Saturday, December 26, 2015

Weekly Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for Dec 26- Jan 1st.

Saturday December 26, 2015 the Cancer Moon has a few problems to sort through.

2:21:16 AM Moon opposite Pluto.

5:22:21 AM Moon square Uranus.

9:57:41 AM Mars 45º Saturn. What was to be simple becomes hard work. This can be a short period of sheer frustration and dissatisfaction that may lead to anger but it may also deliver results when applying a focused effort. Often this aspect can be present when there are disgruntled workers. There is the potential for a little more than irritation when aggressive behavior is met with authority figures or the "rules". Getting nabbed for speeding. Physical stress of muscles and bones. Annoyances with things and people that are hot and cold; off and on. Relationships that are serious in nature come to a temporary impasse or separation in ways. You may experience restrictions or be restrained or held back without a full understanding of why. There is a temporary setback. You may suffer from low resistance or illness. This aspect is vulnerable to bones and the bones of any structure as there is a potential for fractures. There is a need to troubleshoot problems or fix breakdowns. In personal matters: This may be a good day for a massage. Try to dissolve your resistance. Surrender to a greater power to succeed.

For business use: Apply great effort with your current resources. Get serious about your project or prepare to let it go.

9:58:19 AM Venus in Scorpio is linked to Mars in Libra to share some money or love.

11:17:12 AM Sun square Vesta. Don’t invest yet.

3:58:08 PM Moon split parallel Venus. Very good.

4:51:17 PM Moon sextile Jupiter also very good.

7:20:37 PM Moon opposite Mercury. The information is cut off.

9:57:20 PM Moon square Mars is emotionally upsetting.

10:35:44 PM Moon Trine Venus. Moon is not void of course in Cancer.
Sunday, December 27, 2015 The Moon is in Cancer until 5:31 AM when it enters Leo. The Leo Moon is better on Monday but not much is gained. No harm, no win. Neutral energy.

5:30:57 AM Sunday the Moon enters Leo through 1:58 PM Tuesday. The Leo Moon has some advantages and a few blind spots but it all works out in the end. There may not be a big win and for some you might only receive a consolation prize if your take actions during this Moon sign. But don't give up. Set your sights on Wednesday - Thursday and until 12:33 AM at the New Year on Friday.

4:06:57 PM Moon 150º Sun brings something to cleanup. This may be related to things that popped out of sync the day before Christmas.

11:22:52 PM Mercury in Capricorn 45º to Saturn in Sagittarius. Narrow-minded thinking. Judgmental and critical thinking. Exactness leading toward perfectionism. Methodical, deliberate and cautious thinking. Responses are harsh or short. There are limitations in travel or with vehicles. Differences between generations. Personal expression is inhibited by those with a more solemn disposition. Feeling left out of the loop. Expect delays. Go personal matters: stay within your comfort zone but check for flaws.
For business use: Use this to get organized. Look busy around the boss.
Monday, December 28, 2015 The Leo Moon has some good and some opportunities to settle. If a consolation prize is all you get at least it’s not a total loss.
1:17:21 AM Moon trine Saturn.
9:09:14 AM Moon quincunx Pluto.
12:13:35 PM Moon trine Uranus is nice for a testy Uranus.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015 There is a Green Light in certain cases. Mostly it’s a win some lose some kind of day. Hold off on your plans until the excellent Virgo Moon on Wednesday and Thursday.

8:17:29 AM Sun 60º Neptune. An opportunity for dreamy and inspirational ideas. Matters that concern oil and the ocean. It is a day of receptivity. An openness to people, places and things from around the world. A day to show your creative projects. Actors, artists and musician are called into action with this aspect. Those who act or read from a script. Visits to jails, hospitals and museums. Romantic, dreamy and imaginative. Boundaries may be loosened while exchanging ideas and network support. Information gathered is vague or idealistic having a quality of fantasy. Intuition runs high on this day. Talk of how confusion around an issue has brought inspiration or divine intervention to the forefront.
In personal matters: Show your creative projects. Begin something enriching as with music, yoga intensive, an art appreciation class, or a self-discovery process possibly with a social worker or intuitive counselor.
In business: use your intuition for sensitive selections that best represent what your business is about. Lead with the information from your internal navigator.

8:29:37 AM Oops there is something wrong with what you just said or what you heard when the Moon is 150º Mercury.
8:32:37 AM Moon sextile 60º Mars this gets your motor going but you can be on a collision course with Mercury by 9:53 AM.

9:52:29 AM Mercury in Capricorn square Mars. Impulsive reactions. Thing moving too quickly. Reports of communication and mechanical problems and irritations. Arguments and conflicts. Animals may bite because of an illness or some other urgent need. Difficulty understanding the action of those who are in emotional or physical pain. Cranky children, Angry statements. People arguing about their right to choose; they are feeling misunderstood. Speeding travelers cause problems. Problems during travel.
For Personal use: Use this to focus and outline grievances but choose a better time to present your case. If you need to respond to inquiries, stay cool headed. Others are likely to lose their heads.
For Business: Do not sign anything on this day. Agreements can be subject to future conflict. Troubles arise projects that breakdown shortly after they are launched.
12:37:57 PM Moon square Venus in Scorpio at the final degree of Scorpio.
1:48:57 PM Final aspect is Moon split parallel Neptune which begins the void Moon period for ten minutes.
1:58:09 PM Tuesday the Moon enters Virgo until 1:41 AM January 1st. For Tuesday the Moon waits for Venus to leave Scorpio before giving a Green Light Prepare now for this excellent time to advance your goals after Venus moves into Sagittarius at 2:16 AM Wednesday. This Green Light period continues through Friday the 1st day of 2016 at 12:33 AM. It is time to "Go For It" in a big way with this productive Virgo Moon that gains cooperation from all angles of your life which support your goals into your future. This is a great "plan ahead" time but mostly it's time to take action. This is a lucky charm for the picture for the New Year. It does not indicate a side step from the Uranus and Pluto square however it does help to keep the lines of communication open for reasonable access to all the right places. Details are the name of this Moon sign. Put all your ducks in a row for your next big step. I particularly like to initiate after the Moon square Saturn at 11:33 AM Wednesday.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015 The Virgo Moon is best for advancing your goals after 2:16 AM when Venus enters Sagittarius. However it is even better after 11:33 AM.

