Monday, July 29, 2013

Astology Report for July 27 - Aug 3, 2013

Week of July 27 – August 3, 2013.
The Primary Event is the Grand Sextile Monday July 29 beginning at 9:45 AM edt. This is when the Taurus Moon enters the configuration with its first contact to Neptune then Mars and Jupiter in Cancer, then to Venus in Virgo; with the more ridged influence of Saturn In Scorpio and finally to Pluto in Capricorn. Be creative, make it real and make it something that includes a vast amount of people, plants and animals. The Sun is directly involved with the Moon as well but with its very important Last Quarter Moon at 7º Taurus at 1:43 PM also July 29.

Green Light Saturday 7/27 all day and until 2:20 PM Sunday.
Green Light period begins at 12:43 AM Monday 7/29 through 4:18 AM Wednesday.
Green light period from 11:42 AM Wednesday 7/31 until 6:35 PM Thursday night. Moon is void of course until Saturday 8/3.
Green Light Period at 12:30 AM Saturday 8/3 through Monday at 2:48 AM or until 12:58 PM August 5, 2013.

The Gemini Moon is void of course all day Friday August 2, 2013.

From Janet Booth's Newsletter July 27, 2013 - she writes:

In my most recent newsletter (July 8), I wrote about the Grand Trine in Water signs this month. It is most unusual. If you missed the details in that newsletter, you can read it from the archive.

Looking back and ahead 200 years (scanning a 400-year span), there has not been such a precise occurrence of this special alignment - an equilateral triangle around the zodiac called a Grand Trine - between these three planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. (There were two very imprecise occurrences, one in 1928 and one in 1966. The next imprecise triangle will be in 2192.) It's really a magical time for dreams to come true.

For most of the day on Monday, July 29, this Grand Trine is expanded into an even better pattern called a Star of David, consisting of two overlapping Grand Trines. When you give Pluto a little leeway to be counted as being in the right spot, it receives a Grand Trine from quick Venus and the rapid Moon as they fill in the other points.

Plan how you can use this wonderful energy for promoting or expanding existing projects. It's not as good for starting something because it comes during the waning part of the lunar cycle. (Beginnings are best launched in the waxing phase, after a New Moon but before a Full Moon. We're past a Full Moon now.)

The Following is transcribed from Dietrech Live Radio Report July 27, 2013.

We have a very, very, very interesting week ahead. One of the things that is going on is this Grand Sextile, that is 6 points in the sky creating what appears to be a Star of David in the sky, which is about creating your own reality and meeting the characters and players for your dreams to forward your goals. It is a very special aspect and we’ve been in this rather special period since July 17th when the Grand Trine of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune occurred. However, this has not brought a lot of wonderful things too many people. Many people are stuck in what seems to be a lull of activity and they seem to be feeling stuck and discouraged. And I would imagine that things begin to move after today because of the fact that the Sun will square Saturn. And a lot of this hold back for the past week or so has been the applying aspect between the Sun and Saturn - its 90 degrees. it’s always a tough period of the year when the Sun is square Saturn . The good news is after it occurs, which is going to be later on today, and then we should notice a lightening up.
And there are lots of light and Green Light periods throughout the week. I’m going to mention them now. We have one all day today right through tomorrow at 2:20 PM Sunday. And then another Green Light period begins at 12:43 AM on Monday through 4:18 AM on Wednesday. Start another Green Light period 11:42 AM Wednesday until 6:35 PM Thursday night. Another Green Light period begins at 12:30 AM Friday through that following Monday, a week from then, which would be 2:48 AM – that is on August 5th.
The Green Light periods mean that you have a lot of momentum. You are able to move forward without the greatest sense of obstacles. Some of which have been very clearly in the path recently. And this Grand Trine that is the primary event for July 29th begins at 9:45 AM on Monday. And that is when the Moon enters the configuration with its first contact to Neptune, Then Mars, then Jupiter – both of those planets are in Cancer. Neptune is in Pisces. Then the Moon will apply to Venus and Virgo. And it moves to the more rigid influence of Saturn and Scorpio, then finally Pluto in Capricorn – to make it real. You could be creative, make it real on your own, and make it into something that includes vast amount of people, plants, or animals. Include that spiritual energy to help you to direct your intention in a positive light. Even if you don’t feel as though wonderful things have been happening to you – maybe they will begin to.

The Sun is directly involved with this configuration on Monday when it is set off by its Last Quarter Moon at 7 degrees of Taurus on Monday at 1:43 PM. And that makes this an action day. Monday is very much an action day. So take advantage of Monday to forward your goals. Make your calls; it is a Taurus Moon – that is a money sign. It is also about tradition and there are many things that can be developed and stabilized with a Taurus Moon as well.
Saturday July 27
So let’s look at today. There are some illusions and smoke screens involved with the Sun in Neptune aspect that we have at 11:20 AM today. Its musical, its spiritual, it is very good for yoga, very good for meditation. But you may find there are repeated patterns that can interrupt your flow for the day causing you to drop your routine. Maybe you are continuing chronic problems or substance abuse that creates difficulties or gap in your goals or in your progress. Your daily routine could have some slack with this aspect. So you want to remove yourself from the problems that cause you distractions and disenchantment. Especially with those things involving job and co-workers, there is room for compassion and support for others with this aspect.
Then there is an intuitive aspect with mercury and Pluto. It’s in this afternoon. It brings you together temporarily with those that can help you to gather some control over your resources or help you to clean something up. There may be something about toxic waste. Events that contaminate the environment could be part of this. There was a big gas fire south of Mexico. I think they have it under control. I do hope there isn’t something new. Sometimes these aspects are set off days earlier which is an interesting to note as well. This aspect causes a shift in psychological conditions, which could be positive. It’s a great time for body work if you want to get a massage and you can have some great acupuncture with these aspects or even chiropractic.

Mars is opposite transiting Pluto - that is going to be a tough aspect. It has a lot of obsessive behaviors involved with it and it is the kind of thing that includes a crackdown on others where the police are involved. You don’t want to speed with this. There is also a steam roller response to resistance with this type of aspect. It is exact at 6:06 PM. It could cause major traffic jams today. There is presence of deep anger. So you want to be very careful about how you are treating others with the feelings that you are having. If you feel all of this resistance try to breathe through it and not project your feelings or paranoia onto others. And you want to definitely discriminate between mind tricks and what is real. There is also a lot of earth moving equipment around with this kind of aspect so be careful about that popping out. You want to make love not war with this aspect.
Later Saturday night the Sun is exactly square Saturn it’s at 9:05 PM tonight and that brings growth in business and personal structures – that should become evident over the next 7 months. We should see the momentum increase with this. There is hope for growth and development after this passing aspect. So on a personal level if you have been expecting some type of recognition for your past deeds, maybe you gain that intense support that you are looking for. Although Saturn is not going to give you a great applause, it will just give you a nod. There is some difficulty shown with authority figures with this. Also the knees and the teeth are problems with Saturn, And parental issues, particularly Father issues. Any of the debts that you have, loom heavy with the recent past retrograde period which was over the winter and through the spring you might be able to feel you might mange those things at this time. There could still be some cut backs, but there are growth spurts, which were not evident before - it’s a building time.

Another thing I wanted to mention about the Sun square Saturn is that it’s a time if you do address your parental issues that have weighed your down or that have held your back – you can make great progress with that over this next week.
And then there is a dreamy, but unrealistic aspect between Venus and Neptune – that’s tonight. That’s great for music and an enjoyable night out but don’t expect to find the love of your life with that aspect because they are only around for a very short far as music goes you can find me up in Marlboro at the coffee loft where Marty, my mate, will be playing with MC4 . So that would be a great fun musical night out.

Sunday July 28, 2013
On Sunday, if you get up early, you may learn about a great investment opportunity .I don’t know how you would find that, maybe on the internet. Go out early to look for houses or apartments.
Venus is sextile Jupiter on Sunday. This is nice. It allows for some fun energy, room for some type of pleasure, fulfillment, pleasant surroundings, and possibly good luck. If you wanted to spend a little money on a lottery or something like that you might be able to get lucky. Surround yourself with loving people throughout the day with that and lots of good food and good company with Venus sextile Jupiter.

The Moon is void of course on Sunday afternoon at 2:20 PM after a contra parallel to Saturn.

