Monday, July 29, 2013

Astology Report for July 27 - Aug 3, 2013

Week of July 27 – August 3, 2013.
The Primary Event is the Grand Sextile Monday July 29 beginning at 9:45 AM edt. This is when the Taurus Moon enters the configuration with its first contact to Neptune then Mars and Jupiter in Cancer, then to Venus in Virgo; with the more ridged influence of Saturn In Scorpio and finally to Pluto in Capricorn. Be creative, make it real and make it something that includes a vast amount of people, plants and animals. The Sun is directly involved with the Moon as well but with its very important Last Quarter Moon at 7º Taurus at 1:43 PM also July 29.

Green Light Saturday 7/27 all day and until 2:20 PM Sunday.
Green Light period begins at 12:43 AM Monday 7/29 through 4:18 AM Wednesday.
Green light period from 11:42 AM Wednesday 7/31 until 6:35 PM Thursday night. Moon is void of course until Saturday 8/3.
Green Light Period at 12:30 AM Saturday 8/3 through Monday at 2:48 AM or until 12:58 PM August 5, 2013.

The Gemini Moon is void of course all day Friday August 2, 2013.

From Janet Booth's Newsletter July 27, 2013 - she writes:

In my most recent newsletter (July 8), I wrote about the Grand Trine in Water signs this month. It is most unusual. If you missed the details in that newsletter, you can read it from the archive.

Looking back and ahead 200 years (scanning a 400-year span), there has not been such a precise occurrence of this special alignment - an equilateral triangle around the zodiac called a Grand Trine - between these three planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. (There were two very imprecise occurrences, one in 1928 and one in 1966. The next imprecise triangle will be in 2192.) It's really a magical time for dreams to come true.

For most of the day on Monday, July 29, this Grand Trine is expanded into an even better pattern called a Star of David, consisting of two overlapping Grand Trines. When you give Pluto a little leeway to be counted as being in the right spot, it receives a Grand Trine from quick Venus and the rapid Moon as they fill in the other points.

Plan how you can use this wonderful energy for promoting or expanding existing projects. It's not as good for starting something because it comes during the waning part of the lunar cycle. (Beginnings are best launched in the waxing phase, after a New Moon but before a Full Moon. We're past a Full Moon now.)

The Following is transcribed from Dietrech Live Radio Report July 27, 2013.

We have a very, very, very interesting week ahead. One of the things that is going on is this Grand Sextile, that is 6 points in the sky creating what appears to be a Star of David in the sky, which is about creating your own reality and meeting the characters and players for your dreams to forward your goals. It is a very special aspect and we’ve been in this rather special period since July 17th when the Grand Trine of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune occurred. However, this has not brought a lot of wonderful things too many people. Many people are stuck in what seems to be a lull of activity and they seem to be feeling stuck and discouraged. And I would imagine that things begin to move after today because of the fact that the Sun will square Saturn. And a lot of this hold back for the past week or so has been the applying aspect between the Sun and Saturn - its 90 degrees. it’s always a tough period of the year when the Sun is square Saturn . The good news is after it occurs, which is going to be later on today, and then we should notice a lightening up.
And there are lots of light and Green Light periods throughout the week. I’m going to mention them now. We have one all day today right through tomorrow at 2:20 PM Sunday. And then another Green Light period begins at 12:43 AM on Monday through 4:18 AM on Wednesday. Start another Green Light period 11:42 AM Wednesday until 6:35 PM Thursday night. Another Green Light period begins at 12:30 AM Friday through that following Monday, a week from then, which would be 2:48 AM – that is on August 5th.
The Green Light periods mean that you have a lot of momentum. You are able to move forward without the greatest sense of obstacles. Some of which have been very clearly in the path recently. And this Grand Trine that is the primary event for July 29th begins at 9:45 AM on Monday. And that is when the Moon enters the configuration with its first contact to Neptune, Then Mars, then Jupiter – both of those planets are in Cancer. Neptune is in Pisces. Then the Moon will apply to Venus and Virgo. And it moves to the more rigid influence of Saturn and Scorpio, then finally Pluto in Capricorn – to make it real. You could be creative, make it real on your own, and make it into something that includes vast amount of people, plants, or animals. Include that spiritual energy to help you to direct your intention in a positive light. Even if you don’t feel as though wonderful things have been happening to you – maybe they will begin to.

The Sun is directly involved with this configuration on Monday when it is set off by its Last Quarter Moon at 7 degrees of Taurus on Monday at 1:43 PM. And that makes this an action day. Monday is very much an action day. So take advantage of Monday to forward your goals. Make your calls; it is a Taurus Moon – that is a money sign. It is also about tradition and there are many things that can be developed and stabilized with a Taurus Moon as well.
Saturday July 27
So let’s look at today. There are some illusions and smoke screens involved with the Sun in Neptune aspect that we have at 11:20 AM today. Its musical, its spiritual, it is very good for yoga, very good for meditation. But you may find there are repeated patterns that can interrupt your flow for the day causing you to drop your routine. Maybe you are continuing chronic problems or substance abuse that creates difficulties or gap in your goals or in your progress. Your daily routine could have some slack with this aspect. So you want to remove yourself from the problems that cause you distractions and disenchantment. Especially with those things involving job and co-workers, there is room for compassion and support for others with this aspect.
Then there is an intuitive aspect with mercury and Pluto. It’s in this afternoon. It brings you together temporarily with those that can help you to gather some control over your resources or help you to clean something up. There may be something about toxic waste. Events that contaminate the environment could be part of this. There was a big gas fire south of Mexico. I think they have it under control. I do hope there isn’t something new. Sometimes these aspects are set off days earlier which is an interesting to note as well. This aspect causes a shift in psychological conditions, which could be positive. It’s a great time for body work if you want to get a massage and you can have some great acupuncture with these aspects or even chiropractic.

Mars is opposite transiting Pluto - that is going to be a tough aspect. It has a lot of obsessive behaviors involved with it and it is the kind of thing that includes a crackdown on others where the police are involved. You don’t want to speed with this. There is also a steam roller response to resistance with this type of aspect. It is exact at 6:06 PM. It could cause major traffic jams today. There is presence of deep anger. So you want to be very careful about how you are treating others with the feelings that you are having. If you feel all of this resistance try to breathe through it and not project your feelings or paranoia onto others. And you want to definitely discriminate between mind tricks and what is real. There is also a lot of earth moving equipment around with this kind of aspect so be careful about that popping out. You want to make love not war with this aspect.
Later Saturday night the Sun is exactly square Saturn it’s at 9:05 PM tonight and that brings growth in business and personal structures – that should become evident over the next 7 months. We should see the momentum increase with this. There is hope for growth and development after this passing aspect. So on a personal level if you have been expecting some type of recognition for your past deeds, maybe you gain that intense support that you are looking for. Although Saturn is not going to give you a great applause, it will just give you a nod. There is some difficulty shown with authority figures with this. Also the knees and the teeth are problems with Saturn, And parental issues, particularly Father issues. Any of the debts that you have, loom heavy with the recent past retrograde period which was over the winter and through the spring you might be able to feel you might mange those things at this time. There could still be some cut backs, but there are growth spurts, which were not evident before - it’s a building time.

Another thing I wanted to mention about the Sun square Saturn is that it’s a time if you do address your parental issues that have weighed your down or that have held your back – you can make great progress with that over this next week.
And then there is a dreamy, but unrealistic aspect between Venus and Neptune – that’s tonight. That’s great for music and an enjoyable night out but don’t expect to find the love of your life with that aspect because they are only around for a very short far as music goes you can find me up in Marlboro at the coffee loft where Marty, my mate, will be playing with MC4 . So that would be a great fun musical night out.

Sunday July 28, 2013
On Sunday, if you get up early, you may learn about a great investment opportunity .I don’t know how you would find that, maybe on the internet. Go out early to look for houses or apartments.
Venus is sextile Jupiter on Sunday. This is nice. It allows for some fun energy, room for some type of pleasure, fulfillment, pleasant surroundings, and possibly good luck. If you wanted to spend a little money on a lottery or something like that you might be able to get lucky. Surround yourself with loving people throughout the day with that and lots of good food and good company with Venus sextile Jupiter.

The Moon is void of course on Sunday afternoon at 2:20 PM after a contra parallel to Saturn.

Monday July 29, 2013

Then the Moon enters Taurus on Monday at 12:43 AM beginning a Green Light period. And that Taurus Moon sign will be the host to that Grand Sextile that begins early in the morning at 9:45 AM eastern time. The Last Quarter Moon does connect with dates that go back to 1995, then October 2004, and there is a whole Moon family associated with this. If you may think back to what is going on now that relates to May of 2011 or January of 2012, then last October of 2012. And now here we have this very special day on Monday. With this Last Quarter Moon saying you are reaping the rewards of your efforts and you’re able to collect the types of things that you’ve been hoping for to be able to forward goals. But if you need to get paid or pay up this is a great day to do that.
And I want also to remind you that all these great configurations still have that Uranus Pluto square behind it. So there is that disruptive energy, like that train wreck is definitely a Pluto Uranus event, that horrible train accident in Spain. But there was the birth of the Royal Baby with all of this wonderful aspect and all of these wonderful aspects that have been supporting a nice new Prince to come into the world.
There is a partnership indicator going on. There is some disruptive energy with Mars, not just the opposition to Pluto, but it will square Uranus also. That will be on Wednesday.
Tuesday July 30, 2013

But there is Venus trine Pluto that happens on Tuesday. This is a money aspect that could be great for speculation; it also can create a ravenous appetite. So if you are trying to watch your diet plan ahead. Try not to fall into the traps of eating absolutely everything you could possibly consume.

