Listen to the radio report here:
Happy Birthday Kevin Burke
Happy Birthday Catherine Miller
Happy Birthday Marjorie Crocket
Our Sunday Class on April 2, 2017 will be at 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM. The cost is $25.
We will study the Sun – Moon Midpoint – The Expression Point of Your Center
This is the one point that represents "Your Center".
Discover how this is your greatest point for negotiation; what makes you feel safe/unsafe; what turns on your creative spark. Discover how this point works as your gut response to any situation.
By finding your Center point we will learn how this point, when activated attracts others and what your relationship style reveals. What does your significant others relationship style reveal when interacting with you.
This class will have a video recording which you can purchase if you can not attend in person. The recording will be sent to all who do attend the class.
Sign up early as space is limited. Paypal is available.
Here are a few notes for today's report. The transcribed report will be available later.
Report for Saturday
Saturday March 25, 2017 shows the Pisces Moon is with us for Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning. There is a Green Light Period early Monday morning if you are up and able to take advantage of this rather magical period from 6:25 AM until 10:10 AM.
For Today March 25 a very special Sun and Venus aspect marks the middle of the Venus retrograde period. It allows us to spot what is most important. Use this aspect to join with others for an expression of your affection and friendship. This day may have an air of fun and playfulness. You may find that the people in your life will be around for many years to come. This is a time to find something special and get exactly what you want as your choices come from the heart.
Sunday March 26 Mercury joins Uranus at 11:05 AM. This is the engineer’s aspect that allows for quick thinking and mental gymnastics. Experiments and inventions are sparked with this aspect on the heels of the New Moon. Beware of hasty decisions that you might regret later. Check your facts before making bold statements.
The Moon enters Aries at 10:11 AM Monday and continues in Aries until Wednesday at 11:48 AM.
The Moon is void of course in Aries from 8:07 AM until 11:48 AM. An old astrological wisdom recommends to mail your tax returns during a void of course Moon. If you have your taxes ready to mail off this is the best period to do that. As the void of course Moon allow the tax return to flow easily through the system with no stops. No problems will occur.
During the Aries Moon there will be a New Moon on Monday at 10:57 PM. It will be at 7º Aries
The dark phase pf the Moon begins Sunday evening and continues until Tues after sunset.
In the chart of the New Moon there are a couple of strong aspects that will sweep through the new beginnings over the next month. For one Mars 60º Neptune might bring wet more weather, but also see your creative drive increase. The Jupiter square Pluto can shift the political picture and bring a new agenda.
Mars 135º to Saturn can cause road blocks and disappointments. Exact Monday at 2:57 PM.
Stressful conditions and difficulties concerned with broad levels of information and actions that clash with those in a position to make rulings. Matters can come to a halt, cutbacks and layoff notices. Problems in relationships meet with resistance. Investigations and requests meet with negative responses.
For personal use: Stretch before you work. Use this to work at a peak level. Pace yourself when engaging with bigger chores.
For business use: Apply stress reduction activities and plow through backlog. Review your list where there is a flicker of promise but don't call today.
Venus Parallel Transiting Uranus
Brief description: Extremely lucky event with love or money. Allows a merging of the feminine principal with innovation or innovative companies; how about a cell phone in a lipstick case. A long-term friendship is formed that may have a cause or mission. Unique or strange costumes.
For personal use: Connect with like-minded people. Have a party. Expect the unexpected. There may be a silver lining in a recent cloud.
For business use: Keep a close record of you ideas for profitable innovative notions
Wednesday Moon enters Tauus
Thursday Jupiter square Pluto at 2:41 PM
Major plans for great personal, corporate or governmental change. A money aspect could bring large amounts of money or cost large amounts of money. There may be some type of public disapproval. An abundance of suspicion could be cast on those in a position of power. To over publicize an issue. There may be glaring infections in need of control. There is a need to control of toxins and poisons. Oil fields are burning. There is a potential for over estimating the cost of huge projects and the fallout from these issues. There may be toxins and a need to control poisons. Health issues may be discovered. There may be new plans for education. Travel plans are extensive.
For personal use: Apply tension to achieve your goals.
For business use: Over optimism may benefit with a balance of confidence and patience.
Friday Mercury enters Taurus where it will turn retrograde on April 9.
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for March 18 - 24, 2017 with Green Light Days
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, March 18, 2017 – Saturday, March 25, 2017
Good morning. We have spring time on the way, so we are told by the Sun. the Sun will enter the sign of Aries on Monday. It is going to be special day for the Aries event, followed by a Last Quarter Moon also on Monday morning. Spring time starts at 6:29 AM. Then there is a Last Quarter Moon at 11:58 AM. First Quarter Moon, a Last Quarter Moon, they look the same they look like a half Moon in the sky.
The First Quarter Moon brings about activating a foot forward. Whereas Last Quarter Moon is about wrapping things up that have been pending or worked on over the past two and a quarter years.
