Sunday, September 1, 2013

Astrology Report for August 31 - September 8, 2013 with Green Light Days

Join us for class in Watertown on Wednesday evenings 7-9 PM. Call 617-924-0929.

A reminder that the major aspect influencing the events of this time are pressed on by the square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. Both planets are currently retrograde. Pluto will turn direct September 20th and Uranus drags on in its retrograde motion until December 17, 2013.
Saturn travels direct in Scorpio through September 2015.

The first Green Light period begins this week after 8:04 PM Sunday through Wednesday at 6:38 AM.

The second Green Light period starts Wednesday at 6:43 AM until 1:10 PM Friday. However when the Moon enters Virgo we are in the Dark Phase of the Moon because of the New Moon on Thursday at 7:53 AM at 13º Virgo. During this phase you do not have all the facts to make a wise decision. This dark phase ends the day after the New Moon Friday. This is a good time to receive and collect your ideas for your intentions for the new cycle.

After a brief void of course Moon period Friday from 1:10 PM ---The third Green Light period for the week begins Friday at 1:54 PM through Sunday Sept 8 at 8:57 PM which is during the Libra Moon sign.

The major aspects this week are those between Mars and Neptune Monday night and the Sun to Pluto (Sunday night 9/1) then Uranus Tuesday night.
Read more.

Saturday, August 31, 2013 The Cancer Moon continues this weekend until 8:01 PM Sunday night.

10:20 AM Sun split parallel Juno gives an opportunity to meet someone who might assist you with negotiations. Although not a key player in your future this person is highly regarded and in a strong position in their own circles.

Mercury split parallel Venus at 5:17 PM.
Brief description: A brief potential for sweet combinations. People meet for nice talks and pleasant short visits. Sharing food and good conversation. Introductions for a specific occasion or setting. Temporary contracts or agreements. Much appreciated compliments and kind words or support. Small favors. Flattery.
For personal use: Compose an important letter to present your point in the best possible light.
Can be used for in business: You may not get a lot of work done but you could get your foot in the door.
The last major aspect of the Moon is a square to Venus at 8:06 PM Saturday night. However the ancient Astrologer William Lilly followed the rule from his ancient sources that the Moon is never void of course in its own sign of Cancer.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sun Trine Transiting Pluto 4:46 AM
Brief description: A display of power and magnetism. Financial determination. Matters of trust have an opening for powerful alignments. Physical stamina and resilience. Sexual drive. Balance expressed with physical issues. Financial matters begin to balance out.
For personal use: Use this time for deep inner and outer development. Approach maters with a sense of trust and sharing
For business use: A good day to turn financial issues over to an accountant.

Venus Sesqui -Square Transiting Neptune 11:20 AM.
Brief description: Subtle sensitivities with love. Soft calm and pleasing esthetics. A desire to experience art, dance and music. Very romantic with a canvas for fantasy. Tendency toward dreamy-impressionability and weak judgment. Blind spots. Non-discriminating. Very creative day but impractical. Reclining and lazy qualities to the day. Could be indulgent and expensive.
For personal use: Look for blind spots. Don't let this aspect influence your final decision unless used for artistic purposes. Allow an awareness of how your idealistic notions influence your choices. Create a wild and beautiful costume. Use music, light enhancements, meditation, poetry and romance on this day. Yoga.
For business use: Long lunches and social breaks used to enhance harmony. Use creative touches. Explode with color and design. Use illusion to your advantage. Good for clothing, art and jewelry sales are high.

The Moon enters Leo at 8:01 PM Sunday and the Moon is in total cooperation with the Sun the whole time. There is a Green Light Period right through Wednesday morning.
A Leo Moon can bring sunny and cheerful moods, but this can be a demanding couple of days for your business and personal life. This is a time for "the show" or a presentation. Issues in various areas of life can be showy in nature and then the spot light is waiting for the "show off". At times if negative aspects occur there can be an abundance of arrogance with a stubborn streak. On a positive note it can be a time when your confidence is up and you are able to stay on track with a goal in mind. Pride may become an asset or liability. These couple of days work best if your express your love and appreciation for those around you and remembering to offer praise. Your generosity can be contagious as enthusiasm inspires an air of good will. It is a time when your actions are closely scrutinized as if on stage. Making every effort to be well informed and prepared in all around activities even if today is not show time, as the Leo energy may not be forgiving of blunders. This is a good time for having interaction with children or investing time in your creative projects or anything you might consider your "baby". The children in your life are a source of joy but may need your undivided attention. Maintain a balance for love given and received. If you love it, then show it. Plant nothing since it is the most barren. Good time to tidy the garden for show. If you are a Leo, matters tend to go your way.
Monday, September 2, 2013 – Green Light Days for this Leo Moon through Wednesday at 6:38 AM.
Sun Contra Parallel Transiting Venus 2:39 AM
Brief description: This aspect may offer a temporary solution to a partnership issue. Lovers may decide to go their own way. New relationships begun with this aspect may not last long. Money may free up for a short time. There is an opportunity to profit from a one-time event
For personal use: Use your powers of charm and kindness to create a warmer opening in personal relationship
For business use: Use this to negotiate a better position.

10:27 AM. There is a low mood that will soon pass. Moon square Saturn- you are paying too much for your selection.

Mars Quincunx Transiting Neptune 8:00 PM Monday.
Brief description: Imaginative actions. If you are artistic you may find this time filled with musical and poetic composition. This aspect can also related to self-doubt and a lack of firm commitment. Adjustments needed due to a loss of energy. This may apply to major sources of energy such as electrical plants and energy source refineries. The loss of energy may apply to workers as if they walked off the job, or soldiers walk off the battle field. Physical energy loss as well may increase fatigue yet interrupt sleep patterns. This can be a very creative aspect that is often associated with romantic notions and plans centered on ideal settings. This may work terrific for film productions or stage. Efforts may be perceived to be out of touch with reality or impractical. There is a weakening of the larger objective. Perceptions can be "out there" and often a misguided direction sends one off on a wild goose chase. For those that operate under the influence of substances or while in a state of extreme confusion, beware of accidents and unpleasant obstacles. On the other hand a lack of confidence may cause one to retreat. There is a likelihood of foggy or wet weather conditions.
For personal use: Keep fresh batteries in your flashlight and back up your files. Feed emotional reactions into your creative projects yet expect a spiritual response. Look for inspiration.
For business use: Avoid becoming swept off your feet with a business proposal likely to wash out.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013- Green Light Day again. But there is a quirky snap at the end of the day when the Sun is 150º to Uranus in Aries.

Sun Quincunx Transiting Uranus 8:28 PM Tuesday.
Brief description: Erratic shifts in focus become major sources for distraction and upset.
This haphazard aspect can accompany surprising and upsetting events. Rebellion. Liberation. Exposure of a truth. Sudden, erratic changes involving administrative objectives and the radical awareness or actions of workers or otherwise citizens. Shocking reactions to aggressive tactics gain response from those that have more recently remained silent. People working diligently behind the scenes to incite change. Accident prone. Electrical hazards. Innovation and inventions are developed. Health hazards for those with high blood pressure or extreme stress. Modern technology used in medical procedures.
For personal use: Practice patience but remain alert. .Use caution when dealing with fast moving objects, traffic and tempers.
For business: Keep your cool and remain open to all sides of matters. Get the facts before taking action. Abrupt layoffs and cutbacks; clashes with company head and workers; debates over routine maintenance versus radical makeovers.
You may speak to someone who soothes your worries. By 10:35 PM
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

6:38 AM Wednesday the Moon is void of course until 6:43 AM.
The Moon enters Virgo for another Green Light Period but we are in the Dark Phase of the Moon. During this phase you do not have all the facts to make a wise decision. This dark phase ends the day after the New Moon Friday. This is a good time to receive and collect your ideas for your intentions for the new cycle.

The Virgo Moon is a very busy time. It is a focused on details, a specific task, or on people at work. It is a great couple of days to clean up and organize your home and work setting. You may be inclined to put your energy into healthy food and good cooking. Virgo Moons actually hold a considerable amount of sexual intrigue especially when working with others. People become more detail-oriented and conscious of schedules. There may be a need to prioritize and set a daily routine in motion. This could be a good time to schedule health maintenance appointments. Due to Virgo's highly analytical energy is a great time for psychotherapy. Any type of bodywork and all forms of self help are positive uses for a Virgo Moon. This is the sign of the perfectionist, which comes in handy for tasks but disturbs the balance of interpersonal relationships. This is a very good time for planting or harvesting herbs, corn and grains. If you are a Virgo, matters tend to go your way.
Mars Contra Parallel Transiting Pluto 9:36 AM
Brief description: This aspect enables extreme physical power that emerges with a burst of will. It may accompany an adrenaline rush as in a state of emergency. It is also indicated when there is a need for surgery. This can allow you to cut a new pattern for the future although the supporting players may be temporary for one event only. Cut through the waste and get down to very serious business. Important people are on the hot seat. Those in positions of power hand down sentences. Conflict is driven from a deep anger. Police trap speed demons.
For personal matters: Avoid deep discussions with people known to be nasty fighters.
For business matters: You may have success aligning or asking for help from those in power, now if you can look past their over inflated sense of self; the advantages may out weight the disadvantages. Present with a strong steady front. Pick one topic, stick to it until you have gained the ground you need. Do not back down until you have secured your point.

Mercury Semi Square Transiting Saturn 5:42 PM
Brief description: Narrow-minded thinking. Judgmental and critical thinking. Exactness leading toward perfectionism. Methodical, deliberate and cautious thinking. Responses are harsh or short. There are limitations in travel or with vehicles. Differences between generations. Personal expression is inhibited by those with a more solemn disposition. Feeling left out of the loop. Expect delays.
For personal use: Stay within your comfort zone.
For business use: Use this to get organized. Look busy around the boss
Mercury Parallel Transiting Uranus 7:38 PM.
Brief description: This aspect combines technical support and friendship for long range plans. It's the "Great Minds Think Alike" aspect. Intelligence reports. Mental agility. Brilliance. The ability to make snap accurate deduction. Experiments and inventions. Radical or unusual viewpoints. Technical interest. Erratic and quirky functions with experiments and equipment. Interruptions for surprise announcements. Shocking or quirky news. Technical information and technical difficulty. Impulsive quick thinking major decisions without being fully informed. A new approach to problems. Troubleshooting.
For personal use: Try to filter your words before they leave your mouth. Your friends may suffer from your sarcasm.
For business use: Take advantage of the unexpected tips today. There may be long-term advantages with the events that suddenly surface today. Keep an open mind and allow your thinking to seek the creative and inventive.

Thursday, September 5, 2013 – Virgo Moon.

New Moon Thursday Sept.5 at 7:36 AM at 13ºVi04’
Neptune opposite Ceres. Beware of pets slipping out of your sight. Children are your major concern and be extra cautious.

Friday, September 6, 2013.

Void of course Moon at 1:10 PM after Moon contra parallel Mercury. The void Moon period ends at 1:54 PM.

Moon enters Libra and will make its final aspect to Saturn by a very positive parallel Sunday night Sep 8.
Moon Entering Libra
When the Moon is in Libra, people are more likely to cooperate or establish partnership to accomplish their goals. Activities such as hashing out agreements, tending to legal matters, and balancing the scales in all areas are Libra's territory. People are more open to social activity and are more likely to seek companionship. Matters of marriage, or the marriage of ideas, are brought to the surface. There can be indecisiveness which stands in the way of progress; however, the right decision is likely to follow. Watch for business mergers. The ultimate Libra goal is "peace". A time to plant beautiful flowers. If you are a Libra, matters tend to go your way.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

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