Monday, March 25, 2013

Astrology Report Saturday March 23 – Saturday March 30, 2013. with Green Light Days

If you would like to send a comment to Lynne Fallo about her video of my parrot Sweetpea (found at top of home page – left of center) you can email her at She would love to hear from you!

Dietrech is available for consults this week and next. Call 617-924-0929.
For the fully transcribed version of the report scroll down beyond March 30.

For the week ahead beginning Saturday March 23 – Saturday March 30, 2013.

Primary influences for this week are: wild conjunctions – out of the blue quincunx’s galore – full Moon on Wed at 5:27 AM in Libra.
Mars 150° Saturn Monday afternoon.
Moon 150° Sun Sunday evening.
Wednesday 5:27 AM Full Moon in Libra.
Tuesday Mars square Pluto.
Thursday 3/28 Venus, Sun & Uranus all conjunct – wacky day.
Venus 150° Saturn next Saturday 3/30.

Green Light Days:
Saturday 3/23/13 during the Leo Moon sign until 10:32 PM
Sunday 3/24 during the Virgo Moon from 11:49 AM – Tuesday 1:29 PM.
Tuesday 3/26 again begin after 5:32 PM during the Libra Moon through 5:45 PM Thursday 3/28. Although this is a totally wacky Moon period & unpredictable.
Thursday again after 8:54 PM during the Scorpio Moon sign - 4:25 PM Friday 3/29.

Void of course Moon –
3/23 Sat 10:32 PM – 3/24 Sun at 11:49 AM.
3/26 Tue 1:29 PM - 5:32 PM.
3/28 Thu 5:45 PM – 8:54 PM
3/29 Fri 4:25 PM – 3/30 Sat at 11:13 PM (all day next Saturday)


Saturday March 23, 2013

Exact Mar 22 2013
Brief description: A highly accident-prone aspect is present when there are unpredictable problems with more noise, fire engines, and explosive tempers. The sum of the combo is razor sharp, which is excellent for breaking through static conditions, inventions and programming. Be particularly cautious with flames and over zealous personal opinions. Revolutionary ideas. Surprise military advances.
For personal use: Cut through seemingly impossible tasks with a cool head .
For business use: Invent new ways of doing things.
Individual commitment and decision. Revolutionary ideas. Iron will. Accelerated activity. Technical creativity. Problem solving -- engineering. The desire to make things happen, to force changes. Dynamic leadership. Focused individuality.

Exact Mar 23 2013
Brief description: Jupiter is considered to benefit any planet that it contacts. Be optimistic. This aspect might lighten your heavy load or help you to find work. Your career may advance as a task is placed in your lap that helps to call on your special talents. From another perspective you may envision yourself on a tropical island, as far from your work as you can get. By unloading your responsibilities onto another you could risk the support of your family, friends or associates. Take a courageous look at the obstacles before you and imagine you have magically succeeded with your goals. Now move closer to the obstacle and knock at the door as if you are making a thank you call. The obstacles can give you the time you need to fortify your product or plan or better prepare for the big-time. Be willing to do some serious house cleaning.
For personal use: Be optimistic and take on the challenge. Keeping in mind when a plan fails it is often and indication that the universe has something better in mind for you.
For business: Prepare for a tough test but expect a positive outcome.
Exact Mar 24 2013
Brief description: Something hidden begins to be revealed. Developments about secret agencies and those from the CIA and FBI etc. Money from hidden sources. Progress report for those connected to matters surrounding clergy; those that are convalescing; struggling with addiction and the imprisoned. Development of efforts involving yoga, mediation and music. Wet weather and leaks in the roof and the basement.
For personal use: Take a little getaway space.
For business use: Be very careful about leaks. Property found today may be beautiful but have a hidden problem such as a cloudy title or water in the basement. The drainage system could have difficulties.

