The Green Light periods this week can be noted today Sunday until 5:01 PM. Then during the Gemini Moon, 9:31PM Tuesday through 3:04 PM Thursday, with great caution of high risk because this is so very close to the unpredictable energies of the Uranus direct station and the Full Moon on Friday.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
On Sunday there is a Green Light best after 5:50 AM and good until 5:01 PM, again, Sunday. Sunday there is one more major hurdle for the Moon when it forms an opposition to Mars on Sunday at 5:50 AM. There remains a mild amount of steam that seeks release with a 135º to Neptune but in the end it works out when those in charge allow the show to go on.
5:50:18 AM Aries Moon opposite Mars. Fires. Loud noises. Blowing the top off. Boiling over. Hostility. Overreaction. The angry woman. Working too hard. Pushing. Rashness. Wants to go home after an emotional upset. An emotional upset lingers and Mars can conjure up retaliation.
4:48:45 PM Mars in Libra is 135º Neptune in Pisces. This aspect can be likened to a hole in the bucket. Someone may be misappropriating funds or other strange conditions around money issues. Oil business and energy waste. Procrastination and indecisiveness contribute to problems. Insidious hidden enemies and cloaked aggressors. Irritating but vague pain. Parties in conflicts regarding belief systems. Frustration with artistic projects. Difficulty diagnosing and fixing problems. Difficulty diagnosing and treating problems of a psychological nature. Disillusionment and disappointment give a desire to run from the problem. Coping skills on overload. Nervous breakdown. Blood pressure problems. Very low energy. Negative attitudes. Inspiration of musical composition. Poetic.
For personal use: Take naps and recharge your batteries before going back into the ring. Meditation and other relaxation techniques work now. This is very good energy for acupuncture.
For business use: Snap judgments don't work. Situations are very complex. Good day for retail for cosmetic or artistic goods. Presentations have hidden problems and someone disapproves and throws a wrench in the works from behind the scenes.
5:01:00 PM Moon in Aries is trine the Sagittarius Sun. This allows for an easier flow of energy.
7:13 PM The Moon enters Taurus until 9:31 PM Tuesday night. The Taurus Moon will welcome the Winter Solstice for 2015.
Not until the Sun enters Capricorn at 11:49 PM Monday night is it safe to commit to a plan. The Sun represents someone very important who needs to room to change his/her mind because of something of great importance that might emerge. Following that there are a few things to consider before allowing this to be a optimum time to advance a plan. For one as the Moon and Jupiter attempt to wrap up the Taurus Moon’s affairs at 9:26 AM, Mars comes along and bumps into the Moon with a mess to clean up later 10:16 AM.
10:07:22 PM Mercury in Capricorn is square Uranus in Aries. Be very alert when driving. Those you talk with might take what you say the wrong way; defensiveness wears away progress. Sudden breakdowns with mechanical equipment.
Monday, December 21, 2015 - The Moon is in Taurus and is to tricky for making plans stick.
11:13:11 AM Mars in Libra is 30º Jupiter in Virgo.
11:58:46 AM Moon in Taurus is 150º Saturn in Sagittarius.
11:47:55 PM The Sun enters Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice. This is a time during the year when you look to "get real" about your life. Practical about money and work is the name of this winter solstice. Capricorns are dead serious about their work. The "rules" command this next 30 days. How you progress and your status in any given situation is a factor. Important people that are considered to “count" are around, as well as people you can count on. What other people think seems more important. A cool judgmental tone is prominent. Happiness is found in stability and correct actions that produce success. Slow steady progress checking that all your ducks are in a row. Perfectionism is at its height. As a result, the pressure is great to be successful. Criticism runs high during the Capricorn month. Make peace with criticism by using it as a constructive asset and avoid the blow to your confidence. This can be a time when people are more sensitive then they let on and fear appearing thin skinned. Capricorn can often expose matters of low self-esteem and gloomy feelings. They find themselves constantly defending their performance. There tends to be an emotional coldness or an air of "all business" as a cover for any vulnerability. Fathers, bosses, and authority figures are the main characters at the time of the Capricorn Moon. Architecture, big business and corporate structures are the focus.
In personal matters: Use this season to set long range goals, clean up and become more resourceful. Eliminate wasted resources.
For business: Eliminate wasted resources. Remain practical when the desire is to dream big and understand your full potential, which is always a process in the making.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015 - The Taurus Moon changes signs at 9:31 PM. The ancient astrologers such as William Lilly does not consider the Moon to be void of course in Taurus. Modern text would consider the Moon to be void of course from 9:26 AM until 9:31 PM. I follow the ancient rule which also applies to Cancer, Sagittarius and Pisces.
5:36 AM Moon opposite Venus. This is a negative for Venus. She's away from home and can't seem to get what she needs while in Scorpio. Then along comes the Moon in her home to aggravate matters which instills jealousy and resentments. This aspect creates a couple of days with many unsettled issues of love and money. Couples may part and financial arrangements may need to be renegotiated. Regardless of the details the price tag may be high. There may be social faux pas that cause a snag in the outcome. Honor protocol and allow those in power to take the reins if you are asking for money. It is best to present a clean and clear representation for your objectives. A counselor or agent may be needed to represent your interests. Be sure they are well advised. The 10:16 AM Moon quincunx Mars is related to this aspect.
10:16 AM The Moon is 150º quincunx Mars. When noting this aspect for the Taurus Moon's final event it seems fitting to keep Venus in mind as the ruler of Taurus. Venus in a poor place while in Scorpio as she attempts to rule a sense of satisfaction in love and money and Mars, also in a very poor position in Libra is the ruler of Venus' counterpart in romance and the flow of money are both at a disadvantage but they are in what is called mutual reception. This is allows for matters to work out by default. There are adjustments which must be made and reports to file but there is a compromise.
9:30:50 PM The Moon enters Gemini. Large crowds could be at risk of needing to scatter due to the emphasis of potential chaos of the Uranus station. The Gemini Moon is a high action Moon as it rushes around to meet the deadlines imposed by the Full Moon in Cancer on Christmas Day. All and all it looks as though matters run in a fun way for most and full of crazy surprises for others. There is a Green Light period from 9:31 PM Tuesday until 3:04 PM Dec 24th but it is very risky.
11:10:49 PM Moon at zero Gemini is quincunx Sun at zero Capricorn. Life's messy- clean it up. Leave room for adjustments in your plans. You may need extra time or take reading material or games for late arrivals and departures. Health issues emerge before the Full Moon and decisions involving death, sex and taxes emerge after the Full Moon.
Wednesday, December 23, 2015 - The Moon is in Gemini and foggy and heavy on Wednesday what the Moon is square Neptune at 9:55 AM then opposite Saturn. If you have last minute shopping or business your must conduct wait until after the Moon pulls away a bit from the Saturn opposition. I would say 3:00 PM is fine.
2:44:39 PM Moon opposite Saturn. Eating on the run is not going five you the energy you need. Relax for a few minutes longer.
10:26:01 PM Moon 150º Pluto. You may be involved with trying to control others or under the thumb of a control freak.
Thursday, December 24, 2015 - The Moon is in Gemini and sees it's very own Mercury return to the coral after being gone since Thanksgiving. There is a Green Light on this day but it is very risky.
5:02:47 AM Venus 60 degrees sextile Jupiter - This is happy.
An opportunity to expand your social circle and become involved in a project that leads to fulfillment and pleasant surroundings. Travel for pleasure is a possibility. Good food and lavish surroundings. Signs of appreciation and love. Surround yourself with loving people and enjoy the day. In business: Financial opportunities are options with those you are familiar and comfortable.
12:54:38 PM Moon 150º Venus. This story of Venus is hung up on her part and is not in a sharing mood. She takes what she can get. Beyond that we have Venus as the "dish who ran away with the spoon".
3:03:40 PM Gemini Moon is trine Mars but Mars is at a disadvantage. This Moon sign looks like gossip run-a-muck. You get the directions you need and possibly the call you have been waiting for but those at the other end of the line are asking a lot of you. Maybe this is more than you can supply. You agree just to get on with your work but later worry about fulfilling your end.
9:00 PM Mercury returns in bounds. Since November 27 Mercury has been off on a long journey while out-of-bounds. While gathering information from odd or unusual places and making statements that are enough to sink ships. Mercury returns from its escapades way out in left field and runs with the team in the corral's boundaries. Mercury rules children, messengers and pets as well as secretaries and any form of connection, introduction and communication. Mercury narrates, debates, writes and memorizes. It also analyzes, studies, travels and expresses extensively. If you have a unique piece of information you would like to write about or otherwise communicate and want to present it to the mainstream then now is your time. Mercury will turn retrograde January 5-25 when you can rewrite, review, redo and reconsider anything that has become important to you.
December 25, 2015. The void Gemini Moon ends when the Moon enters Cancer after 12:26 AM. It is headed for a Full face at 6:11 AM at 3 degrees Cancer. At 10:53 PM Uranus turns direct since traveling retrograde beginning July 26, 2015. Uranus takes Venus' imprint of love and money and satisfaction along for this ride as Venus and Uranus were coupled with excitement, romance and many surprises in relationships and friendship since last summer. This day might bring back many stories of old loves or new ones that start today. Be social but be careful about joining large crowds. Over all the Cancer Moon has its pitfalls so be mindful when engaging in agreements. Things may not workout in the end.
3:11:05 AM The Sun is parallel Mercury. This aspect is great for connecting with everyone on your list and more. People come together for festivities.
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