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Dietrech Pessin’s Phone: 617-924-0929
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, February 3, 2018 – Saturday, February 10, 2018
There is a class today Feb 4, 2018. It is at 12:00. We are going to be addressing Venus and what Venus is up to. Venus is aligned with Juno. Juno is a relationship indicator. She has a lot to do with anything having to do marriage and connecting with others especially with this Libra Moon these moods inspire us to investigate our personal relationship styles. We are going to look at that. How does your relationship style attract relationships? How do you manage your relationships, etc. tomorrow in class at noon time. That’s it for the week.
Good morning. Well we have an exciting weekend with the Super Bowl. I love the Super Bowl. We have a whole lot of support for that. It looks as if the Patriots are really in good shape for tomorrow. So I don’t have any problem with thinking that they are going to be the winners. That would be great.
The energies for today we have a Virgo Moon. It is void of course as of 8:08 this morning (2/3). That void of course Moon will not end until 4:47 PM. At that time the Moon enters Libra. The Libra Moon is focused on relating to others and your mate and pairing with others. Doing things two by two that sort of thing. But during the void of course Moon there are several planetary interactions. Some of those things are kind of…could be interesting in regard to mental energy.
Mercury and Mars form a 60 degree aspect. This brings an opportunity to use your mental skills to solve problems and explore ideas. Or explore areas which have attracted your interest in the past. So there is also probably going to be many stories and links to information which can be tracked into the future. Look ahead to July, the end of July of 2018. That is the date of a Lunar Eclipse on the 27th of July. So the things that you are dreaming up now you might be able to put out into a working mode in the summer. So you can also hang on to those thoughts.
Brainstorm and collaborate with others. That aspect between Mercury and Mars continues and forms a united force with Mercury parallel Mars at 2:45 AM Sunday morning. So throughout the night and into the morning you might be thinking a lot. You might be trying to dream something up that you can’t let go. So maybe get up and write it down.
2/3, Mercury and Saturn allows you to gain some structure to your thinking. Also gain some very important space to steady your thoughts.
Something really interesting happens today 2/3. The Sun joins with the Lunar Node. This may reactivate topics from last summer’s Lunar Eclipse. It is a very high energy aspect. It is captivating with interesting news stories. It also allows you to bring your energy into focus. Also join with others. Unite with others for a united purpose. You might want to use this energy to reach out to those from your past for either a social event or a meaningful sociological or ecological event as well.
It is a very powerful day in the trek of the Sun throughout its journey throughout the year as the Moon and the Lunar Node and the Sun join bringing people together for very important events. The Sun is in the sign of Aquarius which has to do with the collective consciousness.
Mars and Saturn connect for a 30 degree aspect. This motivates those in charge to use mild pressure to install personnel into important places for the good of all.
Then there is the Libra Moon, which starts at 4:47 PM 2/3 and continues until 10:56 PM Monday night. There are all sorts of twists and turns and could be some conflicts and some reversals. This is also the Moon sign for the Super Bowl. Venus and Jupiter are revved up for celebration
a little bit early. You may feel as though you may want some space from your very close personal relationships. That aspect between Venus and Jupiter is a square. It pushes people away, maybe gently or not. Also it seems as though Mercury and Mars are trying to cement their ideas and move into the mix.
Sunday Feb 4, 2018
There is an aspect between the Moon and Neptune in the afternoon. It is 150 degrees aspect. So this is something confusing or some kind of weather or cloud or fog of the mind or otherwise that can cause some need for adjustment.
The Sunday evening aspects are soft with the Sun and the Moon at an easy trine. This looks really good for our Patriots team and Tom Brady.
Monday Feb 5, 2018
For Monday February 5th there are no major aspects on Monday. The Libra Moons final aspect is one of reversals, as it opposes to Uranus at 1:46 PM. Then that begins a void of course Moon period until the Moon enters Scorpio at 10:56 PM. So the void of course Moon is after the Moon is opposite Uranus. That is a very quirky reversal energy and can cut things off. This is related to personal relationships. If you have been seeing someone and they suddenly decide to quit. This could help to explain why.
The Scorpio Moon has some nice energy through it. There is actually a Green Light period during the Scorpio Moon throughout, which begins at 10:56 PM Monday night and runs until 8:53 AM Thursday morning.
