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For an interpretation of the affects of the Solar Eclipse to your chart call for an appointment at 617-924-0929.
Join our class this week on Tuesday at 11 AM - 1:00 PM.
Mercury turns retrograde at 9:00 PM until Sept 5, 2017.
Last Quarter Moon Monday night 9:15 PM at 22 Taurus.
Mars quincunx Pluto Wednesday morning and the Sun joins the Lunar Node. Making Wednesday a high action day with long range affects.
Chose tonight (8/12) after 9:02 PM to engage in an effort to try something again which may have failed before. This is a Green Light period which lasts until 4:00 AM Sunday, 8/12. The Moon is void of course from 4:00 AM Sunday until 6:39 AM Sunday 8/13.
Wednesday is the next Green Light at 9:40 PM during the Gemini Moon until 8:38 AM Thursday.
9:38 AM Thursday begins a void of course Moon period until 12:13 PM when the Moon enters Cancer.
Dietrech Pessin’s 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, August 12, 2017 – Saturday, August 19, 2017
Good morning. Happy Mercury retrograde... If you can be happy about that. Mercury will turn retrograde tonight at 9:00 tonight. 9:01 to be exact. It will be retrograde until September 5th.
This is a very important Mercury retrograde period because particularly where its final stop occurs. The retrograde station point is 11º Virgo 38’on August 12, 2017; the direct station degree is 28ºLeo25 on September 5, 2017. When I studied the charts of the leaders North Korea and the United States, for Trump and Kim Jong Un we can see that there is an opposition set off by this Mercury retrograde that is going on right now. [I see in the relationship chart between this pair of leaders extremely volatile configuration with Uranus, Mars and Pluto at the same 11º of Virgo where Mercury turns retrograde all of which these planets are opposite Saturn in 11º Pisces.] One of the things that I hope for between this bizarre pair is that Mercury retrograde causes delays.
The delays typical for most matters develop just before the retrograde begins. If you started something or if you’ve tried to start something before Mercury retrograde occurs, often it stops or is derailed in some way. Whatever the goal, it may not come to fruition during the retrograde period. If begun during a Mercury retrograde period it may not mature at all. Sometimes it will fall apart due to a lack of agreement or sometimes it just is held up with too much red tape. For some things, the red tape as now (August 2017) might actually cause better results and be further seen as fortunate delays. In the case of the U.S. vs North Korea, this would be great news because the heated dialog between those two leaders is terrorizing the planet.
There will be an important station degree at 28º Leo when Mercury turns direct. (Mercury stations rules messages, major decisions, important announcements, vital documents and orders.) This station will be exactly on Donald Trump’s ascendant at the same point. His ascendant is 29º Leo which is also right where the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21st occurs exactly at Donald Trump’s ascendant. So all eyes are watching and waiting for what he will do next.
One of the things about where Mercury is turning retrograde today which is that influence that point that spot that zodiacal address is a hot spot for a long period of time. So these influences are not just for today. They will have an influence over matters that come up and will take place later on. There may also be a history associated with the events surrounding this 11º Virgo. Such as the onset of a medical matter that could have become apparent over the past two years. It may only now call for medical attention to help treat the condition.
The indications for 11 degrees of Virgo where the Mercury retrograde is happening is that of mental health and mental disorders. So as we look at our own mental health over this next three weeks and others are looking at others in important positions as well. Those things hopefully will assist us. There could be some new hope or new treatment for those who are seeking some relief from various problems. Also other medical issues may emerge because Virgo is the sign of medical maintenance, taking care of the body.
Okay. So having a look at what else is important over this week before a Solar Eclipse… is the Last Quarter Moon that is going to take place on Monday. That is an important event. So we are going to take a look at that.
