Saturday, June 30, 2018

Astrology Report by Dietrech June 30, 2018 with Green Light Days

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The interesting event this week is the Chiron retrograde station on Thursday, July 5, 2018. It is the repeat from July 5, 1968, 50 years ago and July 6, 1918, 100 years ago.
In 1968 the highly political events divided the country in a major way. Before that 100 years ago there was WWI.
We have a lot o high energy. Mars is retrograde until the 27th of Aug. Retro Mars mimics a retro mercury. Right now, we have 5 planets retrograde. Wait until Mercury joins the retrograde pack on July 26 and it will really be upside down and inside out.
The retrograde planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and Mars – add Chiron July 5th
The result can be a huge holding back and the efforts to reverse major matters and dig up the past and make things over. Also the energies are being withheld. I would think it would be very difficult to reverse some of the things they are talking about politically. But nothing would be a total surprise as we seem to be losing ground, here in America, day by day. There’s plenty that could happen.

Saturday, June 30th, 2018
The Moon is in Aquarius which began at 12:36 AM which formed a square at 4:37 AM. If you were up at that time this was the cause. Add to that Mercury square to Uranus at 9:01 AM. This aspect things are said or a spontaneous outburst. Animals are needy and cranky as are the children. Listen carefully to what they need.
Later there is another upset aspect between the Moon and the Sun. This can be an aspect that does help you to find work or it puts you to work in an “out of the blue” manner.
7:08:10 PM Good for some things. Work it out with the Moon aligned with retrograde Mars.
7:09:54 PM Moon conj Mars heats up any situation.
7:28:38 PM Good for some things like job hunting. New work etc. However, this is hot.

Sunday, July 1, 2018 The Moon is in Aquarius. Green Light later.
4:46:16 AM Juno, the bride, the advocate for the rights of others, enters Taurus the sign of true value. The voice of the feminine principle is high on the agenda.

7:58:59 AM Venus 150º Pluto upset the balance of love and money.

1:29:58 PM Venus 135º Saturn is a cranky aspect that denotes a minimum or measured response to a show or event.

6:55:46 PM This could pull the deal or relationship apart. Your paperwork may not be in order or there could be lost data or documents.

Start after 7:00 PM for the Greenlight until 3:13 AM Monday morning.

Monday, July 2, 2018 The Moon is in Aquarius until 1:31 PM

3:13:30 AM void Moon begins after the Moon is parallel to Jupiter for a longterm positive outcome.

1:30:56 PM The Moon enters Pisces until 12:50 AM Thursday.

Mercury 150 Saturn= difficulties + Mercury conjunct the nodes are highly problematic; sun split parallel Mars= high energy; On Wed Moon 150 Venus. I don't trust this Pisces Moon sign. What you hear is not valid as what you may feel about a topic. Help someone in need.

7:48:26 PM Mercury 150º Saturn This is an upset of information. Also, there may be signals of those suffering emotional depression
8:47:12 PM Reve up the volume with Sun split parallel Mars. Take care of your muscles and heart. Lots of work can be accomplished especially if it is a one task project. Anything that carries over is highly subject to procrastination.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018 The Pisces Moon
Moon is in Pisces
Mercury at the lunar node along with Mars at a station, you may find that animals could be in harm's way. The other side of that is Mercury-Mars is the biting dog/ other animals. This is also a period of foot in mouth in a big way. There may be long-term consequences for any anger, rage, or attacks on others.

1:04:45 AM Some fact or fantasy is exposed unexpectedly. Pisces Moon 150º Mercury at the node in Leo. Perhaps this about the star of the show or the clown.

5:42:56 AM Mercury conjunct lunar north node. This is a train wreck. Take special care when driving. Listen to the news stories broadcast throughout the day.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018 -

The Moon is in Pisces and void of course at 1:02 PM after Moon 150^ Venus. This marks an expensive holiday. The cost can be of friends or purse. The void period continues until 12:50 AM when the Moon enters Aries through Saturday morning.

Thursday, July 5, 2018 - The Moon is in Pisces turning to Aries.
12:45:44 AM Chiron Rx at this point on July 5, 1968 (exactly 50 years ago), July 6, 1918, is when Chiron turned Rx at this point 100 Years ago.
12:49:30 AM Up and down and off and on. This day might be good to find a property you would like to purchase. Wait until after 11:00 AM to advance your goals. Things may move quickly at first then stall. Then pick up again. Have a lot of patience. This day may hold something very healing of an old wound. Although the potential for a new wound is high.

5:29:15 AM Moon conjunct Chiron might show us exactly what this Chiron event is all about.

7:04:23 AM SUN TRINE JUPITER is a lovely aspect that must deal with the nasty quality of Mercury opposite Mars. This may be a boat full of problems in many forms. Jupiter in Scorpio continues to dig up the dirt from previous times.
7:48:17 AM Mercury opposite Mars will blast the news around the world. For those of us home, we might find some high energy to pack up and go. Take care as this aspect can be accident prone.

10:24:28 AM Venus trine Vesta helps you to find a wonderful piece of property.
10:55:47 AM Moon square Saturn puts a damper on it but it may still allow real estate deals to move forward.

Friday, July 6, 2018 - The Moon is in Aries.

2:16:33 AM Moon 150º Jupiter is optimistic but also
3:49:38 AM
3:50:37 AM Last Qtr Moon at 14 Aries has a trail of events that began with a New Moon Apr 7, 2016; The 1st Qtr Moon on Jan 5, 2017, was engaging all of the players to move forward with an idea or event. On Oct 5, 2017, the Full Moon put all the cards on the table so as to go on with the wedding, show or another major joining; Now we are at the Last Quarter on July 6, 2018. Here, the check is in the mail, either to your or from you.

There is a Green Light period during the Aries Moon beginning Thursday at 12:50 AM until Saturday, July 7, 2018, at 7:14 AM.

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