This Monday has a pretty exciting quarter Moon. It has a global quality to it that would bring all eyes to the same spot in the sky or on the planet. There would be a lot of excitement around the world. We don’t like too much excitement on those levels. But it is…where as the Sun goes into Aries, a very public place inviting very public energy.
There are not a lot of planetary interactions during the week aside from the Sun at the vernal equinox.
On Saturday March 18 we have a Sagittarius Moon that began Friday night 3/17, at 10:59 PM. That Sagittarius Moon is with us right through until Monday morning at 11:31 AM just before that last quarter Moon.
During the Sagittarius Moon, the energies of that Sun going into the sign of Aries says, hold off on your decision making process. Wait until the Sun does actually change signs and goes into Aries before you finalize anything because of the fact that the landscape could change. You could have new information. You could certainly have new people that come up and enter into the picture which would allow you to make new informed, just better informed decisions.
Venus is still retrograde. Venus turned retrograde on March 4th and will continue to be retrograde until April 15th.
During the retrograde period Venus is headed back into a square with Saturn at the end of this particular trek. It says hold on to your money. Don’t be spending a lot of money. But one thing that you can do. Very positive. There are actually many things that you can do which can be very positive with the Venus retrograde. For one; return things that you had intended to return or things that you need to get a credit for because the product didn’t function the way you expected. Maybe it was broken or you need some type of replacement of money or item. So during a Venus retrograde you are likely to have really good luck with that.
It is also a really good time to make repairs. Especially anything that would be beautifying. Finishing things off, getting a nice surface, resurface of an old surface. Resurfacing such as sanding floors, something like that would be a positive thing to do with the retrograde Venus.
The thing about relationships is going back over relationships that you have already had experience with. Maybe there is someone from the past that is once again available and you are available. You can readdress that relationship with the Venus retrograde. However Venus can turn around change its mind after the cycle is over on April 15th leaving one or the other in a very cold spot. I would not put great hopes into a brand new relationship.
There is a beautiful aspect between Venus and Mercury. It happened early this morning 8:26 AM. It is a conjunction so these aspects are not that common. It is sweet thing. It sweetens up the day. It allows for pleasant interactions with others, pleasant meetings, joining with friends. Very nice aspect.
At 11:31 AM Saturday the Moon is quincunx Mars, so be careful about candles, sharp objects, and trying to rush around and get everything done. You maybe tending to something that pops in out of the blue that you need to tend to directly.
For Saturday night very pleasant energy. There is Moon square Neptune. Be careful where you park your car. That could turn out to be something that has hidden problems. Also meeting new people. People maybe hiding who they really are.
Then for Sunday we still have a Sagittarius Moon sign. There are no major planet aspects during that Sunday. That allows for kind of a fun relaxed energy for Sunday.
Then Monday is also a day when we start off with the Sagittarius Moon sign welcoming the Spring event at 6:29 AM. The Sagittarius Moon sign changes at 11:31 AM.
When the Sun changes signs from Pisces to Aries at 6:29 AM you may notice there is a seriousness around that change and there is more work to be done than there are hours in the day during this spring season. So it is going to be a very busy spring trying to get things done trying to take care of business, until you are on more solid ground.
Later at 6:37 the Moon joins Saturn. It is almost to say that the people want a reasonable head at the top of the table that would allow for an understanding of matters that have been stuck over the past few months.
Then we have that quarter Moon at 11:58 AM. Last Quarter Moon at 0º Capricorn. So something very important may be announced or is discovered or is activated. In some way could have a lot to do with business, the stock market and certainly the government.
Then at 4:22 PM Venus and Mars make an aspect. They are in cooperation with one another. Venus is in the sign of Aries and Mars rules Aries. Mars is in the sign of Taurus and Venus rules Taurus. So there is an agreement that goes on. there is a cooperation with the pair coupled with a desire to come together for an agreement of some sort or just to enjoy company.
Tuesday March 21st the aspects for the day… Mercury is split parallel to Jupiter. This aspect brings about some understanding of what is going on. it may not be particularly agreeable. However there is information. Broader information that is used for a temporary purpose has a temporary quality to it.
Also travel energy with that on Tuesday. There might be a short journey that you have for business or perhaps for some type of need for family members. A sibling or an Aunt or Uncle.
Then for Wednesday the Capricorn Moon is very busy making its rounds with Pluto then Jupiter then Uranus throughout the morning hours. This is addressing the sudden abrupt change and power struggles and advancements, as a result of decisions that are made. Executive decisions.
Then later the day changes and there is some benefit after…I would say after 9:30 in the morning begins a Green Light period. That Green Light period would run until I would say right around 5:54 PM. And you may be able to advance your goals in a minor way.
There is an aspect between Mercury and Neptune which says information is hard to sort through. There is too many holes in the project. Things that don’t necessarily work. But the way things are explained, also have a difficulty trying to get the point across. Wednesday when we have an Aquarius Moon sign that begins at 10:28 PM, it has quite a few pitfalls, but it ends up in a good standing in a good way. If you want to try and speak directly to the person in charge, the Aquarius Moon would be a good one to address those that are at the top of the heap.