Tuesday Feb 6, 2018
There is the Green Light period during that time of the Scorpio Moon. But there are several bumps along the road. For one thing there is some problems to be sorted out about children. This highlights information about their needs and their future. This could also mean your pets, our furry children.
Another aspect points to the kids and the pets needing our attention again, and it could be costly. There is some indication that Venus might be footing the bill or spending money that you may or may not have. Mercury and the Moon are square at 6:45 PM on Tuesday. This one may cause some tension at the end of the day possibly about money matters.
Venus and Uranus are forming an aspect which meets with friends in a unique and social and cultural experience bringing a lot of fun to Tuesday night. At 8:37 PM that aspect is exact, but it really does influence the afternoon of Tuesday and throughout the evening of Tuesday.
Wednesday Feb 7, 2018
On Wednesday we still have a Scorpio Moon and there is a Last Quarter Moon at 10:53 AM. This one is very interesting because it is money that can be found from which had been previous lent out or owed sources in other ways. There may be a refund that also helps out. So look around to see what you can return and get your refunds. There are also things about estate settlements that are likely to lead to the next step. Also topics of mortgages and other loans which may be paid off or be taken out. This is a pay up or get paid Moon phase. So it is a very interesting Scorpio Moon phase at 19 degrees of Scorpio. Affecting the Aquarius people, besides Scorpio. And it also could lead to information about those that have been very, very ill for a long time and changes that may be announced there of about that. Also Taurus and Leo are also signs that would be affected by that Last Quarter Moon on Wednesday.
But the Green Light period continues. There is some quirky energy late on Wednesday night 11:16 PM when the Moon is quincunx Uranus. So just as the day has ended there is still something that needs attention and suddenly could create a mild startle that you need to tend to in some way. But then the Moon is parallel Venus lending to a very easy and restful night sleep.
Thursday February 8th the Green Light period continues until 6:57 AM. That is when the Moon joins with the Sun (parallel). this aspect is particularly uniting and cements a common goal.
7:30 AM Mercury and Neptune form an aspect early in the morning which could make for some icy roads or some blind spots due to weather.
Thursday the Moon enters Sagittarius on Thursday morning 8:53 AM until Saturday February 10th at 9:20 PM. The Sagittarius Moon is hinged on the promises made by Venus about love and money. This is where she doesn’t hold up her end of the bargain. So she leaves for a commitment to service where her compassion inside is the motivating factor for following her dreams or following her instincts to take care of something more sensitive.
Friday February 9th the Sagittarius Moon has a light side bringing perspective and options where none seemed to be previously apparent. The Moon is traveling along in Sagittarius making aspects to Uranus and Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury throughout the day.
The Sun and Saturn are in an aspect calling the shots for the start of the day. This may feel like a heavy load of responsibility early on, but the list gets lighter as the day progresses. So it could feel a lot better. Mercury will join the Lunar Node. This could cause a pile up in traffic and also lots of attention with matters of children as well, as the other side holds still Ceres (the mother energy, the children energy). Also there are topics about taking care of your physical needs as well, like with doctors and appointments and things of that nature. You may be also able to connect with people you have been way out of touch with that Mercury energy on Friday. It is exact at 10:29 AM. I would say take lots of alternate routes to and from where ever you are going on Friday. Also beware of viruses, computer viruses particularly or any type of communication quirky thing that could take place.
Mercury leads to a meeting of the minds in particular with the Moon and then goes on to anchor these ideas with some very smart people. Be mindful that Venus’ love of money and attachments will drop her investment into anything that you are planning. So if you are expecting the money to back up your ideas. I would say wait until after February 15th. That eclipse would be a good time to shoot your energies after that and start something that will grow, instead of something that will shrink. That’s it for the week.
There is a class tomorrow. It is at 12:00. We are going to be addressing Venus and what Venus is up to. Venus is aligned with Juno. Juno is a relationship indicator. She has a lot to do with anything having to do marriage and connecting with others especially with this Libra Moon these moods inspire us to investigate our personal relationship styles. We are going to look at that. How does your relationship style attract relationships? How do you manage your relationships, etc. tomorrow in class at noon time. That’s it for the week.
You can find a copy of this report on my website at Call me 617 – 924 – 0929 if you want to sign up for class. You can have my cellphone number too 617- 558 – 7233. That’s all for now.
*The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at
**The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
*** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
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