Saturday August 12, 2017
Sunday August 13, 2017
But for today for Saturday we have an Aries Moon and that Aries Moon doesn’t have any major events other than the Mercury retrograde. After the Mercury retrograde happens at 9:00 tonight there is a little Green Light window from 9:01 PM tonight until 4:00 AM Sunday morning. So if you are up late or out late or having fun and things are getting started. Remember that if you meet someone the love of your life on a Mercury retrograde it is probably not the right match. There is probably way more to be revealed and perhaps someone will end up going back to an old love. So you are meeting somebody on the rebound. Think of the retrograde is the set up for all “R” words. You know: redo, renew, review, rebound, retract. So Mercury retrograde is very good for redoing and renewing things. If you want to try something again where you had failed before then it would be a good time. If you want to send something out during that little Green Light period 9:01 PM tonight until 4:00 AM tomorrow morning it is very good. Could move quickly because it is an Aries Moon and that Aries Moon last aspect is going to join up with Uranus at 4:00 in the morning.
Sunday August 13, 2017
There is a void of course Moon from 4:00 AM until 6:39 AM tomorrow morning. That is when the Moon goes into Taurus a more methodical slower that slows things down. The Taurus indicators do have the Seven Stars or what is called the Seven Weeping Sisters at the end of the sign. So you have to be mindful or as an astrologer I have to be mindful of how the things appear to progress or move or not move while in the sign of Taurus because things may need great adjustments because of the fact there are things to clean up help assist take care of.
Taurus is a nurturing sign. It is a very good Moon sign for gathering family together. Sun and Saturn are trine at 5:06 PM. That is an aspect that allows for an easy opening for family members of all ages to get together and enjoy great food. That is the best day for joining with family or friends and just sharing a really nice summer day.
Monday August 14, 2017.
The aspects on Monday during the Taurus Moon show the Moon is setting up a Jupiter Saturn configuration which would have an indication of things that have a quality of destiny to it, where those two planets begin to form a 60 degree aspect which is bridging a gap and the Moon pulls the pair into focus when the Moon reaches the apex of Jupiter and Saturn. This forms a arrow shaped aspect. So there could be help in this very, very tense period when our nerves are on end.
I would say especially during this period that Taurus Moon is about taking care, nurturing. So you want to think peace and pray for peace and send a beautiful violet flame all over the planet and especially to North Korea and Washington DC. That is a very healing light that could create softness and a healing situation.
More for Monday a couple of aspects are going on with Venus. Venus will be in a split parallel with Pluto early in the morning on Monday. That allows for two sides to come together, if only briefly, to manage an issue or problem about peace and also potentially to manage problems about money and things that might have to do with growth of business.
There could be a squabble at 10:29AM with the Moon square Mars. That may be the high point of a heated situation during the Taurus Moon could calm down as the Moon will then reach an aspect at 10:48 AM to Venus. This is a very nice one which bridges the gap and creates a softer spot. There is some good advice that could be found on Monday with an aspect between Mercury the communicator and the connector and Pallas the wisdom. And especially Pallas is a great wisdom for war strategy. So this one could be very helpful.
Then the Moon will have a couple of aspects to Jupiter and then to Saturn from 3:39 PM until 7:18 PM. The last one is Moon quincunx Saturn. that is the low point. After that things might feel a little more lively.
There is that Last Quarter Moon at 22º Taurus at 9:15 PM on Monday. That Last Quarter Moon is attached to three other time periods. One which began with a New Moon May 18th 2015. Think about these dates…How do they relate to your situations now; February 15th 2016; November 14th 2016; and here we are now the Last Quarter at 22 degrees of Taurus and that will be on Monday (August 14, 2017) at 9:15 PM. Quarter Moons are action times. These are dates when things happen. So there are a lot of things that you could see that move along very quickly on Monday. You may be reaping the rewards of your efforts or paying the bill associated with debts from the previous dates.
Tuesday August 15, 2017
Then after that that Taurus Moon is all about Venus energy and it shows there is a distancing or cuff of between Venus and Pluto while in an opposition exact at 7:17 AM Tuesday. It reveals a severing between pairs due to a difference in values and economics. There may also be major issues between Heads of State or in Family matters particularly wrought with distress which may force finances or support to be cut off. So be careful about pushing matters too far and go with Taurus’ strong suit which is the art of persuasion. Use food and social settings to be able to gain access to those that you need to ask favors of or ask for money or bring a plate of brownies or some type of peace offering.
The Moon will change signs at 10:05 AM on Tuesday. If you were to consider the Moon to be void of course, which it never is in Taurus because of those Seven Stars at the end of the sign it would be at 9:52 AM on Tuesday morning, it appears that a large group of people are tending to a large group of children when the Moon is 45º from Ceres. Ceres is the mother and searches high and low for her children.
Later the energy shifts the Moon enters the sign of Gemini 10:05 AM.
There may be a couple of days during the Mercury retrograde where you are rethinking trying to connect and reconnect etc. It can be extremely frustration if you are trying to push matters to a close of some type. Allow the conversation to flow.
Wednesday August 16, 2017
The Gemini Moon on Wednesday leads us into stories of a very nasty steamroller aspect between Mars and Pluto. August 16th 6:36 AM. Of course its influence can be felt the day before on Tuesday. Tuesday is ruled by Mars, so if things are going to heat up, then Tuesday might be the day.
And then what we have for the Mars quincunx Pluto. It is also hovering right around where the Sun is. Lots of things could snap crackle and pop with that. So be careful also behind the wheel or with tools, power tools. Especially with this Mercury retrograde you want to be very careful with saws and with other tools, at the dentist, and things of concern that have to do with building and maintenance that sort of thing. Lots of maintenance like taking care of the car, etc.
What is going on in a big way also on Wednesday is the Sun joins with the Lunar Node. The Lunar Node is a piece of the formula for the Solar Eclipse. So the Lunar Node is a component where the Sun and the Moon align to create an Eclipse. What it does is it brings the Earth into the New Moon alignment making it a perfect alignment of which the earth can see the Moon covering the face of the Sun. So that alignment with the Sun and the lunar node can cause a lot of global events on Wednesday. This is exact at 6:12 PM however, certainly Tuesday could be a trigger day. Add to that the Mars - Pluto aspect earlier on Wednesday morning that can be a large trigger as well. So I would say Wednesday a very high action day as well.
The other thing about that Lunar Node is it is exactly lined up with Donald Trump’s Mars in his chart. So Mars is the planet of action and war and aggression and hot headedness and a lack of foresight. Right after that the Moon and Saturn are in an opposition. So you want to get passed that opposition and then you start a little Green Light period and that would be on Wednesday night 9:40 PM until 9:38 AM the next day Thursday. So there is that little Green Light period there.
Thursday August 17, 2017
For Thursday afternoon 12:13 PM the Moon enters the sign of Cancer. And it will square Uranus before it leaves the sign over that next weekend. So there is a lot of unpredictable energies during the Cancer Moon sign that may cause backfires and disruptions to business and family matters.
Friday, August 18, 2017
The Moon is in Cancer and will make a dreamy trine to Neptune at 10:17 AM followed by and opposition to Pluto at 4:45 PM. In between, Venus and Saturn are quincunx, which is a great big ouch for love and money. This is things need to be adjusted. There are bills that come up that you didn’t expect. It is at 2:55 PM Friday but it definitely effects all sorts of things. The Moon walks into that also later on that night. So it is something that gets carried through and you tend to worry about. But not to worry it gets worked out. So try to just let things rest and unravel. Okay that’s it for the week.
You can find a copy of this on my website at Also I have written a book on Eclipses it is called Lunar Shadows III. And I am considered an authority on Eclipses and also the Lunar Phases that are associated with the Eclipses, which I call Moon families. So if you would like a copy of my book give me a call at 617-924-0929. I’ve lectured on this book in Russia, England all over the US and Canada. So give me a call for Lunar Shadows III or to take a look at your chart to see how this Eclipse affects your life.
Class is on Tuesday. It is at 11:00 in the morning if you want to join me we will. We will be talking about the Eclipse. So have a great week. Thank you very much. (52:48 STOP)
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
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