And there is a group endeavor that is perhaps strapped for cash that shows sign of rigid thinking. This sounds like our Congress. This may have an influence over the outcome of events that are presented.
Thursday there is a Green Light period. You have to get your facts straight. There is not a very good source for advice early in the morning but later things may change.
There is also difficulty with Mercury square Pluto on Thursday. That is in the evening 8:44 PM. This turns the wheel of progress into a broken record. It is ruminating over a solution to a problem in the wrong direction. That sure sounds like things that we are familiar with these days.
Mercury is parallel Uranus later on that night. That combines technical support and friendship for long range plans. You can get great minds to think together, think alike. A lot of mental agility with that aspect too. There could be shocking and quirky news with that aspect. Technical information and technical difficulties. I would be really careful about viruses on the computer.
There is a Green Light period during that time, especially later on Thursday night through Friday right up until 1:56 AM next Saturday. So that Green Light period does come along with a little bit of know it all aspect early in the morning on Friday. But that can also boost your ability to get the information, proper information that you need. That Aquarius Moon sign… the Aquarius Moon sign is probably the best Moon sign to be able to forward your goals.
There is… backing up…there was a Green Light period last night, but it does not effect today. Also last night there was Sun square Saturn which had an influence over the whole week made all last week feel very hard, very difficult. That now is behind us so it should feel considerably lighter. That is it for the week. has a copy of this report later on and there is an audio file of this report there. My phone number is 617-924-0929. You can give me a call about astrology, make an appointment, talk to me about classes. I will have a class coming up in a week or so.
There is a beginner’s class that is running in the mornings. This week it is going to be on Tuesday morning if you want to join give me a call. That is it for the week. Have a very good week and thank you.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, March 18, 2017 – Saturday, March 25, 2017
Good morning. We have spring time on the way, so we are told by the Sun. the Sun will enter the sign of Aries on Monday. It is going to be special day for the Aries event, followed by a Last Quarter Moon also on Monday morning. Spring time starts at 6:29 AM. Then there is a Last Quarter Moon at 11:58 AM. First Quarter Moon, a Last Quarter Moon, they look the same they look like a half Moon in the sky.
The First Quarter Moon brings about activating a foot forward. Whereas Last Quarter Moon is about wrapping things up that have been pending or worked on over the past two and a quarter years.
This Monday has a pretty exciting quarter Moon. It has a global quality to it that would bring all eyes to the same spot in the sky or on the planet. There would be a lot of excitement around the world. We don’t like too much excitement on those levels. But it is…where as the Sun goes into Aries, a very public place inviting very public energy.
There are not a lot of planetary interactions during the week aside from the Sun at the vernal equinox.
On Saturday March 18 we have a Sagittarius Moon that began Friday night 3/17, at 10:59 PM. That Sagittarius Moon is with us right through until Monday morning at 11:31 AM just before that last quarter Moon.
During the Sagittarius Moon, the energies of that Sun going into the sign of Aries says, hold off on your decision making process. Wait until the Sun does actually change signs and goes into Aries before you finalize anything because of the fact that the landscape could change. You could have new information. You could certainly have new people that come up and enter into the picture which would allow you to make new informed, just better informed decisions.
Venus is still retrograde. Venus turned retrograde on March 4th and will continue to be retrograde until April 15th.
During the retrograde period Venus is headed back into a square with Saturn at the end of this particular trek. It says hold on to your money. Don’t be spending a lot of money. But one thing that you can do. Very positive. There are actually many things that you can do which can be very positive with the Venus retrograde. For one; return things that you had intended to return or things that you need to get a credit for because the product didn’t function the way you expected. Maybe it was broken or you need some type of replacement of money or item. So during a Venus retrograde you are likely to have really good luck with that.
It is also a really good time to make repairs. Especially anything that would be beautifying. Finishing things off, getting a nice surface, resurface of an old surface. Resurfacing such as sanding floors, something like that would be a positive thing to do with the retrograde Venus.
The thing about relationships is going back over relationships that you have already had experience with. Maybe there is someone from the past that is once again available and you are available. You can readdress that relationship with the Venus retrograde. However Venus can turn around change its mind after the cycle is over on April 15th leaving one or the other in a very cold spot. I would not put great hopes into a brand new relationship.
There is a beautiful aspect between Venus and Mercury. It happened early this morning 8:26 AM. It is a conjunction so these aspects are not that common. It is sweet thing. It sweetens up the day. It allows for pleasant interactions with others, pleasant meetings, joining with friends. Very nice aspect.
At 11:31 AM Saturday the Moon is quincunx Mars, so be careful about candles, sharp objects, and trying to rush around and get everything done. You maybe tending to something that pops in out of the blue that you need to tend to directly.