2:04:10 AM Venus 45º Pluto. Strong desire and physical attractions. The potential for attracting jealous partners or evoking jealousy as a tool for controlling a desired outcome. Sexual tension. Territorial issues. Obsessive behavior. Focus can be materialistic.
For personal use: Check your deepest motives. Arrange a time to meet privately but it may be to your advantage to withhold physical impulses. A money day.
For business use: Check your motives. This money aspect could cost you later. Buy/spend wisely.

2:16:26 AM Venus enters Sagittarius through January 23rd. Venus' principal is that of sharing, balance and joining experiences with others. While Venus travels through Sagittarius the focus will be on relationships that offer space and a sense of openness without heavy expectation of commitment. This lighter side of Venus is more interested in fun and adventure. The love principal may also indicate that partners may either be traveling together or be separated by a traveling partner. Spending time with friends from abroad or making new friends from foreign cultures enhance your social life. For personal use: Lighten up and give your partner a break. Take a romantic trip. Can be used in business for: Consider foreign business ventures.

4:39:24 AM Blind spot. Moon opposite Neptune.

6:28:31 AM Virgo Moon trine Capricorn Sun.

11:33:08 AM Wednesday wait until the Moon is past the square to Saturn before advancing with the enthusiasm that this Moon sign can bring. After let's give it till noon to go for it combined with Thursday 12-31 to advance your goals. This aspect may promote the circumstances to take on a large commitment and then back out for various reasons. There are cold feet. In extreme cases there can be unresolved frustration; discomfort. Blockage. Sadness and depression. Problems keep one awake. Judgmental attitudes. Food does not digest well. This aspect should pass by noon.

2:07:04 PM Moon parallel Uranus.
10:37:59 PM Moon 150º Uranus.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Green Light Thursday Dec 31st the productive Virgo Moon helps to pull together the loose ends together and proceed with a good plan. This is the best day - all day to work with bureaucracies of all types, licensing boards, social security and human resources as well. Contractors are good choices today and selecting schools and applying for financing of all types. Contract with others and sign up for what you need to make your future more secure.

9:05:48 AM Mars parallel Neptune. There is a potential for confusion and misguided directions but there is also the potential for creative options. Those on a religious mission find motivation and support for their mission. Perhaps someone intentionally attempts to throw someone off track or otherwise be involved in sabotage. If there is public knowledge of a plan washed up or how someone's poor judgment had an adverse effect on others, it might be assumed the consequences have been paid. Those having problems with substance abuse may find a positive resource for recovery. Anesthesia. Solutions with medications. Wet weather and poor visibility. Emotional whirlwinds. The sense of going around in circles. Personal use: Create poems, music or become involved with artistic projects. Take action toward spiritual development. In business use: Apply cosmetic applications to your business. Use your imagination to create a better future. There may be funds available that have been held for you such as social security benefits.

9:22:13 AM Venus 135º Uranus. A desire for fun and unconventional social excitement. Unstable or erratic feelings. Artistic rebellion. Unstable feelings. Sudden loss of interest in romance. Intense social excitement. Behaviors that tend to shock others with inappropriateness or unconventional actions. Choices may be socially unacceptable. Artistic rebellion. Sudden abrupt change within friendship. This aspect generates pressure and deep seated issues regarding your role in a primary friendship. These matters seem to be hard to access and can be a source of anguish that may require time and patience to find the right approach to the problem. A lost purse. Impulse spending. Personal use: Keep it light and be creative with this one. Purchases may be trendy with short lived appeal. Expect your dining experiences to be unpredictable.
For business: Avoid major spending.

11:49:52 AM Moon conjunct Jupiter.

9:24:59 PM Mercury parallel Pluto. Licensing boards and other red tape bureaucracies may be on your agenda today. Interactions with insurance companies and their agents. Driving a vehicle through rough terrain, mud or rain. Talks with moneylenders, accountants and tax offices.
For personal use: This is a great time to connect with your therapist or begin some deep body work or other therapeutic practices.
For business use: Cut through large paperwork projects or take on the bureaucrats.
Friday, January 1, 2016 The Virgo Moon hails in the New Year. Soon after the Moon enters Libra for a few bumps. The Libra Moon like he Capricorn, Aries and Cancer Moon signs are full of the Uranus square Pluto energy which is chaotic and transforming in a sudden fashion.

12:33:25 AM Moon trine Mercury. The mark of what made these preceding days excellent. By this time the Moon is void of course.