Monday July 29, 2013

Then the Moon enters Taurus on Monday at 12:43 AM beginning a Green Light period. And that Taurus Moon sign will be the host to that Grand Sextile that begins early in the morning at 9:45 AM eastern time. The Last Quarter Moon does connect with dates that go back to 1995, then October 2004, and there is a whole Moon family associated with this. If you may think back to what is going on now that relates to May of 2011 or January of 2012, then last October of 2012. And now here we have this very special day on Monday. With this Last Quarter Moon saying you are reaping the rewards of your efforts and you’re able to collect the types of things that you’ve been hoping for to be able to forward goals. But if you need to get paid or pay up this is a great day to do that.
And I want also to remind you that all these great configurations still have that Uranus Pluto square behind it. So there is that disruptive energy, like that train wreck is definitely a Pluto Uranus event, that horrible train accident in Spain. But there was the birth of the Royal Baby with all of this wonderful aspect and all of these wonderful aspects that have been supporting a nice new Prince to come into the world.
There is a partnership indicator going on. There is some disruptive energy with Mars, not just the opposition to Pluto, but it will square Uranus also. That will be on Wednesday.
Tuesday July 30, 2013

But there is Venus trine Pluto that happens on Tuesday. This is a money aspect that could be great for speculation; it also can create a ravenous appetite. So if you are trying to watch your diet plan ahead. Try not to fall into the traps of eating absolutely everything you could possibly consume.

And there is an enjoyable intense interaction with others. It could be very romantic or sexual. It could be also filled with some jealousies because Venus and Pluto tend to become overly possessive and attached when they are together.
The Sun links to Jupiter also on Tuesday at 1:45 PM. And this aspect could be good for reaching into a little lucky pool. And you might be able to expand your vision a little bit with that.
Wednesday July 31, 2013

There is a void of course Moon for 4:18 AM Wednesday when the Moon is parallel the Sun.

Then the Moon enters the talkative sign of Gemini. And that would be at 11:42 AM Wednesday and it continues right through until the Gemini Moon is with us until 12:30 AM on Saturday, August 3rd.

Mars square Uranus 11:08 PM. I’ve seen the rubber come off of tires on the highway with this Mars Uranus square. It is about very fast rolling things. It could also be about stories, it could be major events, and it could be the wheels on your vehicles. So you want to be careful. Do not throw caution to the wind. And this is also the aspect that is present for inventions. And you can also see where there are those who are bucking the system causing a ruckus. Lots of rebellious activity going on, trouble with mechanical equipment, sudden outrage or burst of extreme energy with Mars square Uranus. Friendship could be pushed to arguments. So you want to be careful also about sharp objects and erratic fluctuations in blood pressure. If you have a blood pressure problem, keep an eye on it I would say on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in general.
Thursday August 1, 2013
Thursday August 1st we do have that talkative active Gemini Moon. There is an aspect between the Sun and Pluto. Its 150 degrees I call it life’s messy clean it up and it is a health aspect: both mental and physical. There are adjustments that need to be made as a result of some type of upset. It could be an upset, something that affects a lot of people like the way oil spills do or some type of event that involves a lot of trees coming down - tornado energy, a stormy energy. But it is also the police and mortgages and taxes and money lenders all those things are needing some kind of adjustment because there could be some uncomfortable settings in regard to those matters. Also leaders could be on the hot seat and there could be connections putting the focus on people in high places, a disruptive event involving family.

At 5:27 PM Venus is then quincunx Uranus. Be careful about losing your friends. And that would be 8:28 PM on Thursday night. There is another aspect that Venus makes to Juno. So a lot of things about relationships, love and friendship is kind of in a very testy place on Thursday. _
Friday August 2, 2013 - The Gemini Moon is void of course all day
So be careful of that during a Gemini Moon. The Moon changes to Cancer and that is Saturday at 12:29 AM and that will continue right through right through the weekend.
There is a major aspect between Venus and Mars. 4:35 PM that is on Friday. This is great for finding the love of your life but wait until the Green Light period in the sign of Cancer next Saturday through Monday afternoon.
This could be about building family and a nest and this is a very good aspect for relationships. That’s it for the week.

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