Sunday, March 30, 2014

Astrology Reort for March 29. 2014 – Saturday, April 5, 2014 - with Green Light Days

Saturday, March 29. 2014 – Saturday, April 5, 2014
The following text has been transcribed from the radio broadcast. Read further below this text for the prepared report containing expanded detail for the week ahead.
Good morning. What I have is one amazing week ahead of us. We are going to have to brace ourselves for some major change and perhaps a lot of chaos, but it is also the kind of week that is likely to get things moving and changing in such a way that it is just sort of startling. It could be very good. There are things, there are huge events that are going off all over the world, and those things are very much expected and predicted the kind of month that we have ahead of us with April. But on a personal level you are also able to push things through or get things started or move things along in such a way that you haven’t had in a long, long, time or maybe ever. So there is good and bad in everything. As the Sun moves into the Grand Cardinal Cross it makes a huge statement with the New Moon that we will have tomorrow morning. So we will have the Sun and the Moon in Aries along with Uranus. Now Uranus is that really wacky planet and it causes all sorts of sudden abrupt change. And while the three of them are there, the Sun the Moon and Uranus, the Moon will go around and trigger the Grand Cardinal Cross that I’ve been talking about forever. And we have to represent that Uranus in Aries, and Jupiter in cancer, Mars in Libra, and Pluto in Capricorn. So as it bumps along each one of those with what they call hard aspects, those are conjunctions and squares and oppositions; zero degrees, 90 degrees 180 degrees, then those things are activated in sort of a really fiery way, strong punch that sort of thing. But you want that strong punch to be in the middle of your goals, and be very careful of your temper this week because there is so much of that fiery energy here and fires galore, that’s really sad about the fires here and the loss of the Firemen.
We have also for today we have a couple of aspects that there is an Aries Moon that does come in at 9:54, but for now we still have the Pisces Moon left over from yesterday and the day before. We go into a Dark Moon Phase this morning at 11:38 AM and that means that the true development of matters are very hidden and will not be understood completely until that Dark Phase of the Moon is over on Monday. But for today there are a couple of things to note Venus and Mars are in a very beautiful square, which sounds really great especially for love and dating and enjoying yourself. It is followed by a Venus square Saturn. And so the Venus trine Mars 120 degrees happens at 3:05 PM and then at 5:14 PM Saturn squashes it at 5:14 PM when Venus is in the sign of Aquarius and squares Saturn in the sign of Scorpio. So you want to have patience with your friends and enjoy the Mars and Venus trine, which may attract some money too, in a lazy kind of way as if you are out shopping at a yard sale or something. You find something that is a little more valuable than the owner may have imagined.
So the other thing about Venus square Saturn, which is at 5:14 PM today, there is a lot of criticism goes on for the wrong or the right behavior, cold interpretations of beauty or esthetics or choices, selections. So I wouldn’t buy anything that you want to hang into your house or choose a carpet or rug for your house under that aspect this evening. You can wait until there are better Venus aspects for that one. There are very serious tones with love and money. You are short changed so be careful about spending that your count your change on the way back. And there are painful decisions involved in couples and relationships with that kind of aspect as well. And then the Moon is never considered Void of Course in Pisces, but if you would like to note the last Lunar aspect with the Pisces Moon, it is to Saturn at 9:43 AM today, that is in a couple of minutes. And then the Aries Moon begins at 9:54 tonight. And that Aries Moon is packed with a punch. It is very active. As the Sun and the Moon join Uranus in the Aries Grand Trine, it has never been so activated as it will be tomorrow and also throughout the week, because the Sun makes a journey through the sign of Aries setting off all of those planets as well. But first the Moon will do that tomorrow, the Moon will leave the New Moon. The New Moon occurs at 2:45 PM and then it goes on to square Jupiter at 5:08 PM, which says that the events will be huge, the Moon is conjunct Uranus which are quirky and unusual and breaking up at 6:45 PM, and then the Moon is square Pluto at 8:46 PM, so that is the Moon’s agenda. The Sun will follow and have the same agenda but it takes a day for each one of those things to occur instead of hours - so first we get a preview. There was a little earthquake in California again today or yesterday.
So for the Aries Moon this is going to be a lot of startups, a lot of very heavy active kinds of things. And it is dangerous, it instigates battles and you want to pick your battles. So use caution driving and working with machinery, even something like a glue gun could be dangerous. You also want to keep a very close eye on your beloved pets, don’t leave them out unattended. Things during this could be snatched quite quickly. And also of course keep your kids right by your side all through this Aries Moon, which will last for a couple of days until Tuesday. And on Monday that Aries Moon will oppose Mars at 11:21 AM. So that is when matters could be also broken off because of a misunderstanding, or an argument, or a difference of opinions in how to go about things. There is a Green Light Period on Monday after 12:27 PM until 4:07 PM, and matters will move very quickly and they also hold a place in the future. So you will find the money that you are looking for or even if it’s used for a onetime event that would be a really good way to express taking advantage of some sort of opportunity that comes up on Monday. you’ll have to take some action you can’t just say oh that’s great I should do this and then don’t do another thing.
So for Monday there is the Sun and Uranus that form an aspect. It comes together just as you needed it, its helpful connections with creative people and technology that come together to help you make your life easier in unique and unusual ways, its inventive, and it also has that sudden abrupt revelation to it as well. So there is a lot of rebelliousness with this New Moon that is seeded tomorrow afternoon. And then all the aspects that the Sun and Uranus make lots of medical advancements, could be lots of medical attention that given also with the influence of this New Moon. Visionary and technical creativity bring bright lights in a lot of dark corners. But there is also that radical and rebellious actions, need for independence and freedom, the voice of the people - that whole Russia thing just seems rather scary.
The Moon goes Void of Course after it makes a 60 degree aspect to Venus. So that says there is money to be found. So you want to take advantage of that, if that happens at 4:07 PM but you have to do something just before that. I had mentioned there is that Green Light period that was relevant after 12:30 PM on Monday until 4:07 PM and that is when you want to move forward with your goals and we are almost out of the dark of the Moon. So it think it is safe to take action on your future plans but know that more will be revealed later. So ask for reviews and options for tweaking the final plan.
Mars is still retrograde and it will be until May 19th, but that is not the good first day after Mars turns direct in May. Mars is so relevant during this Aries Moon, and the Aries Sun sign that we are having. The first good day in May is going to be around Friday the 23rd of May so plan on that if you like.
Tuesday, April 1st that Aries Moon changes to Taurus at 1:02 AM and it travels through Taurus until 7:48 AM Thursday. During the Taurus Moon the Sun has a lot of things to do as it moves into the Grand Cardinal Cross beginning at 3:40 AM. And first it must square Jupiter and that might set the stage for the largeness of the following events. And the Taurus Moon normally is very gracious and it is more interested and persuasion and feeding of you before it asks you for money. And it is also is a very grounded sign, but it is being challenged, It is going to be rather expensive. The Sun square Jupiter at 3:40 AM might be noisy, it might be boisterous, it might also feel very enthusiastic notions which need to be tempered and a lot of political activity going on, a lot of political noise. But it is fine window shopping for photography equipment, vacations . You might want to check that out, but find the best time after that to go back and actually purchase it. if you want to plan a trip or an educational event, that is a good aspect, even though the aspect is a 90º square, the Sun square to Jupiter can also bring some good things as well.
There is an aspect on April 1st between Mercury and Mars and this can be foot in mouth, it can also be very fast feet. It can bring on arguments, but it can also bring help with problems to repair damage due to winds or something that need repairs you need to get a contractor. You may be able to get someone who is very good to come in very quickly and fix the problems. Take good care of your eyes during that Mercury parallel Mars on April 1st. And parallels and split parallels really have an influence over the entire day so those types of things are about the whole day long. But slow down your speech and lower your tone so your message is heard instead of being loud and fast.
Wednesday that Taurus Moon sees the Sun conjunct quirky Uranus. It is radical and it is rebellious 3:08 AM and that rebelliousness emerges from all of us. Later at 11:02 PM) Mercury is trine Saturn to calm the nerves and calm the information down, get more reasonable facts, and just steady things as well.
There is a piece of property that could be found also on April 2nd Wednesday when Venus is trine Vesta of investments and real estate. Sun is conjunct Uranus 3:08 AM sudden abrupt revelations, the truth is sought; the indication of an elite modern technology, all this Uranus stuff is about inventions and mental excitement and joining with others for a specific purpose or cause.
Mercury quincunx Mars that is life’s messy clean it up. It is really messy when it is Mercury and Mars because it could be what you say is what you have to clean up, be very careful of that. Mercury also rules children and rules animals. So again 5:44 AM that takes place on April 2nd Wednesday. Definitely keep your animals in, don’t let them out unless you are going to follow them or keep them on a leash. You can also expect with that kind of aspect lots of fights from your pets, like your parrots, speaking of someone I know. And there could be lots of arguments, angry words, it is physical and mental and it is also restless. And all sorts of things that you could do to help would be meditation and yoga if you could sit still through it. and music go and hear some nice live music and also write and try to calm your nerves with yoga or something.
The Sun is in an aspect with Mercury so there is some focus on repairs, also repairs to communication issues, things that were said you need to write apologies for. Appointments can be broken that is 9:52 PM Wednesday. 1:03 PM on Wednesday, that aspect before that must have been an AM instead of a PM. 9:52 AM Sun contra-parallel Mercury, that was all that appointments can be broken kind of thing. Mercury is trine Saturn so there is a message that is delivered with particular purpose in mind.
Thursday, April 3rd that Taurus Moon has a brief Green Light period beginning at 2:43 AM get up early and send off some sort of email for some important thing it last only until 7:48 AM Thursday. And then Thursday the Sun will square Pluto at 5:22 AM. This is where power struggles within companies or very large adjustments that need to be made as a result of events like insurance companies - that involve insurance companies. So there are disputes over estates, money, and the value of property is discussed and disputed. Ancient land rights are part of that picture as well. The Moon in Taurus does not ever go Void of Course according to the ancient William Lily. Then we have the Moon entering Gemini 7:48 AM that is on Thursday and it will continue through the sign of Gemini right until 5:40 PM on Saturday. While the Moon is in Gemini it is very talkative it is gossip oriented, it is travel, like lots of errands, short journeys, got to go don’t have any time. A couple of aspects are going on 8:33 AM Venus is semi square Uranus. This is 45 degrees, it is difficult. Minor irritations, sudden abrupt change with relationships and money, over drawn bank accounts with this. So be very careful about how you spend your money the day before - that would be on Wednesday, now we are on Thursday. Meeting new people under this aspect can be very temporary. Be careful about lost purse and lost luggage and also take care of your friendships and be forgiving of any unintended insults, it’s not forever.
Friday, April 4th that Gemini Moon says good bye to friendly Venus and Aquarius at 4:31 PM next Saturday. So for the events on Friday you can expect that the money situation will change and that there could be the kinds of things that you could take advantage of, but you have to be aware that money is too fluid or the person that was going to lend you changes their mind or they say whoa! We can’t, we found this in your history, and you have to fix it before we take the next step, etc. But you may try it for a onetime event, and that is with a Moon sextile Sun at 11:57 AM on Friday.
There is also on Friday an aspect between the Sun and Mars. That’s real high energy. You might not be able to sleep because that happens in the middle of the night - it is hot and noisy and rough. It could be great for sex. Mercury is contra parallel Uranus and maybe shocking statements coming out of that one. Venus is semi square to Pluto and the potential for attracting jealous partners is high with that and money problems with that as well. Whoo! That is it for the week. it is busy, it is intense, it is explosive, accident prone, but it could have a lot of good things, so keep trying to push your goals forward. Be safe this week.
Read on below for more detailed information about the aspects in this prepared report.

