Saturday, March 25, 2017

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for March 25, 2017 - March 31, 2017

Listen to the radio report here:

Happy Birthday Kevin Burke
Happy Birthday Catherine Miller
Happy Birthday Marjorie Crocket

Our Sunday Class on April 2, 2017 will be at 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM. The cost is $25.

We will study the Sun – Moon Midpoint – The Expression Point of Your Center

This is the one point that represents "Your Center".

Discover how this is your greatest point for negotiation; what makes you feel safe/unsafe; what turns on your creative spark. Discover how this point works as your gut response to any situation.

By finding your Center point we will learn how this point, when activated attracts others and what your relationship style reveals. What does your significant others relationship style reveal when interacting with you.

This class will have a video recording which you can purchase if you can not attend in person. The recording will be sent to all who do attend the class.

Sign up early as space is limited. Paypal is available.
Here are a few notes for today's report. The transcribed report will be available later.

Report for Saturday

Saturday March 25, 2017 shows the Pisces Moon is with us for Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning. There is a Green Light Period early Monday morning if you are up and able to take advantage of this rather magical period from 6:25 AM until 10:10 AM.
For Today March 25 a very special Sun and Venus aspect marks the middle of the Venus retrograde period. It allows us to spot what is most important. Use this aspect to join with others for an expression of your affection and friendship. This day may have an air of fun and playfulness. You may find that the people in your life will be around for many years to come. This is a time to find something special and get exactly what you want as your choices come from the heart.
Sunday March 26 Mercury joins Uranus at 11:05 AM. This is the engineer’s aspect that allows for quick thinking and mental gymnastics. Experiments and inventions are sparked with this aspect on the heels of the New Moon. Beware of hasty decisions that you might regret later. Check your facts before making bold statements.

The Moon enters Aries at 10:11 AM Monday and continues in Aries until Wednesday at 11:48 AM.
The Moon is void of course in Aries from 8:07 AM until 11:48 AM. An old astrological wisdom recommends to mail your tax returns during a void of course Moon. If you have your taxes ready to mail off this is the best period to do that. As the void of course Moon allow the tax return to flow easily through the system with no stops. No problems will occur.

During the Aries Moon there will be a New Moon on Monday at 10:57 PM. It will be at 7º Aries
The dark phase pf the Moon begins Sunday evening and continues until Tues after sunset.
In the chart of the New Moon there are a couple of strong aspects that will sweep through the new beginnings over the next month. For one Mars 60º Neptune might bring wet more weather, but also see your creative drive increase. The Jupiter square Pluto can shift the political picture and bring a new agenda.
Mars 135º to Saturn can cause road blocks and disappointments. Exact Monday at 2:57 PM.
Stressful conditions and difficulties concerned with broad levels of information and actions that clash with those in a position to make rulings. Matters can come to a halt, cutbacks and layoff notices. Problems in relationships meet with resistance. Investigations and requests meet with negative responses.
For personal use: Stretch before you work. Use this to work at a peak level. Pace yourself when engaging with bigger chores.
For business use: Apply stress reduction activities and plow through backlog. Review your list where there is a flicker of promise but don't call today.
Venus Parallel Transiting Uranus
Brief description: Extremely lucky event with love or money. Allows a merging of the feminine principal with innovation or innovative companies; how about a cell phone in a lipstick case. A long-term friendship is formed that may have a cause or mission. Unique or strange costumes.
For personal use: Connect with like-minded people. Have a party. Expect the unexpected. There may be a silver lining in a recent cloud.
For business use: Keep a close record of you ideas for profitable innovative notions
Wednesday Moon enters Tauus
Thursday Jupiter square Pluto at 2:41 PM
Major plans for great personal, corporate or governmental change. A money aspect could bring large amounts of money or cost large amounts of money. There may be some type of public disapproval. An abundance of suspicion could be cast on those in a position of power. To over publicize an issue. There may be glaring infections in need of control. There is a need to control of toxins and poisons. Oil fields are burning. There is a potential for over estimating the cost of huge projects and the fallout from these issues. There may be toxins and a need to control poisons. Health issues may be discovered. There may be new plans for education. Travel plans are extensive.
For personal use: Apply tension to achieve your goals.
For business use: Over optimism may benefit with a balance of confidence and patience.

Friday Mercury enters Taurus where it will turn retrograde on April 9.

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