Mar 24 2013
The Virgo Moon is a very busy time. It is a focused on details, a specific task, or on people at work. It is a great couple of days to clean up and organize your home and work setting. You may be inclined to put your energy into healthy food and good cooking. Virgo Moons actually hold a considerable amount of sexual intrigue especially when working with others. People become more detail-oriented and conscious of schedules. There may be a need to prioritize and set a daily routine in motion. This could be a good time to schedule health maintenance appointments. Due to Virgo's highly analytical energy is a great time for psychotherapy. Any type of bodywork and all forms of self help are positive uses for a Virgo Moon. This is the sign of the perfectionist, which comes in handy for tasks but disturbs the balance of interpersonal relationships. This is a very good time for planting or harvesting herbs, corn and grains. If you are a Virgo, matters tend to go your way.
Exact Mar 25 2013
Brief description: Hazy unrealistic notions regarding money and love. Something involving women and secrets send up a smoke screen effect. This allows for a cosmetic patch to cover a trouble spot. In big business the cosmetic patch may be an attempt to hide a red flag. Dress with dramatic attire with costume like flare. A peaceful meditative experience.
For Personal use: Be careful about borrowing or lending anything. Romance may disappoint.
For Business: This looks like a martini lunch deal.

Brief description: Rapid deduction or intuitive responses. Building on new ideas. High tech information develops. Brilliant insights exhibit signs of channeled information.
For personal use: Consider this a creative burst of brilliance.
For business use: Look to technology to increase your finances.

Brief description: A stop sign aspect. Observe waning signals. Sheer frustration. A major clean up aspect. A need for adjustment. This is an urgent call involving hard work and clear organization skills. A condition or event that connects; two unrelated people, tasks or activities for a common goal. A health aspect involving bones, muscles, skeletal structure and sometimes heart trouble. There may be a need for surgery. Delays and blocks with work projects. A executive effort to control force and power. The police stop speeding drivers. Consequences when there is a strong resistance to change.
For personal use: Stretch before physical activity and pace yourself. Family relationships can be stressed.
For business use: Play by the rules today. There may be progress in business due to a critical need for your product. Good timing may place you in a primary position to apply your skills or products. Be prepared to help.
Brief description Confidence, motivation and energy accompany an entrepreneurial spirit. . A winning combination. Supportive competitive environment. Athletic and physical activity. Focus on what is ethical and "right". At times the attitude of "might makes right". What is morally correct can inspire a crusade.
For personal use: Expand your horizons.
For business: Education and marketing are favorable.

Mar 26 2013
When the Moon is in Libra, people are more likely to cooperate or establish partnership to accomplish their goals. Activities such as hashing out agreements, tending to legal matters, and balancing the scales in all areas are Libra's territory. People are more open to social activity and are more likely to seek companionship. Matters of marriage, or the marriage of ideas, are brought to the surface. There can be indecisiveness which stands in the way of progress; however, the right decision is likely to follow. Watch for business mergers. The ultimate Libra goal is "peace". A time to plant beautiful flowers. If you are a Libra, matters tend to go your way.

MARS SQUARE PLUTO Exact Mar 26 2013
Brief description: I call this "the steamroller aspect". Steamrollers when used for the purpose intended are powerfully effective for flattening the surface to create a flat hard top for a new road. On a symbolic level it may indicate that those in a position of power may mow others down with greed and a severe competitive drive at the root of the intention. On a positive note, the objective is to accomplish a mission at all cost and pull out all stops. Therefore for those planning to take charge of life and redesign a new path, may succeed in erasing all existing remnants of the past or current setting to assure a new future. This combination allows for very serious strategic planning and allow one to cut a new design. Impatience shortchanges strategic plans that may affect failure. Speeders get speeding tickets. Over drawn bank account. Pornography.

The physiological indications necessitate surgery; irritable bowl disorder. Psychological indications may include a fear of being "raked over hot coals"; obsessive drives and behaviors; some may experience a bout of paranoia with difficulty discriminating between reality and tricks of the mind. This may be true for those in positions of power who feel threatened by both insiders and outsiders. Deep nervous tension that is hard to sort through. Good day to process anger in your therapist's office. .There are strong sexual urges with this combination. A strong drive for dramatic core change.

For personal use: Get serious about your future. Avoid allowing strong sexual urges to interfere with your primary objective. This is a time for personal transformation. Access your own power and reflect on help from those in positions of power but do not approach them unless you are the one in a powerful seat. Break out of the grip of the monkey on your back.
For business use: Things to avoid are annoying symbols of greed and misuse of others finances. Proceed only if you are well prepared. Dig deep and plan to cut new fabric.