1:40:34 AM The Moon enters Libra on New Year’s Day. The Moon sees Mercury cross over to Aquarius at 9:19 AM on Friday night only to be called back on Tuesday January 5th for a retrograde tour through January 25. With the Sun now in Capricorn the Libra Moon sign is especially active with its cross with Uranus and Pluto. Fortunately Mars moves into the more compatible ground of Scorpio on Sunday January 3.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Astrology Report for Dec 20 - 25, 2015 by Dietrech Pessin

The Green Light periods this week can be noted today Sunday until 5:01 PM. Then during the Gemini Moon, 9:31PM Tuesday through 3:04 PM Thursday, with great caution of high risk because this is so very close to the unpredictable energies of the Uranus direct station and the Full Moon on Friday.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

On Sunday there is a Green Light best after 5:50 AM and good until 5:01 PM, again, Sunday. Sunday there is one more major hurdle for the Moon when it forms an opposition to Mars on Sunday at 5:50 AM. There remains a mild amount of steam that seeks release with a 135º to Neptune but in the end it works out when those in charge allow the show to go on.

5:50:18 AM Aries Moon opposite Mars. Fires. Loud noises. Blowing the top off. Boiling over. Hostility. Overreaction. The angry woman. Working too hard. Pushing. Rashness. Wants to go home after an emotional upset. An emotional upset lingers and Mars can conjure up retaliation.

4:48:45 PM Mars in Libra is 135º Neptune in Pisces. This aspect can be likened to a hole in the bucket. Someone may be misappropriating funds or other strange conditions around money issues. Oil business and energy waste. Procrastination and indecisiveness contribute to problems. Insidious hidden enemies and cloaked aggressors. Irritating but vague pain. Parties in conflicts regarding belief systems. Frustration with artistic projects. Difficulty diagnosing and fixing problems. Difficulty diagnosing and treating problems of a psychological nature. Disillusionment and disappointment give a desire to run from the problem. Coping skills on overload. Nervous breakdown. Blood pressure problems. Very low energy. Negative attitudes. Inspiration of musical composition. Poetic.
For personal use: Take naps and recharge your batteries before going back into the ring. Meditation and other relaxation techniques work now. This is very good energy for acupuncture.
For business use: Snap judgments don't work. Situations are very complex. Good day for retail for cosmetic or artistic goods. Presentations have hidden problems and someone disapproves and throws a wrench in the works from behind the scenes.

5:01:00 PM Moon in Aries is trine the Sagittarius Sun. This allows for an easier flow of energy.
7:13 PM The Moon enters Taurus until 9:31 PM Tuesday night. The Taurus Moon will welcome the Winter Solstice for 2015.

Not until the Sun enters Capricorn at 11:49 PM Monday night is it safe to commit to a plan. The Sun represents someone very important who needs to room to change his/her mind because of something of great importance that might emerge. Following that there are a few things to consider before allowing this to be a optimum time to advance a plan. For one as the Moon and Jupiter attempt to wrap up the Taurus Moon’s affairs at 9:26 AM, Mars comes along and bumps into the Moon with a mess to clean up later 10:16 AM.
10:07:22 PM Mercury in Capricorn is square Uranus in Aries. Be very alert when driving. Those you talk with might take what you say the wrong way; defensiveness wears away progress. Sudden breakdowns with mechanical equipment.

Monday, December 21, 2015 - The Moon is in Taurus and is to tricky for making plans stick.
11:13:11 AM Mars in Libra is 30º Jupiter in Virgo.
11:58:46 AM Moon in Taurus is 150º Saturn in Sagittarius.

11:47:55 PM The Sun enters Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice. This is a time during the year when you look to "get real" about your life. Practical about money and work is the name of this winter solstice. Capricorns are dead serious about their work. The "rules" command this next 30 days. How you progress and your status in any given situation is a factor. Important people that are considered to “count" are around, as well as people you can count on. What other people think seems more important. A cool judgmental tone is prominent. Happiness is found in stability and correct actions that produce success. Slow steady progress checking that all your ducks are in a row. Perfectionism is at its height. As a result, the pressure is great to be successful. Criticism runs high during the Capricorn month. Make peace with criticism by using it as a constructive asset and avoid the blow to your confidence. This can be a time when people are more sensitive then they let on and fear appearing thin skinned. Capricorn can often expose matters of low self-esteem and gloomy feelings. They find themselves constantly defending their performance. There tends to be an emotional coldness or an air of "all business" as a cover for any vulnerability. Fathers, bosses, and authority figures are the main characters at the time of the Capricorn Moon. Architecture, big business and corporate structures are the focus.
In personal matters: Use this season to set long range goals, clean up and become more resourceful. Eliminate wasted resources.
For business: Eliminate wasted resources. Remain practical when the desire is to dream big and understand your full potential, which is always a process in the making.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015 - The Taurus Moon changes signs at 9:31 PM. The ancient astrologers such as William Lilly does not consider the Moon to be void of course in Taurus. Modern text would consider the Moon to be void of course from 9:26 AM until 9:31 PM. I follow the ancient rule which also applies to Cancer, Sagittarius and Pisces.
5:36 AM Moon opposite Venus. This is a negative for Venus. She's away from home and can't seem to get what she needs while in Scorpio. Then along comes the Moon in her home to aggravate matters which instills jealousy and resentments. This aspect creates a couple of days with many unsettled issues of love and money. Couples may part and financial arrangements may need to be renegotiated. Regardless of the details the price tag may be high. There may be social faux pas that cause a snag in the outcome. Honor protocol and allow those in power to take the reins if you are asking for money. It is best to present a clean and clear representation for your objectives. A counselor or agent may be needed to represent your interests. Be sure they are well advised. The 10:16 AM Moon quincunx Mars is related to this aspect.

