Saturday, August 15, 2015

Astrology Report for the week of 8-15 through 8-22, 2015 by Dietrech

Listen to this week's report at

This week ahead has several bright spots through early Thursday morning. Beginning with today's Virgo Moon running through till Monday early afternoon your have the best period for forwarding your goals. The cooperation with others makes this a prime time to gather what your need and the right people to make it run smoothly. Then the Libra Moon sign sees another Green Light period to advance your goals after 9:41 AM Wednesday until 4:23 AM Thursday.
Much of this week however may feel like and uphill battle when the Sun is approaching a tough square to Saturn. But don't feel defeated but empowered as the Sun is 135º to Pluto and 90º to Saturn Friday night. It is time to push forward and honor the rules and regulations and clean up the loose ends from the past. The rewards are ahead of you. Friday's tough aspects are under the Scorpio Moon sign beginning Thursday at 5:24 AM through 4:41 PM on Saturday. Avoid any agreements during the Scopio Moon sign. This is not a sign for lightweights and take a seasoned professional with you if you must appear before any board of judgement. A line of demarcation is evident with the First Quarter Moon next Saturday at 3:41 PM which is worth mentioning now. It's at the intense 29th degree of Scorpio and conjunct the heavy foot of Saturn nearing the end of Scorpio. This is the point when the imposing and difficult aspect of Saturn and Pluto is finally headed for a release. We have been all struggling under its influence since mid-spring.

Saturday August 15, 2015
12:36:10 AM Moon square Saturn.

3:18:06 AM Moon s v/c Moon split parallel Neptune.

3:45:29 AM Moon enters Virgo

"4:05:58 AM Mercury Parallel Uranus - can influence the entire day.
This aspect combines technical support and friendship for long range plans. It's the ""Great Minds Think Alike"" aspect. Intelligence reports. Mental agility. Brilliance. The ability to make snap accurate deduction. Experiments and inventions. Radical or unusual viewpoints. Technical interest. Erratic and quirky functions with experiments and equipment. Interruptions for surprise announcements. Shocking or quirky news. Technical information and technical difficulty. Impulsive quick thinking major decisions without being fully informed. A new approach to problems. Troubleshooting.
For personal use: Try to filter your words before they leave your mouth. Your friends may suffer from your sarcasm.
For business use: Take advantage of the unexpected tips today. There may be long-term advantages with the events that suddenly surface today. Keep an open mind and allow your thinking to seek the creative and inventive.

1:57 PM Dark Moon period ends

3:21:38 PM Sun conjunct Venus during is a point when the retrograde motion of Venus is halfway through this cycle ending on September 6. This conjunction came with the New Moon yesterday and emphasizes the need to work through relationship issues or let them go. Enormous pressure is applied to understanding each side before cutting relations off. Respect and integrity are high on the list for the best results of your actions.

3:55:25 PM Mercury trine Pluto.
3:58:00 PM Mercury 150º Pluto. Some unsettling information emerges that demands immediate attention. It may be a negative balance in your bank account.

6:14:45 PM The Sun and Moon midpoint enters Virgo for maximum amount of cooperation.

9:28:42 PM Moon opposite Neptune passes a blind spot. Check your belongings and paperwork for errors. After this aspect you can see more accurately. 9:29 PM begin the best time for a Green Light period that expands till Monday at 1:16 PM when the Moon is 60º sextile Saturn. There are not apparent obstacles on Sunday or till 1:16 PM Monday.
Sunday, August 16, 2015

1:59:06 AM The dark Moon period ends.

4:50:27 AM Mercury parallel Venus brings positive connections and sweet resolve to some relationship matters.

8:47:41 AM Moon conjunct Mercury. Get the information you need. Make a task list and "go for it".

8:40:46 PM Moon 150º Uranus creates a break of routine. It's time to enjoy a rest. Some surprises could upset your plan but it may mean a friend dropped by and you go off in a new fun direction.
Monday, August 17, 2015
1:16:11 PM Moon 60º Saturn marks the end of this very nice Green Light period in Virgo and the beginning of the void of course period that runs until 4:22 PM Monday.

4:22:27 PM The Moon enters Libra until 5:24 AM Thursday. There are several tricky times to note during the Libra Moon sign, but not until Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. Avoid agreeing to a plan until after Wednesday morning to sidestep reversals. Venus is retrograde and rules Libra. The relationships you have now need work. Either plan on putting in the effort and see a more harmonious time on Wednesday by 9:50 AM when the Moon is sextile Venus. That's a gap bridging aspect which can mend some fences.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Tuesday's Libra Moon squares off to Pluto at 7:30 PM and then is semi-square Saturn at 7:55 PM. This is a sign of trouble but you are at the end of a difficult period that could be released as early as Saturday 8-22. Be a good listener on Tuesday and take no action to advance until after 9:41 AM Wednesday.

10:15 AM Moon 150^ Neptune is a set up for a flub. You miss the cues or totally make a mistake. Take care of the problem immediately as it could create an expensive leak in the bucket.

