Sunday, March 27, 2016

Astrology Report March 26- April 3, 2016 with Green Light Days

Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, March 26, 2016 – Saturday, April 2, 2016
Good Morning. If anyone has been having their own personal Mercury retrograde know that t is not retrograde and not until April 28. It acts like it for a lot of good reasons. Saturn went retrograde yesterday. Normally what we have when the Saturn goes retrograde is a period when all the seriousness that has been building up over the past few months seems to become more focused. I wonder if anybody felt better after yesterday morning. The tension that had been applying all week long was somehow released when Saturn went retrograde, which is strange. But that is the affect it had on me and on several other people too. You are able to focus and accomplish something.
The other things that are going to happen in the Sun of Sagittarius besides Saturn retrograde would be Mars retrograde and that is on the 17th of April. And there is Sweet Pea putting in his two cents.
We have for today… we have a Scorpio Moon that it is actually in very good shape. Its last aspect is going to be a 120 degree trine to Venus in Pisces. Venus in Pisces is more high minded. More coning from the compassionate spiritual position, and less greedy so to speak. The sign of Scorpio tends to turn up the greed meter. This brings ease with large purchases and increases retail business as well. There is also positive results for decisions being made about banking or borrowing or moving money from one account to another…anything having to do with that sort of thing. Banking things would be in good stead. and then also things having to do with estates of others inheritances. Maybe you are writing a will. This would be a great day to write a will. It would probably be a good day to have a will read too.
Sunday March 27, 2016
Then we have a couple of aspects with the Sun coming in to tomorrow morning during the Scorpio Moon sign… rather they occurred this morning 6:32 AM. The Sun was trine Mars giving us a lot of momentum that ability to get up and go. Feel deliberate with your actions, and you gain positive results. Expect a lot of productivity today with that aspect. The trine sometimes is lazy, so you have to push forward. There could be a money motivator in there because Venus is in a positive aspect to Pluto.
Now Pluto is the symbol for holding the purse strings, holding the money bags. Venus is gently asking for some money or trying to arrange for loans or some mortgages or something. Or perhaps even putting a house on the market that sort of thing might be a good use of this time. So it is an opportunity for sharing and building trust also with that aspect between Venus and Pluto. There could be a personal approach to building bridges.
On Sunday we still have a Scorpio Moon sign. It goes void of course at 3:25 AM after a very nice trine aspect to Venus. That is the one that is going to cause positive results here during the void of course Moon throughout the day. It lasts the whole day. If you were going to make purchases and make decisions about money let that be today and not tomorrow.
Monday March 28, 2016
For Monday we have a Moon sign change. The Moon is still void of course in Scorpio until 2:46 AM in the morning and then the Moon enters the sign of Sagittarius. During the Sagittarius Moon sign it is not a good sign for important decisions or for travel. I would not travel during that Sagittarius Moon. You may find you are also out in the cold on many fronts and your knowledge level may be lacking when you are in need. It is like going on vacation and finding out that the property that you had rented for the week doesn’t exist. You are at a disadvantage for your next step. Choose things very carefully. If you are choosing to purchase tickets, don’t choose during the Sagittarius Moon sign. However, if you have hired an expert to correct a problem that person is on top of his game. So that is a comfort if you have any type of procedure or activity that involves an expert.
Mercury and Venus are forming a very positive aspect. It is called a split parallel. It brings a very good combination especially for visits between people and anything having to do with the hands and the voice. Speaking your voice speaking from your heart would also be a very good use of this energy. Nice visits, pleasant talks, pleasant visits. You also are likely to come across a lot of flattery. You could compose a letter and that is in the early evening on Monday. Around 8:23 PM it begins to pull apart a little bit.
Tuesday March 29, 2016
On Tuesday, March 29th we still have a Sagittarius Moon. Jupiter is retrograde. Saturn is retrograde. Jupiter has been retrograde since January. Saturn as we mentioned just turned retrograde on Friday morning at 6:00 AM. The Sagittarius Moon sign is approaching a nice trine to Uranus at 6:01 PM on Tuesday.
However, there is a quirky aspect between Mercury and Jupiter. That pair often wants to travel and get away in an unexpected fashion, in an abrupt fashion. However, this is not quite the aspect that you want to continue that kind of plan. There is unexpected events, unexpected loud expressions. There is an obstinate type of aggravation from others that are speaking their piece, in a bully type way. What we have are the types of things where you can open doors. But those doors maybe broken through instead of gently used for charming your way through one situation to another.
Venus is aligned with the Lunar Node and that would be all day Tuesday. Tuesday is an aggressive day a Mars day in general. So with Venus there, there could be a lot of male female interaction. However, Venus in that position on the South Node of the Moon may appear to attract women that need to align for some particular purpose. Maybe it has to do with some political purpose where women are considered less than. It could be something that puts women at a disadvantage for instance. So joining with other women to make a plan for a better situation out of the current situation. That would be a good use of that time to also explore ideas to gain new avenues for new ways of doing things.
The Moon at 9:54 PM is running free on Tuesday. These matters prior to this time are complicated by extreme expense and choosing the wrong partner for whatever task you may be doing. During the time when the Moon is free floating in Sagittarius…now the Ancients didn’t consider the Moon to be void of course in that sign. But if you choose to follow the rule that it is void of course during that time Mercury is trine Saturn. There at 11:01 PM is some information that needs to be organized, probably before you turn in overnight. Maybe there are some things that are on your email that you need to see and take care of before you retire as well. You could have an ease of responding during that time period.
Wednesday March 30, 2016
That void of course Moon period lasts until 1:44 PM on Wednesday when we have a new Moon sign, but not before Mercury is square Pluto at 10:53 AM on Wednesday. This is a worry mind. The mind is worried. It keeps going round and round in circles and is afraid of what the authority figures are going to think, and what those that are holding the strings to the purse, where your ability to be able to move forward, whether you have enough money or don’t have enough money. These things may be relieved and lifted after the Moon changes signs. You should get some clarity. I would say don’t worry so much about those kinds of things. Try and let go. It is like a broken record going round and round. Let that record just go off the record player.
Then with the Capricorn Moon there are Green Light periods after some adjustments. That Capricorn Moon looks to cash in on some motivated options for business or for other endeavors that you might have. It is also favorable for making decisions about older family members. Choosing the type of home situation and the care that they need. There are adjustments to be made after meeting with those that manage the funds or approve projects. So that sounds like Pluto, right? That would be when the Moon is in aspect to Pluto during that Capricorn Moon sign. That is on Thursday at 10:37 PM. That is after several other things that go on.
Thursday March 31, 2016
There is a Quarter Moon, it is a Last Quarter Moon. I like Last Quarter Moons because they are an indication that there is potentially a check in the mail for you. You could earn the reward that you have worked for. It is usually for things that you have earned as opposed to inherited money. You could also earn a promotion during this Capricorn Moon sign and that is because of the last Quarter Moon that we will have. It is exact at 11:16 AM on Thursday. It delivers and pays up. If you need to pay something off or get something in a more balanced position with something that you owe that is a good day to do that as well. It is the last of four Moon phases in a Moon family. This one began on January 1st of 2014. And that was a New Moon. Then the 1st Quarter Moon you were actively involved in the process of getting on with this new idea that you had was right around October 1st of 2014. Then the Full Moon where all the cards were on the table and everything was out in the open is July 1st, July 2nd of 2015. And here we are at the point where you are able to reap the rewards of those efforts.
Thursday there is also an aspect between Mercury and Uranus. It brings genius to the engineer and the programmer. You might find you are speaking very quickly over the hurdles of mental gymnastics. There is experiments, inventions, and maybe release of information. Announcements with new technology and new discoveries as well. It is erratic and quirky. You want to watch out for your computer. Don’t go to any weirdo websites with that Mercury Uranus conjunction at 4:49 PM because it could allow unwanted viruses into the computer.
Friday April 1, 2016.
Begin a Green Light period without complications during this Capricorn Moon. Well, no such thing as no complications. But with the least amount of complication after 5:13 AM on Friday right up until 12:38 PM. This is a good time for business decisions or signing any of the practical matters that include cooperation and agreement. The final aspect for the Capricorn Moon will be 12:38 PM. It is a sextile to Venus, very good. It does offer positive results with money and with those agreements.
Then we have a void of course Moon period until 9:37 PM on Friday. There is beginning at that time at 9:37 PM we have an Aquarius Moon. It will run for the following 47 hours with a Green Light period. So that runs right over next weekend. So that is it for the week.
There is a copy of this that will be posted on my website ( later. And next Sunday, that would be on April 3rd, I’m planning a class from 2:00- 4:00. The classes have been very fun lately, so call me up to join the astrology class in Watertown at 617-924-0929. I am available for consultation and your questions about astrology. Have a great weekend and great week.

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