Powerful drives. The urge for dominance and territory. Obsessions. Extreme efforts. Sexual responses. The desire to mate. Efforts at personal transformation. Medical procedures. Strategic thinking -- plans for control.
THIS WEEK'S MOON PHASE: March 27, 2013
FULL Moon AT 6° LI 52’ – AT 5:27 AM

Below you can find four related Moon phases that form a group called a "Moon Family." A Moon Family is special because each of the four related Moon phases shares a lineage with this weeks' Full Moon. This Moon Family began at a New Moon eighteen months ago. Notice all four Moon phases occur near the same zodiacal degree and are separated by a nine-month interval. A Moon family is a remarkable timing tool that links the dates of your story-lines in a pattern that develops over a two-and-a-quarter-year period and is often renewed after three years with a New Moon near the same degree as this Moon Family. I have named the nine month interval the "Lunar Gestation Cycle" and when grouped form a Moon Family. See if your current situation connects to the Moon Family found within two weeks of the following dates:

The following four lunar phases belong to the Moon Family for the
March 27, 2013 Full Moon on Wednesday at 6° Libra 52 at 6:27 AM.

New Moon - September 27 2011
First Quarter - June 27 2012
Full Moon - March 27 2013
Last Quarter- December 25 2013

You can use the dates in this Moon Family to reflect or project into the future when you focus on your current situation. Once you have realized your story is part of the "bigger picture" you may relate to each phase in the Moon Family personally, as it carries your storyline along a path of logical evolution. Expect related topics, either personal or public to resurface on the dates shown in the future. By following the symbolism of the four Moon phases which represent the various stages of your story, you develop greater insights to the timing and meaning of the events in your life. Even after one Moon family is completed over a period of 2.25 years, a new Moon Family emerges with a new event or new beginning at the next New Moon stage nine months following the last date of a Moon Family.

At the First Quarter Moon stage, nine months after a New Moon, there is a progressive and enthusiastic development of growth. The degree of the New Moon is revived with the First Quarter Moon. At this stage you may know what your want to do but are just getting started. You need to make choices and selections or apply for permits, licenses or perhaps travel tickets or the next stage in a relationship. This is a gathering stage. Think of the First Quarter Moon stage as a time to shop for the ingredients to make a hearty stew.

Watch your story completely bloom and come to completion at the time of a Full Moon where deadlines, full disclosures, case presentations, social events, weddings and the like are typical as are divorces and other public endings or final rulings. It is interesting and fitting, that at this time (week of March 25, 2013) the Supreme Court is ruling on same sex marriage.

In another nine months you may reap the rewards for your efforts as this stage brings matters to a close by the time that this Moon Family's Last Quarter Moon occurs. This is the pay-up or get-paid Moon phase. At this time you will collect the productive pieces of this two and a quarter years to seed the future. It can be a period when you are motivated to clear out or let go of things that are no longer useful. However people or things may return to you during the last quarter phase of which you once thought were finished. You may return to places where you had once traveled or visit with people from those places. People may return to you during this phase. It may become clear that very little is gone forever, even if it's a memory that keeps it alive.
Brief description: The message delivered with this particular aspect is likely to be significant and designed to "send a message". Important statements from people in leading positions. Communications are serious and lead to report results. Clear but dull or sober presentations. An aspect of the rational mind, organized and logical thinking. The ability to concentrate and focus to make clear headed decisions. The need to organize. Positive results from quiet isolation.
For personal use: You already have all the information you need to make your decision.
For business use: You are well informed to move forward.

Brief description: Love, money, sweets and rich foods. This day may have an air of fun and playfulness. A need to express your love, appreciation and affections are a priority with this conjunction. There is a desire to socialize and there are strong powers of attraction. Physical attractions; enjoyment of aesthetics; harmony, creativity, and the arts and a desire to take action in these areas. There is a receptive friendliness in the air. There is a promotion of positive emotions and expressions of love. There is a desire to join with others
For personal use: If you are single or want more in your personal relationships of both intimate or friendship, there may be more social opportunities for meeting new people that will become important you for many years. It is time to make esthetic choices. All choices come from the heart. Get exactly what you want.
For business: Choose this time to enhance your public and business relations. Have a sale and show your best work. Use art, color and entertainment for a positive long lasting impression.