Saturday March 29, 2014 – The Pisces Moon changes to Aries at 9:54 PM.

Exact Mar 29 2014
Brief description: This can bring on noticeable progress with physical development, muscle, strength and endurance. Work and projects are building a solid structure from the ground up. A green light to move forward with not only work but relationships as the time for commitment is approaching when Mars and Saturn conjunct in the near future. There is a noticeable development of projects and the additional necessary to proceed. There may be a need to assess your commitment to a project or a primary personal or work relationship.
For personal use: Have work on teeth or hire a physical coach.
For business use: Feel encouraged by your progress and allow setbacks to move into a "lessons learned" file.

Exact Mar 29 2014 The following can be temporary due to the next aspect which Venus is square Saturn.
Brief description: Harmony between men and women. Venus in Capricorn brings a practical influence to the feminine side. Money, business and security for a future for the goal orientated Venus. She harmoniously engages Mars, the masculine principal, toward the same goals. Mars in her sign of Taurus allows men and women and partners in general to build a foundation and enjoy the rewards of their efforts and love.
For personal use: Use this time to invest in the love and trust in your closest relationships. Stay anchored in the value of the here and now.
For business: Financial momentum is present today. Good day to find your market.

Exact Mar 29 2014
Brief description: Criticism of right or wrong behavior. Cold interpretation of beauty or esthetic choices. Corrections regarding social matters. Difficulty relating. Serious tones with love and money. Short changed. Inhibitions. Cutting excess. Painful decisions involving couples in relationship. Separations due to judgmental thinking that nothing has been resolved. Long reaching consequences.
For personal use: Spend on utilitarian needs. Keep an open mind and heart and give your partner a break. Spending today creates faces difficulty while recouping funds.
For business use: Trim the excess from your budget. Hard nose actions with workers leave a long impression.

The Moon is not void of course while in Pisces.

9:54 PM MOON ENTERING ARIES until Tues at 1:02 AM. The Aries Moon is New at 2:45 PM at March 30th at 9º Aries 59’. As the Sun and Moon are joined with Uranus in Aries the GRAND CARDINAL CROSS is never so activated. This New Moon is the seed stage of huge events now and to come. December 28, 2014 is also related to this New Moon as well as September 28, 2015. These are dates of Moon Phase Family members which show the last quarter member on Jun 27, 2016. The long arm of this New Moon has a powerful story to be told. Meditate for peace and harmony and for this New Moon to propel your dreams into reality. As forceful as this New Moon event can be it can also create the much needed change for your advancement. For entering in to new agreements, it is best to wait until the Moon reappears after this Dark Phase has passed after noon on Monday March 31.

Mar 29 2014
For next few months Jupiter will travel through Cancer as Mars continues in Libra until July 16 & 25 respectively. With the lingering square of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, exact through to March 15, 2015, these four planets form a Grand Cardinal Cross in the high action signs which represent the corner stones/signs of life.

Aries holding the start-up, me first principal;
Cancer is the nest maker that focuses on family and security;
Libra takes a mate or partner;
Capricorn incorporates business/career to build a solid structure to stand the test of time. All of these signs are bound and determined toward success.
Add the monthly transit of the Moon through each of the corner signs and sparks will fly as the Grand Cross is sparked and awaked. Add to that the presence of the Sun in each of these sign and the stakes are higher. Higher to push forward, motivate and conquer anything. Some of the greatest strides will be made and accomplished over this next year.

The Aries Moon has a higher energy level and can be aggressive and self-focused. There is a strong need for action and problem solving. During this time you may seek independence and be short tempered, confrontational and challenging. here can be a single minded mission or the potential to start something from scratch. The daily tones are noisier and less tolerant then other Moon signs. There might be an absence of social grace or pleasantries but not lacking in charm. This is an emotionally demanding period and can be filled with a need for sexual release. Assertiveness is seen everywhere and some people or other critters just will not take no for an answer. On the positive note you may begin projects you have held off. On the other side of that you may not finish them either. Plant onions. Good time to weed the garden and kill insects. If you are a Aries, matters tend to go your way.
Sunday March 30, 2014 – New Moon at 2:45 PM
Moon square Jupiter 5:08 PM
Moon conjunct Uranus 6:45 PM
Moon square Pluto 8:46 PM.
Saturday and Sunday are both highly active and can be dangerous & instigate battles. Pick your battles and use caution driving and working with machinery. Even a glue gun and be dangerous. Keep your beloved pets inside and watch children closely.

Monday March 31, 2014 – Moon in Aries will oppose Mars in Libra at 11:21 AM. Take advantage of a Green Light period can be used for the best after 12:27 M until 4:07 PM Monday. Matters will move quickly and hold a place future. You will find the money you are looking for even if it is used for a onetime event. You must take advantage of a tip.

Exact Mar 31 2014
Brief description: Helpful connections with creative people and technology. Unique and unusual combinations. Inventive. Sudden abrupt revelation. The truth is sought. An indication of a leap in modern technology. The possibility of medical advancement. Visionary technological creativity. Bright lights are searching. The discovery of a bright talent. Radical and rebellious actions. The need for independence and freedom. The voice of the people. Breakthrough, breakup and news breaking events.
For personal use: Join with friends to share an unusual and fun event.
For business use: Upgrade your systems to the latest technology.

Mar 31 2014
Tuesday Apr 1 2014 – The Aries Moon changes to Taurus at 1:02 AM and travels through Taurus until 7:48 AM Thursday. During the Taurus Moon the Sun moves into the exact aspects to the Grand Cardinal Cross beginning on Tuesday at 3:40 AM Sun square Jupiter. This might set the stage for the largeness of the following events.
Apr 1 2014
The Moon in Taurus is in its exaltation which normally indicates that there is a graciousness and honor of some sort. When the Moon is in Taurus, there tends to be a focus on finances, and often money comes through on these days. This is the Moon of tradition, concerned with matters of the family and gatherings. It is usually “food first” for Taurus Moons. Bonding is more apparent with loved ones. There is a need to get more grounded and find some peace and quiet. You may be carting about people or supplies. (Before automated vehicles, the bull pulled carts of supplies and people.) Taurus Moons can be lazier and more indulgent than usual. This can be a slow-moving couple of days with no rushing and lower blood pressure. The bull is more sensitive than they appear being also stubborn and not easily pulled off track. If there is a sense of being pressured this could incite rage especially if plans change without consulting the bull and then securing his/her approval. Don’t push, suggest. Find a way to make your pitch, sale or emotional plea politically palatable, practical and profitable to please and capture your benefactors’ attention. Remain sensitive and patient while watching the object of your attention become interested in your product. Making a pitch or sale with the Moon in Taurus can be tedious but you are often speaking to someone who has the means to fund your project or buy your products. If your can remember they don’t want to be pushed, they want to be seduced you will have much better luck. If you seem to be interested only in money you will lose their respect. When the Moon is in Taurus people like to buy things that are sensual to the touch. Fabrics need to be comfortable and relaxed but of high quality. Flannels, cottons and very soft wools are sought. Lots of food items, cooking and indoor/outdoor gardening are high on the activity list. This is a time to be nurtured and be nurturing. If the Taurus Moon occurs on an otherwise good day your powers of manipulation work strongly in your favor. Your ability to move to the head of the line or the top of the list if you step up and ask. Apply for a loan or mortgage. Excellent for planting flowers and beautiful bushes. If you are a Taurus, matters tend to go your way.

Exact Apr 1 2014
Brief description: Political rhetoric. Egocentric noise expresses an over inflated opinion of one's self. Over-enthusiastic notions may need to be tempered with the current pulse of activity. On the other hand a once silent voice may assume confidence. A general overload may be experienced, especially with work. An abundance of high principals are voiced. Necessity takes one into a variety of corners where new information leads to open doors. Strong need to spread out and experience space and freedom. A day for photography and purchasing camera equipment. Journalism and publishing.

For Personal use: Plan a trip that includes education. Get out and play.
For Business: Consider critical reviews as a tool for growth.

Brief description: To align with those who can cut through the "red tape". Very fast feet. Arguments. Versatility dealing with irritations and complaints. Rashes. Acute sense of smell. Expressions of pointed and heated thoughts. To rip off another of their ideas or possessions. Arrows shooting through the air. A sharp tone when speaking. Hot dry winds.
News of riots and military actions. Propaganda. To twist the truth and deliver a punch.
For personal use: Slow down speech and lower the tone, so your message is heard.
For business use: Send your eyes and ears everywhere to gather the latest information.
Wednesday Apr 2 2014 – Moon in Taurus sees the Sun conjunct quirky and radical Uranus at 3:08 AM. The rebellious nature emerges from us all. – Later at 11:02 PM, Mercury is trine Saturn to calm the nerves with more reasonable information.

Exact Apr 2 2014
No text available for this topic.

Exact Apr 2 2014
Brief Description: Inventive. Sudden abrupt revelation. The truth is sought. An indication of a leap in modern technology. Visionary technological creativity. Bright lights are searching. The discovery of a bright talent. Radical and rebellious actions. The need for independence and freedom. The voice of the people. Breakthrough, breakup and news-breaking events.
For Personal use: Take it slow but be prepared for just about anything.
For Business: Anything could happen but it is a day for invention. A keen interest in ideas which are progressive or innovative. Scientific mind. Inventive. A questioning mind. Mental excitement. Taking action which changes things and brings improvement. Joining with others for a specific cause or purpose.

Exact Apr 2 2014
Brief description: Arguments. Angry words, lewd and inconsiderate behavior. Responsible parties assume no responsibility. Bites. Backbiting. Accidents. Unhealthy behavior. Physical and mental resistance is down. Restlessness. Verbal outbursts and insults. For personal use: Use meditation and yoga for relaxation. Soft music soothes nerves. Channel your anger in the appropriate places or hold your tongue Avoid a trap and beware of “foot in mouth” disease. For business: Work hard, speak little. Cold calls may connect with uncooperative parties. Surprise inspections reveal problems. Someone is not being held accountable for the mess they left behind.

Exact Apr 2 2014
Brief description: Focus on repairs to communication and mechanical breakdowns. Some agreements are reneged others are only temporary. Appointments can be broken or rescheduled.
For personal use: A busy day. Take in lots of information.
For business use: Let go of a previous game plan and consider another way.
Events and mechanical problems from March 7th may be resolved with this aspect.

Exact Apr 2 2014
Brief description: The message delivered with this particular aspect is likely to be significant and designed to "send a message". Important statements from people in leading positions. Communications are serious and lead to report results. Clear but dull or sober presentations. An aspect of the rational mind, organized and logical thinking. The ability to concentrate and focus to make clear headed decisions. The need to organize. Positive results from quiet isolation.
For personal use: You already have all the information you need to make your decision.
For business use: You are well informed to move forward.

Thursday Apr 3 2014- The Taurus Moon has a brief Green Light period beginning at 2:43 AM until 7:48 AM Thursday. Thursday the Sun will square Pluto at 5:22 AM.

Exact Apr 3 2014
Brief description: Power struggles deep within company structures. Adjustments that need to be made as a result of events involving insurance companies. Disputes over estates, money and the value of property. Ancient land rights. There can be a presence of mind whirling issues with a catch-22 scenario. Those in a position of power are not accessible or accountable to anyone but their authorities which may be government agencies. Dealing with agencies and their bureaucracy. You may only gain minimal support by advancing forward, totally prepared, appearing in total control. Have a solid game plan. Stick to your original point and allow only a positive response to allow you to move onto your next point. If you are engaged in a dispute create a priority page with only one topic on the top of your page. Continually come back to the same one line as the other individual processes through intimidation and steep investigation. Present yourself as competent and independent even though you may have a mentor waiting in the wings. At all costs avoid any boasting or unnecessary displays of ego; just know your stuff securely even if it is all an act. There are strong biological needs that must be attended. Sexual intrigue could add to an already complicated drama. Carefully seek out someone you can trust. You may be driven to seek a pot of gold. Psychosis and deviant behaviors may be evident.
For personal use: Plan on various physical, psychological or psycho-spiritual therapies. Practice stress reduction. Sometimes only hard physical work can ease the mind.
For business: Don't go it alone; ask for assistance. Find the optimistic link.

Moon does not go VOID OF COURSE in Taurus.
Apr 3 2014

7”48 AM. MOON ENTERING GEMINI until 5:50 PM Saturday Apr 5.
Apr 3 2014
The Gemini Moon: The next couple of days when the Moon travels through Gemini, people tend to be more curious, talkative and restless. There is more mental activity during this time. There is a lot of moving about and scouting around town for errands, short trips and visits. It is a good time to gather information although you need to check your sources for errors and material based on hearsay as talk is abundant but not all always reliable. Topics regarding siblings can be an issue or there may be visits between them. Children are more vocal. It is time to write note and the desire for writing your thoughts down is strong. It is a good time to connect by making calls, answering letters and the like to catch up with communication needs. People may lack sensitivity and just say whatever is on their minds when the Moon is in Gemini. As long as you keep things light and lively everyone should have a good time. If you are particularly thin skinned then you may select your company more carefully. There is a need for variety. To make the best of the Moon in Gemini you might want to spend more time listening to learn more than you expected. Good time to weed your garden and plant nothing. If you are a Gemini, matters tend to go your way.

Exact Apr 3 2014
Brief Description: Minor irritations regarding sudden abrupt change with relationships and money. Overdrawn bank accounts. There is need for a temporary change in the status of relationships. A need to temporarily distance oneself from the confines of commitment. Sudden urge to spend money. Lost purse or luggage. Making fast friends that may not last. Finding small treasures. Sweet treats. Sexy intrigue.
For personal use: Try something totally new. Meeting new people under this aspect is spontaneous and often temporary.
For business use: Transactions favor sales over purchases.

Exact Apr 3 2014

Friday Apr 4 2014- During the Gemini Moon we must say goodbye to the friendly VENUS in Aquarius at 4:31 PM next Saturday as she moves into the compassionate sign of Pisces. There are several planetary events on Friday to note. There is a Moon 60º Sun at 11:57 AM if you are ready to take advantage of an offer. You might be aware that the money is too fluid to count on for any future event, but you may try something for a onetime event. Lenders and money backers tend to back out when Venus is changing signs.

Exact Apr 4 2014
Brief description: High energy and momentum available for a one day planned effort. Hot noisy, rough and fiery. House and business fires ignite. A temporary alignment between two aggressive or motivated forces on a common goal. Rash behavior. A day in court. Police stop speeders. Accident prone. Increased sexual drive. Too much heat leads to a run- down condition open to colds and viruses.
For personal use: Don't lose your head but move forward.
For business: Take charge today without alienating your support team.

Exact Apr 4 2014
Brief description: Shocking statements. Intelligent people come together briefly to exchange ideas. High tech inventions. Communication goes haywire. A tendency to reverse positions. To reject old ideas and invent new ones. Ingenious. Previous court rulings are overturned. Talk of conservation and zoning areas to protect environmental property. High erratic winds. Elderly citizens use ingenious tactics to make ends meet. Court rulings are passed down regarding high tech software or internet practices.
For personal use: Align with others concerned about the environment.
For business use: Apply for an appeal.

Exact Apr 4 2014
Brief Description: Strong desire and physical attractions. The potential for attracting jealous partners or evoking jealousy as a tool for controlling a desired outcome. Sexual tension. Territorial issues. Obsessive behavior. Focus can be materialistic.
For personal use: Check your deepest motives. Arrange a time to meet privately but it may be to your advantage to withhold physical impulses. A money day.
For business use: Check your motives. This money aspect could cost you later. Buy/spend wisely.

Exact Apr 4 2014
Plans may change due to a lack of commitment or something of a greater priority that
Saturday Apr 5 2014 – The Gemini Moon continues until 5:40 PM.-

Apr 5 2014
VENUS ENTERING PISCES until May 3, 2014.
Brief description: Venus rules the feminine principal and her attachments which may include love, money and material objects. She is also an indicator for legal counsel or therapeutic counseling. Venus is the ruler of Taurus and Libra but is exalted when in the sign of Pisces. This can heighten the Venusian principals sharing compassion, beauty, balance and color. Exquisite dance and design principals are easily expressed. Venus in Pisces may be more focused on sympathy and holds an empathic compassionate response. On the financial side of Venus she may possess a liquid quality when handling money; spending is greater especially on cosmetic items. Socializing may be found in more private settings and by invitation only and possibly focused on a theme or for the benefit of an individual. Meeting new people can bring special sentimental and romantic relationships. For personal use: Be especially kind to yourself with beautiful music, dance, meditation and yoga and caring friends. For business use: A shift in the financial picture begins -----

Apr 5 2014

Apr 5 2014
For next few months Jupiter will travel through Cancer as Mars continues in Libra until July 16 & 25 respectively. With the lingering square of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn, exact through to March 15, 2015, these four planets form a Grand Cardinal Cross in the high action signs which represent the corner stones/signs of life.

Aries holding the start-up, me first principal;
Cancer is the nest maker that focuses on family and security;
Libra takes a mate or partner;
Capricorn incorporates business/career to build a solid structure to stand the test of time. All of these signs are bound and determined toward success.
Add the monthly transit of the Moon through each of the corner signs and sparks will fly as the Grand Cross is sparked and awaked. Add to that the presence of the Sun in each of these sign and the stakes are higher. Higher to push forward, motivate and conquer anything. Some of the greatest strides will be made and accomplished over this next year.

The Moon brings the "order of the day" and there is no better sign for the Moon then its own sign of Cancer. The Cancer Moon is a nesting time but not reclining. There is a desire to retreat and protect one's vulnerable underbelly. The baby side of people surfaces and emotions are highly visible if you are at all able to get close enough as very often people are "crabby". This is a time to nurture and find a way to nurture your inner self. People stick to their clans and cliques being less likely to socialize with outsiders and seem to be comfortable with close family members. If you are fortunately positioned you may be invited inside or become privy to insider information. You are then considered a trusted and valued person in this clan. Address matters of saving and providing for necessities as these issues move to the forefront.
Food preparation and shared meals are more important. Money matters and currency and are related to family security, real estate and patriotism which are Cancer matters. Issues involving dependency or defensiveness are likely to arise with the Moon here. What people need to survive also takes precedence. Headlines are often more dramatic than usual. This is a great Moon for planting vegetables and the most fertile sign of the zodiac. This is the best time to plant fruits and vegetables and general planting. If you are a Cancer, matters might be more personal. Enjoy family dinners and nestle in with a loved one and people you might consider are insiders.

Exact Apr 5 2014
Plan are interrupted due to a pressing event involving caregivers, children or pets.
Sunday Apr 6 2014 – Cancer Moon

Exact Apr 6 2014
People meet for the purpose of finding professionals to assist with those needing special care.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Astrology Report MArch 15 - March 21, 2014 with Green Light Days

The following was transcribed from the radio report broadcast on Saturday March 15, 2014 at 90.3 FM WZBC Newton, MA. The podcast can be played by clicking on the related link on the front page of Lunar at the upper right corner.
Class this week will be held on Wednesday at 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM in Watertown, MA 02472.

Good morning. There is a Full Moon coming. It is a huge Full Moon in the sign of Virgo. And this Virgo Moon is associated with an Eclipse. All Moons, all lunation’s are related to Eclipses in the past, so there is this thread, you can read about it in my book lunar shadows. And there is this thread that carries you from one event in your life to the next date of related topics. The Moon phases bring the topics of similar things up at predictable times. You don’t have the same story all the time. It changes. And then stories from the past come back and are threaded through to now, it is a Moon phase that awakens the memory of similar events, making that type of connection. The Full Moon will happen tomorrow, and it is at 26 degrees of Virgo that makes a little aspect to Mars, which is in sort of a very aggravated position. Actions gone off in the wrong direction – we certainly have that with that missing plane. And there are a couple of things that appear as though there could be some break through about the missing plane in Malaysia that will give us some answers, or some peace, something could be illuminating.
For the Green Light days. Friday beginning at 10:17 AM – through Saturday until 4:16 PM Sunday.
We did have a Green Light Period that began yesterday with our Virgo Moon that started Friday at 10:17 AM, and it runs right through until the Moon finishes off in Virgo. One could be the Full Moon at 1:08 PM, but there is another aspect that goes on beyond that, that I will definitely follow - and that is the Moon parallel the Sun 4:16 PM, that is when I believe that the Moon is Void of Course. But if you like to judge traditional Void of Course Moons that would be 1:08 PM Sunday. This Green Light period offers a strong sense of direction with a purpose for long lasting effects. There is duty, diligence, and deliberate action for an agreed purpose. So you can help one another, join a force. A lot of it is clean up. Virgo is associated with cleanup, and tasks, and getting put back to work. This can be a very illuminating time with the Full Moon. All the cards are on the table and all things are out on the open. So that also gives hope or brings hope to the mysteries that are surrounding us during this time.
For Saturday March 15, 2014, there are no aspects between the planets, planet to planet, minus anything having to do with the Moon – that would be today during this Virgo Moon. So you can go forward easily, more easily during today’s activities. Things might go well, go more smoothly than tomorrow. We have that Full Moon as I mentioned at 1:08 PM. And the Full Moon probably is associated with the end of the job or the beginning of a job, or the things that I mentioned where people join forces to find and pick up the pieces of certain things. But it also could be a very good Moon for finding what you are looking for.
The 16th that is Sunday, between the Sun and Mars. It is a 150 degree aspect. It is disruptive; it brings fires, anger, and viruses as well. Mars and Sun can be very, very prominent for when viruses and bacteria attack. So make sure you treat everything by cleaning washing your hands that sort of thing. It is an aspect of adjustment and repair. So if the car sounds like there is a funny noise it may need the mechanic. And there is an indication that there is a major task because the Sun is involved with Mars creating a major task which becomes obvious. Laborers – there could be strikes that are set into place. And there is also hiring that can be done also, for a specific task.
The Sun forms an aspect to Ceres. Ceres is that Dwarf Planet, she represents: grief, loss, great loss of people, or something that is close to your heart. So there is temporary enlightenment of hidden matters and seasonal changes. And that aspect, contra parallel, says people show up or people rush to a site or an event to recover something that had been lost.
The Full Moon again does happen tomorrow afternoon. And the Moon enters Libra after that, at 8:46 PM on the 16th Sunday, and stays there until Wednesday at 5:13 AM. Libra Moons as I have been mentioning are very erratic and they are also erratic because of the fact they are going to make an aspect to Uranus and Pluto, Mars, and Jupiter. So what we have during the Libra Moon sign - if you want to follow these upsetting aspects that happen. Normally Libra is great for compromising and ironing things out. But while the Moon is in Libra: first it will square on Monday to Jupiter 5:03 PM. Then 6:50 PM the Moon is opposed Uranus. That is disruptive; it cuts something off, breaks something away. Then it squares Pluto at 10:11 PM, gets into a power struggle or causes a lot of fret, and then finally conjunct Mars at 9:07 PM on Tuesday. That makes Monday and Tuesday really anxious. The Libra Moon is not soothing and calming like often it has been in the past. We go through that until this summer ,when we get a couple of changes, when Mars and Jupiter both leave their current signs and go into another - and that will give us some relief. But the back drop aspect is that Uranus square Pluto that makes this really kind of the toughest period during that configuration.
The Sun is quincunx Mars 2:38 PM on Sunday. This is extremely disruptive and indicates a major task, becomes obvious there is a need for laborers. There is a lot of stamina that you do gain through this. If you have a big task that you want to complete – that is your day for sure. And prepare for a job change. You may set out to do one thing on Sunday end up doing something else that takes priority.
The Sun and Ceres makes an aspect. It is a split parallel. This is temporary enlightenment or temporary assist for matters that have a seasonal change or things that have been hidden and have been lost; makes me think about the plane - that something is up. That’s 4:12 PM on Sunday, doesn’t have to be exact. It just has to be in the sky that day and then there is some kind of effort that is applied. Ceres was the Great Mother of the Earth. She had fed the world with grain. She was the Harvest Queen. She was the mother of a daughter that was abducted. Her daughter was Persephone and she was abducted by Pluto, taken away. And then what happened is that Ceres was shutting down the food source for all the world and she went into a state of grief. So every time that Ceres is activated this story of grief, abandonment and abduction, and that sort of thing, tends to be prominent.
And then we have Mercury trine Vesta 10:48 PM. This is about an investment, a commitment of some sort, but it is also about the types of things where you are going to set a performance, of some sort, or a ritual, more likely a ritual. But you want to follow your hunches for those things on Sunday night, and not your imagination. So use your good sense and a good hunch will get you where you want to go.
Venus and Jupiter make an aspect that is on Monday the 17th. And this is a lucky aspect 2:01 PM. There is an extreme need to gain approval from others, and there is also a lot of political stuff going on. There could be missteps. There could be people that are over compensating, giving political positions what they want because of some other thing. There is also a reaction to food - anything that you might have sensitivity such: dairy, sugar, starch, wheat; anything that could be opposing your physical strength. So you want to be careful about what you eat. That is on Monday.
Mercury goes back into Pisces. Mercury started to go through Pisces January 12th and then it went retrograde. What happened is that it stayed in Pisces for a month before it, and it was retrograde during that time. So Pisces says that information that you obtained during that time for that month, January 12th through February 12th, might be coming back up again. You might see where there were some things that were distorted or misinterpreted, maybe to you or things that you said to others. So have a lot of leeway, apologize where you need to, you may have to reverse your position. And also as a rule, the mental function while in Pisces can be visionary and imaginative and intuitive, while in Pisces. We will have Mercury in Pisces up until the 8th of April. So there is a tendency to have a very creative license with the facts, but it can be psychic on a lot of levels. So make sure it is not your imagination that you are picking up things in a very quick way, not in an imagination way, which is a slower process, but thought that come in a flash can allow you to know things.
Mercury and Ceres are trine, so Mercury finds something. This is word that is given that increases hope for things that are lost or people or messages from loved ones, even pets.
Venus is then sextile Uranus at 3:00 PM March 18th - that is on Tuesday, high energy aspect that has to do with finding things. There is a bridge to a unique artistic event with a twist or high tech equipment. There is a sudden opportunity to develop romance or friendship. It is social and it also is helpful to others. It does not create or enforce anything long term - only if you take action for it. You have to do something with the opportunities presented. But it is lucky, so follow through.

Wednesday March 19, 2014
Then for Wednesday the 19th, the Moon goes Void of Course after its 150 degrees quincunx to the Sun 12:35 AM on Wednesday. The Moon enters Scorpio then on Wednesday at 5:13 AM. This is when your emotions are directed inward. This is where there are messages about people who have passed or there are services for people that have passed. So anything having to do with loans and loan officers or any type of taxes, these things become prominent. Also psychological issues and the best way to deal with stress is through massage and acupuncture. And you can call Linda Clave for fantastic body work. And Acupuncture, Kathleen Krivak. You can also do some great work where there is some sort of ritual that is performed with Sun in aspect to Vesta. That is also an aspect that helps you to find a place to live, and invest in something other than real estate as well. And you can find someone, perhaps a good real estate broker, or something like that broker of some other financial thing that you could find on the 19th Wednesday, where there are two aspects that the Sun forms to Vesta.
Thursday March 20th Happy Spring! Please let the Spring arrive - at 12:57 PM that happens. And we also have on Thursday the 20th; the Moon is in a little mini Eclipse to Saturn at 11:11 PM. So when the Sun goes into Aries and the Moon is in Scorpio - that is definitely a spring. That is a cleanup time for major issues, major matter that could also have to do with Russia and Crimea and the take over there, or let it be something that everybody agrees to. That Sun entering Aries says we are more aware and assertive with our freedom principle, and our ability to start things up and get things going. It is an action oriented time. 7:02 PM the Sun and Ceres are 150 degrees apart, that looks like recovery to me. Recovery of things and people who are lost.
The Moon enters Sagittarius which lightens the mood and that happens at 11:39 PM. There is a lift, a view outward. Look far out into the sky to be able to lift your heart and lift your spirits.

Friday March 21, 2014
The types of things that occur during Friday, no real major aspects going on between the planets, but you can definitely expect to be assisted by those that are trying to help you to invest your energies in the right direction. So think very carefully about your choices. Okay, that’s it for the week. It is haphazard on a lot of fronts because of the Sun Mars aspect and the Full Moon. And we talk about these things and more, especially in class on Wednesday night. Things that have to do with your ability to move forward in some direction or maybe there is an issue that you need to have sorted out, about what is going on and outside, and also the transits how they affect us. Those things we discuss in our class Wednesday night 7:00- 9:00 PM. that’s in Watertown. You can call me to sign up for class at 617-924-0929.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Astrology Report March 8-15, 2014 with Green Light Days

Good morning. Here I am with a little froggy voice, but it is in fact Dietrech. There is a Quarter Moon today that is extremely important. It’s taking place at 17, almost 18 degrees of Gemini. And this reaches right back into a couple of very important Astrological dates when a Solar Eclipse occurred in 2002 in the month of June, and then a Lunar Eclipse, also related, December 10th of 2011. So if you have events in your life now that have a story line that threads back to those times, there might be an important message for you, as Gemini brings messages. And it also links to other avenues, maybe it opens doors to the types of events and things that you may have forgotten about or that you have even been working on.
We have a couple of stagnant conditions going on that are affecting much of what we do. Mars is retrograde. So Mercury is no longer retrograde, but Mars is making us wish it was a Mercury retrograde. Mars is very difficult to maneuver around, and it is retrograde in the sign of Libra. This is not a comfortable sign for Mars so it makes mistakes and flubs up and creates problems between couples, and those couples could be countries, and the consequences have a very long arm. There is a seriousness to it because Mars and Saturn are really tightly linked in this time frame. Mars does not turn direct until May 19th. So we have to put up with this and work around it. So finding a good day to do things is not that easy, but we can find things to help you move forward or help you to advance your ideas. At least keep writing, researching, and also make agreements that can changed later if that’s possible. There is a Green Light today and that is what these things about moving forward are about. Green Lights to go, go right through to the next stage, but don’t be surprised if they send you back over and over: to get this, then get that, then do this – so it is not an easy flow.
And then today where we have a Green Light period, it does continue until 3:53 AM tomorrow. So if you are somebody who is up through the middle of the night you can still send things off via email and do things up until that time because then the Cancer Moon that begins on Sunday at 9:33 AM that one is not in good shape, Its going to square that Mars, so that makes it a difficult Moon sign to navigate.
In the meanwhile, that First Quarter Moon, it happened at 8:27 AM and usually things occur on the day of a Quarter Moon. And that means that the check may be in the mail. But (STOP 37:29) at the sign of Gemini this is definitely about the mailman or mailwoman, but there could be an important phone call that you’ve been waiting for, some important communication: maybe this is the day you get your papers together for an important event coming up, maybe during the Leo Moon when the show is on. So it is going to be an interesting couple of days with the Moon in Cancer because the conflict level rises because of the square to Mars. Those are obstacles that you have to get passed.
And on Tuesday… so if we go from Saturday we have a Green Light , Sunday a Green Light (until 5:53 AM), and then 9:33 AM Sunday not so good - Just on going things around the home. People tend to be crabbier during a Cancer Moon. People tend to be pulling back and just having people that are close to them - they feel overly sensitive. But the baby side comes out with people. Money worries are bigger when the Moon is in Cancer.
Then for Monday that Cancer Moon doesn’t really have any activity going on with other planets. So it is still trying to manage its way through all of the obstacles of the Grand Cross right from the morning, 8:04 AM Moon squares Uranus on Monday morning. So try and head out after that, if you can. Or just be cautious driving (STOP 39:14) any where early in the morning on Monday.
And then the Moon will opposite Pluto at 12:16 PM and that is when you could have obstacles when directly dealing with other people face-to-face. There could be belligerence and power struggles and that sort of thing.
By Tuesday, where you are talking about the obstacles that you have just hurdled over - that would be Mercury square Saturn. It’s at 2:14 AM on Tuesday morning. So I would say Monday night is the night when that aspect is very vivid. And you can expect probably some type of conclusion that you have to make or a plan for the future that gets you past some of the difficulties and obstacles. There is a narrow mindedness to that and very highly focused thinking. It could be good for some things, but for other things it could be nit picky, and there can be problems because of things that have been excluded. There is very often no word or some other delay that comes in as a result of that. There could be misunderstandings or just like we said before; you are missing paper work or you are sent back to complete, this complete that - and it is a very tedious aspect. Could be worry oriented. So you will see a better day with that on Tuesday as the day develops. But the Moon is square Mars at 3:50 PM in that Cancer Moon. And after that you might feel the relief that comes in from patiently trying to get through one problem after another.
At 10:09 PM that Leo Moon starts and that’s a Green Light period that runs right until Friday morning at 8:44 AM, when the Moon aligns with Mars in a split parallel configuration. So for the Leo Moon on Wednesday, it’s really the best way to do things. The best day to do things will be Thursday. And there is an aspect between the Sun and Saturn during the Leo Moon. They will be trine but there is a hitch. Moon will be forming a square (STOP 41:57) to Saturn at 8:48 PM on Thursday night. So this is a tough one to get through because it challenges you emotionally. You may have the right, or the license, or the invitation to put on your show so to speak; whatever it is, your presentation, your goals. And then you have to stop and honor some other type of rule, which Saturn is very good at putting out its rules and regulations. So Thursday is sort of that double edge sword. Sun trine Saturn can say there is a break, there is a relief here, and there are agreements in the way that you are doing things. And then the Moon comes along and says wait one minute. We can’t move forward after all. And the Sun trine Saturn also adds some confidence and some self control. And this is a time when you say time pays off. Good timing is what you can see in that day for the most part. And all the loose ends, you can see where all the loose ends are, and go and gather them.
And then for Thursday night nothing more seems to be going on until Friday morning - we have the Moon void of course at 8:44 AM. And then at 10:17 AM the Moon enters the sign of Virgo, and so the Virgo Moon has a very quick thinking aspect between Mercury and Mars, but it has a slow approach. It is like Oh, okay. I figured that out, but I’ll do that later, and it could just slip away. So you have to be very careful about focus. And focus is often distracted with a trine because of the fact that it feels so comfortable to be in that space; you don’t really push forward, ahead. Virgo Moon is all about pushing forward, getting your work done, cooperating with others, tending to your health matters, and putting things in order, your ducks in a row, and keeping the ball rolling - that is what the Virgo Moon likes to do best. There is some cloudiness when the Moon is opposite Neptune. That could be cloudy thinking, sleepiness, that’s good - 9:41 PM you can just go to bed with that one. And then that Virgo Moon does continue right through until Sunday night at 8:46 PM on the 16th (STOP 44:49) when we have a great big Full Moon. So that’s it for the week.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Astrology Report March 1 - 8, 2014 with Green Light Days

The matters that emerge this weekend have a long period of effect and slow period of resolve. You can feel it this weekend as it may be full of hesitation and frustration. The Pisces New Moon has us all in the dark trying to find our way. You may attempt to get things going but stall out for any number of reasons. You may not be properly prepared or the other people cancel. Others may be working harder than usual and feel they are accomplishing more than usual. They may not have the money or there could be a serious family problem or business matter that takes priority. Priorities may be difficult to set for a period of time. As the emergence of pressing matters in the here and now can upset even the most well thought out plans. Everyone is having their share of problems. It’s similar to the 911 calls for those stuck in a huge traffic jam. The emergency vehicle simply can’t make it. This is truly a period of testing your survival skills. Many of the avenues you once took are broken or shut down. Many of those roads need to be completely rebuilt or over-hauled before you can go down that road again.

Things that are routine may not work in the sequence need to complete your goals.

TUESDAY MARCH 4- The Aries Moon is void of course after the square to Venus at 12:31 PM until 2:12 PM.

2:12 PM the Moon enters Taurus until Thursday at 9:37 PM. For Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday then Thursday night the Moon travels through the money sign. Stick to tradition during this sign as the signs ruler Venus is going through changes too. Venus will enter Aquarius which is at odds with Taurus. Jupiter is the lightens up the landscape Thursday morning at 5:42 AM but Saturn is in Scorpio which is opposite the Taurus Moon and makes you pay the entire way through. Wait until after Moon opposite Saturn at 8:55 AM Thursday before advancing.

The first Green Light period this week begins March 6, Thursday night at 9:37 PM when the Moon enters Gemini and sees the high action events surrounding the First Quarter Moon March 8. With this chatty and busy Gemini it suggests that retrograde Mars can be of some help to restart an older matter. These older matters could be reconnecting with people who have brought you together with others in the past. These could be counselors or legal advisors. Accept all invitations as these may place you in a social situation with the benefit of meeting a small pool of people who may help you with your goals. This Green Light period ends on Sunday March 9 at 3:53 AM.
Transcribed report:

Good morning. Well, here we have the weekend that we have been kind of worried about for sometime, and that is because this weekend has more frustrations and difficulties than most that I’ve seen in long long time. Actually I’ve never seen a time when Mars went retrograde the same time Saturn went retrograde right on the heels of when Mercury turned direct. Mercury had been retrograde, now direct as of yesterday morning, and so that is a good thing. But Mars is a planet that rules forward motion, getting the job done, moving forward in anyway that where you are chasing your desires and your goals. And then pile on top of that Saturn, which is about paying your debts and being restricted and limited, it makes it a very frustrating period.

There is a little bit of brightness with Jupiter the end of the week that should help things, but the matters that emerge this weekend have a long period of effect and a slow period of resolve. So it can be very tense, either global events or personal events, you can feel there is a hesitation and frustration with nearly everything that you approach.

We have, to complicate matters more; we are in a New Moon stage which means we are in the dark of the Moon. The Pisces new Moon has us all trying to find our way out, and out of a very dark tunnel, and that New Moon occurred early this morning at 2:59 AM at 11 degrees of Pisces. You may attempt to get things going, but find you stall out for a number of reasons: you may not be properly prepared, or the other people on the other end may cancel. Or others maybe working harder than usual and feel that they are accomplishing more in some ways, but less in other ways. It is a very difficult time to make head way. There may not be enough money to pay for what it is that you need or for the amount of effort that you are putting out. There could be serious family problems or business matters that take priority. And priorities may be difficult to set for a period of time, as the emergence of pressing matters are in the here and now. And that can upset even the most thought out plan, so have patience. Surrender to that whole concept of having patience, standing in the now, asking for help. Everyone is having their share of problems. So when you are screaming “911.” It’s like the emergency vehicle being stuck in that great big traffic jam in New Jersey, they can’t make it either. So there is truly a test of our survival skills during this time of Mercury, Mars, Saturn that bring us to a sense of needing to stop and regroup, rely on your skills. Those things, the avenues you once took could be broken or shut down, and many of those roads need to be completely rebuilt or overhauled before you can go down that road again.

So what you can expect: the first Green Light period during this entire week is on Thursday evening after 9:37 PM. Green Light periods are about getting the go ahead, getting the Green Light to move forward with your goals, but realizing that during this time period many things are being held back. The priority list has been completely changed, so you may have to just wait, get in the back of the line, again. So have some patience for that.
So that Gemini Moon on Thursday sees a lot of high action because there is a First Quarter Moon that is also occurring during the Gemini Moon of next weekend. And that is the Green Light period that suggests that there is a lot of chattiness and a lot of errands being run, a lot of running around. Maybe there is some help to start an older matter. So that Green Light period doesn’t end until Sunday, March 9th at 3:53 AM. So that’s your time when you want to plan ahead, but just go through the motions now of doing all your work, keeping your nose to the grindstone before then.
This Pisces Moon that we have today started yesterday at 9:53 AM - that was after Mercury had gone direct. So the Pisces Moon is leading us through a new beginning and period of devotion, personal mission. Your inner desire to connect with those inspiring principles may be there and available for you to look inside. This is definitely an inside job. Contemplate the things that you can draw on from your own inner self - that is where the strength is right now during this time.
During the Pisces Moon the planet of forward motion, Mars (intention, planned action, and advancement) turns retrograde in Libra, and that is at 11:24 this morning.
Mars is also aligned with the Lunar Node, and that will magnify Mar’s activities or troubles or warlike behavior. More headaches emerge or reemerge, injuries, fires; aggression may cluster during this time of change. On the positive side there is a lot of energy that can be redirected - especially going back. Go back over things that you’ve done in the past and try to bring them up and rework them. Reapply your energies and efforts to them with a new look for an old project or old effort.
The Pisces Moon does end on Sunday at 10:40 AM. If you cannot do anything productive for yourself, then help somebody else over this weekend, and that is the best way to apply your energies.
So for that Aries Moon sign that does begin tomorrow at 10:40 AM Sunday it continues until March 4th, that’s on Tuesday, at 2:12 PM. This is an expensive couple of days with more frustration for that few days. Saturn will turn retrograde at 11:19 AM on Sunday. This retrograde motion continues until July 20th, but it may settle in and not feel quite so bad or so frustrating after maybe after 10 days or a couple of weeks goes by, when you get to see all the debts and obligations that you need to tend to before moving forward. This is where you must repair that old bridge before even considering building a new one. Teeth and bones could be an issue, muscles are stiff or over extended. Saturn also rules the Father principle. You may have to answer to a higher authority before anything else can be done. Restrictions, limits, resources, may be the nature of matters for now. This may improve slightly by the end of the week because Jupiter turns direct. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, that is on March 6th, and that will be at 5:42 AM.
As for other things going on Sunday, Venus and Mars are squared during this Aries Moon this Sunday. That means there are matters from just before Christmas that reemerge and turn up the pressure again. People find it hard to contain their frustrations and suffer the consequences of taking things out on those closest to them - So I’m sorry there. And you may have a passionate or very emotional reaction that can be met with consequences. So keep your temper down and try to love the ones you’re with and not hurt the ones you’re with. There is also difficulties or breach of flow in money with Venus square Mars. (STOP 45:22) You can also have difficulty finding love for your work, and this could also indicate, with the Aries Moon, that there is a long battle between the sexes. That is because the Moon doesn’t trigger those two planets Venus and Mars until Tuesday. Moon will opposite Mars at 9:44 AM Tuesday and then square Venus at 12:31 PM on Tuesday – so that is how long this battle could last. So try to defuse that in any way that you can.
On Monday that Aries Moon sign is still with us. The Sun is 60 degrees away from Pluto, with that it brings us the obvious need to build bridges and engage with people in positions of power to assist in serious matters. These could be global, those tensions over in Russia and Ukraine. These matters could be in your life or in the world at large. And any formidable plan with determination and decisiveness should be reviewed carefully. The review comes from all the retrograde activity. There’s that sense that there is a deep revelation that supports your inner and outer progress, on both a personal level and how that relates to your greater outer surroundings. If you are trying to gain control over these matters in your life or others, you might be also trying to use a deeper principle of trust and sharing to work those things out. Look for an open access to financial assistance, something you can go back to, an older way of doing things maybe. Although wait until that Gemini Moon sign I talked about where we have that Green Light period on Thursday.
For Tuesday, still an Aries Moon. It is void of course after a square to Venus at 12:31 PM. That void of course period ends at 2:12 PM, that is when the Moon goes into Taurus and it stays there until 9:37 PM on Thursday. So its interpretation includes Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday, and most of Thursday. So stick to tradition. It is the money sign. Try to relate to the feminine principle of things: friendship, bonding, food.
And Venus is also going through changes too. Venus will change signs and enter the sign of Aquarius, that will be on Wednesday at 4:03 PM - that is a weird place for Venus to travel through. She is spending more time with friends. She is connecting more with groups and larger goals that may have to do more with ecology, or the greater good, or social endeavors. So Venus in the sign of Aquarius is at odds with Taurus, the money sign. They are squared to one another, so they are in a difficult compromising position.
Jupiter lighten ups the landscape on Thursday - That happens at 5:42 AM. But Saturn is right there to say remember me, you have to pay the tolls and the debts first because that Saturn in Scorpio is opposite to the Taurus Moon and it is also square to the Aquarius Venus that is also going to travel through and meet that square somewhere down the road.
So wait until after the Moon is opposite Saturn at 8:55 AM Thursday before advancing during the Taurus Moon sign, then I would say you have kind of a little Green Light period that would go on until 9:37 PM on Thursday. It is not quite as strong as the one that we have Thursday night that will run through Sunday.
For Thursday night and Friday you have a lot of running around, a lot of errands with the Gemini Moon sign and you can expect to connect with people from the past. Men from the past may comeback. Older people, mentors, may also come back in some way shape and form. You may also want to have some sort of new education plan during this time of seemingly stuck and stagnant period. Jupiter turning direct says sign up for a course or join some type of event that furthers your skills in someway shape or form. That’s it for the week. (STOP 50.26) It can be very frustrating. You may need someone to help you sort things out. An Astrology reading is a really good idea during this time period and also you can continue to find advisers that can help you to come back to your center. Trust and invest in your patience. That’s it for the week.
We have class on Wednesday night that can also be a time when you find ways to sort through these things in more detail, that’s at 7:00 on Wednesday night. You can find more information about this on my website at Call me at 617-924-0929. You can ask me about these things or schedule an appointment. And I will talk to you again next week.

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: