Saturday, July 18, 2015

Astrology Report for the week of July 18 -25, 2015 by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days

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This week is filled with many changes some are indicated by three planets changing signs. First Venus which enters Virgo only for 13 days and returns while retrograde. It is as if she is going back to get something of great importance. Perhaps it is her glory she shared with Jupiter over this past month. They are both so brilliant in the western sky and there is more to come. But the connection to Jupiter may be not only be showy glitter but a buffer for the harsh influence from Saturn late in the tough sign of Scorpio. Saturn seems to be forcing issues out into the open for good or ill which must be addressed.

Wednesday more change is expected when the Sun leaves Cancer for the brightest spot it could be, Leo. Mercury will soon follow Thursday morning. While these two planets are still in Cancer they address the impact of outsiders forcing their way onto others. Cancer is the sign of closed groups or clans. As these clans may be for good or ill they press on with their rights protected by free speech as unnerving as the sights sounds and changes may be to others.

Venus is in the sign of great discrimination, Virgo. Not so much as in prejudice thinking but more of an analytical manner. Such as discriminatory taste. Here the understated wins as less is more and it's what you do that counts not what you say. If your actions do not match your philosophy you are then discredited.

Another important change this past week was the return of Mars from his out-there trek. Her traveled out-of-bounds which is beyond the limits set by the boss (the Sun). And while gone he learned new things and met new people. Discovered and experienced the different, strange and unusual. Now that he has returned he may be a little more cooperative. Mars is the planet of war, work and driven desire. So we shall see how that goes.

Enjoy your week.

By the way you may like to join our class on-line. Or you can ask for a copy of the class if available. Classes are $25 and they are held at my house on Monday nights at 7-9 PM. Call me if you wish to join in person in Watertown or on-line where you can hear our discussion with the live charts to go with it.

Saturday, July 18, 2015
Saturday is tricky because you may have your eye on something that you can't quite get your hands on for no reason of your own. This is because Venus is changing signs today. Note things like placing an offer on a house that has just gone under agreement. The seller may change their mind or the money won't be available to make the purchase.

6:38:14 PM Venus enters Virgo where It will retrograde in a week and then return to Leo and join Jupiter once again August 4 as if to give it the confidence to endure the second Venus square Saturn on August 5th. The Final square of this pair is not until October 10th when both planets are in direct motion. This is the most advisable time to advance important financial and primary relationship goals. (Marriage, divorce, mergers and corporate agreements.

8:46:43 PM Saturday the Moon enters Virgo for a nice few Green Light Days. Take advantage of the easier flow after Saturday's night's Mercury square Uranus at 9:07 PM. Then move forward until Tuesday at 6:06 AM.

8:49:14 PM Moon conjunct Venus for a lovely sight in the sky. Find both with Jupiter after sunset in the western sky. They should be magnificent.

9:07:12 PM Mercury Square Transiting Uranus
Expect the unexpected. Notice a radical change of mind. Extreme distractions. Thinking ranges from brilliant to bizarre. Outbursts with extreme bias. Abrupt interruptions of communications. Erratic flow of conversation. Ingenious ideas border or radical engineering and complexity. Drastic revisions of documents. Wild ideas. Friends may disappoint. Missed travel connections and appointments.
For personal use: You may want to record your unique brainstorms.
For business use: Avoid contamination to computer systems by downloading data. Do not contract with anyone under this aspect.

Sunday, July 19, 2015
Sunday is a nice day to put a well thought out plan into action but watch out for the sharks through late evening. There is a Green Light but I prefer late night to make an offer or plan a job after 4 PM is best. Romance is also indicated during this Virgo Moon sign.

1:31:35 PM Venus parallel Juno allows love to bloom.

3:43:25 PM Moon opposite Neptune is time to open your eyes. The disappearing act is about to happen. Avoid commitments until later in the afternoon.

7:48:34 PM Sun Contra-Parallel Pluto
Brief description: A combination for an enemy camp. A temporary attempt to over power others and exert absolute control. The obsessions that motivate action. Deep psychological issues that can set one apart from meeting their goals. To be asked to keep secret what is witnessed. A short period of trust between two people perhaps for a specific purpose. Feelings of betrayal. Success may come through methods of coercion or intimidation.
Deep truthful talks. Express your loyalty and respect for your partner.
Avoid entering any sort of partnership where you may be outmatched.

Monday July 20, 2015
Monday has the best Green Light with no major obstacles. The money can be found (Venus split parallel Neptune - all day) but read the small print (Mercury 135º Neptune 5:35 PM).
3:44:26 PM Venus split parallel Neptune. The feminine is enhanced. Beauty and sensuality enhance this day. Like magic, help arrives from a magnetic individual. Romance and illusion permits invitations once not considered. Boundaries become vague regarding the framework of realistic values. Charm and intoxicating moods camouflage seduction. An opportunity for deception. Valuable items could be lost or misplaced. There is an insidious consequence for indulgences. Great aspect for creating a cosmetic camouflage. Use of color, flowers and music raises the vibration.
For personal use: Keep your eyes open when your heart's a flutter. Focus your attention inward for the gem in your intrinsic value.
For business: Beautify and enhance a presentation. Beware of buying without deeper investigation or inspection.

5:37:42 PM Mercury SesquiSquare Neptune
Brief description: Confusion and mistrust of judgment. Mental angst is soothed with food and alcohol. Intuitive information is gathered. Strong imagination, active dreams and restless sleep. Deception.
For personal use: Music and soft activities for calming with meditation and prayer.
For business use: Avoid commitments and operating heavy machinery while under this influence.

Tuesday July 21, 2015. The Virgo Moon is excellent until 6:06 AM. It's early but post that job application or enter your requisitions before the Moon goes void at 6:06 AM. The Libra Moon enters at 9:23 AM and travels through this sign until 10:07 PM Thursday. There is a Green Light Period during the Libra Moon on Thursday. Before that watch out for what is dropped or abandoned when the Sun and Mercury leave Cancer for Leo on Wednesday during the Libra Moon sign.

7:07:19 AM Sun Trine Saturn - during the void of course Moon in Virgo.
Administration and infrastructure run smoothly. Confidence and self control. Presentations are logical and feasible. Practical applications of your creative efforts are well received. Sound judgment using boundaries and limits. Time pays off and your timing is good. All the loose ends are tethered. Patience, tolerance and endurance and slow steady progress are your best assets. A door once closed is now open.
Be confident not arrogant. Approach the boss with your plan. Business heads are willing to address problems and act upon a structured plan.

9:22:41 AM Moon enters Libra but this is not the best time to pair off or compromise as one of the primary parties leaves the table before any agreements can be made. Perhaps the bride or groom has a change of heart or finds another. One way or another the star of the show leaves before the planned event can take place. It is possible they are derailed along their travels or missed a connection. Don't judge too harshly until you have all the facts.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015
The Moon is in Libra Wednesday and has too much to juggle because the important players change places or leave before you are able to complete your project. The Sun enters Leo at 11:30 PM. Mercury enters Leo on Thursday.

1:50:37 PM Mercury 120 degree Trine Saturn. nice.
Brief description: The message delivered with this particular aspect is likely to be significant and designed to ""send a message"". Important statements from people in leading positions. Communications are serious and lead to report results. Clear but dull or sober presentations. An aspect of the rational mind, organized and logical thinking. The ability to concentrate and focus to make clear headed decisions. The need to organize. Positive results from quiet isolation.
For personal use: You already have all the information you need to make your decision.
For business use: You are well informed to move forward.

