Good morning. Here I am with a little froggy voice, but it is in fact Dietrech. There is a Quarter Moon today that is extremely important. It’s taking place at 17, almost 18 degrees of Gemini. And this reaches right back into a couple of very important Astrological dates when a Solar Eclipse occurred in 2002 in the month of June, and then a Lunar Eclipse, also related, December 10th of 2011. So if you have events in your life now that have a story line that threads back to those times, there might be an important message for you, as Gemini brings messages. And it also links to other avenues, maybe it opens doors to the types of events and things that you may have forgotten about or that you have even been working on.
We have a couple of stagnant conditions going on that are affecting much of what we do. Mars is retrograde. So Mercury is no longer retrograde, but Mars is making us wish it was a Mercury retrograde. Mars is very difficult to maneuver around, and it is retrograde in the sign of Libra. This is not a comfortable sign for Mars so it makes mistakes and flubs up and creates problems between couples, and those couples could be countries, and the consequences have a very long arm. There is a seriousness to it because Mars and Saturn are really tightly linked in this time frame. Mars does not turn direct until May 19th. So we have to put up with this and work around it. So finding a good day to do things is not that easy, but we can find things to help you move forward or help you to advance your ideas. At least keep writing, researching, and also make agreements that can changed later if that’s possible. There is a Green Light today and that is what these things about moving forward are about. Green Lights to go, go right through to the next stage, but don’t be surprised if they send you back over and over: to get this, then get that, then do this – so it is not an easy flow.
And then today where we have a Green Light period, it does continue until 3:53 AM tomorrow. So if you are somebody who is up through the middle of the night you can still send things off via email and do things up until that time because then the Cancer Moon that begins on Sunday at 9:33 AM that one is not in good shape, Its going to square that Mars, so that makes it a difficult Moon sign to navigate.
In the meanwhile, that First Quarter Moon, it happened at 8:27 AM and usually things occur on the day of a Quarter Moon. And that means that the check may be in the mail. But (STOP 37:29) at the sign of Gemini this is definitely about the mailman or mailwoman, but there could be an important phone call that you’ve been waiting for, some important communication: maybe this is the day you get your papers together for an important event coming up, maybe during the Leo Moon when the show is on. So it is going to be an interesting couple of days with the Moon in Cancer because the conflict level rises because of the square to Mars. Those are obstacles that you have to get passed.
And on Tuesday… so if we go from Saturday we have a Green Light , Sunday a Green Light (until 5:53 AM), and then 9:33 AM Sunday not so good - Just on going things around the home. People tend to be crabbier during a Cancer Moon. People tend to be pulling back and just having people that are close to them - they feel overly sensitive. But the baby side comes out with people. Money worries are bigger when the Moon is in Cancer.
Then for Monday that Cancer Moon doesn’t really have any activity going on with other planets. So it is still trying to manage its way through all of the obstacles of the Grand Cross right from the morning, 8:04 AM Moon squares Uranus on Monday morning. So try and head out after that, if you can. Or just be cautious driving (STOP 39:14) any where early in the morning on Monday.
And then the Moon will opposite Pluto at 12:16 PM and that is when you could have obstacles when directly dealing with other people face-to-face. There could be belligerence and power struggles and that sort of thing.
By Tuesday, where you are talking about the obstacles that you have just hurdled over - that would be Mercury square Saturn. It’s at 2:14 AM on Tuesday morning. So I would say Monday night is the night when that aspect is very vivid. And you can expect probably some type of conclusion that you have to make or a plan for the future that gets you past some of the difficulties and obstacles. There is a narrow mindedness to that and very highly focused thinking. It could be good for some things, but for other things it could be nit picky, and there can be problems because of things that have been excluded. There is very often no word or some other delay that comes in as a result of that. There could be misunderstandings or just like we said before; you are missing paper work or you are sent back to complete, this complete that - and it is a very tedious aspect. Could be worry oriented. So you will see a better day with that on Tuesday as the day develops. But the Moon is square Mars at 3:50 PM in that Cancer Moon. And after that you might feel the relief that comes in from patiently trying to get through one problem after another.
At 10:09 PM that Leo Moon starts and that’s a Green Light period that runs right until Friday morning at 8:44 AM, when the Moon aligns with Mars in a split parallel configuration. So for the Leo Moon on Wednesday, it’s really the best way to do things. The best day to do things will be Thursday. And there is an aspect between the Sun and Saturn during the Leo Moon. They will be trine but there is a hitch. Moon will be forming a square (STOP 41:57) to Saturn at 8:48 PM on Thursday night. So this is a tough one to get through because it challenges you emotionally. You may have the right, or the license, or the invitation to put on your show so to speak; whatever it is, your presentation, your goals. And then you have to stop and honor some other type of rule, which Saturn is very good at putting out its rules and regulations. So Thursday is sort of that double edge sword. Sun trine Saturn can say there is a break, there is a relief here, and there are agreements in the way that you are doing things. And then the Moon comes along and says wait one minute. We can’t move forward after all. And the Sun trine Saturn also adds some confidence and some self control. And this is a time when you say time pays off. Good timing is what you can see in that day for the most part. And all the loose ends, you can see where all the loose ends are, and go and gather them.
And then for Thursday night nothing more seems to be going on until Friday morning - we have the Moon void of course at 8:44 AM. And then at 10:17 AM the Moon enters the sign of Virgo, and so the Virgo Moon has a very quick thinking aspect between Mercury and Mars, but it has a slow approach. It is like Oh, okay. I figured that out, but I’ll do that later, and it could just slip away. So you have to be very careful about focus. And focus is often distracted with a trine because of the fact that it feels so comfortable to be in that space; you don’t really push forward, ahead. Virgo Moon is all about pushing forward, getting your work done, cooperating with others, tending to your health matters, and putting things in order, your ducks in a row, and keeping the ball rolling - that is what the Virgo Moon likes to do best. There is some cloudiness when the Moon is opposite Neptune. That could be cloudy thinking, sleepiness, that’s good - 9:41 PM you can just go to bed with that one. And then that Virgo Moon does continue right through until Sunday night at 8:46 PM on the 16th (STOP 44:49) when we have a great big Full Moon. So that’s it for the week.
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