For Saturday night very pleasant energy. There is Moon square Neptune. Be careful where you park your car. That could turn out to be something that has hidden problems. Also meeting new people. People maybe hiding who they really are.
Then for Sunday we still have a Sagittarius Moon sign. There are no major planet aspects during that Sunday. That allows for kind of a fun relaxed energy for Sunday.
Then Monday is also a day when we start off with the Sagittarius Moon sign welcoming the Spring event at 6:29 AM. The Sagittarius Moon sign changes at 11:31 AM.
When the Sun changes signs from Pisces to Aries at 6:29 AM you may notice there is a seriousness around that change and there is more work to be done than there are hours in the day during this spring season. So it is going to be a very busy spring trying to get things done trying to take care of business, until you are on more solid ground.
Later at 6:37 the Moon joins Saturn. It is almost to say that the people want a reasonable head at the top of the table that would allow for an understanding of matters that have been stuck over the past few months.
Then we have that quarter Moon at 11:58 AM. Last Quarter Moon at 0º Capricorn. So something very important may be announced or is discovered or is activated. In some way could have a lot to do with business, the stock market and certainly the government.
Then at 4:22 PM Venus and Mars make an aspect. They are in cooperation with one another. Venus is in the sign of Aries and Mars rules Aries. Mars is in the sign of Taurus and Venus rules Taurus. So there is an agreement that goes on. there is a cooperation with the pair coupled with a desire to come together for an agreement of some sort or just to enjoy company.
Tuesday March 21st the aspects for the day… Mercury is split parallel to Jupiter. This aspect brings about some understanding of what is going on. it may not be particularly agreeable. However there is information. Broader information that is used for a temporary purpose has a temporary quality to it.
Also travel energy with that on Tuesday. There might be a short journey that you have for business or perhaps for some type of need for family members. A sibling or an Aunt or Uncle.
Then for Wednesday the Capricorn Moon is very busy making its rounds with Pluto then Jupiter then Uranus throughout the morning hours. This is addressing the sudden abrupt change and power struggles and advancements, as a result of decisions that are made. Executive decisions.
Then later the day changes and there is some benefit after…I would say after 9:30 in the morning begins a Green Light period. That Green Light period would run until I would say right around 5:54 PM. And you may be able to advance your goals in a minor way.
There is an aspect between Mercury and Neptune which says information is hard to sort through. There is too many holes in the project. Things that don’t necessarily work. But the way things are explained, also have a difficulty trying to get the point across. Wednesday when we have an Aquarius Moon sign that begins at 10:28 PM, it has quite a few pitfalls, but it ends up in a good standing in a good way. If you want to try and speak directly to the person in charge, the Aquarius Moon would be a good one to address those that are at the top of the heap.
And there is a group endeavor that is perhaps strapped for cash that shows sign of rigid thinking. This sounds like our Congress. This may have an influence over the outcome of events that are presented.
Thursday there is a Green Light period. You have to get your facts straight. There is not a very good source for advice early in the morning but later things may change.
There is also difficulty with Mercury square Pluto on Thursday. That is in the evening 8:44 PM. This turns the wheel of progress into a broken record. It is ruminating over a solution to a problem in the wrong direction. That sure sounds like things that we are familiar with these days.
Mercury is parallel Uranus later on that night. That combines technical support and friendship for long range plans. You can get great minds to think together, think alike. A lot of mental agility with that aspect too. There could be shocking and quirky news with that aspect. Technical information and technical difficulties. I would be really careful about viruses on the computer.
There is a Green Light period during that time, especially later on Thursday night through Friday right up until 1:56 AM next Saturday. So that Green Light period does come along with a little bit of know it all aspect early in the morning on Friday. But that can also boost your ability to get the information, proper information that you need. That Aquarius Moon sign… the Aquarius Moon sign is probably the best Moon sign to be able to forward your goals.
There is… backing up…there was a Green Light period last night, but it does not effect today. Also last night there was Sun square Saturn which had an influence over the whole week made all last week feel very hard, very difficult. That now is behind us so it should feel considerably lighter. That is it for the week. has a copy of this report later on and there is an audio file of this report there. My phone number is 617-924-0929. You can give me a call about astrology, make an appointment, talk to me about classes. I will have a class coming up in a week or so.
There is a beginner’s class that is running in the mornings. This week it is going to be on Tuesday morning if you want to join give me a call. That is it for the week. Have a very good week and thank you.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light times March 11 - 17, 2017.
The live radio report for the week ahead:
Scroll down for the transcribed report.
First I want to mention a class tomorrow on the astrology software program, solar fire from 1:00 – 4:00 PM. Sunday March 12. Bring your laptops.
The Green Light Periods this week are only two short periods.
Tuesday during the Libra Moon after 9:04 PM through to 7:22 AM Wednesday March 15.
Friday during the Scorpio Moon for all of 8 minutes from 5:48 PM until 5:56 PM.
Void of course Moon periods this week:
Saturday the Moon is in Virgo and will square Mercury as its last aspect on Sunday night.
Sunday March 12 the Virgo Moon is v/c after 10:36 PM until 1:28 AM Monday.
Monday the Moon is in Libra through Wed at 11:11 AM.
Mercury changes signs Monday at 5:08 PM when it enters Aries. The indications are that something is dropped lost or recovered which changes the information you have. Your travel plans may change or get dropped.
Void Moon Wednesday at 7:21 AM until 11:11 AM Wednesday.
The Moon enters Scorpio Wed at 11:11 AM until 11:00 PM Friday when the Moon enters Sagittarius through the next weekend.
Venus is retrograde through March until April 15.
Vesta, ruler of homes, real estate and investments has turned direct last week and allows for reasonable options regarding those matters as well as an increase in job openings. Your choice for quiet respite and the practice of toning the soul and body are also enhanced with this change of direction. Vesta allows attention to your body as your temple.
The Full Moon Sunday March 12, 2017 at 22º Virgo at 10:54 AM allows for a complete view or major tasks such as projects, new jobs and construction old and new. When tending matters of health you may find the practitioner best suited to your needs.
There are surprises associated with this Full Moon as it may bring about sudden changes prodded by Uranus in Aries.
Friday the Sun is square Saturn at 5:47 PM. This creates an uphill battle for the work to be done throughout the week.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, March 11, 2017 – Saturday, March 18, 2017
(START 38:56)
Good morning. Yes. it was one long week with the flu. That was something else.
There are a couple of things that I want to announce first. First of all I am having a class tomorrow, March 12, about the astrological software program called Solar Fire. If you have the Solar Fire program and you are not really sure how to use it or you would like to learn more tomorrow, join our class from 1:00 – 4:00 PM for $45. A video of the class will later be available for sale.
The Green Light periods this week. There are only a couple of really short ones. Tuesday during the Libra Moon after 9:04 PM until 7:22 AM on Wednesday. The Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto get stirred up again.
Friday there is another Green Light period. It is only 8 minutes long. it is from 5:48 PM until 5:56 PM. What these Green Light periods are good for; use them to select the best astrological possible time periods to forward your goals. It does not necessarily mean that these are the best feeling times or even the best activity times. It is about making a choice to advance your goals. This is about choosing and selecting a time. To let’s say you want to send off a resume or you want to put in an offer on a house, anything that is very important to you. You are best off waiting and using Green Light periods. So this week there are just those two little ones.
Void of course Moon periods this week… We have one tomorrow. After our Virgo Moon today going to the last aspect on Sunday night, there is a square to Mercury. Importantly Mercury is the ruler of Virgo, so that means this is not a good Virgo Moon for advancing anything. It is great for getting down to work on a great big task. There is a void of course Moon period after 10:36 PM Sunday night until 1:28 AM on Monday.
We have a Libra Moon that does begin 1:28 AM on Monday morning that runs until 11:11 AM on Wednesday. So during that Libra Moon sign, the last aspect is a lucky parallel Jupiter and the void period begins after 7:21 AM on Wednesday until 11:11 AM. At 11:11 AM the Moon enters Scorpio on Wednesday until 11:00 PM on Friday. There is a short void Moon period for the Scorpio Moon after 5:56 PM. There is a 120º aspect with the Sun and the Moon, which is excellent if you wanted to take advantage of that. That void of course Moon period is from 5:56 PM on Friday until 11:00 PM Friday night.
A few notes about events last week; I didn’t get to talk about last week because I wasn’t able to come on the air. Venus turned retrograde last Saturday. Venus retrograde is very much about your personal relationships. But it is also about what you desire. Your choices, your selections, your sensitivity to things, your appreciation for one thing or another. You may be reevaluating everything in a very big way. Choosing or deselecting the people places and things in your life and how those things support your life become important. What you can do also to be supportive of others as well. Venus is in the sign of Aries, which is not completely compatible to begin with. So there is a lot of cranky energy with Venus in the sign of Aries. Especially with money, spending money, raising money. Those sorts of things could be difficult. A lot of me first energy driven by also the entrepreneur to forward goals, and less to do with the group or the whole.
There is also another change last week that happened, which was Vesta the ruler of homes and real estate, investment. It turned direct last week. That allows for reasonable options regarding matters of job openings and also your choices for new housing real estate. Maybe you want to make changes to your mortgage, if something like that might be good to do now that Vesta has moved forward. Although anything to do with money matters that will last for a long time, don’t do them while Venus is retrograde right through until April 15th. Your choice however, Vesta allows you to choose a quiet respite for yourself to practice the toning of your soul and your body. Also to enhance any kind of change and direction in your life. It allows you to also put your attention into your body and help to heal matters.
