto make an aspect on Wednesday. Wednesday again not a Green Light Period at all .it is a no go day. Venus and Pluto are about money, markets , intense desires, sexual energies as well and bringing the appropriate people also to the table for discussion about money and peace and splitting up relationships and partnerships or maybe joining them so there is that sort of merger or quality that’s involved with Venus and Pluto . And there are some considerations and major sales and purchases regarding companies. So if you are watching the stock market there could be the information that you hear ahead of time it could give you a clue how to deal with your money. And then Venus and Uranus make an aspect. Venus is the love planet. Uranus is the sudden abrupt change and they are joined in a 120 degree aspect, which is positive. It is a trine, it is considered harmonious. However, you have to consider who you are dealing with and Uranus is rarely harmonious. What it can do is open the door for sudden love. That could be something that makes the Wednesday evening interesting Wednesday afternoon surprising pleasurable activities it could also attract a quality of peace that is surprising as well.
Thursday Dec 20
Then there is a First Quarter Moon Thursday this one is in Pisces at the 29th degree of Pisces. So the 29th degree of Pisces is a tough one. It is where all the sorrow is held the entire Zodiac has accumulated its experience and gains and losses and at 29 degrees of Pisces those are examined. So this Quarter Moon is related to things that were seeded 9 months prior so that would be around March 20th of the beginning of this year. That begins a Void of Course Moon period so you want to drop anything that you were considering doing for just a couple of hours that will go from 12:19 AM until 2:43 AM on Thursday. And then the Moon enters the sign of Aries. This one is aggressive and it will host the Suns change of signs. And the Sun when it changes signs and goes into Capricorn marks the longest day of the year the first day of winter the last day of the Mayan calendar. So this is going to be an interesting Aries Moon beginning on Thursday and covering the events on Friday the 21st.
There is an aspect between Mercury and Mars at 10:15 PM on Thursday night. It is about red tape and very fast feet and cutting through that red tape there could be arguments that are presented for the process or for the idea that we can get though some of these stubborn areas. There are acute senses of sight, smell, and hearing - so you want to pay attention. There could be lots of riots military actions that sort of thing. A sharp tone when speaking and hot dry winds with that aspect between Mercury and Pluto. It’s aggressive so you want to hash through some of the contracts or ideas about contracts. Then there is an aspect between Jupiter and Pluto this one is 150 degrees I call it Life’s messy, Clean it up. And it’s a time when you are forced to let go of old modes of behavior. This truly may be addressing gun control and that sort of thing. It might be frightening and difficult if you are pushed out of your comfort zones. There could also be a change in regarding education how we deal with the rules for schools and all schools lower education, higher education and creating great change. Its also about discovering things about yourself you never knew existed.
Friday Dec 21
For Friday that Aries Moon continues and there is a grand entrance that the Sun makes at 6:12 AM. And this is a time during that Capricorn Moon you want to create a safe place for business and for your personal finances, heads of family, anything having to do with what will sustain you in the long run. With the Aries Moon it is very action orientated. There are a lot of aspects, too many to mention right now about what that end of the Mayan calendar looks like at that point. But just a couple of things would be the distraction from the Sun and Neptune which are in a 60 degree aspect at 1:47 AM. And then there is the final aspect that Aries Moon is square Mars so its heated hot action oriented. Jupiter and Saturn are in that 150 degree aspect which is also about trying to get things right there is a social obligation there. There are all sorts of aspects that I probably will add to my website.
That’s it for the week. Thank you very much and have a good week.

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