And there is an enjoyable intense interaction with others. It could be very romantic or sexual. It could be also filled with some jealousies because Venus and Pluto tend to become overly possessive and attached when they are together.
The Sun links to Jupiter also on Tuesday at 1:45 PM. And this aspect could be good for reaching into a little lucky pool. And you might be able to expand your vision a little bit with that.
Wednesday July 31, 2013

There is a void of course Moon for 4:18 AM Wednesday when the Moon is parallel the Sun.

Then the Moon enters the talkative sign of Gemini. And that would be at 11:42 AM Wednesday and it continues right through until the Gemini Moon is with us until 12:30 AM on Saturday, August 3rd.

Mars square Uranus 11:08 PM. I’ve seen the rubber come off of tires on the highway with this Mars Uranus square. It is about very fast rolling things. It could also be about stories, it could be major events, and it could be the wheels on your vehicles. So you want to be careful. Do not throw caution to the wind. And this is also the aspect that is present for inventions. And you can also see where there are those who are bucking the system causing a ruckus. Lots of rebellious activity going on, trouble with mechanical equipment, sudden outrage or burst of extreme energy with Mars square Uranus. Friendship could be pushed to arguments. So you want to be careful also about sharp objects and erratic fluctuations in blood pressure. If you have a blood pressure problem, keep an eye on it I would say on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in general.
Thursday August 1, 2013
Thursday August 1st we do have that talkative active Gemini Moon. There is an aspect between the Sun and Pluto. Its 150 degrees I call it life’s messy clean it up and it is a health aspect: both mental and physical. There are adjustments that need to be made as a result of some type of upset. It could be an upset, something that affects a lot of people like the way oil spills do or some type of event that involves a lot of trees coming down - tornado energy, a stormy energy. But it is also the police and mortgages and taxes and money lenders all those things are needing some kind of adjustment because there could be some uncomfortable settings in regard to those matters. Also leaders could be on the hot seat and there could be connections putting the focus on people in high places, a disruptive event involving family.

At 5:27 PM Venus is then quincunx Uranus. Be careful about losing your friends. And that would be 8:28 PM on Thursday night. There is another aspect that Venus makes to Juno. So a lot of things about relationships, love and friendship is kind of in a very testy place on Thursday. _
Friday August 2, 2013 - The Gemini Moon is void of course all day
So be careful of that during a Gemini Moon. The Moon changes to Cancer and that is Saturday at 12:29 AM and that will continue right through right through the weekend.
There is a major aspect between Venus and Mars. 4:35 PM that is on Friday. This is great for finding the love of your life but wait until the Green Light period in the sign of Cancer next Saturday through Monday afternoon.
This could be about building family and a nest and this is a very good aspect for relationships. That’s it for the week.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Astrology Report for July 20-27, 2013 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days

Weekly Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days -
Radio Report is cast live at 90.3 FM Newton, MA at WZBC.
SCROLL DOWN FOR TRANSCRIBED REPORT plus the prepared written text beyond that.
The Grand Trine in Water signs – Jupiter & Mas in Cancer to Saturn in Scorpio then to Neptune in Pisces proves to hold golden opportunities for easier living. More compassionate and aware with a reward of fulfillment for making your-self available to those in need. You may have to sacrifice something which you give up easily when you find there is a better way. The overall message appears to be “surrender to the path before you”. To go with the flow is the message from Jupiter and Saturn allows you to sustain your accomplishments with needed inspiration and vision from Neptune. The planets are arranged in this beautiful configuration in what appears to read, “leap and the net will appear”.

GREEN LIGHT DAYS FOR the week of July 20, 2013 – July 27, 2013.

Green Light moments today Saturday July 20 from 2:22 PM – 2:38 PM during the final few minutes of the Sagittarius Moon sign. Think about your freedom from the constraints of your own design. If you have created an idealized project or business plan that continues to leave you struggling to succeed then it may be to time for another route. One that allows you to reinvent your circumstances if you are willing to let go of part of your dream plan. Perhaps its time to work for someone else and let them carry the overhead. Someone with greater insights can possibly lead the way. All of sixteen minutes to send something out or grab an opportunity for you next step on Monday.
Aspects to note for Saturday are Mercury turns direct at 2:22 PM after being retrograde since June 26.
Mars enters the grand water trine at 3:43 PM when 120º to Neptune.
Mars applies another trine to link Saturn with 120º at 5:34 PM.
Saturday July 21 - 2:30 PM the Moon enters Capricorn. The Capricorn Moon sign is not good to launch a new business project as there are many changes that emerge and their designer might have their own glorious agenda. The Leo Sun is wildly happy to arrive with the full Moon reflecting the rays of Sun.

Monday during the Capricorn Mon sign the aspect of great importance is Mars conjunct Jupiter at 3:35 AM Monday, completing the grand water trine.
Traditional The Capricorn Moon is v/c from 11;53 AM Sunday through 2:07 PM Monday.

Monday July 22, 2013 The Green Light period begins after 2:07 PM during the Aquarius Moon sign which includes Tuesday at 8:27 PM (Moon parallel Neptune). The Full Moon on Monday leads you to find what you are looking for. The extreme concentration of baby energy swells throughout the day as Ceres, the baby planet, squares the Scorpio Lunar node. Perhaps we will learn that the Royal Baby has arrived.
The Aquarius Moon is void of course from 8:27 PM Tuesday through 2:22 PM Wednesday.
Green Light for the Pisces Moon sign Wednesday July 24, 2013 – a Green Light Period begins after 2:22 PM through the Pisces Moon sign ending on Friday at 5:29 PM. Your ability to communicate what your intuition has been telling you all along work in your favor.
You can use the Moon trine Mercury on Thursday at 2:43 PM – Friday at 5:29 PM as the v/c Moon period. ( I however adhere to the ancient rule of William Lilly that the Moon is never v/c in Pisces, Taurus, Cancer or Sagittarius.)
Green Light for the Aries Moon sign Friday. This moon period is also positive for moving forward from 5:29 PM Friday July 26 – 2:20 PM Sunday July 28. The defining aspect is a contra parallel to Saturn. The results are temporary and judgments could be appealed. Repairs tend to be a patch until the parts come in or the money for larger renovations become available. For start-ups, this not the best time to move forward as you could be disappointed in the results that pale or fall flat. However the wise advise of a seasoned pro can lead you in a more stable direction.

Ongoing Dominating Aspects: Uranus square Pluto through March 2015
Saturn in Scorpio 60 degrees to Pluto, trine Neptune, quincunx Uranus.