There are a lot of illnesses going on during this period especially with the Lunar Nodes in Virgo and Pisces. Virgo has to do with matters of the body. The Full Moon that we have tomorrow is exactly about that with the Full Moon at 22 degrees of Virgo 10:54 AM. It allows for complete overview of what is going on with your body. What are the illnesses that you need to tend to? What types of practices can you engage to be able to strengthen your body? And Invite practitioners to be able to help you and support you with your goals.
The Full Moon is a time when all the cards are on the table. Everything is out in the open. There are jobs to be done. Tasks to be tackled. There is also a need for construction of old and new that is also about finding the best place to put this Full Moon energy to work. And there are lots of surprises associated with this Full Moon. It may bring about sudden changes prodded by Uranus in Aries. Also the Sun and Jupiter are quincunx. That is a health aspect. Uranus is opposite Jupiter. Then also the Moon is quincunx Uranus. Those quincunxes, I call that life’s messy clean it up. They are also that sort of Virgo - Scorpio energy which often reveal health aspects as well.
Friday there is a major aspect between the Sun and Saturn at 5:47 PM, the Sun in Pisces square Saturn in Sagittarius. This creates a huge uphill battle all week long for those things that need to be done throughout the week. Those things on Capitol Hill, major struggle with those topics all week long too. So the types of things that you may want to take on… if you could make your plans for work the following week it might be an easier row to hoe. Because there certainly are a lot of huge difficulties with this week’s energy.
So for looking at our Virgo Moon there are a few things… that quincunx between the Sun and Jupiter is today at 3:00 PM. This also could be a lot of fun in some ways if you had time to play, join others in a social event.
Also Venus and Mars are parallel. This aspect allows for men and women to come together or the attraction of others in your life to join and cooperate with one another for long term goal. So there is the potential for meeting people. I would say meeting people that you already know. Where Venus is retrograde this is going back over old friendships and old relationships.
There is another problem with the Virgo Moon today which sees Mercury square Saturn, and that is actually tomorrow at 8:09 AM. This aspect is about trying to get your facts straight and trying to get your ducks in a row. Very difficult thing to do when there is a squabble between the way things should be done and the way things are announced and the difficulties about getting appointments and things scheduled. Also that Full Moon 10:53 AM brings all the cards out on the table. Everything out in the open. It is a game stopper as well. It can put up a major block. There is a tough period that Moon square Saturn tomorrow 8:24 PM. It may feel like a low mood.
The aspects on Monday during the Libra Moon which begins at 1:28 AM... The major event that will take place is Mercury changes signs at 5:07 PM and enters the sign of Aries. By trying to conduct your business on Monday there may be too many things that get dropped. Too many surprises in scheduling and difficulties trying to get all the details lined up, and all the information that you need collected. Because Mercury changing signs says some of the information is dropped or lost. Be careful about your documents if you are traveling and also even losing your driver’s license. That sort of thing can happen especially with Mercury in the sign of Pisces, as it is still now until Monday at 5:07 PM.
Things do improve for that Libra Moon after 9:05 PM. That is on Monday. That is because the Moon will be finished with an opposition to Uranus. Sudden, abrupt, wacky changing Uranus.
So then there is that nice period, Green Light period on Tuesday throughout that evening you many want to grab the advantage. There is a quincunx between the Sun and the Moon during that period, which could say there is something to clean up or some surprise or difficulty that you need to take care of. However getting up very early in the morning gives you the advantage and something very lucky could occur before 7:21 AM. So if you are an early bird and you want to go out and have some exchange and try your luck in some way.
There is a Scorpio Moon that does begin 11:10 AM and that is on Wednesday. The Scorpio Moon sign is tough on its own as you should take along a professional who knows the ropes. Especially for this one as the up and coming Sun square Saturn is a very hard energy for completing tasks and measuring up to the authorities.
There is an aspect between the Sun and Mercury. This is on Thursday. If there was such a thing where the Sun and Mercury could be opposite, this would be the event, The Sun contra parallel Mercury. So there is a coming together for just a split second. Some sort of an agreement that does not last with this aspect between the Sun and Mercury. Do not invest on hearsay. If you are traveling or planning to travel it could make for difficult travel plans.
Again other things that are notable during the Scorpio Moon that we have for Wednesday, most of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday… The aspect would be the Sun square Saturn on Friday, which is the big headliner there. Making it a very difficult way to go with that Scorpio Moon which is not meant for light weights anyway. You want to take a professional with you in all things that you want to attempt to do. That is it for the week.
Let me know if you want to come to class tomorrow and also remember to check out Ariel Guttman at the Senior Center 266 Beech Street in Belmont March 11.
You can call me at 617-924-0929 if you want to talk to me about astrology or book an appointment for a session and also for classes. There are several classes that go on so give me a call.
Also you can find a copy of this report on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
Scroll down for the transcribed report.
First I want to mention a class tomorrow on the astrology software program, solar fire from 1:00 – 4:00 PM. Sunday March 12. Bring your laptops.
The Green Light Periods this week are only two short periods.
Tuesday during the Libra Moon after 9:04 PM through to 7:22 AM Wednesday March 15.
Friday during the Scorpio Moon for all of 8 minutes from 5:48 PM until 5:56 PM.
Void of course Moon periods this week:
Saturday the Moon is in Virgo and will square Mercury as its last aspect on Sunday night.
Sunday March 12 the Virgo Moon is v/c after 10:36 PM until 1:28 AM Monday.
Monday the Moon is in Libra through Wed at 11:11 AM.
Mercury changes signs Monday at 5:08 PM when it enters Aries. The indications are that something is dropped lost or recovered which changes the information you have. Your travel plans may change or get dropped.
Void Moon Wednesday at 7:21 AM until 11:11 AM Wednesday.
The Moon enters Scorpio Wed at 11:11 AM until 11:00 PM Friday when the Moon enters Sagittarius through the next weekend.
Venus is retrograde through March until April 15.
Vesta, ruler of homes, real estate and investments has turned direct last week and allows for reasonable options regarding those matters as well as an increase in job openings. Your choice for quiet respite and the practice of toning the soul and body are also enhanced with this change of direction. Vesta allows attention to your body as your temple.
The Full Moon Sunday March 12, 2017 at 22º Virgo at 10:54 AM allows for a complete view or major tasks such as projects, new jobs and construction old and new. When tending matters of health you may find the practitioner best suited to your needs.
There are surprises associated with this Full Moon as it may bring about sudden changes prodded by Uranus in Aries.
Friday the Sun is square Saturn at 5:47 PM. This creates an uphill battle for the work to be done throughout the week.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WCBZ radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM
Saturday, March 11, 2017 – Saturday, March 18, 2017
(START 38:56)
Good morning. Yes. it was one long week with the flu. That was something else.
There are a couple of things that I want to announce first. First of all I am having a class tomorrow, March 12, about the astrological software program called Solar Fire. If you have the Solar Fire program and you are not really sure how to use it or you would like to learn more tomorrow, join our class from 1:00 – 4:00 PM for $45. A video of the class will later be available for sale.
The Green Light periods this week. There are only a couple of really short ones. Tuesday during the Libra Moon after 9:04 PM until 7:22 AM on Wednesday. The Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto get stirred up again.
Friday there is another Green Light period. It is only 8 minutes long. it is from 5:48 PM until 5:56 PM. What these Green Light periods are good for; use them to select the best astrological possible time periods to forward your goals. It does not necessarily mean that these are the best feeling times or even the best activity times. It is about making a choice to advance your goals. This is about choosing and selecting a time. To let’s say you want to send off a resume or you want to put in an offer on a house, anything that is very important to you. You are best off waiting and using Green Light periods. So this week there are just those two little ones.
Void of course Moon periods this week… We have one tomorrow. After our Virgo Moon today going to the last aspect on Sunday night, there is a square to Mercury. Importantly Mercury is the ruler of Virgo, so that means this is not a good Virgo Moon for advancing anything. It is great for getting down to work on a great big task. There is a void of course Moon period after 10:36 PM Sunday night until 1:28 AM on Monday.
We have a Libra Moon that does begin 1:28 AM on Monday morning that runs until 11:11 AM on Wednesday. So during that Libra Moon sign, the last aspect is a lucky parallel Jupiter and the void period begins after 7:21 AM on Wednesday until 11:11 AM. At 11:11 AM the Moon enters Scorpio on Wednesday until 11:00 PM on Friday. There is a short void Moon period for the Scorpio Moon after 5:56 PM. There is a 120º aspect with the Sun and the Moon, which is excellent if you wanted to take advantage of that. That void of course Moon period is from 5:56 PM on Friday until 11:00 PM Friday night.
A few notes about events last week; I didn’t get to talk about last week because I wasn’t able to come on the air. Venus turned retrograde last Saturday. Venus retrograde is very much about your personal relationships. But it is also about what you desire. Your choices, your selections, your sensitivity to things, your appreciation for one thing or another. You may be reevaluating everything in a very big way. Choosing or deselecting the people places and things in your life and how those things support your life become important. What you can do also to be supportive of others as well. Venus is in the sign of Aries, which is not completely compatible to begin with. So there is a lot of cranky energy with Venus in the sign of Aries. Especially with money, spending money, raising money. Those sorts of things could be difficult. A lot of me first energy driven by also the entrepreneur to forward goals, and less to do with the group or the whole.
There is also another change last week that happened, which was Vesta the ruler of homes and real estate, investment. It turned direct last week. That allows for reasonable options regarding matters of job openings and also your choices for new housing real estate. Maybe you want to make changes to your mortgage, if something like that might be good to do now that Vesta has moved forward. Although anything to do with money matters that will last for a long time, don’t do them while Venus is retrograde right through until April 15th. Your choice however, Vesta allows you to choose a quiet respite for yourself to practice the toning of your soul and your body. Also to enhance any kind of change and direction in your life. It allows you to also put your attention into your body and help to heal matters.
There are a lot of illnesses going on during this period especially with the Lunar Nodes in Virgo and Pisces. Virgo has to do with matters of the body. The Full Moon that we have tomorrow is exactly about that with the Full Moon at 22 degrees of Virgo 10:54 AM. It allows for complete overview of what is going on with your body. What are the illnesses that you need to tend to? What types of practices can you engage to be able to strengthen your body? And Invite practitioners to be able to help you and support you with your goals.
The Full Moon is a time when all the cards are on the table. Everything is out in the open. There are jobs to be done. Tasks to be tackled. There is also a need for construction of old and new that is also about finding the best place to put this Full Moon energy to work. And there are lots of surprises associated with this Full Moon. It may bring about sudden changes prodded by Uranus in Aries. Also the Sun and Jupiter are quincunx. That is a health aspect. Uranus is opposite Jupiter. Then also the Moon is quincunx Uranus. Those quincunxes, I call that life’s messy clean it up. They are also that sort of Virgo - Scorpio energy which often reveal health aspects as well.
Friday there is a major aspect between the Sun and Saturn at 5:47 PM, the Sun in Pisces square Saturn in Sagittarius. This creates a huge uphill battle all week long for those things that need to be done throughout the week. Those things on Capitol Hill, major struggle with those topics all week long too. So the types of things that you may want to take on… if you could make your plans for work the following week it might be an easier row to hoe. Because there certainly are a lot of huge difficulties with this week’s energy.
So for looking at our Virgo Moon there are a few things… that quincunx between the Sun and Jupiter is today at 3:00 PM. This also could be a lot of fun in some ways if you had time to play, join others in a social event.
Also Venus and Mars are parallel. This aspect allows for men and women to come together or the attraction of others in your life to join and cooperate with one another for long term goal. So there is the potential for meeting people. I would say meeting people that you already know. Where Venus is retrograde this is going back over old friendships and old relationships.
There is another problem with the Virgo Moon today which sees Mercury square Saturn, and that is actually tomorrow at 8:09 AM. This aspect is about trying to get your facts straight and trying to get your ducks in a row. Very difficult thing to do when there is a squabble between the way things should be done and the way things are announced and the difficulties about getting appointments and things scheduled. Also that Full Moon 10:53 AM brings all the cards out on the table. Everything out in the open. It is a game stopper as well. It can put up a major block. There is a tough period that Moon square Saturn tomorrow 8:24 PM. It may feel like a low mood.
The aspects on Monday during the Libra Moon which begins at 1:28 AM... The major event that will take place is Mercury changes signs at 5:07 PM and enters the sign of Aries. By trying to conduct your business on Monday there may be too many things that get dropped. Too many surprises in scheduling and difficulties trying to get all the details lined up, and all the information that you need collected. Because Mercury changing signs says some of the information is dropped or lost. Be careful about your documents if you are traveling and also even losing your driver’s license. That sort of thing can happen especially with Mercury in the sign of Pisces, as it is still now until Monday at 5:07 PM.
Things do improve for that Libra Moon after 9:05 PM. That is on Monday. That is because the Moon will be finished with an opposition to Uranus. Sudden, abrupt, wacky changing Uranus.
So then there is that nice period, Green Light period on Tuesday throughout that evening you many want to grab the advantage. There is a quincunx between the Sun and the Moon during that period, which could say there is something to clean up or some surprise or difficulty that you need to take care of. However getting up very early in the morning gives you the advantage and something very lucky could occur before 7:21 AM. So if you are an early bird and you want to go out and have some exchange and try your luck in some way.
There is a Scorpio Moon that does begin 11:10 AM and that is on Wednesday. The Scorpio Moon sign is tough on its own as you should take along a professional who knows the ropes. Especially for this one as the up and coming Sun square Saturn is a very hard energy for completing tasks and measuring up to the authorities.
There is an aspect between the Sun and Mercury. This is on Thursday. If there was such a thing where the Sun and Mercury could be opposite, this would be the event, The Sun contra parallel Mercury. So there is a coming together for just a split second. Some sort of an agreement that does not last with this aspect between the Sun and Mercury. Do not invest on hearsay. If you are traveling or planning to travel it could make for difficult travel plans.
Again other things that are notable during the Scorpio Moon that we have for Wednesday, most of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday… The aspect would be the Sun square Saturn on Friday, which is the big headliner there. Making it a very difficult way to go with that Scorpio Moon which is not meant for light weights anyway. You want to take a professional with you in all things that you want to attempt to do. That is it for the week.
Let me know if you want to come to class tomorrow and also remember to check out Ariel Guttman at the Senior Center 266 Beech Street in Belmont March 11.
You can call me at 617-924-0929 if you want to talk to me about astrology or book an appointment for a session and also for classes. There are several classes that go on so give me a call.
Also you can find a copy of this report on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
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