Exact Mar 28 2013
Brief description: Like-minded people may find one another and join in a cause that may have some connection with groups. Strange bedfellows may present their case for one thing and actually be making a play for something else. Very unusual attire. Love relationships may suddenly form but are volatile and suddenly split but if a new relationship should last longer than 24 hours - 24 days, there is hope that it can be a success. Money matters could real winners but there are great risks to consider.
For personal use: Allow for changes in plans with friends and be open to something totally new. Do something unusual. Try a new look for your wardrobe.
For business use: Take a risk you can afford -- or one you can't afford not to.

Brief Description: Inventive. Sudden abrupt revelation. The truth is sought. An indication of a leap in modern technology. Visionary technological creativity. Bright lights are searching. The discovery of a bright talent. Radical and rebellious actions. The need for independence and freedom. The voice of the people. Breakthrough, breakup and news-breaking events.
For Personal use: Take it slow but be prepared for just about anything.
For Business: Anything could happen but it is a day for invention. A keen interest in ideas which are progressive or innovative. Scientific mind. Inventive. A questioning mind. Mental excitement. Taking action which changes things and brings improvement. Joining with others for a specific cause or purpose.

Scorpio Moons direct emotions inward. People tend to react to psychological slights, real or imagined. "Payback" or "getting even" is often a mode of behavior. Threats can be used as a tactic of reaching one's objective. Often there are issues regarding other people's money, loans or insurance claims. Scorpio is a money sign, so there may be checks in the mail. A Scorpio Moon is in a power sign for acquiring resources that have ties to others. This serious Moon surprisingly has a very funny sense of humor and considers sarcasm an art form. Sexuality is strongly indicated during this Moon period. Power struggles become the mode of the day as many strive for total control over their own interest. Watch out for the inevitable Scorpion Sting, Brooding and ugly behavior is a common mood with a focus on family disputes such as estate settlements. Scorpio Moons are passionate with the object of their attention and at time driven to obsessive behavior often with a need to create drama and a sense of dire urgency around issues. This is a good time to engage in subjects that require extreme focus such as research and detective work. Anything less may bring a period of frustration and boredom for Scorpio is a driven sign designed to maintain a high level of intensity. Other Scorpio themes may include information regarding pregnancies, births, deaths and their related estates, insurance and accounting matters. As a rule this Moon is very good for conducting business with loans, mortgages and estates. The days of the Scorpio Moon are not for lightweights or the faint of heart. Take the time to research everything you can find about your opponent and move cautiously only when well prepared. When involved in a major challenge, camouflage any sign of weakness. A good sparing partner is sometimes what the big guy or bully is seeking. Don't hesitate to fight back if you can present a strong exterior; with this you can gain ground.

If you are presenting your objectives to experts you may not be equally matched. However if your objective is to find someone to represent you with appropriate skills you could find your gladiator now. The best way to deal with your new found hired gun is to keep in mind that he/she may use their skills against you, so set clear boundaries from the onset of your relationship and get it in writing.

These days are best used for elimination of waste, reorganizing finances and otherwise digging out from money drains in your business and personal accounts. Retail business often does very well during a Scorpio Moon as purchases tend to be significant. Selfishness and other nasty behaviors push relationships to the limit. On a personal level, taking steps to set yourself free of tormenting issues with a counselor is a positive use of Scorpio's need to transform. Accept the things you cannot change, change the things you can and be perfectly clear about the difference. A visit to your acupuncturist or massage therapist can assist with deep healing techniques that work best when the Moon is in Scorpio.


Exact Mar 29 2013
Brief description: Excessive flexibility leads to lack of stability. The ability to expand and broaden your outlook through education and networking resources. Misrepresentation of information. Strong encouragement or push from siblings, children and co-workers. Information pumped such as with "media hype." Legal decisions are pressing. To make statements of independence and freedom and in personal relationships "a need for space."
For personal use: Open positive discussions with partners.
For business use: Plan for business and educational trips. Terrific for marketing and outreach.

Exact Mar 29 2013
Brief description: A deep penetrating conversation. Knowing ones mind while presenting a speech. The power of persuasion. Talk of change and sexuality. Psychological issues. Exposure of inner thoughts. Progress with therapies. Deep penetrating massage. Important messages of estates and matters pertaining to those who have passed away.
For personal use: Any amount of information adds to your resources. Learn deep response techniques that release embedded patterns. Deep meditation. Try deep and intense counseling. Write about issues.
For business: Get permission first. Speak to those with money and power. Write grants.

Exact Mar 29 2013
Brief description: At a time when so many events in our lives have a do or die quality this aspect forces matters and demands results. Work or work it out with others or through your health routine. There is growth if you are willing to change. Change could be forced upon you if you remain invested in your old patterns. The mode of change for this aspect is also linked to Saturn which creates a new set of rules. You may find this is a time of self discovery but be willing to broach a new way. Things happen out of the blue. You may also find work if you have been unemployed. Or your job may suddenly take on greater responsibility.
Saturday- March 30

Exact Mar 30 2013
Brief description: Love hurts. Relationships make needed adjustments. Financial adjustments must be made. Difficulty in matters of insurance and banking. This aspect occurs when the Sun/Moon midpoint is in Aquarius. Representing how the financial matters may relate to cutbacks made by the government to social services, interest rates, gifting laws or bankruptcy laws. With the Moon in Pisces on this day it could indicate actions taken to make changes to policy while the public is looking in another direction.
For personal use: Try to step back from your emotional involvement and have an objective look at matters of love and money. Someone may disapprove of your choices.
For business use: Adjustments made due to a change in payroll, or the harmony of the workplace.

You may feel you are confronted with a brick wall. There is a need to stop and adjust when involved with hierarchal figures such as; a boss, parent, the law, or someone in charge. It may also show flaws within architectural structures and foundations. Take care when laying foundations. Seek the problem areas and weak spots as gifts of knowledge now that will allow you to avoid trouble later. Problems seem to arise out of the blue. Family members are brought into matters. Look for shortages. Possible cutbacks and layoffs. Take special care of your skin, teeth and bones. The desired route is to expand but not just yet. There is a need to honor tradition. A bright star, or prominent figure is looking for a way off an uncomfortable hook. Don't rush. Slow down before you are stopped. Document activities for the future. Remain open to the facts before retreating or shutting down operations. Find another way around the wall.

A Sagittarius Moon often brings a desire to run free, far from responsibility. Discussions can get quite philosophical and or political. Cultural events such as concerts, plays are the order of the day. People and letters from foreign places may arrive. News, or progress, related to advertising and publishing is likely. Religion issues may be in the news. Attitudes are more optimistic. The "flow" is more likely to be in your favor. Directions and directives often change midstream, possibly because there is a "shiny, new horizon" which is brighter than the last. There grass is always greener on the other side. Wanderlust could distract your attention. Weed the garden or deal with bugs. It's time to play. Set up the hammock or go hiking. If you are a Sagittarius, matters tend to go your way.

FULLY TRANSCRIBED VERSION of this week’s report.

Saturday, March 23, 2013 – Saturday, March 30, 2013
Good Morning. Well, we have a very wacky week ahead. And we had some very wacky energy yesterday and there was even a meteor show on the east coast. I missed it. But there are reports of a meteor being visible from New England all the way to Florida. And it sort of skipped along the east coast and then just disappeared – it was about the size of a volley ball. But these meteors flying so frequently are becoming a little ominous. We worried about 2012, I wonder if 2013 is the Year of the Meteor. But it is really crazy. We have the primary influences this week are out of the blue aspects with 150 degree angles – there are many of those. Then there is the Full Moon on Wednesday and there is also a Mars square Pluto. All of these things connect with one another and then we’ve got this great big line up of planets in Aries: Venus, Sun, Uranus, and Mars. The tightest ones is going to be Venus, Sun, and Uranus. Venus is our love and our money. Uranus is about surprises and the Sun is about brining vitality, making things work, putting the focus on. And there could be a stroke of luck. If you are looking for some luck there may be some luck on Thursday for you. So we hope that we all get some very good luck. We could use it. But it’s risky. It is a very risky week for any type of investment or even taking on new projects, new jobs. It’s very, very risky.
There are many Green Light periods. So I’m going to give them to you now. And a Green Light period means that you have a period during a Moon sign when there are the least amounts of troubles at the end of the line. So there could be lots of bumps along the way, but things would end well. So if you put things into motion during these periods then you are likely to have a greater likely of success, likeliness of success. But it is certainly not guaranteed so we strive to offer you times when it is okay to go forward.
Now Mercury is not retrograde any longer, so that clears the way allowing us to not expect reversals from the change sign. However, the planet Uranus is famous for reversals. So we have that major alignment coming up on Thursday with Venus, the Sun and Uranus. So it’s going to feel like a Mercury retrograde period. It’s going to be that crazy, crazier even. So you would not want to do things on Thursday. So we are gong to take a look at the rest of these Green Light periods. There is one today that goes right until 10:32 PM it’s during the Leo Moon sign. So this is great for creative types of things, anything you want to show or show off, and also being the director of your events. And it’s also a love sign romance sign so it makes it really nice for date night. However, meet the love of your life before 10:32 PM and then the Moon will be Void of Course.
By the way, the Void of Course Moon indicators that I use are different from the commonly found material, which would be the old 5 aspects given for the old Void of Course Moon period. I use parallels and contra parallels. These things bring things together, they help you to meet people, they help you to find people that will have long lasting effect on your desires. So those things are ancient used by William Lily and we will be using those.
So Sunday there is a Green Light period during the Virgo Moon sign from 11:49 AM until Tuesday at 1:29 PM. And then Tuesday once again, there is another Green Light period that begins during a Libra Moon sign and that is at 5:32 PM through 5:45 PM on Thursday. But like I said Thursday is really kind of wacky - Thursday again after 8:54 PM during that Scorpio Moon sign until 4:25 PM on Friday.
And there is Void of Course Moon period here –Saturday today at 10:32 PM until Sunday at 11:49 AM. Then Tuesday there is a Void of Course Moon period at 1:29 PM until 5:32 PM. Thursday there is a Void of Course Moon period from 5:45 PM until 8:54 PM. On Friday there is a Void of Course Moon period from 4:25 PM until 11:13 PM on Saturday next week. So that’s all day Saturday next week is Void of Course. And the Void of Course Moon periods mean that you don’t want to sign or start something or take on something that is important to you. You want to let the universe bring things to you. Don’t make definitions, don’t create final plans, or make final plans about anything during a void Moon because things could fall apart. But the other thing about Void of Course Moons is that if you are having a problem then it is said nothing will come of it during a Void of Course Moon period. But that is if you are using the parallels and the contra parallels that I use.
So what we have here for Saturday we have a couple of things going on, a couple of minor things going on. Pretty much the day the Leo Moon is very much open until 10:51 PM Jupiter and Saturn form a 150 degree aspect. This aspect is huge. It is the kind of thing that could create health problems. It could also open up jobs. It could create that type of wanting to get as far away from your work as you can get and go on a tropical island. But by unloading your responsibilities onto another you could risk the support of family and friends and associates. So a time to take a courageous look at the obstacles in your life before you imagine they have magically succeed to move your goals forward. There is a real obstacle quality to this 150 degree aspect. And obstacles and things knocking at your door are both the kinds of things – they are surprises, the things you did not expect. And this is what we can expect from this Jupiter Saturn aspect. Problems that are going on now can work their way through and they may not be as long lasting as your fear.
And then what we have for Sunday is a minor aspect between the Sun and Neptune. However, it could turn the weather and bring a lot of white stuff. There could be things about the CIA and the FBI and hidden money. And reports about things going on about people that have been or may be associated with the clergy. There are also things that you can do that that could enhance your life, which is meditation, yoga, music – all those things lend well for this aspect between the Sun and Neptune.
Then the Moon enters Virgo and that’s on Sunday at 11:49 AM. And the Virgo Moon is a very busy time we really get down to business about cleaning things up, getting to work. you may have a lot of sexual intrigue actually with the Virgo Moon . Very few people know that it is actually a very sexy kind of sign along with the sign of Scorpio – they have a lot of things in common. You would want to prioritize your day and put your daily routine in the motion that you planned. Try to stick to a plan this week, but be flexible there are too many quincunxes, those 150 aspects, and that wacky Uranus aspect pile up coming up to make plans be static.
For Monday we have that Virgo Moon. And there is a dreamy aspect between Venus and Neptune. And this one has a lot of unrealistic notions involved with it. and then there is an aspect between Mercury and Uranus and this one is very good for brain power, creates lots of rapid deductions and you may build on an idea that turns into something later help to figure out problem solve that sort of thing.
Then we have a 150 degree aspect between Mars and Saturn. This is a work aspect. This is where people strike: they walk off the job, they are demanding things or things could suddenly happen that need a clean up, there could be a need for an adjustment in a big way. So this kind of aspect is one that you would not want to ignore responsibilities. Mars and Saturn have to do with a dead stop of things. and also health aspects loom large with Mars and Saturn. So don’t ignore that 4:32 PM Monday, although we’ll be under that influence Sunday and through Monday. And it will let go probably with Tuesday’s aspect between Mars and Jupiter and that is at 6:26 AM Tuesday morning the 26th. And this aspect has to do with an opportunity. So set your alarm early, get up and form your plans in such a way that you could potentially open up a door or walk through a door at a right time, right place, or hear something. But you need to take action when there is a 60 degree aspect. Not all of these things land in your lap permanently unless you take action. And there is this quality of spontaneous things happening with the fact that the Moons last aspect is going to be a split parallel to Uranus. So someone spontaneously comes your way and allows for some interesting view, interesting type of job opportunity. It’s also about health. maybe that the modern ways of doing things are the best ways .
And then for later on Tuesday night 11:47 PM Mars is square Pluto. This one is a steam roller aspect. This is about people during this Libra Moon. The Libra Moon should be about harmony. Libra Moon starts at 5:32 PM on Tuesday night and then that Mars square Pluto happens later night. It’s about breaking up any of the peaceful types of developments. And then someone is creating a forced matter and trying to push their way through. so if you are known to be a control freak or have a control freak around you , I would go to bed as early as possible on Tuesday night and don’t get into any arguments. Just let things go. There is so much wacky break up energy going on this week that the weaker relationships could really pull apart if there is a lot of selfishness that is expressed. And that selfish energy is running high. That pileup of energy on Thursday between the Sun, Venus, and Uranus starts with an aspect between the Sun and Uranus on Wednesday early morning before sunrise. Then there is the full Moon 5:27 AM. The full Moon is in the sign of Libra so this one puts all the cards on the table. And there might be things that began or you move up with got started with 9 months ago. And this is the kind of thing that will help you to seal the deal or help you to drop something that you’ve needed very much to move on from – and that’s on Wednesday.
And for Thursday the aspects list like this: Sun conjunct Venus - that’s the money planet and the Sun. that should be an agreeable aspect, but in this state of affairs where Uranus is involved, I would say it is far too risky far too selfish - that happens at 1:05 PM. Then Venus and Uranus line up at 7:00 PM and then the Sun finishes it off at 8:38 PM - all on Thursday. Meanwhile, there are a couple of other things going on. There is a way to organize your ideas, so there is this brilliant energy also that is associated with Uranus. So keep a pen or a tape recorder handy and try to find new ways, new brilliant ways to do things that especially that have been very difficult and especially in relationships. So this is about balancing things out.
Friday we have a Moon sign change that actually begins Thursday night at 8:54 PM and the Moon enters Scorpio and that brings us through Friday. We finish up that full Moon energy on Friday. You’ll probably be dealing with the insurance adjustors and human resource offices and things of that nature. There is an aspect between Mercury and Jupiter it’s at 12:56 PM. this has to do with gaining knowledge from all different sources. The likelihood of someone speaking out of turn or putting their foot in their mouth is pretty good. Mercury and Pluto form an aspect at 2:34 PM. it’s a 60 degree aspect. It’s one of an opportunity. So you might hear something that helps you to change the status of your life in the direction that you want it to go. And that’s a 4:25 PM Void of Course Moon when it contacts Mercury on Friday. And that Void of Course Moon will last all the way through until Saturday night.
But Friday night Jupiter and Pluto are quincunx. So we have that 150 degree aspect again creating upset and difficulty. This all ties into Saturn as well, that in a big way there is some large money turn over with that aspect. So there could be things that work out well for others. And following that is Venus quincunx Saturn - so we have a lot of those things we deal with and then the Sun quincunx Saturn. Lots of things lots of adjustments lots of things that pop out of the blue right through until midday on Saturday with that energy.

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