Saturday, July 20, 2013 – Saturday, July 27, 2013

Transcribed from the live radio report July 20th.
Good Morning. Well, cheer up Mercury is turning direct today at 2:22 PM. This was one of the most difficult Mercury Retrograde periods that I’ve been through. And I know that from my callers that for them too it has been very, very rough. So what we do have – we are on the heels, we are still in process of that beautiful Grand Trine in water. And it goes like this: the water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. and we have Jupiter and Mars in the sign of Cancer linking a 120 degrees to Saturn in Scorpio .and then 120 degrees to link Neptune and/in Pisces. And then that Pisces comes back around to Cancer 120 degrees and there you have what is called a Grand Water Trine. And it proves to hold golden opportunities for easier living. So it is a type of thing that is best if you don’t go against the tide. It brings things in; it brings more compassion and awareness with a reward, a fulfillment for making yourself available to those in need. You can also see it as something is presented which can show where you might sacrifice something, which you easily give up when you find there is a better there is all these openings and doors to a better way. The overall message appears to be surrender to the path before you, to go with the flow – that is the message from Jupiter. And Saturn allows you to sustain your accomplishments with needed inspiration and vision from Neptune and the compassion to be able to do everything freely with the support of others.
The planets are arranged in this beautiful configuration, which appears to read as a net .and it is that net leap and the net will appear. So it is this big net or boat out there in the ocean that is sustaining, it’s supporting you, helping to give you the support that you need to be able to accomplish your dreams. So that continues we are not finished with it yet. And we have indicators of it going right through until 3:35 AM on Monday – the day of the Full Moon.
2:15 PM EDT (7:15 PM BST) The Full Moon at zero degrees of Aquarius, should bring that Royal Baby right around that time. So we’ll take a look at the things surrounding that. But I want to go over the Green Light Periods. There are quite a few this week.
There are a few little Green Light moments during the Sagittarius Moon today .and that’s from 2:22 PM, when Mercury turns direct, until 2:38 PM. and that is during the Sagittarius Moon. So you want to think about your freedom from the constraints of your own design. It’s you that’s holding you back try to imagine letting go of an idealized project. And move into something that is less of a struggle - more of leaning on others in a way. Like if you are an entrepreneur and that is not working, maybe what you want to do is go get a job in a traditional way. Give yourself a break from all the hassles of being a business person.
So you can also gain some greater insights from someone a lot wiser than yourself during this Sagittarius Moon sign. All of these 16 minutes are a great time to grab an opportunity and hold on to that until your next step is good to go on Monday. And I’ll give you the time for that.
For today the aspects to note: certainly Mercury turning direct at2:22 PM after being retrograde since June 26th. Mars enters the Grand Water Trine at 3:43 PM when it is 120 degrees from Neptune. Then
Mars applies another trine to link Saturn at 5:34 PM today. The Capricorn Moon sign is not a good sign for business – and it starts today at 2:39 PM today. We begin with a Capricorn Moon sign and that Capricorn Moon sign runs through Monday afternoon at 2:07 PM.
During the Capricorn Moon we have the opportunity to sort of hold onto the things that you had started in process. Some of the things that you want to get moving now that Mercury is direct. Hold on to those ideas until there is a Green Light on Monday because there are too many changes. Venus is going to change signs during the Capricorn Moon and the Sun will change signs. So they have their own agenda. The Sun in Leo will be gloriously reflecting its rays on that Full Moon. So there are things that will emerge .you‘ll see things, you’ll find things that you’re not quite ready to see just yet. So hold on during the Capricorn Moon
And Monday the aspect of great importance is the Mars conjunct Jupiter at 3:35 AM. That is a time when the Grand Trine is pretty much formed and you get to see how this thing has its own sort of life – there are wheels that turn. There is a show of luck for favorable conditions for this aspect on early Monday morning Mars conjunct Jupiter. This is a big move forward in a big way. It is an optimistic endeavor that is initiated. This could certainly be the birth of a Royal Baby and there is a connector in abundance of confidence and courage and an energy drive. You should find that your batteries are fully charged and you’re getting more and more energy as we get closer, and closer to this.
The other part about this Grand Trine is if you have been sleeping more than usual (and we’ve been blaming it on the heat wave which is a very good reason and the poor air quality). But the Grand Trine does just make you lazy, and sleepy, and you feel dissatisfied. It is not a good feeling until all the pieces are complete and Mars is going to be that trigger, which is also going to set us mentally in a better position. Some times that Mars Jupiter can be quarrelsome. So be careful about getting into arguments over nothing.
The traditional Capricorn Moon is Void of Course 11:53 ARE on Sunday through 2:07 PM on Monday. So that is a long one. However, ancient astrologer William Lily would consider the Moon Void of Course on Monday at 11:56 AM after the Sun enters the sign of Leo.
So then what we have here is a Green Light period on Monday. And that is during the Aquarius Moon at 2:07 PM right through until Tuesday at 8:27 PM.
The last aspect is Moon parallel Neptune. So this one allows support from unseen forces and things behind the scenes are working in favor for you. The Full Moon on Monday leads you to find the things you are looking for. There is an extreme concentration of all this baby energy that swells throughout the day. It’s Ceres the baby planet. She squares Scorpio, the Scorpio Lunar Node. So this gives us an enormous amount of promise of a new Royal Baby that could come on the 22nd of July.
The Aquarius Moon is Void of Course from 8:27 PM Tuesday through 2:22 PM on Wednesday. Then we have another Green Light period for the Pisces Moon and that Pisces Moon sign begins 2:22 PM Wednesday and it would be Green Light until 5:29 PM on you have the ability during that time to communicate what your intuition has been telling you all along. And this works in your favor. And you
can also use the Void of Course Moon period for the Pisces Moon if you like for Moon trine Mercury on Thursday at 2:43 PM until Friday at 5:29 PM, although I adhere to the ancient rule when the Moon is never Void of Course in Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, or Sagittarius.
Now we have another Green Light period during the Aries Moon sign. And this one is really motivated, your engines running, and things are moving in a positive way. And that will be with the Aries Moon from 5:29 PM Friday until 2:20 PM next Sunday. And it is a defining aspect. You may have a temporary fix to a problem. Things may not be long term, but you do get the assistance of seasoned professionals that can help you sort things through. And sometimes you have repairs that need to be made – a goo d patch. Until either the money comes in or larger plans are available. As far as startups, it’s not the best time to move forward as you could be disappointed in the results that seem to pale or fall flat, for an Aries Moon. They like things to keep on rolling.
So the aspects for the week: we did mention Mercury turning direct today. Then also what is happening today is Mars trine Neptune. This is very spiritual and its influence, it really has that quality of body mind and soul that is advanced through meditation, yoga, artistic work. And it’s energized with a very creative expression. So you may feel particularly creative during this time. Beware of crossing boundaries without being invited. And also trust your response and then allow your filters to be strongly implemented so that you are not saying everything that comes into mind.
Then we also have today Uranus trine Ceres – there is that baby planet again. That is today at 5:16 PM here on the east coast of the United States. So that allows for an ease, a flow. Get things going - not just for birthing babies but also for feeding people who are hungry taking care of others in a unique way that has a spontaneous nature to it? Uranus is sudden abrupt change - this is in a nice way with Ceres.
But I would say with all the Mars and all the Uranus energy, I would say to be careful about fires. We have Mars trine Saturn at 5:34 PM today and that has to do with well channeled power, control, your temperament, proper placement of your anger and hostility. There is obedience, tolerance, and patience is more easily applied with greater stamina and endurance. Well, we should be able to get that by that time when the storms start to come in and release this horrible heat wave that we have.
What we have on the 22nd , which is Monday, that Full Moon 2:15 PM at zero degrees of Aquarius and that is for all the world to see what is going on about this that and the other thing.
Also changing signs would be: Venus 8:41 AM which goes into the sign of Virgo. So Venus and Virgo is not the sign of great appreciation. She takes pride in her work and she demonstrates meticulous detail. So this is that love of work and someone who portrays the type of thing where there is a fastidious hand that is required to do every little thing in a perfect way. Like Marsha Cross who played on that popular TV show desperate housewives back a year or so ago. So this is not that expression of love of a lot of words. It’s more about what she will do; she will do for you that she loves you by efforts and not a lot of fanfare.
The Sun entering Leo is 11:56 AM and that is on the 22nd. That will allow us to put more effort into our creative process and be able to show things off to those who are interested in seeing them.
The Full Moon in Aquarius highlighting the Suns entrance into the sign of Leo. You are likely to find a greater audience for those things that you wish to display. So if you are an artist, push yourself. Get things out there in a way. If you are a musician, whatever it is that you do, make, enjoy - put it out there. Or just have a great time, lots of fun because the Sun in Leo also enjoys a lot of fun.
The next major aspect to note would be Venus opposite Neptune on the 26th and that’s on Friday. This aspect has to do with something slipping through your fingers. Romance, it’s filled with illusion. And there are vague boundaries regarding realistic values. So valuable items could be lost or misplaced so be very careful when traveling with your stuff you want to keep it safe or make plans to make your home safer. If you are leaving home for a vacation there is that charm and intoxicating moods are going on with an air of seduction with this aspect as well. There is a lot of camouflage, a lot of cosmetic camouflage, people putting on a mask to cover up something. Try keeping your eyes open during that aspect time - and that is on Friday morning. You could also be sleepy, so sleepy that you are late. So if you want to have a backup plan to get yourself up on Friday morning, unless you are on vacation.
The next aspect is Venus sextile Saturn. And this one is about opportunities bridging a gap between age differences. There is the gift of patience that is involved with this aspect. Mutual exchanges are the objective in relationships and people join and partner for the purpose of business and advancement in what is an appropriate and proper so to speak. So you can also enjoy your relationships that are built on history and shared affection for the same value. Solid investments are very good for that aspect. Frugal money matters also pay off on that day of that aspect, on Friday.
Well, that is it for the week. There is lot of stuff going on this week. If you do have this beautiful Grand Trine influencing you then try and get something moving in a harmonious way. If you haven’t done something already, don’t feel like you have missed it. You still have a lot of time to take advantage of that. And I would plan around that Full Moon to be able to put something out there, affirm something and do something that matches who you are inside and out. Reinvent yourself that is the name of the game. Okay that’s it for the week.

The planetary aspect this week:
Report Period: Jul 20 2013 to Jul 27 2013, Time Zone EDT +4:00 (Auto DST)

Saturday July 20, 2013 – Sagittarius Moon changing to Capricorn- Green Light moments today Saturday July 20 from 2:22 PM – 2:38 PM during the final few minutes of the Sagittarius Moon sign. Think about your freedom from the constraints of your own design. If you have created an idealized project or business plan that continues to leave you struggling to succeed then it may be to time for another route. One that allows you to reinvent your circumstances if you are willing to let go of part of your dream plan. Perhaps its time to work for someone else and let them carry the overhead. Someone with greater insights can possibly lead the way. All of sixteen minutes to send something out or grab an opportunity for you next step on Monday.
Saturday July 21 - 2:30 PM the Moon enters Capricorn. The Capricorn Moon sign is not good to launch a new business project as there are many changes that emerge and their designer might have their own glorious agenda. The Leo Sun is wildly happy to arrive with the full Moon reflecting the rays of Sun.