10:16 AM The Moon is 150º quincunx Mars. When noting this aspect for the Taurus Moon's final event it seems fitting to keep Venus in mind as the ruler of Taurus. Venus in a poor place while in Scorpio as she attempts to rule a sense of satisfaction in love and money and Mars, also in a very poor position in Libra is the ruler of Venus' counterpart in romance and the flow of money are both at a disadvantage but they are in what is called mutual reception. This is allows for matters to work out by default. There are adjustments which must be made and reports to file but there is a compromise.

9:30:50 PM The Moon enters Gemini. Large crowds could be at risk of needing to scatter due to the emphasis of potential chaos of the Uranus station. The Gemini Moon is a high action Moon as it rushes around to meet the deadlines imposed by the Full Moon in Cancer on Christmas Day. All and all it looks as though matters run in a fun way for most and full of crazy surprises for others. There is a Green Light period from 9:31 PM Tuesday until 3:04 PM Dec 24th but it is very risky.

11:10:49 PM Moon at zero Gemini is quincunx Sun at zero Capricorn. Life's messy- clean it up. Leave room for adjustments in your plans. You may need extra time or take reading material or games for late arrivals and departures. Health issues emerge before the Full Moon and decisions involving death, sex and taxes emerge after the Full Moon.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015 - The Moon is in Gemini and foggy and heavy on Wednesday what the Moon is square Neptune at 9:55 AM then opposite Saturn. If you have last minute shopping or business your must conduct wait until after the Moon pulls away a bit from the Saturn opposition. I would say 3:00 PM is fine.
2:44:39 PM Moon opposite Saturn. Eating on the run is not going five you the energy you need. Relax for a few minutes longer.
10:26:01 PM Moon 150º Pluto. You may be involved with trying to control others or under the thumb of a control freak.

Thursday, December 24, 2015 - The Moon is in Gemini and sees it's very own Mercury return to the coral after being gone since Thanksgiving. There is a Green Light on this day but it is very risky.
5:02:47 AM Venus 60 degrees sextile Jupiter - This is happy.
An opportunity to expand your social circle and become involved in a project that leads to fulfillment and pleasant surroundings. Travel for pleasure is a possibility. Good food and lavish surroundings. Signs of appreciation and love. Surround yourself with loving people and enjoy the day. In business: Financial opportunities are options with those you are familiar and comfortable.

12:54:38 PM Moon 150º Venus. This story of Venus is hung up on her part and is not in a sharing mood. She takes what she can get. Beyond that we have Venus as the "dish who ran away with the spoon".

3:03:40 PM Gemini Moon is trine Mars but Mars is at a disadvantage. This Moon sign looks like gossip run-a-muck. You get the directions you need and possibly the call you have been waiting for but those at the other end of the line are asking a lot of you. Maybe this is more than you can supply. You agree just to get on with your work but later worry about fulfilling your end.

9:00 PM Mercury returns in bounds. Since November 27 Mercury has been off on a long journey while out-of-bounds. While gathering information from odd or unusual places and making statements that are enough to sink ships. Mercury returns from its escapades way out in left field and runs with the team in the corral's boundaries. Mercury rules children, messengers and pets as well as secretaries and any form of connection, introduction and communication. Mercury narrates, debates, writes and memorizes. It also analyzes, studies, travels and expresses extensively. If you have a unique piece of information you would like to write about or otherwise communicate and want to present it to the mainstream then now is your time. Mercury will turn retrograde January 5-25 when you can rewrite, review, redo and reconsider anything that has become important to you.

December 25, 2015. The void Gemini Moon ends when the Moon enters Cancer after 12:26 AM. It is headed for a Full face at 6:11 AM at 3 degrees Cancer. At 10:53 PM Uranus turns direct since traveling retrograde beginning July 26, 2015. Uranus takes Venus' imprint of love and money and satisfaction along for this ride as Venus and Uranus were coupled with excitement, romance and many surprises in relationships and friendship since last summer. This day might bring back many stories of old loves or new ones that start today. Be social but be careful about joining large crowds. Over all the Cancer Moon has its pitfalls so be mindful when engaging in agreements. Things may not workout in the end.

3:11:05 AM The Sun is parallel Mercury. This aspect is great for connecting with everyone on your list and more. People come together for festivities.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Astrology Report for Dec 16 - Dec 19 with Green Light times by Dietrech Pessin

Friday, December 18, 2015
The Moon is in Pisces until 4:26 PM. The First Quarter Moon is exact at 10:14 AM. The Sun will be square to the lunar nodes as the Moon sits at the south node in Pisces. This can mark a sharp startling event which causes a shift in your focus. Events in the news take a sharp turn as well. Whoever was a front runner in any lane may face not only their greatest challenge but a sweeping shift in popular opinion. Perhaps the shift is due to a major event. These events may also be related to huge amounts of water. Travel may suffer due to huge delays or unforeseen problems. Spotting the tricky parts of the Pisces Moon might include the Moon 150º Mars can upset the apple cart but if you are tucked in for the night it may cause some annoying restlessness or a bump in the night could be pressing before resting. Or matters may need your immediate attention upon rising on Friday.

10:14 AM Friday the Pisces Moon will square the Sun as its final aspect in Pisces. This is a high risk day. Avoid final decisions as you may be blinded by other pressing matters which bump your goals to the back of the line. The square is the First Quarter Moon which is linked to matters that were seeded nine months earlier and which can culminate at a Lunar eclipse in nine months on Sep 16, 2016. For today you are actively involved in the process of moving forward with your plans however these matters may advance in a direction different than your intended. Or there may be actions taken for or against your objectives. As far as the likelihood of a clash on Friday there may be more revealed than what meets the eye as you are likely to land in a different place that what you expect. Things that have been going on behind closed door meet the startling force of pressure applied by those who insist on knowing what is going on. To advance your goals during this time actually has its advantages as the momentum increases over the next nine months. Just be on the up and up with all that you do. However realize that there are others conducting their interest behind the scenes which are likely to be revealed later. This is a high risk time to advance. I would wait. There is a better time on Sunday.

4:26 PM Friday, the Moon enters Aries until Sunday night at 7:13 PM. There is a Green Light best after 5:50 AM Sunday and good until 5:01 PM Sunday. There are some snags on Saturday when the Moon aspects by a square to Pluto 5:19 PM; a conjunction to Uranus at 8:35 PM Saturday; and an opposition to Mars on Sunday at 5:50 AM. There remains a mild amount of steam that seeks release with a 135º to Neptune but in the end it works out when those in charge allow the show to go on.

10:56 PM Venus 150º Uranus. There is some upset with love and money Friday night. This aspect is in effect all day Friday and may influence your plans for the evening. However if you meet someone while socializing use your discretion before leaving with someone you know nothing about. There is likely to be a roller coaster ride to follow.

Saturday December 19, 2015

1:55:49 PM Mercury conjunct Pluto both in Capricorn. You may uncover information about your business matters that require immediate attention.

5:18:42 PM Aries Moon square Pluto in Capricorn. Power struggles do not enhance your goals.

8:35:17 PM Aries Moon conjunct Uranus can be upsetting. There are both large and small events that are subject to reversals.

There is one more testy aspect that could cut off your objective at 5:50 AM on Sunday. After that you have a Green Light to advance.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Wednesday the Aquarius Moon holds a Green Light until 11:20 AM when the Moon is parallel Neptune. You are able to bring lose ends together which were previously out of your reach. After that the Moon is void of course until 12:45 PM when the Moon enters Pisces.

The Pisces Moon sign is filled with high energy events as the first quarter Moon at 26 degrees Pisces on Friday is packed with the power from it's mama Moon last March 20, 2015 when a Solar eclipse at 29 degrees Pisces started a series of Moon phases which reactivate that eclipse now. On top of the action expected by a first quarter phase, the Sun is square to the lunar nodes at 26 degrees Pisces/Virgo. This Moon phase brings about a shift in the narrative where we are on to something new. Whatever you have been working on, reporting or just repeating the same old story, this is your chance to change up to your next big event. The Pisces Moon continues until 4:26 PM Friday.

On another front, those that take pride as perpetrators are met with sharp blow to their activities. As we hope there are rules and laws set in place which inhibit to fast advancement of criminal activity we advocate for accountability. Pisces can be the sign of the victim and the perpetrator. This is a time when your prayers and meditations are the most powerful. Use meditation and prayer as tools for the greatest good.

Further on for Wednesday the specifics are few.

12:45 PM Wednesday the Moon enters Pisces and there are some obstacles to manage during this Moon sign. It is very high energy time with many important events that emerge when the Sun is square the lunar node and the Moon will join that node making this a high priority period. The news may be extraordinary as it often proves to be when the Sun is making this turn at the square to the nodes. Couple that with the First Quarter Moon and that Moon is a member of the Solar Eclipse family from last March and we have the ingredients for quite a news maker. Politically there is also a strong shift. Friday appears to be the highest action day of this Pisces Moon sign.

7:35 PM Mars parallel Vesta. This aspect allows an important business matter to come together for a long term advantage. This also may bring large fires as both Mars and Vesta are fire makers. You can use it to put a fire under your pot of purpose or create a sacred space that will invite you to be quietly building you goals with the structure designed in your meditations. Of course take special care with anything that can spark a flame.

Thursday, December 17, 2015
Thursday the Pisces Moon is best after sunrise as the Moon is square Saturn until 5:14 AM. The Pisces energy is focused on Friday's 10:14 AM First Quarter Moon at 26 Pisces. The matters that take shape during the day are aggressively seeking solutions to tough problems. This can be an action day that links back to the powerful Solar Eclipse of March 20th 2015 and links forward to the Lunar Eclipse on Sep 16, 2016 but some of the sharpest events might occur Friday. Know that your actions and intentions now have long legs into the future with a wide range of events to follow. Use your best guides for advice to navigate through uncharted waters. You may be actively involved in pursuing or applying your efforts to the matters that were seeded 9 months ago and those you wish to build into the future. Use this high action quarter Moon to activate goals which can serve others and nurture the soul. For medical issues you may have broader options once treatment has begun. This First Quarter Moon phase acts as a turning point in which you become aware of the plans you might be working within nine months when there is a completion to these matters.

5:07:08 AM Thursday Uranus square Pallas. Your advisory links are disrupted. Something you need to know may be out of your scope or the information is flat out wrong. There may be a powerful piece of info that is critical to your next step even though it was not presented prior to your decision. This dissipates during the day.

5:13:28 AM Pisces Moon square Saturn in Sagittarius. You might sleep though this one to avoid carrying it through your day. It should pass by 5:45 AM.

6:19:19 AM Thursday Venus Sextile Transiting Pluto
An opportunity to present a case for your survival needs or to loan officers and others holding the purse strings. An opportunity for sharing and building trust. An extreme range of feelings from warm to sexual. In most cases events cause deep and intense reactions while engaging with others.
For personal matters, approach a bridge of communication where you did not feel it was safe before especially with topics of love & money.
For business: Look for ways to tap into a vein of gold. Avoid small purchases apply money to existing debts for future empowerment.

9:23:48 AM Moon split parallel Uranus. A unique and useful brainstorm.
1:58:06 PM Moon sextile Pluto. An opportunity to go deeper. Exchange money, banking, manage insurance and retirement funds.
2:39:57 PM Moon trine Venus. You see the money is there.
6:22:08 PM Moon conjunct Chiron. Release the pain that comes to the surface now. Let it go.

Friday, December 18, 2015
The Moon is in Pisces until 4:26 PM. The First Quarter Moon is exact at 10:14 AM. The Sun will be square to the lunar nodes as the Moon sits at the south node in Pisces. This can mark a sharp startling event which causes a shift in your focus. Events in the news take a sharp turn as well. Whoever was a front runner in any lane may face not only their greatest challenge but a sweeping shift in popular opinion. Perhaps the shift is due to a major event. These events may also be related to huge amounts of water. Travel may suffer due to huge delays or unforeseen problems. Spotting the tricky parts of the Pisces Moon might include the Moon 150º Mars can upset the apple cart but if you are tucked in for the night it may cause some annoying restlessness or a bump in the night could be pressing before resting. Or matters may need your immediate attention upon rising on Friday.

10:14 AM Friday the Pisces Moon will square the Sun as its final aspect in Pisces. This is a high risk day. Avoid final decisions as you may be blinded by other pressing matters which bump your goals to the back of the line. The square is the First Quarter Moon which is linked to matters that were seeded nine months earlier and which can culminate at a Lunar eclipse in nine months on Sep 16, 2016. For today you are actively involved in the process of moving forward with your plans however these matters may advance in a direction different than your intended. Or there may be actions taken for or against your objectives. As far as the likelihood of a clash on Friday there may be more revealed than what meets the eye as you are likely to land in a different place that what you expect. Things that have been going on behind closed door meet the startling force of pressure applied by those who insist on knowing what is going on. To advance your goals during this time actually has its advantages as the momentum increases over the next nine months. Just be on the up and up with all that you do. However realize that there are others conducting their interest behind the scenes which are likely to be revealed later. This is a high risk time to advance. I would wait. There is a better time on Sunday.

4:26 PM Friday, the Moon enters Aries until Sunday night at 7:13 PM. There is a Green Light best after 5:50 AM Sunday and good until 5:01 PM Sunday. There are some snags on Saturday when the Moon aspects by a square to Pluto 5:19 PM; a conjunction to Uranus at 8:35 PM Saturday; and an opposition to Mars on Sunday at 5:50 AM. There remains a mild amount of steam that seeks release with a 135º to Neptune but in the end it works out when those in charge allow the show to go on.

10:56 PM Venus 150º Uranus. There is some upset with love and money Friday night. This aspect is in effect all day Friday and may influence your plans for the evening. However if you meet someone while socializing use your discretion before leaving with someone you know nothing about. There is likely to be a roller coaster ride to follow.

Saturday December 19, 2015

1:55:49 PM Mercury conjunct Pluto both in Capricorn. You may uncover information about your business matters that require immediate attention.

5:18:42 PM Aries Moon square Pluto in Capricorn. Power struggles do not enhance your goals.

8:35:17 PM Aries Moon conjunct Uranus can be upsetting. There are both large and small events that are subject to reversals.

There is one more testy aspect that could cut off your objective at 5:50 AM on Sunday. After that you have a Green Light to advance.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days Dec 5 -12, 2015.

The week is full of surprises as Mars moves into the opposition to Uranus which makes this a very haphazard week with cautions all along the way. There are a few Green Light periods this week as follows:

Sunday from 3:52 PM until 9:02 PM.

Monday after 6:26 AM The Moon in Scorpio and in fairly good shape to advance your goals with government offices or with matters of estates and financial concerns until 1:39 AM Wednesday Dec 9. For example, if you are at a disadvantage and must sell off your assets you can find a buyer. The buyer is a tough negotiator and you may come away with a portion of the true value. If you want to unload your excess this is a good time to do that. Keep all receipts of your donations for taxes. Maybe you are looking to consolidate after a split of a partnership. If you want to dump your inventory this is the day to do it but don't expect much in return.

Sunday Dec 13, there is some time that is good for business during the Capricorn Moon sign. Mostly after the Moon is square Uranus then Mars on Sunday at 10:47 AM. You would have until 6:07 PM to apply this practical energy to good use.

Noting Venus changed signs on Friday Dec 4th.
Mercury will enter Capricorn Wednesday 9:34 PM.

"11:14:59 PM December 4, 2015 Venus enters Scorpio until December 30. Relationships are magnetically drawn together by an intense common interest. The interest may be for money or sex or both. Others may join for some type of research or psychotherapy needs making this an ideal time to find a support counselor. You inner most thoughts are best shared by a trusted confidant. For personal use: When planning gathering, bring people together that have deeper common interest such as with spiritual journey work or those who have shared a common experience. The eclectic group may not click as well. For business: Select your accounting adviser. Devise a plan for allocating funds that is fair and balanced.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Saturday the Moon is in Libra and must witness the Mars- Pluto square on Sunday making this day a poor choice to advance your goals. Even the finances are threatened with this aspect. Otherwise avoid a formal agreement or compromise and wait on entering into relationships as you might suffer a great loss which could be more that your dignity
8:01:47 AM Libra Moon 150º Neptune upset the routine with a brain fog event.
"3:26:19 PM Venus parallel Neptune. A dreamy impression which calms and soothes the nerves. This aspect can dissolve relationships or bring them into an understanding under idealist notions. Relationships could be going through a romantic fairy-tale phase such as during a wedding. Music and beautiful dance. Colors are soft and ethereal.
For personal use: Someone may be irresponsible in relationships. Unrealistic arrangements can lead to disappointment.
For business use: Visionary and creative schemes are best. Not a day for partnerships to form their objectives.
9:18:31 PM The Libra Moon is 60º to the Sagittarius Sun.
9:36:46 PM Libra Moon conjunct Mars in Libra. All of your actions could be in reaction to someone else's behavior. It may include courage and bravery. Decisiveness with good reactions, quick response. Instinctive leadership. Quick meal. Good work. All of which could be for the wrong reasons or those that don't answer your issues but someone else.
10:28:16 PM Moon in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn. Difficulty in letting go. Breakthroughs under pressure. Secrecy. Weird feelings. A dominating partner.

Sunday, December 6, 2015
There is a Green Light Period on Sunday Dec 6 for the best time to move forward during the Libra Moon is after the Mars square Pluto at 3:52 PM until the void of course Moon at 9:02 PM.
3:36:55 AM Moon opposite Uranus can be upsetting in the middle of the night.
5:13:38 AM A positive aspect between the Sun and Mars allows someone in the wrong camp to move forward with momentum. This causes a stir and it may motivate greater change after what has been stalled is ignited because of a lack of more responsible attention. This aspect is linked to the Sun's next link to Pluto at 11:12 AM. Keep a close watch on the developing events.

"11:12:21 AM Sun in Sagittarius is 30º behind Pluto in Capricorn. You may stumble upon secret activities involving illegal money, pornography or private arrangements with lenders or borrowers.
It is time to confront your inner demons. In business it's time to learn what is hidden and translate this information into a legal practice that adds security to your financial future. "
"3:51:58 PM Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn: I call this ""the steamroller aspect"". Steamrollers when used for the purpose intended are powerfully effective for flattening the surface to create a flat hard top for a new road. On a symbolic level it may indicate that those in a position of power may mow others down with greed and a severe competitive drive at the root of the intention. On a positive note, the objective is to accomplish a mission at all cost and pull out all stops. Therefore for those planning to take charge of life and redesign a new path, may succeed in erasing all existing remnants of the past or current setting to assure a new future. This combination allows for very serious strategic planning and allow one to cut a new design. Impatience shortchanges strategic plans that may cause failure. Speeders get speeding tickets. Over drawn bank account. Pornography.

The physiological indications are for a necessary surgery; irritable bowel disorder. Psychological indications may include a fear of being ""raked over hot coals""; obsessive drives and behaviors; some may experience a bout of paranoia with difficulty discriminating between reality and tricks of the mind. This may be true for those in positions of power who feel threatened by both insiders and outsiders. Deep nervous tension that is hard to sort through. Good day to process anger in your therapist's office. There are strong sexual urges with this combination. There is a strong drive for dramatic core changes to what matters to you. The structure of your life is ruled by Saturn and Saturn rules Capricorn. Pluto is traveling through Capricorn. Therefore what Saturn does is a good barometer of what Pluto's intentions are. Saturn is in Sagittarius until .

Suggestion: Get serious about your future. Avoid allowing things like greed or strong sexual urges to interfere with your primary objective. This is a time for personal transformation. Access your own power and reflect on help from those in positions of power but do not approach them unless you are the one in a powerful seat. Break out of the grip of the monkey on your back.
In business: things to avoid are annoying symbols of greed and misuse of aothers finances. Proceed only if you are well prepared. Dig deep and plan to cut a new fabric.
On Sunday Dec 6 the best time to move forward during the Libra Moon is after the Mars square Pluto at 3:52 PM and go until the void of course Moon at 9:02 PM. During this time the Moon is in sync with Mercury at a point where you can take in new thoughts and facts, engage with others from faraway places and reconnect with those people or furry friends. Make calls and have visits with those whom are important to you.

9:02:43 PM The Moon is void of course from 9:03 PM until 6:26 AM Monday.

Monday, December 7, 2015
1:57:58 AM Monday Mars split parallel Jupiter. Take action on the accelerated momentum. Join forces with someone with the same agenda but greater knowledge. The is the ability to reach out and gather information for a greater offensive in the future. Socialize. It is time to hop on the band wagon. Use your spiritual practice to advance your goals. In business layout a marketing theme for your ideas. Send out your proposals; submit to publishers; pitch your projects after 6:26 AM. Monday.
4:35:56 AM
6:25:36 AM The Moon in Scorpio and in fairly good shape to advance your goals with government offices or with matters of estates and financial concerns until 1:39 AM Wednesday Dec 9. However if you are at a disadvantage and must sell off your assets you can find a buyer. The buyer is a tough negotiator and you may come away with a portion of the true value. If you want to unload your excess this is a good time to do that. Keep all receipts of your donations for taxes. Maybe you are looking to consolidate after a split of a partnership. If you want to dump your inventory this is the day to do it but don't expect much in return.
12:25:20 PM Moon occultation Venus. This is a nice time to connect with a group of women for a sentimental journey or spiritual refresh. Beware of how you spend your money as someone may take advantage of you when you are not looking.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015
6:37AM Mercury parallel Ceres after the Moon is square Ceres. Take special care of your little ones and don't allow pets to be unsupervised. Companion animals may be at risk when out alone over this coming week.
12:51 PM Moon 30º Mars. The Moon is an early trigger for the fireworks of Thursday's Mars opposite Uranus
3:33:23 PM Moon 150º Uranus is a trigger for accidents that lead up to the major event of Mars opposite Uranus on Thursday night.
"9:38:12 PM Sun trine Uranus-This is an aspect that opens the door to invention and unique solutions. Matters involving social concerns find like-minded people. This is an aspect which encourages you to think outside the box, but keep the wrapper on!
For personal: Use this aspect to boldly go where you have not gone before with the backup of a well thought out plan.
For business : An opening to show your practical and innovative plans to a group that is willing to support your project.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
1:38:55 AM The Scorpio Moon's final aspect is 60º Jupiter when it begins a void of course period that continues all day until the Moon enters Sagittarius at 5:25 PM.

4:24:43 PM Dark Moon begins

5:25:01 PM The Sagittarius Moon has much to report beginning with Mercury at the final degree of Sagittarius most of Wednesday. This can cause a major traffic jam or pileup. Trains and planes may be involved. Use extra caution when traveling on this day and Thursday. On a practical note it may be a good time to drop something that has been holding you back. Maybe you have waited for someone to fulfill a promise before you move on. Try to let go of old ideas of what it means to be free.

"9:34:11 PM While Mercury travels through Capricorn until January 1, 2016 it will be directing our thoughts toward money and business. Mercury will come back to Capricorn as soon as January 8 after turning retrograde beginning January 5- 25, 2016. The practical and methodical logic seeks credibility and validation. This does not allow much leeway for sentiment and frivolous notions. You will be asking questions regarding performance, efficiency and cost effectiveness? Quality not quantity is the rule. Communications are less social and geared to getting down to business.
Personal use: You can pride yourself on asking good questions and making wise choices.
In business: Solicit advice from authorities in your field. "

Thursday, December 10, 2015
7:05:34 AM Moon square Neptune blindsides your view with distraction from the faster moving events or objects.
10:02:20 AM Moon conjunct Saturn. The aspect may shut down travel for reasons of caution or clean up. It can be a low point in the morning.

"8:30:45 PM Mars opposite Uranus is drastically dangerous. Increased risk for accidents & fires. Fast advancements with modernization or matters are cut off without notice. Abrupt outburst of anger. Rebellious over reactions. Beware of high blood pressure and erratic heart rate. Noisy responses and actions. Shouting. Intolerance of injustice. Stimulating or shocking political speeches. An urgency and extreme need for freedom. Men may be volatile and demand independence. Overly impulsive.
Personally: Slow way down. Avoid hasty decisions. Avoid pushing another's buttons. Plan for revisions and renovations.
In business: Take action with technology but enter agreements cautiously. Plan for some damage control.

Friday, December 11, 2015

"1:13 AM This aspect is lovely for late Thursday night or early Friday. It's filled with romantic notions. Exquisite beauty. Ballet and beautiful music. Theatrical displays. Spiritual support from women. Indulgence of emotions. Romantic movies. Fine sense of aesthetics. Balance of color and design. Poetry, yoga and meditation. Money flows in from oil, the arts and music. Sensitive compassion.
For personal: Get away and enjoy your loved one. Show your appreciation to others.
In business: Stretch your artistic talents into money. Form a sound spiritual and artistic partnership.

5:29:23 AM New Moon at 19º Sagittarius is full of surprises while harmonizing with wacky Uranus for new and unique ways to harness the world. This New Moon has much to develop in the way of broad ideas or thoughts of long journeys. In nine months you may advance on the ideas seeded now. You could become actively involved with one or more of the people in your life to a new education or the means to expand your dreams. Set your intentions for world peace.

11:05:37 AM The final aspect of the Sagittarius Moon is square to Jupiter in Virgo. This is not a happy event for the Moon or Jupiter as Jupiter is at a disadvantage in Virgo. His wings are clipped and he has limited information which is not useful by the time quicker moving matters are underway.

Saturday, December 12, 2015
1:46 AM The Moon enters Capricorn for the next couple of days. There are some times that are good for business during this Moon sign. Mostly after the Moon is square Uranus then Mars on Sunday at 10:47 AM. You would have until 6:07 PM Sunday to apply this practical energy to good use.

6:34 AM Dark Moon ends.

1:32:44 PM Venus 30º Saturn is shy of the money you need for your purchases. But she may find a coupon that could work.

Sunday, December 13, 2015
8:01:50 AM Capricorn Moon square Uranus. Ease past this hot spot and the Moon square Mars as well.
10:47:14 AM Capricorn Moon square Mars.

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email:

Lunar Shadows III - - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: