by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for July 9 - 16, 2016 with Green Light Days
To listen to this week's Astrology radio report click here.
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VENUS IN THE SOLAR RETURN is the topic of a four hour class next Sunday July 17 from 1:00PM - 5:00PM both in Watertown and online. Call for details 617-924-0929. 617-558-7233.
Green Light Days
Saturday July 9 until 11:28 PM. Go for it - it's a good one!
there is an excellent Green Light Period that began at 5:11 PM Friday night and continues through 11:27 PM today Saturday July 9. This one is golden because the Moon’s final aspect is 60º sextile Venus. This allows for an opportunity which you should act on or it might just be a nice couple of days. This aspect allows you to find the money for a work project, consider diet and food for this or the body work you might have hoped for. Also this is a highly cooperative period where others are happy to help. This allows you to get the help you need in a timely manner. You may find what you are looking for and be able to apply it as you like. There is a stroke of good luck with the Virgo Moon so plan to use this period for your greatest goals this week. It is very helpful for health procedures as well.
Tuesday July 12
Also during the Libra Moon after 1:33 AM when Venus enters Leo until 4:08 PM. This one is good for balance and compromise. Find your way to peace and security through negotiation.
The hazardous energy of Mars 150 degrees to Uranus is with us all week. Take special care while driving or dealing with anyone. As your own frustrations are likely to surface in unflattering ways. Seek peaceful solutions and calm settings. Amidst all of the chaotic energies this week you just might breakthrough a huge barrier. Use your best skills to remain neutral in heated situations.
Moon signs this week begin with Virgo on Saturday, Libra Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Scorpio Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and early Friday. Sagittarius on Friday through the next weekend.
Green Light periods are good period to elect times for your important intentions or goals. These times are likely to attract a positive outcome. The day/time however does not bring a good feeling or all good events. It is specifically for selecting the best time to advance your goals on a given day that attracts the best results.
Planet changes this week include: Mercury and Venus.
The Moon phase this week:
Is the First Quarter Moon Monday at 8:51 PM and 20 degrees of Libra. This First Quarter is a Moon Family member of the New Moon Family from last October 13, 2015. The Full Moon in this Moon family occurs on April 11, 2017 with the Last Quarter arriving January 8, 2018.
Report Period: Jul 8 2016 to Jul 16 2016, Time Zone EDT +4:00
Jul 8 2016
This is a travel aspect with a benevolent benefactor. Bridging communication gaps between all necessary players is the mode of the day. Communication is key.
Travel. Writing flows and communication is clear..
Network with confidence and travel in order to establish solid connections
Jul 8 2016
Tense relations. Uncomfortable social situations. Attention brought to social errors. Poor monetary decisions. Practicality supersedes esthetics. Cut backs and limits in regard to dividends, allotments and dispensation. As in receiving comp-time pay instead of over-time pay. Small but valuable. Distance from or between loved ones.
Avoid harsh and insensitive statements with loved ones.
Avoid purchases or settlements.
Jul 9 2016
Subtle sensitivities with love. Soft calm and pleasing esthetics. A desire to experience art, dance and music. Very romantic with a canvas for fantasy. Tendency toward dreamy-impressionability and weak judgment. Blind spots. Non-discriminating. Very creative day but impractical. Reclining and lazy qualities to the day. Could be indulgent and expensive.
Look for blind spots. Don't let this aspect influence your final decision unless used for artistic purposes. Allow an awareness of how your idealistic notions influence your choices. Create a wild and beautiful costume. Use music, light enhancements, meditation, poetry and romance on this day. Yoga.
Long lunches and social breaks used to enhance harmony. Use creative touches. Explode with color and design. Use illusion to your advantage. Good for clothing, art and jewelry sales are high.
Jul 9 2016
Jul 10 2016
A new perspective allows for a stroke of luck and a sharp eye to catch a very important picture. Signs of growth. Wonderful energy. Optimistic reviews. Broad-based objectives. Future orientated thinking. A new perspective. A need for wide open spaces and expansion of knowledge. Generosity from others and abundance is available. There is a possibility of exaggerated opinions of oneself or their projects which helps those with low self esteem for others it could lead to obnoxious behavior.
For personal use: Travel to a new place and meet new people. Learn something new that engages your current expertise for future benefit. You may have something of value that someone else is looking for exactly what you have. Freedom and open space is a consideration.
For business use: How can you take you business into new territory? This is a day for education and action.
This aspect occurs twice a year and there are other positive aspects that set off a similar energy. This particular sextile (60°) of the Sun and Jupiter is surrounded by many other positive aspects.
The other dates this year that hold positive Jupiter aspect with the Sun are:
Sunday – The Moon changes to Libra at 4:32 AM.
Jul 10 2016
Ordinarily when the Moon is in Libra, people are more likely to cooperate or establish partnership to accomplish their goals. Activities such as hashing out agreements, tending to legal matters, and balancing the scales in all areas are Libra's territory. People are more open to social activity and are more likely to seek companionship. Matters of marriage, or the marriage of ideas, are brought to the surface. There can be indecisiveness which stands in the way of progress; however, the right decision is likely to follow. Watch for business mergers. The ultimate Libra goal is "peace". A time to plant beautiful flowers. If you are a Libra, matters tend to go your way.
Jul 10 2016 – 10 PM
This pair in a trine adds creativity to sharp minds. Clear information is available for making decisions. Conversation is lively and people know their own mind. This aspect allows for smart moves and quick thinking. This aspect allows for a straightforward approach with practical applications to issues and problems. If you are not technically gifted you can find the skills person who is. This aspect allows positive flow especially for large projects as there is a quick return for your efforts.
Gather support to tackle something too big for one.
Record all your ideas today as some may be winners.
Jul 11 2016 Sunday night and Monday morning.
This brings a good reason for Plan B in all you do Monday. You might have a radical change of mind. You can expect extreme distractions. Thinking ranges from brilliant to bizarre. There will be outbursts with extreme bias and some abrupt interruptions of communications. Erratic flow of conversation. Ingenious ideas border or radical engineering and complexity. Drastic revisions of documents. Wild ideas. Friends may disappoint. Missed travel connections and appointments.
You may want to record your unique brainstorms.
Avoid contamination to computer systems by downloading data. Do not contract with anyone under this aspect.
VENUS CONTRAPARALL MARS Jul 11 2016, During the Libra Moon sign increases the chance for the following:
This aspect will impact all day. Lovers find each other for a brief encounter. This is also a money aspect that can create a temporary ease in the flow of finances today. There is an opportunity to love your work and connect with others who appreciate what you do. Men and women tend to be on the same page and are willing to help one another for a one time project. Put yourself in the company you would like to be keeping but keep your expectations low. Share your skills and talents for short term collaboration.
Jul 11 2016 5:33 PM You may feel this early on in the day. Annoying mental angst with stressful or difficult information. There is tension in the air. Vehicles run poorly. Missing data. Missed appointments. Unpleasant information. Difficulty coming to agreement with others or seeing eye to eye. To be held back due to judgmental blocks. Try to keep an open mind in a closed situation but don’t force any issues. Seek the facts. Conflicting agendas can be an asset today because you may need a reasonable out.
Tuesday July 12, 2016
Jul 12 2016 1:33 AM
Venus in Leo has a showy quality. Love is in the air. New relationships have a need for greater creative expression and more romance. Designs and purchases are more ostentatious. Color and costume coordination becomes important. Jewelry is far more glitzy. The atmosphere is dramatic, sexy and fun with Venus in Leo. This is great for designers of sets and fashion. With Venus in Leo you get a chance to add spice to an existing relationship or begin deeper relationships. Rely on the success of existing good relationships to open squeaky doors. Put your best personalities out front and practice gracious diplomacy for success. Perhaps your ship comes in. This is the perfect time for women to move up the ladder and shine.