Exact Jul 20 2013 7:11 AM
Brief Description: A desire for fun and unconventional social excitement. Unstable or erratic feelings. Artistic rebellion. Unstable feelings. Sudden loss of interest in romance. Intense social excitement. Behaviors that tend to shock others with inappropriateness or unconventional actions. Choices may be socially unacceptable. Artistic rebellion. Sudden abrupt change within friendship. This aspect generates pressure and deep seated issues regarding your role in a primary friendship. These matters seem to be hard to access and can be a source of anguish that may require time and patience to find the right approach to the problem. A lost purse. Impulse spending.
For personal use: Keep it light and be creative with this one. Purchases may be trendy with short lived appeal. Expect your dining experiences to be unpredictable.
For business: Avoid major spending.
Jul 20 2013

Jul 20 2013
Hard-working Capricorn Moons are dead serious about their work. The "rules" command the day. Progress and status are important. Important people that "count" are around, as well as people you can count on. You are your own presentation, and caring about what other people think is often more important. The tone might be something like, "It is not as important to be happy as it is to be correct and successful." Make sure all your ducks are in a row. As a result, the pressure is great to be successful. Criticism runs high during Capricorn Moons and if you have not invited criticism as a constructive asset you could receive a blow to your confidence. This can be a time when people are more sensitive or very thin skinned. Capricorn can often expose matters of low self-esteem and gloomy feelings. There tends to be an emotional coldness during this time. Fathers, bosses, and authority figures are the main characters at the time of the Capricorn Moon. Architecture, big business and corporate structures are the focus. If you are a Capricorn, matters tend to go your way. Plant bushes and trees. Root crops.

MARS TRINE NEPTUNE (4th Sign to 12th Sign) 3:42 PM
Exact Jul 20 2013
Brief description: A strong desire for balance of body mind and spirit. A leap of faith. Forgiveness and spiritual benevolence. Artistic presentations in work. An energized creative expression. An idealistic approach to problem solving. News involving oil companies and fuel supplies. Charismatic. Intuitive reactions. Actions from or regarding Asia. Treading softly with a big stick. A swelling of emotional response. Crossing boundaries without resistance. Sex offenders are apprehended. Wealthy individuals avoid capital gains taxes by claiming losses from offshore currency transactions A news focus on media personality.
For personal use: Trust your first response and question your second.
For business use: Implement filters.
URANUS TRINE CERES (1st Sign to 5th Sign) 5:17 PM
Exact Jul 20 2013
MARS TRINE SATURN (4th Sign to 8th Sign) 5:34 PM
Exact Jul 20 2013
Brief description: Well channeled power. Controlled temperament and proper placement of anger or hostility. Obedience, tolerance and patience are more easily applied to stressful situations. Stamina and endurance. Less resistance. Accomplishment. Growth and progress in financial and business matters. Auspicious delays.
For personal use: You may be able to work with your relationships issues with a critical eye that may eventually lead to a sustained flow and harmony.
For business use: Hire someone with an eagle's eye for errors and stable growth promoting plans.

Sunday July 21, 2013 – The Moon is in Capricorn. The Capricorn Moon sign is not good to launch a new business project as there are many changes that emerge and their designer might have their own glorious agenda. The Leo Sun is wildly happy to arrive with the full Moon reflecting the rays of Sun.

MERCURY SEMISQUARE VENUS (4th Sign to 5th Sign) Exact Jul 21 2013 12:08 AM
Brief description: Lack of ease during social conversation. Obvious pleasantries. Polite talk and superficial interaction. Shared artistic and/or technical interests. Talks or comments of dissatisfaction and differences of values and desires. The focus is on the problems in relationships and not the solution. Nagging. Trivial details. Non conclusive regarding financial matters. Problems that are difficult to resolve as a result of data sharing.
For personal use: Chats about money matters could run into arguments.
For business use: Consider the value of mediators.

SUN SEMISEXTILE VENUS (4th Sign to 5th Sign)
Exact Jul 21 2013
Brief description: Budding artistic expression and development. Work with women. Work with artistic projects. The earliest signs of a romance may be developing. Encounters with kindred spirits.
For Personal use: Personal gains. Take stock in self worth. The temptation is to spend but wiser to increase your bank account.
For Business: Signs of financial progress. Choose this time enhance public and business relationships. Have a sale and show your best work. Use art, color and entertainment for a positive presentation.

Monday July 22, 2013 - Monday during the Capricorn Mon sign the aspect of great importance is Mars conjunct Jupiter at 3:35 AM Monday, completing the grand water trine.
Traditional The Capricorn Moon is v/c from 11;53 AM Sunday through 2:07 PM Monday.

Monday July 22, 2013 The Green Light period begins after 2:07 PM during the Aquarius Moon sign which includes Tuesday at 8:27 PM (Moon parallel Neptune). The Full Moon on Monday leads you to find what you are looking for. The extreme concentration of baby energy swells throughout the day as Ceres, the baby planet, squares the Scorpio Lunar node. Perhaps we will learn that the Royal Baby has arrived.


JUPITER PARALLEL CERES (4th Sign to 5th Sign)
Exact Jul 22 2013
Exact Jul 22 2013
Brief description: A show of luck and favorable conditions. To move forward in a big way. An optimistic endeavor is initiated. To connect benevolence. An abundance of confidence, courage, energy and drive. A sign of fully charged batteries. Lots of activity that could lead to calamity. Motivations toward legal action. A "might makes right" mentality. This aspect may be quarrelsome, impatient and prone to errors. You may find some to be over opinionated without forethought. Misjudgments can be made when leading others. To strongly boasts ones beliefs. Fights for ones religious beliefs. Athletic and competitive. Increases social involvement with others. A fortunate time for finding like minded people to join in shared activities. Conferences, workshops and spiritual gatherings. The green light with publishers. A winning combination. Positive and successful attitudes and activities. Issues concerning ethics. The mark of the crusader. Enterprising.
For personal use: Socialize. It is time to hop on the ban wagon. Practice your spiritual tools to move forward.
For business use: Advertise, market your ideas. Send out your proposals; submit to publishers; pitch your projects.
Jul 22 2013
Brief description: Venus in Virgo loves her work. Her pride is demonstrated with meticulous detail. Marcia Cross' plays the perfect Venus in Virgo character on the popular TV show "Desperate Housewives". She portrays the perfect hostess with a fastidious hand. But not all those born with Venus in Virgo have a pristine household but there is likely to be something they do that can be described to perfection as a labor of love. This is the sign of Venus' fall where she earned a reputation for being critical and picky and some believe she cannot be satisfied while in Virgo.
Appreciation is not the commodity here that it is when Venus travels through Leo instead there is the issue of expectations. Appreciated must truly be earned in the Virgo placement and it is here where actions speak louder than words. Someone with this Venus is more likely to show you how they love you by cooking, cleaning and making your daily routines easier and want your recognition for their efforts. It's the expectations that are the true downfall when Venus is in Virgo. Venus in Virgo keeps those closest to her on a short leash when there is work to be done and works hard for you when you're away. This Venus loves you most when you are helpful and then you'll see someone who is extremely grateful. The squabbles arise when you are clueless of what it expected. This Venus is best when surrounded by those who can read minds. She will do anything asked of her and cannot imagine anyone saying no when she needs help. It's all about the work. Happiness is getting the work done. Keeping the peace at work. Finding a peaceful spot to work. Working things out. Venus doesn't argue for the sake of arguing but wants to process the problems and truly wants to hear how you are willing to work with her.
Venus is not frivolous in Virgo and needs a very good reason to spend. Usually Venus is comfortable buying clothes and accessories for work. Venus will shell out the big bucks for computer equipment or specialty tools repairs & cleanup. Socializing at work makes sense as long as there is good food for everyone.
Jul 22 2013
Brief description: The Sun will be in Leo for the next month allowing a time for creative matters to take center stage. Children become the focus. This is a time for presentations and shows of creative works. Even though this is a time to access your joy, have fun and share your love, it traditionally stages very serious matters involving executive decisions. As these pressing matters compete for your attention you may find you are better equipped to take charge. Romance is also a priority when the Sun travels through the sign of Leo. People tend to be more open hearted with sunnier personalities. People may also be more demonstrative and generous. The ego can be bruised more easily. Confidence runs higher as does arrogance during the Leo period. Vacations and all forms of play move into the forefront.
For personal use: Use the principals of love as the great healer. Allow your creativity to lead now.
For business use: Present your best to the public.

