Jupiter and Pluto are in the cosmic headlines this week as they are in opposition on Wednesday.
Green Light Days for the week beginning Saturday Aug 3, 2013
Saturday 8/3 through Monday at 12:58 PM
Monday’s Leo Moon is also a Green Light Period from 12:58 PM – Wednesday at 1:56 AM however, we are in the DARK Moon phase until after midnight Thursday. Wednesday the Moon is void of course all day.
Thursday Virgo Moon Brings a Green Light Period after Mercury enters Leo at 8:13 AM – Friday at 6:05 PM.
Aug 5 - Kimberly
Aug 6 - Scott
Aug 7 - Richard
Aug 8 - Vicki
Planetary Activity for the week ahead.
Saturday, August 3, 2013 – The Moon is in Cancer through midday Monday.
The Moon sets off the series of harmonious aspects again when it first it is 120º Neptune. 9:48 AM - Lazy
Moon trine Saturn 11:25 AM.
5:55 PM Moon conjunct Jupiter – take a new look at how you believe the boundaries of your future can be expanded.
Moon opposite Pluto 7:47 PM – Let the control freaks take the reins and give yourself a break.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Moon 30º Sun 12:47 AM.
Moon joins Mars at 6:06 AM Sunday. Get up and tackle something big. Or wait until the Moon links to Venus and go back to sleep.
Moon 60º Venus 7:58 AM
11:05 AM Sun trine Uranus.
Brief Description: This is an aspect that opens the door to invention and unique solutions. Matters involving social concerns find like-minded people. This is an aspect which encourages you to think outside the box, but keep the wrapper on!
For personal: Use this aspect to boldly go where you have not gone before with the backup of a well thought out plan.
For business : An opening to show your practical and innovative plans to a group that is willing to support your project.
Monday, August 5, 2013 – The Moon is in Cancer changing to Leo and we come out of the dark phase of the Moon.
Monday 2:49 AM the Moon’s final aspect is conjunct Mercury.
Monday 12:58 PM Moon enters Leo until Wednesday at 11:57 PM
You gain some help from a spiritually creative individual who shows you a new way to move through a particular problem.
11:48 PM Jupiter is conjunct Pallas which is a very smart event that sheds light on subjects of home, family and safety.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013 – The Moon is in its dark phase while in Leo as it moves closer to the degree of the Sun for a New Moon at 5:51 PM.
Tuesday 5:51 PM New Moon at 14º Leo 34’ .
Wednesday, August 7, 2013 Leo Moon is void of course however there is a major aspect between Jupiter & Pluto at 7:46 PM.
1:55 AM Moon is void of course all day Wednesday until 11:57 PM
7:46 PM Jupiter in Cancer is opposite retrograde Pluto in Capricorn.
Brief description: This aspect have two sides; one is that of great over extension and the other is that of under production due to exhaustion of physical energy or a depletion of resources. Take a close introspective note of how you may be sabotaging your goals by pushing too hard or clinging to strongly to your ideas. Leave room for further education of even your own creations. Those in seats of power could be upstaged or removed for bad behavior or failure while at the helm of their position. Any sign of abuse of power is remembered as a desperate attempt to hold on beyond an appropriate season. This aspect can have an explosive quality if those trying to hold onto an outworn position as the gains come from an over expression and pumped up ego. This is a grand standing aspect that can end very badly especially for those who abuse their seat of power. What you need to succeed is tolerance and great patience. Acknowledge those who have helped you along the way and are trying to succeed on their path also. Share the glory. Avoid being a glory hog. Going overboard can cause you to lose the entire lot. This aspect breeds paranoia and propaganda.
11:57 PM Moon enters Virgo until Sat Aug 10 at 9:08 AM – Mercury will change signs and the end result offers good news for practical matters.
Thursday, August 8, 2013 – The Virgo Moon brings a Green Light period after Mercury enters Leo at 8:13 AM which continues 6:05 PM Friday.
8:13 AM Mercury enters Leo until Aug 23.
Brief description: Mercury will fly through Leo. Mistakes can be made if you gloss over your material over the next couple of weeks. There can be much rushing about as there will be little time to savor a thought. Mercury is focused on executive decisions, romance, creative ideas and play. It becomes important to know what children are thinking. The inclination is to take risks or gamble for something you want.
For personal use: Lay out a plan to accomplish your errands to be the most efficient. Plan a fun trip with lots of children around. Collect ideas for creative projects. Team up with others with your ideas.
For business: Report on the company's new projects. Ideas for high tech applications and vacation sales. Go to a show or business conference. Network. For artist, show your wares.
2:08 PM Venus 45º Saturn. Brief description: Difficulties in personal relationships involving insecurities regarding the status of the relationship. There can be a separation that is uncomfortable to tolerate or accept for now. There is an inability to get at the source of the problem at this time. When engaged in shopping your purchases and selections may reflect your current mood. The budget could be small. Not much money today. Uncomfortable feelings or settings during social activities. Boring, obligatory or stiff social gatherings.
For personal: You could find something of value at a lower price that may be worth considering but it could be damaged or non-returnable. Otherwise everything is too expensive on this day.
For business use: Look for depressed area or your business and make a plan to spruce it up.
Friday, August 9, 2013- The Moon is in Virgo. There is a Green Light until 6:05 PM. It’s a great day to show your support to a friend and also make a very good new friend or the love of your life.
1:43 PM Venus parallel Uranus -
Brief description: Extremely lucky event with love or money. Allows a merging of the feminine principal. By incorporating a female perspective you could create a winning combination with innovative companies; How about a cell phone in a lipstick case. A long-term friendship is formed that may have a cause or mission. Unique or strange costumes.
For personal use: Connect with like-minded people. Have a party. Expect the unexpected. There may be a silver lining in a recent cloud.
Keep a close record of your ideas for profitable innovative notions
6:05 PM Virgo Moon is void of course after a conjunction to Venus in Virgo. The void Moon period continues until 9:08 AM Saturday Aug 10.
Saturday, August 10, 2013 – The Moon is void of course in Virgo until it changes to Libra at 9:08 AM. Begin a Green Light Period then.
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