11:30:25 PM Wednesday the Sun will be in Leo for the next month allowing a time for creative matters to take center stage. Children become the focus. This is a time for presentations and shows of creative works. Even though this is a time to access your joy, have fun and share your love, it traditionally stages very serious matters involving executive decisions. As these pressing matters compete for your attention you may find you are better equipped to take charge. Romance is also a priority when the Sun travels through the sign of Leo. People tend to be more open hearted with sunnier personalities. People may also be more demonstrative and generous. The ego can be bruised more easily. Confidence runs higher as does arrogance during the Leo period. Vacations and all forms of play move into the forefront.
For personal use: Use the principals of love as the great healer. Allow your creativity to lead now.
For business use: Present your best to the public. There is a hold up as Mercury must first enter Leo (8:14 AM Thursday) before the wheels begin turning.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Thursday the Moon is in Libra and has a bone to pick with Mars just after midnight. Avoid interactions with strangers Wednesday night and early Thursday. The next Moon aspect is opposite Uranus. Uh Oh. Begin a Green Light Period from 8:14 AM Thursday until 6:49 PM. Moon is void after that until 10:07 PM when the Moon goes into very rough territory of Scorpio.
12:04:19 AM Moon square Mars. Anger. Upset. Rash behavior. Noise and blasts can be expected.
3:01:43 AM Moon opposite Uranus sees the sudden abrupt changes involving hot headed people.

8:14:19 AM Mercury enters Leo. Green Light Period begins Thursday until 6:49 PM - however move forward cautiously as this day brings long-term apprehensions. Think long and hard before advancing. Mercury is flying through Leo until August 7. Mistakes can be made if you gloss over your material over the next couple of weeks. Much on the run and rushing about as there will be little time to savor a thought. Mercury is focused on executive decisions, romance, creative ideas and play. It becomes important to know what children are thinking. The inclination is to take risks or gamble.
For personal use: Lay out a plan to accomplish your errands to be the most efficient. Plan a fun trip with lots of children around. Collect ideas for creative projects. Team up with others with your ideas.
Can be used for in business: Reports of the company's new babies. Ideas for high tech applications and vacation sales. Go to a show or business conference. Network.

3:23:29 PM Sun Conjunction Mercury
This conjunction between Mercury and the Sun occurs when Mercury is direct in its motion. But Mercury can still be the trickster creating misinformation and snags in your travel plans
Otherwise expect mental agility. Sharp mindedness for snap decisions. Awareness is heightened. Responses are quickened. Lots of errands. Short distant travel. Knowing ones mind. Important decisions. Assessing priorities. Analytical thinking may accelerate to worry. This aspect is positive for writing, collecting information. Sorting through gossip and news stories. Ease with multitasking. Outlining contracts for agreements. Important introductions and appointments.
For personal use: Look and be at your best. Expect recognition. Go with the flow.
For business use: Read the fine print. Go after what you want with enthusiasm. Submit your work for editing. Advertise and network.

6:49:14 PM Moon is void of course after 30º to Saturn.

10:06:58 PM The Moon enters Scorpio and has a tough task list ahead when both Venus and Uranus will turn retrograde during this already tough Moon sign. Take a pro with you in all your affairs and avoid final agreements. Although this sort of set up appears may be in the hands of a judge.
Friday, July 24, 2015
The Moon is in Scorpio all day Friday and Saturday until 8:24 AM Sunday. For Friday is a no-go day. Just work alone or deal with things that are pressing in deep matters.
12:03:57 AM First Quarter Moon at zero Scorpio. While this sign is attached to the intense Solar Eclipse from last fall at zero Scorpio you are best to do the grunt work alone if you are able. It is a good idea to get a handle on your finances. Hold back on spending anything as you may need to build a reserve to carry you though a tough spell. Matters improve in October after Venus's final square to Saturn. October 10.

9:46:10 AM Mercury opposite Ceres is a tough one for children and pets. Watch out for all little ones in the roads as there are difficulties.

Saturday July 25, 2015 - Venus turns retrograde at 5:29 AM until Sep 6, 2015.

1 comment:

  1. It was a nice post it really helped me to understand my zodiac and movement of planets in my star sides now i can take remedies foe my problems like business problem solution ! Money spells. Please keep posting such type of posts in future these are very helpful for us.


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