MOON GOES VOID OF COURSE AFTER OPPOSITION SUN (10th House to 4th Sign) Jul 22 2013 11:56 AM
Jul 22 2013
Aquarius is an outgoing air sign ruling friendship and groups that join to exchange ideas and share like-minded ideas. With an Aquarius Moon the unusual, brand-new, and bizarre are the order of the day. This is usually a more social time with the unexpected as the norm. Aquarius rules anything very strange or alien in nature. Emotions are more erratic with an unpredictable expression. When independence streak is triggered some people express themselves with alienating behaviors becomes obvious. This is also true with nations, and companies, etc. There is a sense or expectation of change, and for some it may feel like impending doom. For others a strong surge of hope is evident. Aquarius is a fixed sign, indicating that things may not really change but evolve to the level of social consciousness. This may be a good time for revelations and awakenings. Aquarius rules mirrors or tape recorders, where reflection and repetitiveness are modes of behavior. Incessant talkers are reported, debating any passing point. This is the sign of invention and modernization. If you are an Aquarius, matters tend to go your way. Doctor appointments on days with Aquarius Moons can lead to treatments with the most modern techniques and equipment. In the garden it's a good time to eliminate bugs and weeds.

Tuesday July 23, 2013 – Moon in Aquarius – Green Light Day
The Aquarius Moon is void of course from 8:27 PM Tuesday through 2:22 PM Wednesday.


Exact Jul 23 2013 11:11 AM. Perhaps Mercury as the broadcaster brings news announced or revealed about the Royal baby.
SUN CONTRAPARALL PLUTO (5th Sign to 10th Sign) Exact Jul 23 2013
Brief description: A combination for an enemy camp. A temporary attempt to over power others and exert absolute control. The obsessions that motivate action. Deep psychological issues that can set one apart from meeting their goals. To be asked to keep secret what is witnessed. A short period of trust between two people perhaps for a specific purpose. Feelings of betrayal. Success may come through methods of coercion or intimidation.
For personal use: Deep truthful talks. Express your loyalty and respect for your partner.
For business use: Avoid entering any sort of partnership where you may be outmatched.
Wednesday July 24, 2013. The Aquarius Moon is void of course until 2:22 PM when the Moon enters Pisces. The Pisces Moon sign has the Green light to move forward with your goals. However you may
land in a different place then you might expect. __________________________________________________________________________________
MOON ENTERING PISCES (12th Sign) 2:22 PM. Jul 24 2013
The Pisces Moon can be a time of divine inspiration and composition. It is normally a sympathetic and empathetic time. This is a great time to recharge your batteries with some well needed down time. For some they may seek an escape with alcohol or mind-altering substances. You may feel compelled toward activities that support what feels like a mission or become a vehicle for divine intervention. This moon period can hold both gentle and forceful energy. Neptune the god of the sea, rules Pisces can be divinely spiritual or filled with upheaval when enraged. Hurricanes after all are born at sea. Tidal waves, tsunami and monsoons are all ruled by Neptune as are any major rain or snow storm. This can be a sensitive and romantic couple of days. There may be a presence of strong feelings of faith combined with a need to make a spiritual connection. It is normally a sympathetic and empathetic period; people can be overly sensitive and feel victimized. At times when feeling overly frustrated and misunderstood, striking out at others turns the victim into the victimizer as with the wounded puppy syndrome. There may be a strong focus on cosmetic and superficial appearances. Some may experience a Pisces Moon as a "black cloud" or fear that something unfortunate will occur as with 'Murphy's Law". There is a strong spiritual hunger during this time. Emotions range from melancholy to sentimental. This is a very good time for meditation, yoga and prayer and connecting to the universal divine protector. On a mundane level, there may be all sorts of sneaky behavior behind the scenes and misrepresentations. You may become aware of secrets. Clandestine affairs love a Pisces Moon. Elect to work behind the scenes for tasks requiring solitude. Intuition runs high; so trust your gut feelings. Music can be used as a tool to alter moods. Practice meditation, yoga and prayer. Create something poetic and be open to receive inspiration. Help someone -- service and sacrifice is Pisces' middle name and it helps with any tendency toward self –pity. Be aware of the lack of boundaries. The weather may be wet or misty. This is a fertile time and productive time in the garden. Planting and cultivating. If a Moon phases occurs while the Moon is in Pisces, people take action on the secrets revealed. The rule of thumb with a Pisces Moon is that you will land in a different place than you expected if you choose this time to initiate your objectives. If you are a Pisces, matters generally tend to go your way.
Thursday July 25, 2013. The Moon is in Pisces with a Green Light to move forward.
SUN PARALLEL MERCURY (5th Sign to 4th Sign) Exact Jul 25 2013
Brief description: Processing details for major decisions. Major announcements are made A connection is made between key persons to consult for the purpose of a long term agreement. Ones counselors and advisors are selected. There can be assignments and appointments to positions and offices. Important plans made for children. A child speaks out regarding an important matter. New pets may be adopted. Considerations or information regarding relocation to new neighborhoods. Important material is written or organized to a primary document. All eyes and ears are focused on the outcome of the story at hand.
For personal use: Look for clarity where information had been sketchy. Select you stage and wait for the right moment to make your presentation.
For business use: Consider options regarding travel for business. Choose your words carefully. Read the fine print and be decisive.
Friday July 26, 2013. The Moon is in Pisces until 5:52 PM when the Moon enters Aries through Monday July 29 at 12:43 AM.
VENUS OPPOSITION NEPTUNE (6th Sign to 12th Sign) Exact Jul 26 2013 8:08 AM
Brief description: Be careful not to over sleep and miss an important meeting or event. Romance and illusion are enhanced with vague boundaries regarding realistic values. Valuable items could be lost or misplaced. Charm and intoxicating moods camouflage a seduction or deception. Cosmetic camouflage. There is an insidious consequence for indulgences.
For personal use: Try to keep your eyes open. A personal inventory of your intrinsic value can enhance your self- worth.
For business use: Beautify and enhance a presentation. Beware of buying without further inspection.
VENUS SEXTILE SATURN (6th Sign to 8th Sign) Exact Jul 26 2013 2:36 PM
Brief description: The gift of patience. Mutual exchanges are the objective in all relationships. This is an opportunity to take a friendship to a deeper level of commitment. Create a solid relationship based on the relationship's history, shared affection and values. Solid investments. Frugal money habits pay off. Money stabilizes. Good business agreements. The desire to engage in relationships based on mature reasoning. Good business associates. Women motivated by success. Relationships established to stand the test of time. Long term agreements. This aspect is fond of stability in relationships and wide age differences. They could come together through work or relatives. The search for practical investments with long-term benefits. Whenever Venus and Saturn aspect there is a fear of emotional or financial loss.
For personal use: Consider the history in your existing relationships before starting a new one.
For business use: Invest.

Exact Jul 26 2013
Brief description: A temporary understanding for the cause of separation between loved ones. A temporary decision to cease spending, borrowing or lending money or possessions. To join with those of greater age or rank differences such as the Defense Secretary visits with the troops at the battle site. An arranged opportunity to meet with leaders or family head.
For personal use: Look into alternative retirement plans.
For business use: Position yourself by appearing competent and not pushy.

MOON ENTERING ARIES (1st Sign) Jul 26 2013 5:29 PM – through 12:43 AM Monday July 29, 2013.
The Aries Moon has a higher energy level and can be aggressive and self focused. There us a strong need for action and problem solving. During this time you may seek independence and be short tempered, confrontational and challenging. here can be a single minded mission or the potential to start something from scratch. The daily tones are noisier and less tolerant then other Moon signs. There might be an absence of social grace or pleasantries but not lacking in charm. This is an emotionally demanding period and can be filled with a need for sexual release. Assertiveness is seen everywhere and some people or other critters just will not take no for an answer. On the positive note you may begin projects you have held off. On the other side of that you may not finish them either. Plant onions. Good time to weed the garden and kill insects. If you are a Aries, matters tend to go your way.
Saturday July 27 2013
SUN QUINCUNX NEPTUNE (5th Sign to 12th Sign)
Exact Jul 27 2013
Brief description: Illusions are used as a smoke screen. Repeated patterns could create a blind spot. Dropping your routine to manage a chronic problem such as substance abuse or other evasive behavior. Daily routine slacks. Becoming distracted and disenchanted with your job and co-workers. Someone is out of line and not dependable. Healthy escapes with music, meditation and yoga. For personal use: Patience, compassion and support are the best use of this aspect. Join a yoga class.
For business use: Intuition runs high with an inspiring unexpected event.

Exact Jul 27 2013
Brief description: This planetary combination has an effect on psychological and financial matters. Control from powerful outside sources. Those in power tend to reject requests. This aspect rules issues of crude oil and its supplies. Reviews, laws, rulings regarding clean up of toxic waste and other events of contamination to the environment. May include the need for permits and licenses. More research is needed to justify spending or the development of a new product. Police are scrutinized for behaviors or advice to make policy changes. Announcements from large companies that tilt economic indicators. Information is gathered and released about a trend shift from moneylenders bankers, researchers, insurance brokers and agents. Matters concerning boundaries of jurisdiction. Considerations for purchases of graves or the details of one's final requests as well as matters concerning custody of joint property. Information from or about people who have passed on, or regarding their estates. Research regarding healing drugs or medical procedures. Shift in psychological conditions. An increase in deep body work and other healing techniques.
For personal use: Indulge in deep healing of body mind and soul. Release outworn psychological patterns with the ancient plant spirit medicine technique. Acupuncture. Cross border only with a passport.
For business use: Make considerations for loans or agreements however, this is not a good day to apply for money unless it is for one day only.
PLUTO QUINCUNX VESTA (10th Sign to 5th Sign) 6:06 PM
Exact Jul 27 2013
MARS OPPOSITION PLUTO (4th Sign to 10th Sign)
Exact Jul 27 2013
Brief description: Obsessive behaviors. Strong sexual attractions. Reports of sexual deviations. Crack down on pornography. Pulling and struggling at both sides of power. A deep conflict with intensity that pressures and motivates change. A desire to cut a new pattern and design a renovated and upgraded version of an old system. Intense sexual tension and expression. A steam roller response to resistance. Advances made to dominate and overpower others. There is a sense that those in power are willing to mow others down for their own selfish needs. Paranoia runs high but is difficult to discriminate between reality and tricks of the mind. The presence of deep anger which can be transformed through therapeutic process. Huge earth moving equipment. Pile drivers pound deep for wells and black gold. Those exerting absolute power are halted. Courts intervene with parental decisions. Planned surgery or the acute need for medical attention. Deep muscular tension and release.
For personal use: Make love not war.
For business use: Don't mess with anyone you don't know well. This is not a day for lightweights.

MARS SEMISEXTILE VESTA (4th Sign to 5th Sign)
Exact Jul 27 2013
SUN SQUARE SATURN (5th Sign to 8th Sign) 9:05 PM
Exact Jul 27 2013
Brief description: This is the last quarter square of the Sun and Saturn in their yearly cycle and marks the official end of Saturn's retrograde cycle even though technically Saturn turned direct on May 2, 2008. Growth in business or personal structures should become evident over the next seven months until the Sun will next square Saturn, December 12, 2008, 19 days before its next retrograde period, December 31, 2008. This is a serious time that points to insecurities. There is hope for growth and development after the passing of this aspect. Expect recognition for your past deeds at this time as you have applied a period of intense effort. Some difficulty is shown with authority figures or perhaps there is a change of authority figures who will be aware of your efforts. This aspect triggers issues with parents, bosses and those in a seat of judgment. Debts that have loomed heavy over the retrograde period are approaching a more manageable period. This marks the beginning of the growth period and lifts some of the critical cutbacks and layoffs that were necessary during the slow period. Some cutbacks could still apply but there is hope for growth now that the obstacles and limitations have been addressed. This is a building time where your strong motivations gain momentum. This is a day for career and important family decisions.
For personal use: Wait until this aspect passes and look for the light at the end of the tunnel. Surprisingly, Saturn has a sense of humor. If you are suffering, consider it payment to a karmic debt.
For business use: A good time to assess the four structural corners of your business and begin to move forward.
Note: The conjunction between the Sun and Saturn renews its cycle which this year occurs on November 6, 2013 at 14º Scorpio.

Exact Jul 27 2013
Brief description: The feminine is enhanced. Beauty and sensuality enhance this day. Like magic, help arrives from a magnetic individual. Romance and illusion permits invitations once not considered. Boundaries become vague regarding the framework of realistic values. Charm and intoxicating moods camouflage seduction. An opportunity for deception. Valuable items could be lost or misplaced. There is an insidious consequence for indulgences. Great aspect for creating a cosmetic camouflage. Use of color, flowers and music raises the vibration.
For personal use: Keep your eyes open when your heart's a flutter. Focus your attention inward for the gem in your intrinsic value.
For business: Beautify and enhance a presentation. Beware of buying without deeper investigation or inspection.
MOON GOES VOID OF COURSE AFTER contra parallel Saturn at 2:20 PM.
Jul 27 2013.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Astrology Report for July 13 - July 19, 2013 with Green Light Days

There is a Green Light period from the time point that Uranus turns retrograde at 1:20 PM on Wednesday. Green Light right through until 7:22 AM on Thursday. The Green Light is during the Scorpio Moon sign which allows you to do things that are deep and intense. Perhaps it could be something that supports your strong psychological base, something that also is about changing your life in a positive way bringing you to a place where you can effect permanent change, and not just that starting over once again. Once again this would be for activating something that is positive from this point on as it engages the very good side of this weeks’ Grand Trine and as Uranus promises and opportunity to reinvent yourself.

Saturday July 13, 2013
Good Morning. We have quite the week ahead. This is the week of a Grand Triangle in the sky. This Grand Trine means there are 3 points - all in water. Jupiter and Mars are in the sign of Cancer and they make a 120 degree angle to Saturn in the sign of Scorpio. And then there is a 120 degree trine to Neptune in the sign of Pisces drawing its line back down to Jupiter and Mars in Cancer. This is quite dramatic. It encompasses the whole world as far as its effect. It involves an enormous amount of water: intuition, creativity. And there is that edge that you have where you can create and bring some structure to you dreams with Saturn involved. Although Saturn is a planet that demands perfection and demands a lot of hard work with it. So Jupiter and Neptune have this quality of lackadaisical, carefree, sleepy, type of escape. Just want to go play enjoy music, yoga, and down time. But wait, Saturn says you are going to pay for that. You have to be responsible. You have to take your down time fun time more seriously.
Saturn is in the sign of Scorpio is not a fun sign for Saturn by any means and Scorpio is not a sign for light weights in any case. So this is a kind of testy Grand Trine. But it should bring about some extremely interesting news, especially with the addition of Mars in the soup. Mars is the action point. Jupiter is the expansion point. It will enliven things and make matters larger than life itself. Neptune has that quality as well. Neptune has a foggy, dreamy, whiteout, rainout, wet relationship with us. And it also speaks to things in the Far East and it also speaks to things that are – there are some military implications with the Mars Jupiter trine Saturn. Much work on bridges and roads are supported by this activity.
The trine allows things go easily, open up easily, and that there is harmony between these planets. That doesn’t mean that their good planets all around. But it’s not bad. Try and visualize and imagine what you want. Be specific and see if you can plant that seed and have some type of positive results for your dreams. Later I will give you the times when these things are exact. But the Grand Trine covers a couple of days. So it is just not on one day.
So as we begin this, Saturday we have a Virgo which is Void of Course at 11:25 AM. Mars entered the sign of Cancer this morning - just a couple of minutes ago at 9:22 AM. And while Mars is in the sign of Cancer it really is motivated on working on the home. So a lot of contractors should be very, very busy during this time. There is also that desire to organize your kitchen your pantry your living space in such a way that functions better and also about getting matters about your children all in line as well. Its passive aggressive in the sign of Cancer and usually the woman rules the roost when Mars is in this sign. There could be some resentments which are built from family fights and things like that. Try to avoid that type of behavior and let go - send that out with the trine to dissipate with Neptune.
So then what we have after the Moon goes Void of Course today – mean while in the space between 9:22 AM to 11:26 AM right there you have a golden period - very positive Green Light period. So do something this morning that is going to stay with you for the rest of the week.
Saturday the Moon is Void of Course for the rest of the day 11:26 AM until 3:41 AM on Sunday and then we have the Moon in the sign of Libra.
Sunday July 14, 2013
Sunday the Libra Moon ends with a bit of a conflict when it is square the Sun at its first quarter of the Moon on Monday at 11:18 PM. So there are differences during that time period that need to be settled. However, Monday is an action day and not all things end in conflict. There is a huge event that surrounds a legal decision, the Trayvon Martin murder trial.
But for Sunday it is pretty nice in general. The Libra Moon brings harmony. People are willing to be peaceful. There is a strong desire to join with the family, feed everyone, make everyone happy. Nice time to go to barbecues and things like that – that’s on Sunday.
Monday July 15, 2013
On Monday with the Libra Moon may start out with some legal matters where you get advice from others. Pluto and Ceres – Ceres is about babies. Everybody is waiting for that royal baby to be delivered. And there is an aspect on Monday morning that kind of pushes that to the limit - its Pluto 150 degrees to Ceres which is about the baby. And it is a royal baby because Ceres is in Leo for that particular aspect. So we will see how that turns out.
Also Monday is an action day with that quarter Moon late at night 11:19 PM. There is a First Quarter Moon 23 degrees of Libra. That means that you are actively involved in the process of getting on with something that you had been planning for a while. Maybe as much as 9 months ago. _____________________________________________________________________________
Tuesday July 16, 2013.
After 10:24 AM Tuesday the Moon enters the sign of Scorpio which is not a playground for lightweights. It is a lot of bullying energy going on with a Scorpio Moon. Try to hold your ground in a way that is supported by others that are seasoned professionals because you wouldn’t want to go it alone.
Wednesday July 17, 2013