Jul 12 2016 – 7:43 AM
This aspect can bring on confusion and mistrust of judgment. Beware that mental angst is soothed with food and alcohol. Intuitive information is gathered but not reliable. Strong imagination, active dreams and restless sleep. Deception. Try to use music and soft activities for calming with meditation and prayer.
Avoid commitments and operating heavy machinery while under this influence.
Jul 12 2016 – 4:08 pm
MOON ENTERING SCORPIO 4:52 PM Tuesday until 5:14 AM Friday
Jul 12 2016
Scorpio Moons direct emotions inward. People tend to react to psychological slights, real or imagined. "Payback" or "getting even" is often a mode of behavior. Threats can be used as a tactic of reaching one's objective. Often there are issues regarding other people's money, loans or insurance claims. Scorpio is a money sign, so there may be checks in the mail. A Scorpio Moon is a powerhouse for resources. This serious Moon surprisingly has a very funny sense of humor and considers sarcasm an art form. Sexuality is on the surface. Power struggles become the mode of the day as many strive for total control over their own interest. Watch out for the inevitable Scorpion Sting, Brooding and ugly behavior is a common mood with a focus on family disputes such as estate settlements. Scorpio Moons are passionate with the object of their attention and at time driven to obsessive behavior often with a need to create drama and a sense of dire urgency around issues. This is a good time to engage in subjects of where your extreme focus is required. Anything less may bring a period of frustration and boredom for Scorpio is a driven sign designed to maintain a high level of intensity. Other Scorpio themes may include information regarding pregnancies, births, deaths and their related estates, insurance and accounting matters. As a rule this Moon is very good for conducting business with loans, mortgages and estates. These days of the Scorpio Moon are not for lightweights. Know your opponent and be extremely well prepared. If you take on a major challenge it would be best to camouflage any sign of weakness. A good sparring partner is sometimes what the big guy or bully is seeking.
When you are opposing assertive experts you are not equally matched. However if you objective is to find someone to represent you that possess these skills, find your gladiator now. The best way to deal with hired guns is to keep in mind that he/she may use their skills against you, so set clear boundaries from the onset of your relationship. Take special care with things worth protecting; not exposing what is precious to unsuitable elements. These days are best used for elimination of waste, reorganizing finances and otherwise digging out from money drains in your business and personal accounts. Retail business often does very well during a Scorpio Moon as purchases tend to be significant. Selfishness and other nasty behaviors push relationships to the limit. On a personal level, taking steps to set you free of tormenting issues with a counselor is a positive use of Scorpio's need to transform. Accept the things you cannot change, change the things you can and be perfectly clear about the difference. A visit to your acupuncturist or massage therapist can assist with deep healing techniques that work best when the Moon is in Scorpio. This is a very good sign for planting, as it is moist and productive especially for vines. Also prune and irrigate during the Scorpio Moon.
Jul 12 2016 – ALL DAY
Money is handled. Money may be released for one time use, temporary or short term ventures. The professional gambler at work. A compelling drive to bond in relationships in a sexual way or otherwise deeper emotional level. The presence of emotional intensity. Deep jealousy. You may find the money you need to catch up temporarily. Maybe there’s a temporary solution found in hidden places.
Wednesday July 13, 2016
Jul 13 2016
Mercury is flying through Leo as quickly as it did Cancer. Mistakes can be made if you gloss over your material over the next couple of weeks. Much on the run and rushing about as there will be little time to savor a thought. Mercury is focused on executive decisions, romance, creative ideas and play. It becomes important to know what children are thinking. The inclination is to take risks or gamble.
For personal use: Lay out a plan to accomplish your errands to be the most efficient. Plan a fun trip with lots of children around. Collect ideas for creative projects. Team up with others with your ideas.
Reports of the company's new babies. Ideas for high tech applications and vacation sales. Go to a show or business conference. Network.
Thursday July 14, 2016 during this intense Scorpio Moon there are four major aspects that may send fireworks for most things on this day.
Jul 14 2016
Mars at nearly the same degree of the June 29th station point in Scorpio is extremely sensitive and sharp. While at this extreme aspect of 150º it is likely to act out in all sorts or sideways directions – as if flying objects coming “out of the blue”. The outburst and rebellious behavior can have devastating effects. It is best to stay out of public places at least on the day before this aspect occurs.
This aspect can also be expressed as "necessity is the mother of invention". High tech at its best. Expect more noise, more fire, more blasts and greater speeds. Highly charged issues could ignite without warning. Those with a history of high blood pressure might be at risk for unhealthy spikes. Erratic vital statistics make it difficult to manage balanced levels. Physical pressures need to be released in a safe manner. Blow off steam in a safe environment without harming others.
Funnel this energy into a new method for technology.
Jul 14 2016
High energy and momentum available for a one day planned effort . Hot noisy, rough and fiery. House and business fires ignite. A temporary alignment between two aggressive or motivated forces on a common goal. Rash behavior. A day in court. Police stop speeders. Accident prone. Increased sexual drive. Too much heat leads to a taxed immune system open to colds and viruses. Hold onto your head but make a plan to move forward. Take charge today without alienating your support team.
Jul 14 2016 ALL DAY
To temporarily align with those able to cut through "red tape". Very fast feet. Arguments. Versatility dealing with irritations and complaints. Rashes. Acute sense of smell. Expressions of pointed and heated thoughts. To rip off another of their ideas or possessions or someone gives you a hot tip while on the run. As if arrows are shooting through the air. A sharp tone when speaking. Hot dry winds. News of military plans or actions. Propaganda. To twist the truth and deliver a punch. Slow down speech and lower the tone, so your message is heard. Send your eyes and ears everywhere to gather the latest information.
Jul 14 2016 6:21 PM until 5:14 AM Friday.
Jul 14 2016 ALL DAY
Processing details for major decisions. Major announcements are made. A connection is made between key persons to consult for the purpose of a long term agreement. Ones counselors and advisors are selected. There can be assignments and appointments to positions and offices. Important plans made for children. A child speaks out regarding an important matter. New pets may be adopted. Considerations or information regarding relocation to new neighborhoods. Important material is written or organized to a primary document. All eyes and ears are focused on the outcome of the story at hand. Look for clarity where information had been sketchy. Select your stage and wait for the right moment to make your presentation & keep it concise. You have their attention for about the first two sentences. Consider options regarding travel for business. Choose your words carefully. Read the fine print and be decisive.
Friday July 15, 2016
Jul 15 2016 at 5:14 AM until Sunday 3:32 PM July 17.
A Sagittarius Moon often brings a desire to run free, far from responsibility. Discussions can get quite philosophical and or political. Cultural events such as concerts, plays are the order of the day. People and letters from foreign places may arrive. News, or progress, related to advertising and publishing is likely. Religion issues may be in the news. Attitudes are more optimistic. The "flow" is more likely to be in your favor. Directions and directives often change midstream, possibly because there is a "shiny, new horizon" which is brighter than the last. There grass is always greener on the other side. Wanderlust could distract your attention. Weed the garden or deal with bugs. It's time to play. Set up the hammock or go hiking. If you are a Sagittarius, matters tend to go your way.
Jul 15 2016 12:42 PM
There may be an excessive desire to play and "party". You may find grand and extravagant surroundings that lack good taste. Overindulgence especially with food with Jupiter in Virgo. Take care of your digestive system. Partners may be overvaluing something but enthusiastic about a new alignment. Allow your enthusiasm to level out a bit before overextending yourself. A good time for a sendoff party.
Jul 15 2016 ALL DAY
This planetary combination has an effect on psychological and financial matters. Control from powerful outside sources. Those in power tend to reject requests. This aspect rules issues of crude oil and its supplies. Reviews, laws, rulings regarding clean-up of toxic waste and other events of contamination to the environment. This aspect may include the need for permits and licenses. More research is needed to justify spending or the development of a new product. Police are scrutinized for behaviors or advice to make policy changes. Announcements from large companies that tilt economic indicators. Information is gathered and released about a trend shift from moneylenders bankers, researchers, insurance brokers and agents. Matters concerning boundaries of jurisdiction. Considerations for purchases of graves or the details of one's final requests as well as matters concerning custody of joint property. Information from or about people who have passed on, or regarding their estates. Research regarding healing drugs or medical procedures. Shift in psychological conditions. An increase in deep body work and other healing techniques. Indulge in deep healing of body mind and soul. Release outworn psychological patterns with the ancient plant spirit medicine technique. Acupuncture. Cross border only with a passport. Make considerations for loans or agreements however, this is not a good day to apply for money unless it is for one day only.
Jul 15 2016 ALL DAY
A temporary understanding for the cause of separation between loved ones. A temporary decision to cease spending, borrowing or lending money or possessions. To join with those of greater age or rank differences such as the Defense Secretary visits with the troops at the battle site. An arranged opportunity to meet with leaders or family head. Look into alternative retirement plans. Position yourself by appearing competent and not pushy.
Saturday July 16, 2016
Jul 16 2016
The may be an abundance of information outlining problems that are difficult to access or resolve. Health issues take precedence and other pressing matters build up. An overload causes breakdowns. Travel may be complicated. Outreach and advertising projects could use rewriting. The position may show information pointing to problems that are difficult to access with creative pursuits, children, speculation or gambling. Information seems out range or has an irresponsible tone or message. Those claiming to "know it all" may run into conflicts. Statements may be over inflated.
Create a priority list.
Outreach and advertising projects could use rewriting.
Jul 16 2016 9:31 AM
Sudden and abrupt changes throughout the day. Your own actions and those of others (each end of the pendulum) may be unpredictable. Sudden changes of heart and interesting solutions may present themselves, although they may still need further investigation and processing. Computer equipment or those who work with them may be quirky. Interesting twists. This aspect is accident-prone.
Think of innovative ways to get what you need or want. The truth may need to be expressed; just be tactful. You may experience erratic bursts of insight and energy.
Be open to unusual possibilities. There may be something of a surprise to deal with.
Jul 16 2016 5:59 PM
Progress toward peace talks or agreements. In support of others and a show of appreciation. Clarity about fairness. To apply a cure for simple ailments. Good for social settings and flow of conversation. Expressions of love. Charming and clever ideas. Love of animals and children. Playfulness. Parties and sweet visits. Beautiful settings. Nice trips.
Easy breathing. Talk about emotions and create the bridge to intimacy. Support each other with praise. Great for outreach. Make calls and contract.
Jul 16 2016
Brief description: A combination for an enemy camp. A temporary attempt to over power others and exert absolute control. The obsessions that motivate action. Deep psychological issues that can set one apart from meeting their goals. To be asked to keep secret what is witnessed. A short period of trust between two people perhaps for a specific purpose. Feelings of betrayal. Success may come through methods of coercion or intimidation.
For personal use: Deep truthful talks. Express your loyalty and respect for your partner.
For business use: Avoid entering any sort of partnership where you may be outmatched.
Jul 16 2016
Brief description: Brief description: Momentum and deliberate action produce results. High levels of productivity are experienced or encouraged. A drive to make things happen is felt. Competitive energy can work in a harmonious way. Expect focus and productivity today. For personal use: Go for it in a big way. Sexual energy is high and a moderate aggressive tone helps to move forward. For business: Green lights everywhere. Move forward at a steady strong pace.
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