7:30 PM Moon square Pluto.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
9:41:26 AM Moon opposite Uranus. This Moon opposite Uranus aspect can cut off previous agreements. Let this be a point be one of a needed awakening. From then you begin from a better position. There is a Green Light period that expands until 4:53 AM Thursday but the boundaries are unclear. You may not feel completely fulfilled as a consolation prize is offered. On the other hand you may enjoy a sense of peacefulness. Your best use of this energy is a peaceful and benevolent approach. See through a spiritual window to gain your best footing.

9:49:54 AM Moon 60^ sextile Venus. A lift in relationships.

12:43:43 PM Venus 120º trine Uranus. Joining old friends and lovers in a new setting can be exciting. Good friends find each other. This is fun for shopping but mind your budget. This brings light and happy occasions. Romantic surprises. Electronic and electric art. Unique costumes and esthetics. You may see pleasant reversals. Allows the erratic and unusual to flow. Positive changes in relationships or sudden jealous reactions. New temptations. Surprisingly pleasurable.
For personal use: Really nice day for friendship and romance.
For business use: Attract like minded partnership today. Fun and business pay off. Gains through social interactions. Great for jewelry or retail sales of personal items and home furnishings.

10:56:23 PM the Moon is 60º to the Sun. This aspect bridges a gap and allows you to do present in the best possible light. Continue with this Green Light period where compromise and share for your best results.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

4:53:12 AM The Moon s void of course after a split parallel to Neptune.

5:24:06 AM The Moon enters Scorpio until 4:41 PM Saturday August 22.
This Moon sign might be a rough spell this week. It not only has the heavy mood of Scorpio but there is a First Quarter Moon at the 29th degree of Scorpio on Saturday. All while conjunct Saturn. When we get past this quarter Moon we might be pleased with a sigh of relief.

6:01:52 AM Mercury 150º Uranus. Upset and reactions to notices and events that need your immediate attention. There is help on the way.

9:02:05 PM Moon square Mars makes Thursday evening argumentative and could be explosive. Step back away from trouble makers.
Friday, August 21, 2015

"11:17:15 AM Sun 135º Pluto. This is a money day but not necessarily on the plus side (but don't rule it out). Expect internal power struggles. The may be problems with those in power that hinder your progress and has nothing to do with you directly. Problems arise after announcements regarding plans for interim governments in unstable countries. Key figures in opposing forces might surrender or explode. Powerlessness over issues you cannot change. Someone in a position of power may be abruptly confronted by a group. Deep stress and unrest can be the vital component for organizing reform. Financial reports motivate creative financing and methods of attracting new earnings. A sense of spinning in circles. Abandonment and trust issues. Strong sexual attraction that may involve consequences. There may be a need to deal with household pests such as mice and ants, etc.

For personal use: Not a day for lightweights. Don't take on more than you are sure you can handle. If you are feeling overwhelmed or out-matched, then take along a buddy for support.Visit with your therapist. Treat yourself to a massage. Practice letting go of the outcome of your current issues.
For business: Look for what is eating your profits. This day and tomorrow could bring shift in power. Entering into something new could prove to be full of power struggles and money complications; far more than you are willing to take on. Observe closely."

7:40:11 PM Sun square Saturn. There is a strong feeling of a strong uphill battle that might test your insecurities or it can be a motivated period that allows you to work in a focused fashion with the tougher issues in your life and make a productive plan. There is hope for growth and development after the passing of this aspect. You might expect recognition for your past deeds at this time as you have applied a period of intense effort. But not all recognition is on the plus side. Perhaps you need to evaluate how you attract your Some difficulty is shown with authority figures which appear to be passing or perhaps there is a change of key figures like a new boss. This aspect triggers issues with parents, bosses and those in a seat of judgment. Debts that have loomed heavy over the recently passed retrograde period are approaching a more manageable period.

The direct motion of Saturn marks the slow beginning of a mild growth period and may lift some of the critical cutbacks and layoffs that were necessary during Saturn’s retrograde period (March 14, 2015 – August 2, 2015). Some cutbacks could still apply but there is hope for growth now that the obstacles and limitations have been addressed. This is a building time where your strong motivations gain momentum. As for the 90º square from the Sun it enhances to potential for a day for career development and important family decisions. For personal use: To feel better, wait until this aspect passes and look for the straight ahead to the light. Surprisingly, Saturn has a sense of humor. This aspect is positive in the sense of movement past a stuck zone.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

6:21:57 AM Mars 150º Neptune. Uh Oh. A hole in the bucket leads to too much loss to advance.

2:01:44 PM Moon conjunct Saturn. The heaviness lifts and your nerves may calm after this aspect.

3:30:59 PM First Quarter Moon at 29º Scorpio is intense. And marks the true meaning of this deep dark signs impact. This quarter Moon had a New Moon at this degree nine months ago actually at zero Sagittarius.

3:31 PM the Scorpio Moon is void of course until 4:41 PM when the Moon enters Sagittarius until 12:22 AM Tuesday August 25.

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