Saturday, September 5, 2015

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for September 5 - Sept 12 with Green Light Days

Venus is now direct and there is a class Monday nights at 7PM. Join me online or in house class on Olcott Street, Watertown, MA. Call at 617.924.0929 or 617.558.7233.

Tuesday September 8 is one of the very best days for forwarding your goals right to the Moon trine Saturn at 9:28 PM. You gain longterm support for your needs and your needs are what you can address with the most success.
Tuesday is a Green Light day.

Correction for astrology classes they will be held on Monday night at 7-9 PM in Watertown, MA call me at 617-924-0929 to sign up. Or join us on-line from your own home via video connection.

The Green Light periods this week are most helpful after 2:52 AM Tuesday until 9:26 PM Tuesday.
Not again until Tuesday September 16 after 2:28 PM and continue with by forwarding your goals until 12:22 AM Wednesday September 16.

There is a dark Moon period begins Friday night 9/11 at 10 PM until Monday September 14 at noon. When we are in the dark phase of the moon we require more information before making decisions or judgments about speculation.

The weekend begins with a Last Quarter Moon at 12º Gemini 32’. A Moon Family of four related Moon phase events are initiated by the New Moon which occurred on June 8, 2013 at 18º Gemini. It was nine months later on March 2014, when the First Quarter Moon appeared to get the ball rolling for matters that were seeded nine months earlier at the New Moon stage. To put all the cards on the table and allow others to interrelate and interact with these matters either by agreement or disagreement a Full Moon appeared near this same degree on December 6, 2014. That Full Moon was at 14º Gemini 17’. Here we are at the last quarter stage in September and this event occurs at 12º Gemini 31’.

Any last quarter Moon phase is one of, pay up or get paid, but this one in particular comes with a strong ruling or judgment from Saturn. You are likely to reap the rewards of your efforts or be issued the consequences for a lack of effort. These facts are not new and they come with the heavy foot of Saturn at the final degree of deep, dark intense Scorpio. When this Moon family began in June 2013, Saturn was early in Scorpio. Nine months ago at the full Moon stage Saturn was nearly the same as now in September 5, 2015. What was not learned then is surely to be reissued now but with an even more serious tone from an authoritative voice. A list of Gemini facts are presented for evaluation. They are neither bad nor good but with Saturn at this heavily scrutinizing degree you may expect harsh judgments and tall orders to be met.

Here is the Moon Family related to the Last Quarter Moon September 5, 2015:
New Moon on 8/Jun/2013 at 18° C 0
First Quarter Moon at 8/Mar/2014 17° C 53
Full Moon on 6/Dec/2014 at 14° C 17
Last Quarter Moon on 5/Sep/2015 at 12° C 31

The Sun will make its soft 120 degree trine to Pluto Saturday night at 7:08 PM inviting the powers that be to contribute their voices to maintain some level of order. The Moon however is not experiencing the current events with quite the same amount of soft impact to Pluto as the Sun. It’s 150º aspect is one of intensity that reflects once again the serious foot of Saturn at 29º of Scorpio. Pluto is the ruler of Saturn in Scorpio.

The most outstanding events during this Gemini Moon sign with be the Venus direct station on Sunday September 6, 2015 at 4:29 AM. Venus has been retrograde since July 25th. Venus has been tangled up in a square to Saturn twice this past summer, first on July 14; second while retrograde on August 5. It will lastly square in this cycle on October 10. This Venus and Saturn pattern can be tied to the drastic economic markets that have threatened the world economy. China huge stock market dump affected the US market and cause a drop of 1000 points August 24, 2015 at the market’s open and closed by losing 588 points which was the worst since 2011.

The Sun had passed over a highly sensitive point where Venus turned retrograde at 0º Virgo 46’ during that stock market correction on August 24.

The implications of Venus square Saturn are not only financial but personal. Relationships struggle to connect and a lack of intimacy is the price for a lack of communication and understanding. Saturn had turned retrograde as well just days after Venus’ station and in the sign of a higher understanding of Sagittarius.

There is hope that once this aspect is complete on October 10 there will be relief and an opening to make right what has been wrong or move on. The Venus – Saturn cycle is renewed with it next conjunction on January 8, 2016 at 12º Sagittarius. This is a new start with old lessons recounted by the fact that the Sun and Moon will be in Capricorn and Mercury is retrograde and also in Capricorn.

Let’s look at the week ahead.

===============Saturday September 5, 2015 ================
Saturday is marked by the first quarter Moon at 5:54 AM. You may find a check in the mail but more likely a letter or email as to why it is not in the mail. Maybe its coming but at a lesser amount. You may find and opening to talk with your significant other about extremely important matters. Later the Sun is trine Pluto at 7:08 PM. If you have taken things upon yourself without the consent or acknowledgement of the others in your life you may have an opportunity to make these things right.

===============Sunday September 6, 2015 =================

The Gemini Moon finishes with a 150º quincunx to Saturn at 12:20 PM. This indicates that there is something to be paid or honored that which you cannot ignore. The absolute final aspect is also a minor aspect but qualifies as it is 45º to Stationary Direct Venus at 12:32 PM on Sunday afternoon. Venus will have turned direct earlier at 4:29 AM.

The mood changes as the Moon changes and this time to Cancer Sunday at 1:40 PM and continues in this sign until it enters Leo on Tuesday night.

===============Monday September 7, 2015=================

The Cancer Moon will make two important hard aspects to note; first opposite Pluto at 2:05 PM Monday then square Uranus at 2:52 A Tuesday. These are particularly important because of the dramatic events that are tied to the square between Uranus and Pluto of which we are still being affected.

===============Tuesday September 8, 2015=================

After 2:52 AM on Tuesday it is safe to use the Cancer Moon as a Green Light period which continues until the Moon is in a lovely trine to Saturn at 9:28 PM Tuesday night when it is then void of course until 10:36 PM.

10:36 PM the Leo Moon continues until it enters Virgo on Friday at 9:56 AM.

===============Wednesday September 9, 2015=================

The Leo Moon sees a square between Mercury and Pluto at 3:23 PM. This is important because many legal statements or those which set rulings in government or family structure are subject to upsetting disagreements. Those in a position of power are holding their authority over others and this is possibly the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Later you can revisit these current topics when Mercury passes back this way again after turning retrograde on September 17. Mercury will square Pluto again on September 24 which appears to be rather serious for financial matters as Mars and Saturn are square on September 25; the very day of the Pluto Direct Station. Therefore the information you get and use on Wednesday may lead to the events on September 24 and 25.
The mental replay of worries going round and round in your head are typical for Mercury square Pluto. Ask for help and use stress reducing techniques to manage these feelings. Avoid getting into power struggles and come to a table to compromise with no final agreements. Just keep the lines of communication open.

===============Thursday September 10, 2015=================

The Leo Moon will join Venus in Leo at 3:24 AM then parallel Venus at 11:04 PM. This emphasizes that Venus by then direct is doing whatever she can to harmonize with others and make the best of a very tough summer. The Moon will then join Mars in Leo at 3:59 PM. to turn up the heat and put a fire under the pot. There are no nasty aspects to get in the way of a nice day on Thursday. It is not a good day however to advance your goals as they might end badly with the heavy foot of Saturn is the last word on Friday morning at 9:03 AM.

===============Friday September 11, 2015=================

The Leo Moon is void of course at 9:03 AM untl9:56 AM when it enters Virgo. There will be a solar eclipse in Virgo on Sunday at 2:41 AM.
The Virgo Moon at 9:56 AM until Sunday at 10:41 PM.

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