Listen to the live WZBC 90.3 FM radio report here:
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, August 26, 2017 – Saturday, September 2, 2017
Good morning. We don’t have a hurricane here, but wow that hurricane that hit Texas is standing still. It is now a tropical storm, but it is going to dump rain on Texas for the whole week through Thursday at any rate. Just 3 feet or so of rain.
It is the results of the Saturn station that is doing that. Saturn went direct yesterday which a lot of things there was another member of trumps team that resigned, Gorka. I think he was fired. Because the White House would not say he resigned. “He no longer works there,” is what they said. And then what else. Oh, the sheriff. I don’t know how to pronounce his name, Arpaio. In Arizona he has been pardoned. Along with that is a statement/demand to build the wall or the government will shut down.
So there are a lot of things with this Saturn station that call for consequences. Which is the point that I am making. That there are great consequences of all the things that are surrounding this time frame right now. With the nature of Saturn being in configuration with Jupiter, as it has moved into this sextile with Jupiter. It is a 60 degree aspect. So it makes it bigger than life and larger than what would ordinarily be.
But very often what I notice when things happen during a Saturn station, whether it is retrograde or direct, it takes a very long time for things to heal or advance or move forward. Things do get stuck. I have seen where people have had say a knee replacement and the recovery is forever. So even though knees are typical for Saturn. Teeth and knees and bones all those things are ruled by Saturn as well as father issues. If there are matters in your life that are dominated by your relationship with your father or all of those around you whom you express father issues then this would be bigger than life this time period here.
Mars is another major player over this weekend. That is because Mars aligns with the Lunar Node. That is tomorrow. Well it doesn’t only align with the Lunar Node but Mars will align with Mars in the chart of Donald Trump. So there is a lot of activity and action in that court as well.
So the other thing about Mars on the node is that it is particularly accident prone and more energy; more fevers; more viruses; more anger; more noise more blasts. Just a totally unexpected blast in a quiet neighborhood. Just a great big blast. So be careful with fire. Any ordinary fire can turn into something big. So that is something that we will have a look at as we go over the week.
So having this holding pattern and this aggressive energy with Mars, things that do advance when the push is for their own agenda because of the “Me first” attitude of the Leo energy that is around us. Venus also arrived in Leo and that places the attention on cost and value, and that actually happened early this morning.
Saturday August 26, 2017
The Moon changed signs and went into Scorpio also early this morning at 4:53 AM. It is there until 3:47 PM on Monday.
A lot of important things will go on during that Scorpio sign so it kind of…for business it is kind of tricky. The Scorpio Moons are the ones I always say don’t go it alone. If you have something to present to some board or in court or whatever you want to take a seasoned professional with you because you just have no idea what you are up against. They are well prepared and more than likely you don’t even realize that you are not. So take as much help as you can get over this next couple of days.
The Sun joins with Mercury later on today. And that is a big point in the Mercury retrograde period. Mercury is retrograde and it will continue to be retrograde until the 5th of September. Its alignment with the Sun is that halfway point. It is the marker. It also creates a lot of situations where things are cancelled reversed.
Definitely retrograde is about reversals. But it is redo, renew, review, and try to gain the type of perspective that you need to dig deeper into things. Research to learn more about your subject so that you can move forward better informed and also with a better plan, a better game plan.
Sunday August 27, 2017
For Sunday that Mars to the Lunar Node it is exact at 1:08 AM. But believe me, we are under it now. It does not need to wait until 1:08 AM tomorrow to get activated. It will be with us all day tomorrow and probably the next day as well.
During that energy of the Scorpio Moon we have this aspect between Jupiter and Saturn. Now this aspect in and by itself can be very, very positive. When it is hooked up with a lot of other things that are going on now, like extra water from a Jupiter and Neptune aspect. The Jupiter and Saturn aspect brings an opportunity for you to make sound decisions and approach larger commitments with an open concept principle that allows you to hold on to what you already own and what you have built by using the equity that you have for expansion. So it is very position in that way.
Use this time to engage with others who hold a specific skill for what you need. Their performance or their leadership broaden your objectives as well. And it is also wonderful to allow you to be considered for other major changes such as entering into new jobs. Things that will last a long time. Connecting people who are like minded with those holding similar goals to form a really solid team.
So you want to choose wisely. Review your needs set a list for your goals. It is very goal oriented. But take it slow. There is nothing that you can do to rush things right now. So try to kick back and allow things to unfold unravel and reverse. and don’t cry too hard. They will come back around in favor of the direction of your own goals later.
Monday August 28, 2017
For Monday we have Mercury and Venus making an aspect that has an influence over Sunday night. So it is very nice introductions between people and the ability to be able to communicate in a soft easy way. Pleasant. But there is an aspect Moon square Mars, which can cuts things off a little sooner than what you plan.
The last aspect of the Scorpio Moon is quincunx Uranus. Now the quincunx is that life’s messy clean it up aspect. So something happens. Two things go bump in the night. This is in the afternoon 12:20 in the afternoon when this aspect occurs. Uranus is that jack in the box planet that all of a sudden changes things without warning.
That is Monday when there is a void of course Moon that does begin with that point at 2:20 in the afternoon until 3:47 PM. Then we have a Sagittarius Moon.
Tuesday August 29, 2017
The Sagittarius Moon has a First Quarter and that will happen on Tuesday.
But before that going back over on Monday. Little bit of a squabble with the Moon square Mercury. Mercury being retrograde makes it a bigger deal at 7:41 PM on Monday night.
Then Tuesday there is a lot of information and loud noises that are being made. Vocal noises. Announcements and such with a Mercury Jupiter aspect.
The Quarter Moon is at 4:13 AM. It is at 6 degrees of Sagittarius. So there is something that needs to be…we need to be enlightened and broaden our ability to understand things. That higher understanding. It is also about education trying to get things back in order so that we can learn more.
Neptune and Mercury form an aspect that makes for a very wet Tuesday in some way. If it is not training your objective might be watered down. Maybe your the goals and plans and work would be watered down in some way.
The Sun and Jupiter form an aspect for some optimism at 2:10 PM Tuesday. So that allows for a little bright spot. And then again there is again another wet turn with a foggy and confusing aspect between the Moon and Neptune at nearly 6:00 at night on Tuesday, August 29th.
Wednesday August 30, 2017
Wednesday we still have a Sagittarius Moon that turns very well after the Moon is finished its conjunction to Saturn. Before that it might feel heavy Wednesday morning. It might feel like there is a low mood like difficult getting your energy going. Would rather be outside than be at work. Until after that aspect occurs you could feel as though you want to make a new plan, which you get an opportunity to do that. Let’s say quarter of 11 your mood begins to lift.
And then there is all sorts of information and contacts and the possibility for joining with others to get things rolling. There is even an opportunity. A romantic opportunity in there in the evening Wednesday evening. Venus and Mars are playing in the game as well.
Later on with the Moon in aspect to Uranus allows for some unique and unusual ideas that come in and help to further your ideas and perhaps takes you to another place. A happier place. Travel somewhere, do something that is a little more exciting.
Thursday August 31, 2017
Thursday the Moon enters Capricorn. That would be at 4:18 AM. It will be in the sign of Capricorn for a few days. What it does is it comes into conflict. It is a business Moon. Capricorn is about business and about government. Mercury will travel right back into the sign of Leo while retrograde. It gets very close to where the Solar Eclipse occurred. So there are things being set off in regard to that Solar Eclipse. A little delayed reaction. Venus and Saturn would be one of them having to do with money and how relationships are not functioning that well.
Then the Sun and Mercury try to join to make the information, straighten things out, straighten out the memos, and get their assignments in the right order.
Saturn is in a very difficult position in regard to property and investment. So as far as business goes on Thursday and Friday, not so good.
Jupiter and Neptune form their aspect in the evening of Thursday. That has to do with some…again some wild weather. And also a concept that broadens the spirit. Allows for the spiritual principle to move the energies a lot faster than some of the manual forces that we normally use. So you want to use your meditation and prayer to be able to set things on a better path.
Friday September 1, 2017
And for Friday the Capricorn Moon still with us with a retrograde Mercury. And there are very few things on Friday to get in the way of the types of plans and closures that are needed to make a good deal while in the sign of Capricorn.
There is something. There is a little bit of hope 8:22 PM that Jupiter and Vesta, which is about the investments. There is some positive energy with that particular lineup. So something good could happen. But that Capricorn Moon is still with us even through half of the weekend. And that is it for the week.
You can find a copy of this report on my website at I have a class on Tuesday. 11:00 in the morning until 1:00PM in Watertown. If you would like to join me, give me a call at 617-924-0929. I’m also available for consultations. Have a great week.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin for the Solar Eclipse week August 19 - 25, 2017
To listen to this week's radio report follow this link:
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, August 19, 2017 – Saturday, August 26, 2017
Good morning. Well, this is the week that we have been waiting for. You know we have had many Eclipse events already. And a lot of them we have seen take place in Virginia, and in the White House, and all sorts of changes and dynamic stunning events, which seem to continue week after week. But this is particularly interesting with the Solar Eclipse coming up on Monday at 2:30 PM at 28 degrees of Leo. It is exactly on the ascendant. That is the rising sign of Donald Trump. So he personally is directing all of the events that are taking place in the United States.
What is interesting about this is that during the Civil War there was a Solar Eclipse that went across the United States as well. It was not a total Eclipse. It was a partial Eclipse. However in 1863, which was also the beginning of the Ku Klux Klan. It was started back in that time. So that is very interesting. It was not at the same degree. It was in the sign of Taurus. But it was an Eclipse that did follow across the path of the United States.
The other thing about this path across the United States is that it divides the north and the south, which also is more of the same thinking of the Confederacy and the Union and all of that being brought back up again. So this astro memory that I often mention is triggered and it is obvious. We get these connections. We can make these connections for times like that and times now.
And there were other periods, there were other times when we had an Eclipse at this same point. One was August of 1998. If you want to look back in your own life and see what may have occurred in your life in 1998 and how is that relevant to now. And there were others.
You can find a lot of information about the placement of Eclipses in my book. I wrote a book about Eclipses called Lunar Shadows III. It is available through me or through amazon. You can follow the Eclipse past the Eclipse lines and the information about Eclipses from my book as well. And the Moon Families that are related to the Eclipses, which is the primary focus of the book as well.
But for today let’s look at…we have a Cancer Moon that ends its trek in Cancer with its last aspect square to Uranus at 11:17 AM. So it is a little bit haphazard before that. And also what I want to mention is that there are no real Green Light periods throughout the week. There is just a lot of tension. There is a little spot that I will mention that for a one time event you may want to do something. I have no idea what that could be. For some short term. Something that you are not going to invest in a long term connection that you would have to it. Just like oh, yes let’s just do this one time thing. And that would be Wednesday morning somewhere between 10:00 in the morning and 4:02 in the afternoon. After that the energy would shift back to Uranus’ chaotic pick after that.
So there are other changes going on. The Leo Sun will enter the sign of Virgo and that will be on Tuesday evening. And also this is the week that Saturn will be turning direct after being retrograde since the spring. That is going to happen on Friday at 8:08 AM Saturn turns direct at 21 degrees of Sagittarius. A reminder that Mercury is retrograde in Virgo. Mercury is retrograde and it will turn direct September 5th at the same point where the Solar Eclipse takes place on Monday. So that is a hot spot. That is an astro-memory. That is one of those zodiacal spots that are reactivated over time. So a lot of what is said and done and how it is said and what is happening and the stories that are recorded they are all connected to the events of the Solar Eclipse.
As we watch this huge event in our country as the total Eclipse line going through the country has an impact on the geology of the country as well. So there could be some geological shifts that are pretty dramatic during this week. And there can also be a lot of things internally. If you were to ask yourself how are you divided? How is your top half divided from your bottom half? How is your right side divided from your left side of your thinking of your life style of your actions? What is the defining line? How can you see through some of the things that cause conflict in your life and sort those things out?
Solar Eclipse rather it is a New Moon. That means there is a seed that will be planted that starts something up in a bigger way. In 9 months there will be your 1st Quarter Moon near the same point. And that means there is a development where you are actively involved in the process of moving forward with the things that were seeded at this time. So this is the time when you want to collect. It is not a time when you want to deliberately reach out and stir something up to take action. Because the Eclipse means that you may be eclipsed. That your efforts may be blanked out by some other larger event. So what you would want to do is look for what is being seeded what little things are sprouting up. and then in 9 months you can grab a hold of these things and they will be largely in planted in your life. And then 9 months after that there will be a Full Moon related to the Eclipse as well. And there is more.
So let’s have a look at the week and that would start here with today’s Cancer Moon. As I said last aspect for the Cancer Moon will be a square to Uranus 11:17 AM. So it is haphazard. You want to be a little careful especially leading into an Eclipse period you want this to be a time period when you are particularly cautious. Mercury is retrograde. Your judgement could be off. But there could be things that are coming back to you that you haven’t visited in a long time. There could be people that you run into that you haven’t seen in a really long time. There could be relationships that start up again as well. Just interesting. A lot of interesting dynamics.
The Leo Moon does start today at 1:55 PM. That is the sign where the Eclipse take place. So we are in that Eclipse Moon sign starting today even though the Eclipse won’t take place until Monday.
So for the rest of this evening there would be just on going activity. The Moon in Leo is also for Sunday. The aspects that are dynamic on Sunday would be Mars sextile Jupiter at 12:42 PM. This aspect has to do with revving up military action. It can also be a plan for a marketing plan. If you wanted to also activate something. Bridge. Where you could bridge a gap between you and your audience. And also your educational pursuits as well. If you would like to sign up for something or choose your school whatever that you would like to so to future your goals. It is a very future oriented aspect.
Mars being in the sign of Leo is coupled right with the Sun and the Moon during that Eclipse. So it is very high powered. Mars going on there making that nice bridging aspect with Jupiter. So you are going to reach outside your normal realm with Jupiter and find some kind of common goal to discuss with others. And travel. It is a travel aspect. I’d be careful traveling though, very much.
There is also an aspect Sunday between Venus and Mercury. They don’t have very many major aspects like a conjunction because they are so close together. So when there is something like a 45 degree aspect it is important. And it is tomorrow night 6:57 PM. So there is some sort of an announcement or information or introduction that is not comfortable. It is something about the Mercury retrograde. Maybe someone runs into you and says “Oh, I remember you did this or you owe me that.” Could be about money. Or this is an opportunity for you to make amends and make something right.
There is also an aspect later on when the Moon is conjunct Mars at 11:54 PM. that may make it very difficult to fall asleep Sunday night with all that extra Solar Eclipse energy headed our way that would make a lot of sense as well.
The Sun and Uranus make an aspect at 2:21 AM Monday morning. That is that Jack-in-the-box planet Uranus. So there is that sudden abrupt change in an easy opening when the Sun is trine Uranus. It is part of the picture of the Solar Eclipse and there is also an aspect between Pluto and Ceres. This is at 6:02 AM. That says there are serious consequences. There are things that particularly having to do with children and food and famine and anything where the crops could be disturbed, dried up, burnt up. Anything having to do with things with agriculture in particular and also children. So you want to be careful take lots of care on Monday with family.
Also there would be before the Solar Eclipse the Moon pops into an aspect with Uranus at 1:40 PM which is setting the stage for things to go snap crackle and pop. Very interesting.
It should be visible around this area. It will be a partial view from our stand point. It is exact. Its center point is in Kentucky. So we get to have just about 2/3’s of the Sun covered by the Moon during this time.
Then we have the Moon entering Virgo after the Solar Eclipse which is 2:30 PM. The Moon will then change signs go into Virgo at 4:24 PM. That is when the cleanup energy begins. Mercury is retrograde so there are a lot of things that you want to gather and get started for your fall or end of summer clean up as the Sun get ready to go into the sign of Virgo on Tuesday night.
There is an aspect on Tuesday. Mars trine Saturn. Mars trine Saturn has a lot to do with well channeled power and controlled temperament and the proper placement of anger or hostilities. Something is reined in. obedience is the order of the day. Tolerance and patience are more easily applied to stressful situations. Boy we could use that.
Stamina and endurance is also the nature of Mars trine Saturn. There could be auspicious delays. So if you have things that are delayed expect that good thing for that particular event. That is at 9:21 AM on Tuesday. Although there is certainly the influence of that Monday afternoon Monday night and going right through Tuesday night.
The dark of the Moon which we are under now that will run all the way from now through until about 1:45 in the afternoon on Tuesday.
The Virgo Sun sign begins at 6:20 PM Tuesday and is in the sign of Virgo until September 22nd. The Virgo sign is about getting things done, cleaning things up, service to others, and harvesting. So that will be a very good Moon/Sun period coming up for the next several weeks, 4 weeks.
Wednesday, August 23rd if you have an opportunity for a single event go ahead and take advantage of that midday.
I also want to mention that at the Solar Eclipse or on the day of the Solar Eclipse there is a very positive lucky strike kind of thing. So if that Powerball or whatever that lottery is. Someone has to win. You might as well try. It could be you. There is definitely is something very lucky that is being activated with Venus and Uranus in particular on the day of the Eclipse.
Also there are favorable aspects on Wednesday. Moon parallel Mercury and then Moon sextile Venus. Those two are very good. That I mentioned that if you wanted to take advantage of that. Do it before that Moon is quincunx Uranus at 6:06 PM on Wednesday changing the energy and making things snap crackle and pop as Uranus is very unpredictable.
And It begins a void of course Moon period at 6:06 PM until 9:04 PM when the Moon enters Libra. That is a very complicated Moon period because retrograde Saturn is going to turn direct. So Saturn standing still is going to make everything feel like there is a lot of hard work to get done and a lot of difficult energy to get past. Once Saturn turns direct it slowly lets the flow of light/life move in a forward direction. So it is sort of held up held back and rather constricted before that period.
Then for Thursday we also have a Libra Moon. There are a couple of aspects going on between Venus and Neptune and then Venus and Uranus. So it is one of those days you could lose your purse for sure. Those aspects they take place between 11:30 and 3:00 in the afternoon. But I would say they look as if they happen during travel Because Mercury and Jupiter are also part of the story. So there is something about something that you believe is ideal. Something that maybe you see something great. You want to buy it in the airport before you go and then whoops somebody grabs your purse. Or you spent too much or all of your money and didn’t mean to do that.
You also want to take care of friendship with the Venus square Uranus on Thursday at 3:00 in the afternoon. This is friends that are close to you. Friends that you have brought in to your family could be upset or insulted in some way. So take good care of your friends.
The Sun and Pluto are forming an aspect later on at night. That is 11:32 PM. And the Sun and Pluto that aspect is a cranky aspect. So it brings a lot of money focus. It is all sorts of internal powers struggles. There may be problems with those in power. There is also problems that arise with governments, unstable countries, key figures, opposing forces that sort of thing. So there is a lot to tend to regarding the global energies with that aspect.
Friday that is the day that Saturn turns direct. That is pretty much the major activity for that day during the Libra Moon. So trying to make nice make peace. Saturn wants long standing peace. It turns direct in the sign of Sagittarius so there is something about travel that is affected as well. Saturn has been retrograde since April 5th. So this may feel like it is part of the family picture. That you want to get things arranged and put in such a way about the home, the elderly parents, the children. Getting all that in order, so that you can feel as though you can move forward with your career in particular. Saturn has a lot to do with career.
And then during that Libra Moon sign it waits for Venus to change signs. So something gets dropped. And Venus will be at the 29th degree all day on Friday. The 29th degree of Cancer. So this is about something about a big spending in the home or spending for the family or maybe the birth of a daughter. Anything having to do with holding things close and near to you before Venus changes signs and goes into Leo on the next day. Well that is it for the week. And have a Happy Eclipse.
If you want to have a look at how this Eclipse is effecting you. Each person receives the Eclipse even though it is in Leo, it is not just about Leos. It is about Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus. As far as the harder energies go the more direct energies of tension. But it also certainly effects the fire signs of Aries and Sagittarius along with Leo. Any sign is effected by the Eclipse. So give me a call to learn how this affects you at 617-924-0929. Also at you can find a copy of the report both the audio file and the written report as well. Happy Eclipse.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, August 19, 2017 – Saturday, August 26, 2017
Good morning. Well, this is the week that we have been waiting for. You know we have had many Eclipse events already. And a lot of them we have seen take place in Virginia, and in the White House, and all sorts of changes and dynamic stunning events, which seem to continue week after week. But this is particularly interesting with the Solar Eclipse coming up on Monday at 2:30 PM at 28 degrees of Leo. It is exactly on the ascendant. That is the rising sign of Donald Trump. So he personally is directing all of the events that are taking place in the United States.
What is interesting about this is that during the Civil War there was a Solar Eclipse that went across the United States as well. It was not a total Eclipse. It was a partial Eclipse. However in 1863, which was also the beginning of the Ku Klux Klan. It was started back in that time. So that is very interesting. It was not at the same degree. It was in the sign of Taurus. But it was an Eclipse that did follow across the path of the United States.
The other thing about this path across the United States is that it divides the north and the south, which also is more of the same thinking of the Confederacy and the Union and all of that being brought back up again. So this astro memory that I often mention is triggered and it is obvious. We get these connections. We can make these connections for times like that and times now.
And there were other periods, there were other times when we had an Eclipse at this same point. One was August of 1998. If you want to look back in your own life and see what may have occurred in your life in 1998 and how is that relevant to now. And there were others.
You can find a lot of information about the placement of Eclipses in my book. I wrote a book about Eclipses called Lunar Shadows III. It is available through me or through amazon. You can follow the Eclipse past the Eclipse lines and the information about Eclipses from my book as well. And the Moon Families that are related to the Eclipses, which is the primary focus of the book as well.
But for today let’s look at…we have a Cancer Moon that ends its trek in Cancer with its last aspect square to Uranus at 11:17 AM. So it is a little bit haphazard before that. And also what I want to mention is that there are no real Green Light periods throughout the week. There is just a lot of tension. There is a little spot that I will mention that for a one time event you may want to do something. I have no idea what that could be. For some short term. Something that you are not going to invest in a long term connection that you would have to it. Just like oh, yes let’s just do this one time thing. And that would be Wednesday morning somewhere between 10:00 in the morning and 4:02 in the afternoon. After that the energy would shift back to Uranus’ chaotic pick after that.
So there are other changes going on. The Leo Sun will enter the sign of Virgo and that will be on Tuesday evening. And also this is the week that Saturn will be turning direct after being retrograde since the spring. That is going to happen on Friday at 8:08 AM Saturn turns direct at 21 degrees of Sagittarius. A reminder that Mercury is retrograde in Virgo. Mercury is retrograde and it will turn direct September 5th at the same point where the Solar Eclipse takes place on Monday. So that is a hot spot. That is an astro-memory. That is one of those zodiacal spots that are reactivated over time. So a lot of what is said and done and how it is said and what is happening and the stories that are recorded they are all connected to the events of the Solar Eclipse.
As we watch this huge event in our country as the total Eclipse line going through the country has an impact on the geology of the country as well. So there could be some geological shifts that are pretty dramatic during this week. And there can also be a lot of things internally. If you were to ask yourself how are you divided? How is your top half divided from your bottom half? How is your right side divided from your left side of your thinking of your life style of your actions? What is the defining line? How can you see through some of the things that cause conflict in your life and sort those things out?
Solar Eclipse rather it is a New Moon. That means there is a seed that will be planted that starts something up in a bigger way. In 9 months there will be your 1st Quarter Moon near the same point. And that means there is a development where you are actively involved in the process of moving forward with the things that were seeded at this time. So this is the time when you want to collect. It is not a time when you want to deliberately reach out and stir something up to take action. Because the Eclipse means that you may be eclipsed. That your efforts may be blanked out by some other larger event. So what you would want to do is look for what is being seeded what little things are sprouting up. and then in 9 months you can grab a hold of these things and they will be largely in planted in your life. And then 9 months after that there will be a Full Moon related to the Eclipse as well. And there is more.
So let’s have a look at the week and that would start here with today’s Cancer Moon. As I said last aspect for the Cancer Moon will be a square to Uranus 11:17 AM. So it is haphazard. You want to be a little careful especially leading into an Eclipse period you want this to be a time period when you are particularly cautious. Mercury is retrograde. Your judgement could be off. But there could be things that are coming back to you that you haven’t visited in a long time. There could be people that you run into that you haven’t seen in a really long time. There could be relationships that start up again as well. Just interesting. A lot of interesting dynamics.
The Leo Moon does start today at 1:55 PM. That is the sign where the Eclipse take place. So we are in that Eclipse Moon sign starting today even though the Eclipse won’t take place until Monday.
So for the rest of this evening there would be just on going activity. The Moon in Leo is also for Sunday. The aspects that are dynamic on Sunday would be Mars sextile Jupiter at 12:42 PM. This aspect has to do with revving up military action. It can also be a plan for a marketing plan. If you wanted to also activate something. Bridge. Where you could bridge a gap between you and your audience. And also your educational pursuits as well. If you would like to sign up for something or choose your school whatever that you would like to so to future your goals. It is a very future oriented aspect.
Mars being in the sign of Leo is coupled right with the Sun and the Moon during that Eclipse. So it is very high powered. Mars going on there making that nice bridging aspect with Jupiter. So you are going to reach outside your normal realm with Jupiter and find some kind of common goal to discuss with others. And travel. It is a travel aspect. I’d be careful traveling though, very much.
There is also an aspect Sunday between Venus and Mercury. They don’t have very many major aspects like a conjunction because they are so close together. So when there is something like a 45 degree aspect it is important. And it is tomorrow night 6:57 PM. So there is some sort of an announcement or information or introduction that is not comfortable. It is something about the Mercury retrograde. Maybe someone runs into you and says “Oh, I remember you did this or you owe me that.” Could be about money. Or this is an opportunity for you to make amends and make something right.
There is also an aspect later on when the Moon is conjunct Mars at 11:54 PM. that may make it very difficult to fall asleep Sunday night with all that extra Solar Eclipse energy headed our way that would make a lot of sense as well.
The Sun and Uranus make an aspect at 2:21 AM Monday morning. That is that Jack-in-the-box planet Uranus. So there is that sudden abrupt change in an easy opening when the Sun is trine Uranus. It is part of the picture of the Solar Eclipse and there is also an aspect between Pluto and Ceres. This is at 6:02 AM. That says there are serious consequences. There are things that particularly having to do with children and food and famine and anything where the crops could be disturbed, dried up, burnt up. Anything having to do with things with agriculture in particular and also children. So you want to be careful take lots of care on Monday with family.
Also there would be before the Solar Eclipse the Moon pops into an aspect with Uranus at 1:40 PM which is setting the stage for things to go snap crackle and pop. Very interesting.
It should be visible around this area. It will be a partial view from our stand point. It is exact. Its center point is in Kentucky. So we get to have just about 2/3’s of the Sun covered by the Moon during this time.
Then we have the Moon entering Virgo after the Solar Eclipse which is 2:30 PM. The Moon will then change signs go into Virgo at 4:24 PM. That is when the cleanup energy begins. Mercury is retrograde so there are a lot of things that you want to gather and get started for your fall or end of summer clean up as the Sun get ready to go into the sign of Virgo on Tuesday night.
There is an aspect on Tuesday. Mars trine Saturn. Mars trine Saturn has a lot to do with well channeled power and controlled temperament and the proper placement of anger or hostilities. Something is reined in. obedience is the order of the day. Tolerance and patience are more easily applied to stressful situations. Boy we could use that.
Stamina and endurance is also the nature of Mars trine Saturn. There could be auspicious delays. So if you have things that are delayed expect that good thing for that particular event. That is at 9:21 AM on Tuesday. Although there is certainly the influence of that Monday afternoon Monday night and going right through Tuesday night.
The dark of the Moon which we are under now that will run all the way from now through until about 1:45 in the afternoon on Tuesday.
The Virgo Sun sign begins at 6:20 PM Tuesday and is in the sign of Virgo until September 22nd. The Virgo sign is about getting things done, cleaning things up, service to others, and harvesting. So that will be a very good Moon/Sun period coming up for the next several weeks, 4 weeks.
Wednesday, August 23rd if you have an opportunity for a single event go ahead and take advantage of that midday.
I also want to mention that at the Solar Eclipse or on the day of the Solar Eclipse there is a very positive lucky strike kind of thing. So if that Powerball or whatever that lottery is. Someone has to win. You might as well try. It could be you. There is definitely is something very lucky that is being activated with Venus and Uranus in particular on the day of the Eclipse.
Also there are favorable aspects on Wednesday. Moon parallel Mercury and then Moon sextile Venus. Those two are very good. That I mentioned that if you wanted to take advantage of that. Do it before that Moon is quincunx Uranus at 6:06 PM on Wednesday changing the energy and making things snap crackle and pop as Uranus is very unpredictable.
And It begins a void of course Moon period at 6:06 PM until 9:04 PM when the Moon enters Libra. That is a very complicated Moon period because retrograde Saturn is going to turn direct. So Saturn standing still is going to make everything feel like there is a lot of hard work to get done and a lot of difficult energy to get past. Once Saturn turns direct it slowly lets the flow of light/life move in a forward direction. So it is sort of held up held back and rather constricted before that period.
Then for Thursday we also have a Libra Moon. There are a couple of aspects going on between Venus and Neptune and then Venus and Uranus. So it is one of those days you could lose your purse for sure. Those aspects they take place between 11:30 and 3:00 in the afternoon. But I would say they look as if they happen during travel Because Mercury and Jupiter are also part of the story. So there is something about something that you believe is ideal. Something that maybe you see something great. You want to buy it in the airport before you go and then whoops somebody grabs your purse. Or you spent too much or all of your money and didn’t mean to do that.
You also want to take care of friendship with the Venus square Uranus on Thursday at 3:00 in the afternoon. This is friends that are close to you. Friends that you have brought in to your family could be upset or insulted in some way. So take good care of your friends.
The Sun and Pluto are forming an aspect later on at night. That is 11:32 PM. And the Sun and Pluto that aspect is a cranky aspect. So it brings a lot of money focus. It is all sorts of internal powers struggles. There may be problems with those in power. There is also problems that arise with governments, unstable countries, key figures, opposing forces that sort of thing. So there is a lot to tend to regarding the global energies with that aspect.
Friday that is the day that Saturn turns direct. That is pretty much the major activity for that day during the Libra Moon. So trying to make nice make peace. Saturn wants long standing peace. It turns direct in the sign of Sagittarius so there is something about travel that is affected as well. Saturn has been retrograde since April 5th. So this may feel like it is part of the family picture. That you want to get things arranged and put in such a way about the home, the elderly parents, the children. Getting all that in order, so that you can feel as though you can move forward with your career in particular. Saturn has a lot to do with career.
And then during that Libra Moon sign it waits for Venus to change signs. So something gets dropped. And Venus will be at the 29th degree all day on Friday. The 29th degree of Cancer. So this is about something about a big spending in the home or spending for the family or maybe the birth of a daughter. Anything having to do with holding things close and near to you before Venus changes signs and goes into Leo on the next day. Well that is it for the week. And have a Happy Eclipse.
If you want to have a look at how this Eclipse is effecting you. Each person receives the Eclipse even though it is in Leo, it is not just about Leos. It is about Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus. As far as the harder energies go the more direct energies of tension. But it also certainly effects the fire signs of Aries and Sagittarius along with Leo. Any sign is effected by the Eclipse. So give me a call to learn how this affects you at 617-924-0929. Also at you can find a copy of the report both the audio file and the written report as well. Happy Eclipse.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days August 12 -18, 2017
Listen to the live radio report:
For an interpretation of the affects of the Solar Eclipse to your chart call for an appointment at 617-924-0929.
Join our class this week on Tuesday at 11 AM - 1:00 PM.
Mercury turns retrograde at 9:00 PM until Sept 5, 2017.
Last Quarter Moon Monday night 9:15 PM at 22 Taurus.
Mars quincunx Pluto Wednesday morning and the Sun joins the Lunar Node. Making Wednesday a high action day with long range affects.
Chose tonight (8/12) after 9:02 PM to engage in an effort to try something again which may have failed before. This is a Green Light period which lasts until 4:00 AM Sunday, 8/12. The Moon is void of course from 4:00 AM Sunday until 6:39 AM Sunday 8/13.
Wednesday is the next Green Light at 9:40 PM during the Gemini Moon until 8:38 AM Thursday.
9:38 AM Thursday begins a void of course Moon period until 12:13 PM when the Moon enters Cancer.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, August 12, 2017 – Saturday, August 19, 2017
Good morning. Happy Mercury retrograde... If you can be happy about that. Mercury will turn retrograde tonight at 9:00 tonight. 9:01 to be exact. It will be retrograde until September 5th.
This is a very important Mercury retrograde period because particularly where its final stop occurs. The retrograde station point is 11º Virgo 38’on August 12, 2017; the direct station degree is 28ºLeo25 on September 5, 2017. When I studied the charts of the leaders North Korea and the United States, for Trump and Kim Jong Un we can see that there is an opposition set off by this Mercury retrograde that is going on right now. [I see in the relationship chart between this pair of leaders extremely volatile configuration with Uranus, Mars and Pluto at the same 11º of Virgo where Mercury turns retrograde all of which these planets are opposite Saturn in 11º Pisces.] One of the things that I hope for between this bizarre pair is that Mercury retrograde causes delays.
The delays typical for most matters develop just before the retrograde begins. If you started something or if you’ve tried to start something before Mercury retrograde occurs, often it stops or is derailed in some way. Whatever the goal, it may not come to fruition during the retrograde period. If begun during a Mercury retrograde period it may not mature at all. Sometimes it will fall apart due to a lack of agreement or sometimes it just is held up with too much red tape. For some things, the red tape as now (August 2017) might actually cause better results and be further seen as fortunate delays. In the case of the U.S. vs North Korea, this would be great news because the heated dialog between those two leaders is terrorizing the planet.
There will be an important station degree at 28º Leo when Mercury turns direct. (Mercury stations rules messages, major decisions, important announcements, vital documents and orders.) This station will be exactly on Donald Trump’s ascendant at the same point. His ascendant is 29º Leo which is also right where the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21st occurs exactly at Donald Trump’s ascendant. So all eyes are watching and waiting for what he will do next.
One of the things about where Mercury is turning retrograde today which is that influence that point that spot that zodiacal address is a hot spot for a long period of time. So these influences are not just for today. They will have an influence over matters that come up and will take place later on. There may also be a history associated with the events surrounding this 11º Virgo. Such as the onset of a medical matter that could have become apparent over the past two years. It may only now call for medical attention to help treat the condition.
The indications for 11 degrees of Virgo where the Mercury retrograde is happening is that of mental health and mental disorders. So as we look at our own mental health over this next three weeks and others are looking at others in important positions as well. Those things hopefully will assist us. There could be some new hope or new treatment for those who are seeking some relief from various problems. Also other medical issues may emerge because Virgo is the sign of medical maintenance, taking care of the body.
Okay. So having a look at what else is important over this week before a Solar Eclipse… is the Last Quarter Moon that is going to take place on Monday. That is an important event. So we are going to take a look at that.
Saturday August 12, 2017
Sunday August 13, 2017
But for today for Saturday we have an Aries Moon and that Aries Moon doesn’t have any major events other than the Mercury retrograde. After the Mercury retrograde happens at 9:00 tonight there is a little Green Light window from 9:01 PM tonight until 4:00 AM Sunday morning. So if you are up late or out late or having fun and things are getting started. Remember that if you meet someone the love of your life on a Mercury retrograde it is probably not the right match. There is probably way more to be revealed and perhaps someone will end up going back to an old love. So you are meeting somebody on the rebound. Think of the retrograde is the set up for all “R” words. You know: redo, renew, review, rebound, retract. So Mercury retrograde is very good for redoing and renewing things. If you want to try something again where you had failed before then it would be a good time. If you want to send something out during that little Green Light period 9:01 PM tonight until 4:00 AM tomorrow morning it is very good. Could move quickly because it is an Aries Moon and that Aries Moon last aspect is going to join up with Uranus at 4:00 in the morning.
Sunday August 13, 2017
There is a void of course Moon from 4:00 AM until 6:39 AM tomorrow morning. That is when the Moon goes into Taurus a more methodical slower that slows things down. The Taurus indicators do have the Seven Stars or what is called the Seven Weeping Sisters at the end of the sign. So you have to be mindful or as an astrologer I have to be mindful of how the things appear to progress or move or not move while in the sign of Taurus because things may need great adjustments because of the fact there are things to clean up help assist take care of.
Taurus is a nurturing sign. It is a very good Moon sign for gathering family together. Sun and Saturn are trine at 5:06 PM. That is an aspect that allows for an easy opening for family members of all ages to get together and enjoy great food. That is the best day for joining with family or friends and just sharing a really nice summer day.
Monday August 14, 2017.
The aspects on Monday during the Taurus Moon show the Moon is setting up a Jupiter Saturn configuration which would have an indication of things that have a quality of destiny to it, where those two planets begin to form a 60 degree aspect which is bridging a gap and the Moon pulls the pair into focus when the Moon reaches the apex of Jupiter and Saturn. This forms a arrow shaped aspect. So there could be help in this very, very tense period when our nerves are on end.
I would say especially during this period that Taurus Moon is about taking care, nurturing. So you want to think peace and pray for peace and send a beautiful violet flame all over the planet and especially to North Korea and Washington DC. That is a very healing light that could create softness and a healing situation.
More for Monday a couple of aspects are going on with Venus. Venus will be in a split parallel with Pluto early in the morning on Monday. That allows for two sides to come together, if only briefly, to manage an issue or problem about peace and also potentially to manage problems about money and things that might have to do with growth of business.
There could be a squabble at 10:29AM with the Moon square Mars. That may be the high point of a heated situation during the Taurus Moon could calm down as the Moon will then reach an aspect at 10:48 AM to Venus. This is a very nice one which bridges the gap and creates a softer spot. There is some good advice that could be found on Monday with an aspect between Mercury the communicator and the connector and Pallas the wisdom. And especially Pallas is a great wisdom for war strategy. So this one could be very helpful.
Then the Moon will have a couple of aspects to Jupiter and then to Saturn from 3:39 PM until 7:18 PM. The last one is Moon quincunx Saturn. that is the low point. After that things might feel a little more lively.
There is that Last Quarter Moon at 22º Taurus at 9:15 PM on Monday. That Last Quarter Moon is attached to three other time periods. One which began with a New Moon May 18th 2015. Think about these dates…How do they relate to your situations now; February 15th 2016; November 14th 2016; and here we are now the Last Quarter at 22 degrees of Taurus and that will be on Monday (August 14, 2017) at 9:15 PM. Quarter Moons are action times. These are dates when things happen. So there are a lot of things that you could see that move along very quickly on Monday. You may be reaping the rewards of your efforts or paying the bill associated with debts from the previous dates.
Tuesday August 15, 2017
Then after that that Taurus Moon is all about Venus energy and it shows there is a distancing or cuff of between Venus and Pluto while in an opposition exact at 7:17 AM Tuesday. It reveals a severing between pairs due to a difference in values and economics. There may also be major issues between Heads of State or in Family matters particularly wrought with distress which may force finances or support to be cut off. So be careful about pushing matters too far and go with Taurus’ strong suit which is the art of persuasion. Use food and social settings to be able to gain access to those that you need to ask favors of or ask for money or bring a plate of brownies or some type of peace offering.
The Moon will change signs at 10:05 AM on Tuesday. If you were to consider the Moon to be void of course, which it never is in Taurus because of those Seven Stars at the end of the sign it would be at 9:52 AM on Tuesday morning, it appears that a large group of people are tending to a large group of children when the Moon is 45º from Ceres. Ceres is the mother and searches high and low for her children.
Later the energy shifts the Moon enters the sign of Gemini 10:05 AM.
There may be a couple of days during the Mercury retrograde where you are rethinking trying to connect and reconnect etc. It can be extremely frustration if you are trying to push matters to a close of some type. Allow the conversation to flow.
Wednesday August 16, 2017
The Gemini Moon on Wednesday leads us into stories of a very nasty steamroller aspect between Mars and Pluto. August 16th 6:36 AM. Of course its influence can be felt the day before on Tuesday. Tuesday is ruled by Mars, so if things are going to heat up, then Tuesday might be the day.
And then what we have for the Mars quincunx Pluto. It is also hovering right around where the Sun is. Lots of things could snap crackle and pop with that. So be careful also behind the wheel or with tools, power tools. Especially with this Mercury retrograde you want to be very careful with saws and with other tools, at the dentist, and things of concern that have to do with building and maintenance that sort of thing. Lots of maintenance like taking care of the car, etc.
What is going on in a big way also on Wednesday is the Sun joins with the Lunar Node. The Lunar Node is a piece of the formula for the Solar Eclipse. So the Lunar Node is a component where the Sun and the Moon align to create an Eclipse. What it does is it brings the Earth into the New Moon alignment making it a perfect alignment of which the earth can see the Moon covering the face of the Sun. So that alignment with the Sun and the lunar node can cause a lot of global events on Wednesday. This is exact at 6:12 PM however, certainly Tuesday could be a trigger day. Add to that the Mars - Pluto aspect earlier on Wednesday morning that can be a large trigger as well. So I would say Wednesday a very high action day as well.
The other thing about that Lunar Node is it is exactly lined up with Donald Trump’s Mars in his chart. So Mars is the planet of action and war and aggression and hot headedness and a lack of foresight. Right after that the Moon and Saturn are in an opposition. So you want to get passed that opposition and then you start a little Green Light period and that would be on Wednesday night 9:40 PM until 9:38 AM the next day Thursday. So there is that little Green Light period there.
Thursday August 17, 2017
For Thursday afternoon 12:13 PM the Moon enters the sign of Cancer. And it will square Uranus before it leaves the sign over that next weekend. So there is a lot of unpredictable energies during the Cancer Moon sign that may cause backfires and disruptions to business and family matters.
Friday, August 18, 2017
The Moon is in Cancer and will make a dreamy trine to Neptune at 10:17 AM followed by and opposition to Pluto at 4:45 PM. In between, Venus and Saturn are quincunx, which is a great big ouch for love and money. This is things need to be adjusted. There are bills that come up that you didn’t expect. It is at 2:55 PM Friday but it definitely effects all sorts of things. The Moon walks into that also later on that night. So it is something that gets carried through and you tend to worry about. But not to worry it gets worked out. So try to just let things rest and unravel. Okay that’s it for the week.
You can find a copy of this on my website at Also I have written a book on Eclipses it is called Lunar Shadows III. And I am considered an authority on Eclipses and also the Lunar Phases that are associated with the Eclipses, which I call Moon families. So if you would like a copy of my book give me a call at 617-924-0929. I’ve lectured on this book in Russia, England all over the US and Canada. So give me a call for Lunar Shadows III or to take a look at your chart to see how this Eclipse affects your life.
Class is on Tuesday. It is at 11:00 in the morning if you want to join me we will. We will be talking about the Eclipse. So have a great week. Thank you very much. (52:48 STOP)
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
For an interpretation of the affects of the Solar Eclipse to your chart call for an appointment at 617-924-0929.
Join our class this week on Tuesday at 11 AM - 1:00 PM.
Mercury turns retrograde at 9:00 PM until Sept 5, 2017.
Last Quarter Moon Monday night 9:15 PM at 22 Taurus.
Mars quincunx Pluto Wednesday morning and the Sun joins the Lunar Node. Making Wednesday a high action day with long range affects.
Chose tonight (8/12) after 9:02 PM to engage in an effort to try something again which may have failed before. This is a Green Light period which lasts until 4:00 AM Sunday, 8/12. The Moon is void of course from 4:00 AM Sunday until 6:39 AM Sunday 8/13.
Wednesday is the next Green Light at 9:40 PM during the Gemini Moon until 8:38 AM Thursday.
9:38 AM Thursday begins a void of course Moon period until 12:13 PM when the Moon enters Cancer.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, August 12, 2017 – Saturday, August 19, 2017
Good morning. Happy Mercury retrograde... If you can be happy about that. Mercury will turn retrograde tonight at 9:00 tonight. 9:01 to be exact. It will be retrograde until September 5th.
This is a very important Mercury retrograde period because particularly where its final stop occurs. The retrograde station point is 11º Virgo 38’on August 12, 2017; the direct station degree is 28ºLeo25 on September 5, 2017. When I studied the charts of the leaders North Korea and the United States, for Trump and Kim Jong Un we can see that there is an opposition set off by this Mercury retrograde that is going on right now. [I see in the relationship chart between this pair of leaders extremely volatile configuration with Uranus, Mars and Pluto at the same 11º of Virgo where Mercury turns retrograde all of which these planets are opposite Saturn in 11º Pisces.] One of the things that I hope for between this bizarre pair is that Mercury retrograde causes delays.
The delays typical for most matters develop just before the retrograde begins. If you started something or if you’ve tried to start something before Mercury retrograde occurs, often it stops or is derailed in some way. Whatever the goal, it may not come to fruition during the retrograde period. If begun during a Mercury retrograde period it may not mature at all. Sometimes it will fall apart due to a lack of agreement or sometimes it just is held up with too much red tape. For some things, the red tape as now (August 2017) might actually cause better results and be further seen as fortunate delays. In the case of the U.S. vs North Korea, this would be great news because the heated dialog between those two leaders is terrorizing the planet.
There will be an important station degree at 28º Leo when Mercury turns direct. (Mercury stations rules messages, major decisions, important announcements, vital documents and orders.) This station will be exactly on Donald Trump’s ascendant at the same point. His ascendant is 29º Leo which is also right where the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21st occurs exactly at Donald Trump’s ascendant. So all eyes are watching and waiting for what he will do next.
One of the things about where Mercury is turning retrograde today which is that influence that point that spot that zodiacal address is a hot spot for a long period of time. So these influences are not just for today. They will have an influence over matters that come up and will take place later on. There may also be a history associated with the events surrounding this 11º Virgo. Such as the onset of a medical matter that could have become apparent over the past two years. It may only now call for medical attention to help treat the condition.
The indications for 11 degrees of Virgo where the Mercury retrograde is happening is that of mental health and mental disorders. So as we look at our own mental health over this next three weeks and others are looking at others in important positions as well. Those things hopefully will assist us. There could be some new hope or new treatment for those who are seeking some relief from various problems. Also other medical issues may emerge because Virgo is the sign of medical maintenance, taking care of the body.
Okay. So having a look at what else is important over this week before a Solar Eclipse… is the Last Quarter Moon that is going to take place on Monday. That is an important event. So we are going to take a look at that.
Saturday August 12, 2017
Sunday August 13, 2017
But for today for Saturday we have an Aries Moon and that Aries Moon doesn’t have any major events other than the Mercury retrograde. After the Mercury retrograde happens at 9:00 tonight there is a little Green Light window from 9:01 PM tonight until 4:00 AM Sunday morning. So if you are up late or out late or having fun and things are getting started. Remember that if you meet someone the love of your life on a Mercury retrograde it is probably not the right match. There is probably way more to be revealed and perhaps someone will end up going back to an old love. So you are meeting somebody on the rebound. Think of the retrograde is the set up for all “R” words. You know: redo, renew, review, rebound, retract. So Mercury retrograde is very good for redoing and renewing things. If you want to try something again where you had failed before then it would be a good time. If you want to send something out during that little Green Light period 9:01 PM tonight until 4:00 AM tomorrow morning it is very good. Could move quickly because it is an Aries Moon and that Aries Moon last aspect is going to join up with Uranus at 4:00 in the morning.
Sunday August 13, 2017
There is a void of course Moon from 4:00 AM until 6:39 AM tomorrow morning. That is when the Moon goes into Taurus a more methodical slower that slows things down. The Taurus indicators do have the Seven Stars or what is called the Seven Weeping Sisters at the end of the sign. So you have to be mindful or as an astrologer I have to be mindful of how the things appear to progress or move or not move while in the sign of Taurus because things may need great adjustments because of the fact there are things to clean up help assist take care of.
Taurus is a nurturing sign. It is a very good Moon sign for gathering family together. Sun and Saturn are trine at 5:06 PM. That is an aspect that allows for an easy opening for family members of all ages to get together and enjoy great food. That is the best day for joining with family or friends and just sharing a really nice summer day.
Monday August 14, 2017.
The aspects on Monday during the Taurus Moon show the Moon is setting up a Jupiter Saturn configuration which would have an indication of things that have a quality of destiny to it, where those two planets begin to form a 60 degree aspect which is bridging a gap and the Moon pulls the pair into focus when the Moon reaches the apex of Jupiter and Saturn. This forms a arrow shaped aspect. So there could be help in this very, very tense period when our nerves are on end.
I would say especially during this period that Taurus Moon is about taking care, nurturing. So you want to think peace and pray for peace and send a beautiful violet flame all over the planet and especially to North Korea and Washington DC. That is a very healing light that could create softness and a healing situation.
More for Monday a couple of aspects are going on with Venus. Venus will be in a split parallel with Pluto early in the morning on Monday. That allows for two sides to come together, if only briefly, to manage an issue or problem about peace and also potentially to manage problems about money and things that might have to do with growth of business.
There could be a squabble at 10:29AM with the Moon square Mars. That may be the high point of a heated situation during the Taurus Moon could calm down as the Moon will then reach an aspect at 10:48 AM to Venus. This is a very nice one which bridges the gap and creates a softer spot. There is some good advice that could be found on Monday with an aspect between Mercury the communicator and the connector and Pallas the wisdom. And especially Pallas is a great wisdom for war strategy. So this one could be very helpful.
Then the Moon will have a couple of aspects to Jupiter and then to Saturn from 3:39 PM until 7:18 PM. The last one is Moon quincunx Saturn. that is the low point. After that things might feel a little more lively.
There is that Last Quarter Moon at 22º Taurus at 9:15 PM on Monday. That Last Quarter Moon is attached to three other time periods. One which began with a New Moon May 18th 2015. Think about these dates…How do they relate to your situations now; February 15th 2016; November 14th 2016; and here we are now the Last Quarter at 22 degrees of Taurus and that will be on Monday (August 14, 2017) at 9:15 PM. Quarter Moons are action times. These are dates when things happen. So there are a lot of things that you could see that move along very quickly on Monday. You may be reaping the rewards of your efforts or paying the bill associated with debts from the previous dates.
Tuesday August 15, 2017
Then after that that Taurus Moon is all about Venus energy and it shows there is a distancing or cuff of between Venus and Pluto while in an opposition exact at 7:17 AM Tuesday. It reveals a severing between pairs due to a difference in values and economics. There may also be major issues between Heads of State or in Family matters particularly wrought with distress which may force finances or support to be cut off. So be careful about pushing matters too far and go with Taurus’ strong suit which is the art of persuasion. Use food and social settings to be able to gain access to those that you need to ask favors of or ask for money or bring a plate of brownies or some type of peace offering.
The Moon will change signs at 10:05 AM on Tuesday. If you were to consider the Moon to be void of course, which it never is in Taurus because of those Seven Stars at the end of the sign it would be at 9:52 AM on Tuesday morning, it appears that a large group of people are tending to a large group of children when the Moon is 45º from Ceres. Ceres is the mother and searches high and low for her children.
Later the energy shifts the Moon enters the sign of Gemini 10:05 AM.
There may be a couple of days during the Mercury retrograde where you are rethinking trying to connect and reconnect etc. It can be extremely frustration if you are trying to push matters to a close of some type. Allow the conversation to flow.
Wednesday August 16, 2017
The Gemini Moon on Wednesday leads us into stories of a very nasty steamroller aspect between Mars and Pluto. August 16th 6:36 AM. Of course its influence can be felt the day before on Tuesday. Tuesday is ruled by Mars, so if things are going to heat up, then Tuesday might be the day.
And then what we have for the Mars quincunx Pluto. It is also hovering right around where the Sun is. Lots of things could snap crackle and pop with that. So be careful also behind the wheel or with tools, power tools. Especially with this Mercury retrograde you want to be very careful with saws and with other tools, at the dentist, and things of concern that have to do with building and maintenance that sort of thing. Lots of maintenance like taking care of the car, etc.
What is going on in a big way also on Wednesday is the Sun joins with the Lunar Node. The Lunar Node is a piece of the formula for the Solar Eclipse. So the Lunar Node is a component where the Sun and the Moon align to create an Eclipse. What it does is it brings the Earth into the New Moon alignment making it a perfect alignment of which the earth can see the Moon covering the face of the Sun. So that alignment with the Sun and the lunar node can cause a lot of global events on Wednesday. This is exact at 6:12 PM however, certainly Tuesday could be a trigger day. Add to that the Mars - Pluto aspect earlier on Wednesday morning that can be a large trigger as well. So I would say Wednesday a very high action day as well.
The other thing about that Lunar Node is it is exactly lined up with Donald Trump’s Mars in his chart. So Mars is the planet of action and war and aggression and hot headedness and a lack of foresight. Right after that the Moon and Saturn are in an opposition. So you want to get passed that opposition and then you start a little Green Light period and that would be on Wednesday night 9:40 PM until 9:38 AM the next day Thursday. So there is that little Green Light period there.
Thursday August 17, 2017
For Thursday afternoon 12:13 PM the Moon enters the sign of Cancer. And it will square Uranus before it leaves the sign over that next weekend. So there is a lot of unpredictable energies during the Cancer Moon sign that may cause backfires and disruptions to business and family matters.
Friday, August 18, 2017
The Moon is in Cancer and will make a dreamy trine to Neptune at 10:17 AM followed by and opposition to Pluto at 4:45 PM. In between, Venus and Saturn are quincunx, which is a great big ouch for love and money. This is things need to be adjusted. There are bills that come up that you didn’t expect. It is at 2:55 PM Friday but it definitely effects all sorts of things. The Moon walks into that also later on that night. So it is something that gets carried through and you tend to worry about. But not to worry it gets worked out. So try to just let things rest and unravel. Okay that’s it for the week.
You can find a copy of this on my website at Also I have written a book on Eclipses it is called Lunar Shadows III. And I am considered an authority on Eclipses and also the Lunar Phases that are associated with the Eclipses, which I call Moon families. So if you would like a copy of my book give me a call at 617-924-0929. I’ve lectured on this book in Russia, England all over the US and Canada. So give me a call for Lunar Shadows III or to take a look at your chart to see how this Eclipse affects your life.
Class is on Tuesday. It is at 11:00 in the morning if you want to join me we will. We will be talking about the Eclipse. So have a great week. Thank you very much. (52:48 STOP)
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin August 5 - 12, 2017
Listen to the live radio report here:
A Lunar Eclipse occurs on Monday August 7 at 2:11 PM at 15 degrees of Aquarius.
Mercury will turn retrograde next Saturday Aug 12 at 9:01 PM
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, August 5, 2017 – Saturday, August 12, 2017
Good morning. We have an exciting week this week because there is a Lunar Eclipse on Monday. There are so many high points and exciting points that are going on in the month of August. We have all heard about the Solar Eclipse coming up on the 21st. but have you heard about the Lunar Eclipse on the 7th of August? It is really just a power packed time for Leos going on. There is so many things with this Capricorn Moon today to mention as well.
The Sun is in an aspect with Neptune bringing some confusion and some illusions and some things to clean up that you didn’t realize were there. It is sort of like opening your closet and finding your clothes are really all covered in dust or something. Or that there is water in the basement or water coming through the roof. It is funny that the Neptune would be both the roof and the basement. So there are also maybe all sorts of animals in the yard. Something you may want to look after or look into. The types of things that…that is at 5:31 PM. You might be taken off your track in some way. You might also be filled with a spiritual enlightenment. The Sun and Neptune has that quality of bringing in information from other worldly type of information.
And I think we have an alien watch now. I think the United States government has a watch out for. They are finally admitting that there are aliens out there. So this one may bring some information about that world.
There are throughout the Capricorn Moon, there are a couple of things to note for Sunday in particular when the Moon is square Uranus. That is when it is filled with erratic energies, sudden abrupt change. That is at 5:22 AM in the morning. And then the Moon is void of course until 8:15 AM. But there is some hidden problems in there because Uranus and Neptune are actually in a minor aspect, 45 degree aspect all week long. This aspect can create some sudden abrupt change with technology. Things could black out. I’m thinking of airplanes and their control towers and things like that. Being out of touch with the control tower. I don’t think there is any greater harm than usual for the consequences of that. I think that there is also some temporary cell blocks for cell phones and that sort of thing. And other Wi-Fi things that could be interfered with, with that aspect. That is not actually exact until Friday. So as the Moon goes along its route during the week it will make contact with Uranus and Neptune.
The other big headliner comes on Monday when there is a Lunar Eclipse at 2:11 PM. So we won’t see that here because the Sun will be up. That will be visible in Australia and Africa. It is a Solar Eclipse that will be visible here.
You know I’ve written a book on eclipses. It is called Lunar Shadows. It is available through Amazon or directly through me. You get a signed copy. You can learn about eclipses. It is packed full of information.
So the Capricorn Moon as I mentioned it ends with a void of course Moon. The void of course Moon ends at 8:15 AM when we have an Aquarius Moon sign.
There is a very nice aspect between Mercury and Venus that we will be holding on to throughout the week. It is exact on Thursday. But on Monday it begins to help things to work out. So if you are trying to get people to come around to your way of thinking. Or you want to agree all agree on something and you want to work things out in a positive way. So Monday can be your day. There are things that join people together for temporary agreements. Then there are things that will help to define and pull people apart from the table, so that you can go back to the drawing board around 6:41 AM eastern time. So if you are in Europe you would want to add four hours to that or five hours to that depending on where you are.
Then we have the eclipse in the sign of Aquarius. So this is about friendship that makes things friendlier, makes people join for a common goal. It also allows for future oriented projects to move forward and put all the details out on the table. It is the end of the matter. It is something that has been pending for a while. So if there were things that were started a year and a half ago or even 9 months ago these things are moving in the direction of some great decision making.
And for decision making Mercury is going to be the telltale character at the end of the week when Mercury will turn retrograde. That is next Saturday. We have to mention it now because we are under the influence. So that Mercury retrograde, even now. So making decisions might be up for reversals later on.
After that Lunar Eclipse there is better news and the conditions do improve during that Aquarius Moon sign. That is after 2:11 PM. The better news comes in with the Moon in aspect to Jupiter. Very nice. It is 7:05 PM.
Then there is a nice building bridge, building good bridges comes along when the Moon and Saturn make a nice aspect as well. That is early Thursday morning. That would have an influence also over Monday night. There is a unique and unusual way to look at things and build things for the aspects involving the Moon and Uranus at 3:07 PM. That begins a void of course Moon period on Tuesday until 5:56 PM.
The Pisces Moon sign comes in at 5:56 PM. Pisces Moon will run until it moves into Aries at 1:22 AM on Friday. During the Pisces Moon there are a couple of things to notice.
That would be probably be the Sun 150 degrees away from Pluto. That is one of those life’s messy clean it up. This can be also a health aspect. It can be both mental and physical. The nature of the quincunx adjustments need to be made as a result of some sort of upset. Usually is also some strong work type of aspect that allows people to see come together and join for a common goal because of something that needs to be taken care of. This is an aspect that also exposes subjects that have been missing. Things that have been closed or buried. Maybe they will find Jimmy Hoffa with that one. The matters involving health workers, mortgages, taxes, money lenders that sort of thing can be very uncomfortable difficult to deal with.
There is a particular aspect that leads to the connection with those in high places. So if you are dealing with those that you are working with around the table, negotiating with. maybe you will have discussions with those that are really in charge behind the curtain. It could also be an event that is about family and close friends and outsiders that could be brought into the subject matter for some common goal.
There is an occultation with the Moon and Neptune. That means there is like a little eclipse between the Moon and Neptune as well. 7:13 PM on Wednesday. This is about closing out a state of confusion. Covering up something. A greater cover up. There is an attempt to expose it or bring it out into the open. That would be on Wednesday night.
On Thursday we still have a Pisces Moon sign. There is a big aspect between Mars and Neptune. It is a quincunx. So there is that life’s messy clean it up again. It goes on at 9:30 in the morning. Also the Sun and Moon would have done that same aspect earlier in the morning.
There is a really nice aspect between Venus and Mercury 5:02 AM on Thursday morning. This makes for a very pleasant communication the ability to contract. And then the work aspect between Mars and Neptune trying to iron out those things that are unseen. It is an artistic and imaginative aspect filled with all sorts of sort of poetic musical relationships with other things. You can also have a lot of self-doubt with that or a lack of firm commitment. So you want to give it a little bit of breath because there is a nice aspect that comes off, comes after that. But it can also bring a lot of weather. A lot of very large storms with this aspect on Thursday.
There is an aspect between the Sun and Jupiter which is excellent. It is one of those great aspects. It is a sextile. that is 60 degrees. It is bridge building aspect. This can help to bring a stroke of luck into the situation. Catch a very important picture. Signs of growth are there. There is wonderful energy. It is optimistic. So this is a really good one. The pitfall maybe there is a lot of exaggerated opinions going on which could later on need to be adjusted in some way. So you want to learn something new that engages you somehow with those that have a really strong expertise. Maybe you want to take a new course. Study something new. Enjoy your freedom of open spaces as well. The Pisces Moon has its final aspect 10:38 PM when it is 30 degrees away from Uranus. Then it is void of course until 1:21 AM on Friday.
Friday has an Aries Moon. That Aries Moon has a couple of things to look out for. That is the last aspect is Moon conjunct Uranus, which is about sudden abrupt change. Then the Mercury retrograde coming up there after the end at that Aries Moon.
It is a problematic sign because of one thing Uranus and Neptune during that time. You could fall prey to decisions of others or deception. Either your own self-delusion or someone else’s failed action could cause you to trip. There might also be things like you don’t notice that the porch door or the slider door is closed and you walk through it. I consider Uranus and Neptune aspects like shattered glass. The glass would be the illusion that is cast that there is an open space there from a piece of glass. And Uranus would be breaking through it. So it is also if you are out to sea there is a lot of fog that could create things that are unsure. It is difficult to see your way. You want to be careful when you are out on a boat. Boating accidents might be higher during that time. It is very creative though. It is normally not a good time to enter into major business deals. So you want to wait until after that if you are doing things. Deciding things on Friday. You may want to delay your final decision until maybe late, late on Friday. That is it for the week.
The Lunar Eclipse is definitely the highlight of the week. That is on Monday at 2:11 PM. It does connect back to a couple of dates where there is some astro-memory. Nine months ago would be one. It started with a New Moon February 8th of 2016. Then the First Quarter Moon related to this is November 7th of 2016. Here we are August 7th, 2017. And the last piece to this where the checks in the mail and you reap the rewards to your efforts May 8th of 2018 or you have to pay up. Whatever is most appropriate.
The eclipses that are related to this. There is one February of 2000. Another August 6, 2009 a Lunar Eclipse very nearby at the same point. And you may also reflect back to February of 2008. All those dates may seem particularly relevant to you that connect the dots in a bigger picture. If you want to have a study about what these things mean to you personally then give me a call at 617 – 924 – 0929.
Also check out my website at You can find a copy of this report. Also we have class on Tuesday. 11:00 in the morning until 1:00 in Watertown. If you want to have experience in astrology class we are going on for the summer at 11:00 in the morning. If you want to again me a call 617 – 924 – 0929, I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you very much.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
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