The headliner for this Scorpio Moon sign is actually on Wednesday when Uranus turns retrograde (through December 17, 2013). On Wednesday Jupiter and Saturn connect in their trine followed by Jupiter and Neptune also in their trine. So Jupiter is tagging both of the planets so that we have the Grand Trine in its form for Wednesday and wacky Uranus sets it off.
Now Uranus is in the sign of Aries. Uranus is the planet of sudden abrupt change. It activates the type of things that would be a surprise. So all the harmony that is laid out by this Grand Trine, which is supposed to be smooth and easy and nice, Uranus says oh, no. there is something of great startling effect. And with all of the ease of the Grand Trine it easily comes in. so the surprising element easily slips in there. Uranus will be retrograde for several months. But the day that it turns retrograde those are when those days are very special and particularly related to the event.
Wednesday There is a Green Light period also from the point that Uranus turns retrograde at 1:20 PM on Wednesday. Green Light right through until 7:22 AM on Thursday, which begins at the last aspect of the Scorpio Moon. The Green Light is in Scorpio. So it allows you to do things that are deep and intense. Perhaps it could be something that supports your strong psychological base, something that also is about changing your life in a positive way bringing you to a place where you can effect permanent change, and not just that starting over once again. Once again this would be for activating something that is positive from this point on making this a very good factor with this Grand Trine and Uranus because you have the opportunity to reinvent yourself.
Thursday July 18, 2013
The Void of Course Moon 7:22 AM on Thursday continues right through until 1:54 PM on Thursday. After that time the Moon changes signs into Sagittarius. While the Moon is in Sagittarius, Mercury will turn direct. Now we are all suffering from horrific Mercury Retrograde.
It is interesting that the two points, onset then release, of this weeks’ Grand Cosmic Triangle is first lead by Uranus turning retrograde on Wednesday and finally Mercury turning direct on Saturday July 20 for the finale. So something: it could be chaos with the internet or something blacks out communication in a big way; or a grand traffic jam. We certainly have been having every variety of chaos imaginable so far. So it is truly is proving itself as expected, from my perspective anyway, that it’s not going to be an easy way out.
Friday July 19, 2013
The Sagittarius Moon sign is hosting the grand trine’s final point as Saturn finally does make the last point of the Grand Trine. It’s on Friday, July 19th. It’s at 9:20 AM. Saturn is trine Neptune during that time.
So for the rest of Friday the Moon still continues in the sign of Sagittarius. It is not a good time to sign things or commit because Mercury will reverse it when it turns around again on Saturday July 20 at 2:22 PM. You want to just keep things on going keep the lines of communication open - that is always a good thing to do during a Mercury retrograde period in general. That is pretty much the story of the week.
Do something extremely creative. Sit down and write something. Make an outline of how you see the rest of your life in a positive light. Try to connect and share with people of like mindedness but also those that can stimulate change in your life as well. So that is it for the week.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Weekly Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days


TRANSITS: Weekly Astrology Report with Green Light Days

Ongoing Dominating Aspects: Uranus square Pluto through March 2015. Currently
Saturn is in Scorpio; and 60 degrees to Pluto; trine Neptune; quincunx Uranus.
Mercury has been retrograde since June 26 through July 20.
This is a good time to redo or rework an older idea that you were not able to fully produce in the past. Also if something did work in the past go ahead and do it again as it will show progress during the retrograde period. The things that are considered “first time around” often fail to bring the desired results. The retrograde is in the sign of Cancer which is a great time for baby making.


Leo Moon sign beginning Jul 9 2013at 6:48 AM though 6:12 PM on Thursday July 11. Begin a Green Light period from 6:48 AM Tuesday through 3:54 PM Thursday. This is an excellent time to redo, retry or re-launch a project or creative interest that once was rejected or passed by from an earlier date. You have the motivation and desire to drive your projects with the opportunities given by opening doors once closed. However you must take action. Remember that Mercury is retrograde and you must scrutinize all legal documents before signing. When possible, delay the signing until after Mercury turns direct July 20th. Edit and return documents for rewrites and revisions while keeping the lines of communication open.

(c) By Dietrech Pessin


Saturday July 6, 2013. Gemini Moon changing to Cancer.

This weekend begins with a highly active Gemini Moon which allow for our motor to keep running through the main changes over the past couple of days. During the long void Moon period (8:30 AM – 6:14 PM) Vesta will enter the highly creative sign of Leo. This allows for a spiritual perspective of our relationship to our work.

Jul 6 2013 at 5:36 AM – September 10, 2013.
Pride in one’s work is the benefit of Vesta in Leo. Your greatest inner source of creativity is released when you draw on your talents. Your work develops from a place of inspiration. View your work through the window of fun and romance.

Jul 6 2013 at 8:30 AM.

MOON ENTERING CANCER Jul 6 2013 at 6:14 PM at which time begin a GREEN LIGHT period through 7:44 AM and further if you follow the ancient rule that the Moon is never void of course in its own sign. The Moon travels through Cancer until 7:48 AM on Tuesday July 9. Also by Saturday evening the Dark Moon phase begins through noon on Tuesday. There is not a good time to enter into long term agreements throughout the Cancer Moon sign as, during this time it is best to allow things to come to you and respond where necessary but plant seeds for the future and in this case the seeds are best when focused on Cancer’s strong suits; family, home, housing & security. Also money matters are best used to save and secure your nest egg.
While the Moon travels through Cancer there will be one major planetary aspect on Sunday (Venus trine Uranus – quite a lucky aspect) and the big news is a long awaited event when Saturn turns direct on Monday at 1:12 AM which is followed by a New Moon at 16º Cancer at 3:14 AM. A little later the Moon reaches its final aspect before leaving the sign by a conjunction to Mercury. But this conjunction is an occultation. An occultation is the equivalent of an eclipse lineup of the Moon to a planet. It will only be visible in areas were the Sun has not risen above the horizon.

The Moon brings the “order of the day” and there is no better sign for the Moon then its own sign of Cancer. The Cancer Moon is a nesting time but not reclining. There is a desire to retreat and protect one's vulnerable underbelly. The baby side of people surfaces and emotions are highly visible if you are at all able to get close enough as very often people are "crabby". This is a time to nurture and find a way to nurture your inner self. People stick to their clans and cliques being less likely to socialize with outsiders and seem to be comfortable with close family members. If you are fortunately positioned you may become privy to insider information. Address matters of saving and providing for necessities as these issues move to the forefront. Food preparation and shared meals are more important. Matters of cash as related to security, real estate and patriotism are Cancer matters. Issues involving dependency or defensiveness are likely to arise with the Moon here. What people need to survive also takes precedence. Headlines are more dramatic than usual. This is a great Moon for planting vegetables and the most fertile sign of the zodiac. This is the best time to plant fruits and vegetables and general planting. If you are a Cancer, matters tend to go your way. Enjoy family dinners and nestle in with a loved one.

Exact Jul 6 2013 – at 10:08 PM.
Brief description: Here the roles are reversed between Juno the Queen of the gods and Jupiter, the King of the gods. Jupiter now in Cancer, the sign of the homebody, is at odds with his partner, Juno now retrograde in freedom sign Aquarius. Partners in marriage or business differ over details involving the overly detached perspective when Jupiter feels there is a need to focus on family matters. Juno may appear more and more remote as Jupiter is uncharacteristically presses the details of their contract mostly because Jupiter is not happy with the constraints of obligation either while traveling through Cancer. (Jupiter continues in Cancer until next summer 2014).

Sunday July 7, 2013. Moon in Cancer Dark Phase of the Moon.

Exact Jul 7 2013 8:14 PM
Brief description: Try your luck with this cosmic charm. Meeting new loves can be exciting. Good friends find each other. This aspect brings a sense of all around fun however this one is toned down with a strong Saturn presence. It usually brings light and happy occasions. Romantic surprises. Electronic and electric art. Unique costumes and esthetics. Pleasant reversals. Allows the erratic and unusual to flow. Positive changes in relationships. Sudden jealous reactions. New temptations. Surprisingly pleasurable.
For personal use: Really nice day for friendship and romance. Share the hot tub.
For business use: Attract like -minded partnership today. Fun and business pay off. Gains through social interactions. Great for jewelry or retail sales from personal items to home furnishings as the most unique items will be available and people will be ready to spend.

Monday July 8, 2013. The Moon is in Cancer and things take much longer than expected with Saturn standing perfectly still from our perspective here on earth. Of course it continues to rotate around the Sun but the relative standstill has an impact on our daily affairs nonetheless.

Jul 8 2013 at 1:12 AM. Saturn turned retrograde on February 18, 2013 at11:32 Scorpio.
There are no greater times in a year when Saturn brings us fatherly lessons as when Saturn is turning retrograde or direct in motion. On July 8, 2013 Saturn turns direct after being retrograde for the past four and a half months. This is normally a serious event. Saturn represents the law of manifestation. It is with the help of Saturn that things are actualized. Like building or buying house. Saturn manifests the structure and provides the framework within which we can build a solid base for living the life we choose for ourselves. Included are obligations that define related responsibilities, debts and boundaries associated with taking on the house.
As we and our projects develop there is a time to reassess our liabilities and assets. These times present a period when we must resist further expansion and work toward completion of our existing endeavors. Matters developing at this time hold serious indications. When engaging in the routine of heavy work, matters move more slowly and are labor intensive however the rewards are great. The slowed results can create a period of frustration as when waiting in the long lines of a bureaucratic desk but the learning curve allows you to take on greater challenges for future projects.
Close to the time of a Saturn station this time is filled with Saturn issues such as father, family obligations. This is not a lenient time for those handing down the law. Matters of real estate and career are at the top of the agenda as we approach the Saturn station. Structural matters at the core of your life become the most important. This is a time when the preverbal faucet is tightened to a slow drip. Resources are often earmarked for necessities only, and those who lend and give financial support are scrutinizing and less generous. Entering into financial arrangements now may not be open for negotiation later. It is best to pull back until you see the money in your account before taking on new projects or major purchases. Think of your intentions in this frame; "does this purchase or new endeavor create greater security and add to existing structures?" By creating reserves this adds to your sense of security. Health wise it’s the teeth and knees that are vulnerable. Security insures peace of mind. The entire insurance industry banks on your fear of a lack of security which motivates you to buy insurance-a fear of being without

New Moon at 3:14 AM Monday at 16º 18’ Cancer.
The New Moon


SUN QUINCUNX JUNO Exact Jul 9 2013 AT 1:56 am
Brief description. The Sun is disappointed in Juno’s lackluster interest during a primary event that calls for close family member to step up and take part. This could mean there is an upsetting event that calls on family participation. On the other hand a family member may show up with a totally new partner much to the surprise of the clan.

MOON ENTERING LEO Jul 9 2013at 6:48 AM though 6:12 PM on Thursday July 11. Begin a Green Light period from 6:48 AM Tuesday through 3:54 PM Thursday. This is an excellent time to redo, retry or re-launch a project or creative interest that once was rejected or passed by from an earlier date. You have the motivation and desire to drive your projects with the opportunities given by opening doors once closed. However you must take action. Remember that Mercury is retrograde and you must scrutinize all legal documents before signing. When possible, delay the signing until after Mercury turns direct July 20th. Edit and return documents for rewrites and revisions while keeping the lines of communication open.

A Leo Moon can bring sunny and cheerful moods, but this can be a demanding couple of days for your business and personal life. This is a time for "the show" or a presentation. Issues in various areas of life can be showy in nature and then the spot light is waiting for the "show off". At times if negative aspects occur there can be an abundance of arrogance with a stubborn streak. On a positive note it can be a time when your confidence is up and you are able to stay on track with a goal in mind. Pride may become an asset or liability. These couple of days work best if your express your love and appreciation for those around you and remembering to offer praise. Your generosity can be contagious as enthusiasm inspires an air of good will. It is a time when your actions are closely scrutinized as if on stage. Making every effort to be well informed and prepared in all around activities even if today is not show time, as the Leo energy may not be forgiving of faux pas. This is a good time for having interaction with children or investing time in your creative projects or anything you might consider your "baby". The children in your life are a source of joy but may need your undivided attention. Maintain a balance for love given and received. If you love it, then show it. Plant nothing since it is the most barren. Good time to tidy the garden for show. If you are a Leo, matters tend to go your way.

Tuesday July 9, 2013.
The Moon is in Leo and it’s a Green Light Day but things are likely to take a very long time.

Exact 2:41 PM Jul 9 2013
Brief description: This is the middle of the Mercury retrograde period and filled with the trickster's mishaps with information and travel plans. Take a solid inventory of what and how you need to go about your business. Double check itinerary and call ahead before you set out on your journey. Make sure all your paperwork is in order and you may want to pack a separate overnight bag in case you are separated from your luggage. Otherwise expect mental agility. Sharp mindedness for snap decisions. Awareness is heightened. Responses are quickened. Lots of errands. Short distant travel. Knowing one’s mind. Important decisions. Assessing priorities. Analytical thinking may accelerate to worry. This aspect is positive for writing, collecting information. Sorting through gossip and news stories. Ease with multi-tasking with adjustments. Outlining contracts for agreements to be signed when Mercury is direct March 25. Seeking introductions and appointments.
For personal use: Look and be at your best. Expect recognition. Go with the flow.
For business use: Read the fine print. Go after what you want with enthusiasm. Submit your work for editing. Advertise and network

Wednesday July 10, 2013. Leo Moon. Green Light Day.

Exact 8:49 PM Jul 10 2013
Brief description: People are talking about the bride and it may not be a good thing.

Exact 10:29 PM Jul 10 2013
Brief description: People are drawn together spontaneously. Mercury's curiosity of the qualities and appeal of Venus is compelling. Fortunately the sparks fly in both directions. The contact may range from mild admiration to intense attraction. Many examples have found that Mercury is involved with someone else. This aspect can lead to multiple affairs.
To align with intelligent and popular people for the purpose of a positive message. Versatility and clever ideas laced with charm and attraction. Love of sound and music. Beautifully expressed thoughts. Awareness of sensitivities and reactions to foods. Pleasant trips. Visits with friends and relatives.
For personal use: Enjoy the love delights and share your appreciation.
For business use: Study reactions to your business. Great for outreach.

Thursday July 11, 2013

Leo Moon sign void of course at 3:54 PM then Moon changing to Virgo at 6:12 PM.
Green Light period through 3:54 PM.
After 6:12 PM the Virgo Moon is best used for ongoing work and health maintenance activities. Avoid entering into agreements or long-term commitments.

Retrograde MERCURY 30º VENUS
Exact 7:08 AM Jul 11 2013
Brief description: There could be problems with this aspect. In this aspect Mercury is behind Venus bringing the information about money and love from behind the scenes of feminine actions. There could be secret behavior with money. Lovers may have their secret thoughts that could be shared under sensitive conditions. There are strong cravings for sweets and comfort foods. You may be visiting with people in the hospital or with your favorite aunt.
For personal use: A good time to return calls, send notes and invitations. Adopt a pet or look after a pet.
For business use: Look into the paper trail around spending. Light advertising and jewelry sales.

Brief description: When Mercury is ahead of Venus there will be information regarding the yield from bank accounts and resources. There may be statements made between lovers, siblings, especially from sisters and from hearts of children. Problems may arise from a lack of information that would have an effect on the characters in these relationships. There may be encouraging economic picture without substantial backing and of short standing. Fluctuations in stocks and currency. A desire for sweets. A nice time for visits with friends and family.
For personal use: Check your balances before making purchases. Be an active listener.
For business use: Open up the lines of communication for easy access to the employee

Exact 10:30 AM Jul 11 2013
In some cases someone seems to be happy with the spouse of partner of a family member but the bride may not be as happy. But this may be a long awaited invitation for Prince William & Kate’s baby to see his/her new world.

3:54 PM Jul 11 2013

MOON ENTERING VIRGO 6:12 PM Thursday Jul 11 2013
This Virgo Moon sign is complicated by the up and coming change of Mars now headed for Cancer. Stay the course but do not agree or sign as an important player drops everything. In some cases the culprit acts so quickly you are unable to retrieve a secure position and could assume the responsibility for another’s actions. Such as paying the bills when the roommate leaves before the agreed time. Or having to hire someone one to clean up a mess of others.

The Virgo Moon is a very busy time. It is a focused on details, a specific task, or on people at work. It is a great couple of days to clean up and organize your home and work setting. You may be inclined to put your energy into healthy food and good cooking. Virgo Moons actually hold a considerable amount of sexual intrigue especially when working with others. People become more detail-oriented and conscious of schedules. There may be a need to prioritize and set a daily routine in motion. This could be a good time to schedule health maintenance appointments. Due to Virgo's highly analytical energy is a great time for psychotherapy. Any type of bodywork and all forms of self- help are positive uses for a Virgo Moon. This is the sign of the perfectionist, which comes in handy for tasks but disturbs the balance of interpersonal relationships. This is a very good time for planting or harvesting herbs, corn and grains. If you are a Virgo, matters tend to go your way.

Friday July 12, 2013. Happy Birthday Pat Iyer.
Virgo Moon. Stay the course and keep an eye on the ball as this is a busy time because Mars is on the run. He is headed for Gemini’s exit door to begin a 6.5 week tour of Cancer beginning July 13.

Exact 1:54 AM Jul 12 2013
Brief description: A blind spot that could be used for one’s advantage and another’s disadvantage. A person wearing a veil or a disguise. Cosmetic alterations. Music, poetry and meditation are a positive example of this aspect. A desire to escape. A difficult misunderstanding to sort through. Sloppy habits that lead to errors or misjudgments. Missing links and false support. Advisers may offer deceptive or bad information. Oil prices are an issue. Difficulties with addictions.
For personal use Music, poetry and meditation are a positive use of this energy.
For business use Check motives.

Saturday July 13, 2013. Virgo Moon

Exact 3:53 AM Jul 13 2013
Brief description: Excessive desire to play and "party". Grand and extravagant surroundings that may lack good taste. Overindulgence especially with food with Jupiter in Virgo. Partners are overvaluing something but enthusiastic about coupling.
For personal use: Allow your enthusiasm to level out a bit before overextending yourself.
For business use: Social settings and networking. Parties for those on their way out of town.

MARS ENTERING CANCER 9:22 AM Jul 13 2013- Saturday
Brief description: Brings a fight at home or for people or causes about which you feel strongly. People are particularly protective of their families. Mars is passive aggressive in this sign and will silently plan revenge while sulking in retreat. You are most effective when putting your energy in the home or by working at home. Females reposition their standing following their setbacks. Feeding the masses becomes a priority.
For personal use: Be mindful of how passive aggressive behaviors can undermine you greater goals. Use this time for huge effort into your home.
For business: Make decisions regarding inside positions and matters of property.

Jul 13 2013

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: