Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Dietrech Pessin’s Lunar-Shadows.com
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, July 28, 2018 – Saturday, August 2, 2018

Good morning. We have a whole lot of fallout from this Lunar Eclipse that we had yesterday. It was just a huge event, Mars being the focal point of the entire thing. There are so many reports if you are watching the news fires all over the west coast and a lot of the states, Midwest on over to the west coast. Even Sweden is ablaze. There are so many things in the Arctic Circle that are fire…and Greece. Much of it is set by individuals, arsons. That would be also the energy of the Mars where there is a lot of action taken by a raging individual. They found on the west coast somebody throwing firecrackers into the dry patches to start the fires. It is just so sad. It is so sad that these are manmade. That raging fire energy really heats up throughout the week.

We have on Wednesday Mars is square Uranus so there is more to explode. So in our own backyards. And in our own lives besides that fact, all this fire, firecracker, fiery energy could mean that things are heating up in a way that you would like. If you feel stuck you might feel as if you are getting things going in some way, which would be better than the stagnant energies that you might have been feeling. Stagnant energy comes from all of the retrograde planets. We have Mercury retrograde, Mars retrograde, Saturn, Neptune, [and] Pluto. There are so many things with all that retrograde energy that is held back and turned inward.

So what we have today we have still the Aquarius Moon it is very much still heating up that whole Eclipse contra-parallel going on there. It is just filling also the corners with information coming out into the open. More people might be trying to save their own hide and running to tell all that they can tell about those in high places so that they save their own skin. All of that coming out in the open.

There is all that Leo energy which speaks of the star the person on the stage that is gathering all the attention.
So what we have with the Moon today is in Aquarius. It is filled with a lot of action for the people. A lot of people speaking and having their say about what they think should be done and how things should be done.
The Sun is running into the Lunar Node today 8:58 PM but it is there all day. The Lunar Node is where the Eclipse takes place. That is what is making everything so hugely loud and upon the surface and out in the open. So this makes this a real high energy kind of day.


Viruses are flying all over the place. Any kind of bacterial viruses that you might pick up even out in natural environments, out in the water and things like that. You want to be protective of your skin and also of others. Try and be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

That Sun conjunct the node will also be filling us with high energy activity throughout the overnight into Sunday, July 29th.

So one of the things that happen is the Moon and Venus bump into one another by 150 degrees. So that could mean that while you are out and may bump into one person, you may feel like the person you are with might be replaced by the person that you see. Or perhaps it is something very expensive. Picking up the tab for someone else and you didn’t mean to. Or you got that one, but you want to be careful who you are hanging out with. Are they paying their bill?

The Moon is opposite Mercury to Mars too. So there is more to talk about. There is more tweeting going on in the middle of the night. The last thing that happens with this Aquarius Moon is a beautiful parallel to Jupiter and that is at 7:28 AM, which begins a 12 hour void of course Moon period until 7:28 PM on Sunday.

So all day Sunday it is relaxed, lay low. But Aquarius is not all that relaxing it really does hop on the bandwagon. And get the wheels turning in that department. Moon goes into Pisces at 7:28 PM. it there until Wednesday at 6:54 AM.

The Pisces Moon is one it is very receptive. It is a Moon that is concerned about the feelings, the inner world, [and] the inside. This is when people are more sensitive and also more reclusive. People don’t necessarily don’t want to go out and play. They may want to sit home with a bottle of beer or something like that.

There are a lot of things that are concerned with addiction that need to be tended to and also there is pain of various sorts.


But the Pisces Moon is also cleaning up matters as it bumps into the Sun on Monday 10:14 AM by a quincunx. So that is life’s messy clean it up with that 150-degree aspect. Then there is an aspect between the Sun and Venus.

There are very few aspects all week actually because the major one is Mars square Uranus on Wednesday. But on Monday Venus and the Sun make an aspect at 8:28 PM. So this may have something to do with partnering, pairing, marriage, divorce, meeting someone new that sort of thing. But it is during the Pisces Moon so there are a lot of things that are hidden. You don’t get to see everything that you should be seeing about others.

Then on Tuesday, July 31st the major event of the day is…actually, there really isn’t one. There is an aspect between Jupiter and Ceres. This may help families, more families find each other in the immigration crisis that we are having with the separated children. That is late at night on Tuesday so all day Tuesday there might be a focus there. But the Moon is in Pisces so you might be seeing things through rose colored glasses as well.
Wednesday, August 1st. Vesta which is an asteroid that is used for investments. It turns direct after being retrograde for months. It is in the sign of Sagittarius. This may give you the Green Light to go ahead and buy something or invest in something. It has to do with housing. It has to do with all sorts of housing. Moving from apartment to apartment or buying a home selling a home. So this may help with regard to those things.
Then there is a Green Light that does come up on August 1st on Wednesday with the Aries Moon. The Aries Moon is going to receive that Mars square Uranus on Wednesday night at 10:38 PM. This increases the trigger and the spark factor, so lots of fires are raging. I would think that they would pick up. They don’t necessarily get watered down, as people race to fight the fires inside and out.

Tuesday - Wednesday

So in our own lives, this may be what you need to be able to get things going in your life, to push things through. It is very selfish; it is a strong self-interest aspect which does not care about others. [It] is a very selfish type of aspect. It is also the kind of aspect that if you are driving on the highway late night on Tuesday you could have a flat. It is the kind of thing that just burns the rubber right off the tires. So you want to be careful in transit. Just take great, great care all through this period. As we are going through sort of the railroads of the parallel of the Lunar Nodes and everything that is lined up with them: the Sun, the Moon, and Mars, and Mercury. It is just craziness. So be very, very careful. That is the highlight of the week. Mars square Uranus (exact Wednesday at 10:41 PM edt).


There is a Green Light on Thursday after 12:01 AM until Friday at 3:21 PM when the Moon is split parallel to Neptune. This Aries Moon period is good to start-up something that comes from a place of inspiration. You may be filled with a temporary spark that is brought to you from a vague source. Maybe a film or a subliminal message which has a soft impact but you are able to see there are possibilities. There may not be anything tangible at the moment but allow your senses to keep tabs on a story.

Then things wind down a little bit. But we are still in an Aries Moon on Thursday and Friday. So there is some positive energy that we will see particularly on Thursday. If things begin to smooth out and Friday as well with the Aries Moon still very active. Still very much about having it your way.


The Moon is again making another aspect to Venus on Friday in the morning. So you may start out with one plan. One type of financial plan or one person that you want to move forward with and then you change and switch to another.

The last aspect of the Aries Moon is Moon split parallel Neptune. So something is very seductive. Allows you to think that everything is good as gold. But there are some tricks in there, some cobwebs some smoke screens. But there is a Green Light during that Aries Moon, which ends. The void of course Moon starts at 3:21 PM so that Green Light period would end at that point. I would say the Green Light early in the morning on Thursday all day until 3:21 PM on Friday.

Then we have a void of course Moon period until 3:50, so it is a short one. Then the Moon enters the sign of Taurus. Where we want some calming down. Taurus is seeking some comfort and some relief. But there is more to tend to from Friday night.

There are still a couple of aspects going on Friday night. Moon square Mars, then Moon lines up with Uranus. At 7:38 PM, 8:33 PM. So there is still some high action there. And then it calms down. Hopefully, we get a break from all the chaos. This would be…well, I think the Mars Uranus might take the stage for our class tomorrow. Mars square Uranus.

That would be class at 12:00 in Watertown. If you want to join me in person there is room in the class tomorrow. You can give me a call at 617-924-0929. Also can join me online. Give me a call if you want to join the class. Or you can text me at 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]. I’m available for consultation and questions about astrology today on cell phone 617 – 558 – 7233. Have a great week. Be safe. (48:47 STOP) Talk to you next week.

*You can join the Sunday class online and even participate online. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of the class.
**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at Lunar_Shadow.com.
***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM (WZBC.org) archives for two weeks.
**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: https://soundcloud.com/orbzero and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Astrology Report by Dietrech with Green Light Days July 21 - 28, 2018

Dietrech Pessin’s Lunar-Shadows.com
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, July 21, 2018 – Saturday, July 28, 2018

Good morning. I hope you take good notes this week because it is going to be an incredible week. We have on our agenda besides the very loud Lunar Eclipse that will be happening on the 27th at 4:20 PM. There is also a Mercury retrograde the day before on the 26th at 1:03 AM. Mercury will be retrograde until August 19th. Also yesterday there was an aspect that carried on through with a Mars conjunct the Lunar Node.
Ahead, there is a week filled with a lot of activity, much of which are signals that the Lunar Eclipse is in full swing, as of yesterday with Mars on the Lunar Node.
Many people had a really good day yesterday. A lot of momentum and a lot of high activity perhaps that led to you accomplishing a lot of things. A good hardworking Mars energy gets things done. For other people, there may have been a conflict that was larger than they could handle or wanted to handle. Very strong Mars energy is filled with loud noises, bangs, explosions, bombs. Anything that fires things up, but it also gets your motor running. Also your metabolism. So you might be burning a lot of calories. You might also be eating a lot too, so you want to watch out for Mars throughout this week. It is a big player.
For Saturday, July 21st we have a Green Light until 5:17 AM tomorrow. That Green Light is under the sign of Scorpio. The Moon is in Scorpio. It is in a very positive position. The last thing that is going to happen will be a nice trine to the Sun. The Sun is getting very late in the sign of Cancer about to move into Leo. That is another big thing happening this week.
But for Saturday this energy is particularly…this Scorpio energy allows you to dig into things in a deep way. Not just on the surface, but keep your focus. The more you can keep your focus, the happier you will be and also the more you will accomplish.
There is a void of course Moon that begins on Sunday morning at 5:17 AM until 6:12 AM.
Then the Moon enters the sign of Sagittarius. The Sagittarius Moon sign has a couple of changes. For one the Sun is entering Leo that is at 5:00 PM on Sunday. That gives most of Sunday an important feel especially if there is some expectation of seeing someone. Let’s say you wanted to go and see someone perform. And that person is not the greatest star in the world, but what happens is that they get an invitation to move onto a larger stage. So the focus of your attention leaves and goes for something else. Kind of like the pastures are greener on the other side. So that Leo Sun sign will be with us throughout this next several weeks until the Sun enters Virgo which would be on the 23rd of August.
The Leo Sun has much to do. There is so much going on. It is headed for the Lunar Node, then it is headed for an opposition to Mars, and then the Lunar Eclipse. So this very active Sun is the director of all that goes on, so it is extremely busy.
One of the first things that it does do on Monday during the Sagittarius Moon makes an aspect to Neptune. So there are many indications that there is an individual with a bright light that is attempting to shine a light on the deceptions. “Where are the deceptions?” “How are we being fooled?” “How do we think that we can prevent being fooled?” And it might be more difficult than we would ever imagine. Because there is the friendly spy aspect. That is Venus split parallel Neptune. This aspect is in a holding pattern with the Venus opposite Neptune which comes up the next day. This aspect is exact.
First of all, Venus split parallel Neptune would be on Monday. It is an aspect that fills a lot of illusions. It is very romantic while putting the focus on all the wrong things. Lots of vague boundaries regarding realistic values. It is as if they don’t exist. Watch out for your valuables they could be lost. Or you could misplace your items and take a long time to find them. It is Very charming. It is very intoxicating. There is a strong camouflage and a seduction that goes along with this type of deception. There is no commitment involved with it. You engage, you lose. The camouflage is cosmetic only. So there is an insidious consequence for the indulgers of this Venus – Neptune period. It reminds me of Mata Hari and Maria Butina. Ms Butina is in the news lately, as the [alleged] spy from Russia. She is allegedly a spy so we will see.
Think about taking a personal inventory of your intrinsic value during this aspect and how this can enhance your self-worth. And also maybe in business, you want to consider how you may beautify your work or workplace to enhance your presentation to be able to get your point across. There are some things that are very positive. Also musically and spiritually look for a peaceful place to be able to have that beautiful spiritual moment. And also to find a mentor because Venus is about bringing people together. This is a temporary togetherness. You want to beware of buying something without a full inspection.
The opposition between Venus and Neptune has much of the same interpretation as well. That would be at 3:22 PM on Tuesday the 24th. Now that is a good day, a Green Light day. On Tuesday the 24th things are coming together for a onetime event. This Venus opposite Neptune also dissolves money matters, vanishing debt. Also, it is about love that disappears. So be careful about how you invest in that imaginary dream person that you meet on Monday with the first Venus Neptune aspect.
This Sagittarius Moon sign ends at 5:49 PM on Tuesday when the Moon enters Capricorn. It will be in the sign of Capricorn until it enters Aquarius at 6:41 AM on Friday. That is where all the hot action is. But this whole week is going to feel like hot action because that Lunar Eclipse is sparked off by the Sun and the Moon at a quincunx. That is life’s messy clean it up 10:03 PM on Tuesday night. So you might want to be tucked in before that goes in because that is when we begin the full swing. This is when an event will occur that you will need to tend to that is the result of the impact of the Lunar Eclipse. And it isn’t until the final Sun Moon quincunx on Monday, July 30th at 10:15 AM. That is the next one.
So for the Capricorn Moon, it is a money sign. This is a business sign. It doesn’t matter how you feel, it is how you look. It is the Sun square Uranus during that Moon sign. That is at 7:35 AM on Wednesday. So there might be things that have happened even Tuesday night. I’m sure there will be. And into Wednesday morning that causes some type of mishap or sudden abrupt change. It definitely appears to be about economics. They are the issue. It is becoming serious.
Soon Uranus will turn retrograde. That will be on August 7th. So all of this is in preparation for the major upset in finances because Uranus is in the sign of finances and that is Taurus.
Going through the Capricorn Moon on Wednesday. All seems to go pretty easy until 9:08 PM when Venus and Uranus are in an aspect. It is a 135 degrees. So you want to watch your possessions. You could lose your bag. You may get it back, you may not. You could lose your car. Uranus is in the sign of the chariot, so a lot of things about cars. People changing cars. And when you do it might be far more expensive than you ever imagined.
We are also leading into Mercury retrograde 1:02 AM on Thursday morning. At that point also retrograde will be Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto – all retrograde at the same time. That retrograde Mercury will continue until August 19th.
There is an aspect later on, on Thursday. 5:39 PM when the Sun and Saturn are quincunx. So the consequences can be difficult to appease as the Sun is quincunx Saturn. It leaves a mess that is embedded and the problems are very, very hard to clean up and could be temporary. But the problems may not be temporary. The cleanup may be temporary.
Friday the 27th we have the Capricorn Moon and also during that time the Sun is opposite Mars. Now, this during a void of course Moon period. The void of course Moon for the Capricorn Moon starts at 5:19 PM on Thursday and continues until 6:40 AM on Friday. During that time both the Sun quincunx Saturn and then the Sun goes opposite to Mars. This will light your fire. That is a very hot aspect. It is apparent also in the Lunar Eclipse that happens on Friday later at 4:20. And the Moon and the Mars will also be conjunct during that Eclipse.
Venus and Mars are part of the players in the Eclipse chart. They disagree on the most important matters. Money is a big one. And the bonds made between others and the links that they have between the others are weakened with this aspect as well. I think about our relationship with our other nations. It is a heartbreak.
The Lunar Eclipse is the last major thing that does happen on Friday. However, there is an aspect between Venus and Pluto at 9:25 PM. This one is a trine. So this one allows for some type of ease of opening for money matters or business matters in some way. But also relationships that are motivated especially by sexual attraction and monetary attraction as well.
That Aquarius Moon runs right through the weekend of next weekend up until 7:27 PM. There are some Green Light spots in it, but I would not trust it because of all of the heavy energy involved in that Aquarius Moon sign. That is it for the week. Have a safe week. It is very accident prone. So do take care. Talk to you next week.

*You can join the Sunday class online and even participate online. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of the class.
**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at Lunar_Shadow.com.
***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM (WZBC.org) archives for two weeks.
**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: https://soundcloud.com/orbzero and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days July 14 - 21, 2018

Listen to the radio report here:


Saturday, July 14, 2018, The Moon is in Libra and with Mars retrograde, it is the best time to take care of any and all matters needing to be cleaned up, fixed and found. You may find you take the time to stop and work something out that has long been out of order. This could be a task that once seemed daunting now seems approachable. Saturday, July 14 shows a Green Light for your projects or shows right through until 10:23 AM Sunday 7/15. This is a time to get ready for the big show July 27 at the Lunar Eclipse.

Dietrech Pessin’s Lunar-Shadows.com
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, July 14, 2018 – Saturday, July 21, 2018

Good morning. We have a whole bunch of astrology going on as usual. One of the things that are kind of easy to note right now is the chaos that is going on. Mars is retrograde. Mars is the planet of action, and your drive, and your work and anything having to do perhaps with vehicles, mechanics, anything that you would like to see working and functioning well. One of the things that you can expect to find is more energy to do stuff. You might burn out fast. However, you will be able to tackle problems that you felt as if you couldn’t tackle before, even the largest things. Like an overgrown backyard that has been overgrowing for 3-4 years. You may say, “This is when I’m doing this.” I’ve seen where people have taken on large projects that they only dreamt about before or agonized over.

So this is the time to do that. Also, you can notice things and then get right on them rather than the old way of procrastinating. So Mars retrograde can be very productive and you might find that it more efficient than other times as well.

Someone asked yesterday, ‘Why are there so many Eclipses?” We just had a Solar Eclipse on Thursday. We have a Lunar Eclipse coming up on the 27th of July. It is a total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius. And then there is a Solar Eclipse in Leo that is coming up on August 11th. Here is the reason. Because there is a total Eclipse for one of them.

And in this particular case, it is the Lunar Eclipse, that means the New Moon before it and the New Moon after it will both be Solar Eclipses. However, they are only partial Eclipses, the Solar Eclipses because they are not lined up with the Earth the way the Moon is going to be with Mars. That Lunar Eclipse coming up on the 27th of July is going to be a real loud banger. It is incredible the way that it is square to Uranus for one thing. Mars is in the sign of Aquarius. That is the sign of friendship and the collective consciousness and anything having to do with the environment. And the Uranus quality to it is going to make things suddenly and abruptly change.

Well, Uranus is in the sign of Taurus, which is about economics so the whole economic picture can be greatly changing as well as we come into that. But everything that we do now leads up to a show that you may have or some project that you may have. Some deadline that you are trying to set for yourself set it for the 27th of July and you get the momentum of the Universe behind you to help you to finish and put all your cards on the table. And be out in the open with what your project or your show or whatever your plans are that will be supported by the Lunar Eclipse.


Saturday, July 14, 2018

For today we have the Moon in Leo. That Leo Moon early, early this morning 1:11 AM was lined up with Mars. So that was kind of a little preview of a Lunar Eclipse to come yet a few weeks away.

You can also notice today where a lot of things that you wanted to take care of may have started off more easily. You might have felt as if you were more rested this morning than other mornings when you had lost all that sleep the night before. That is Venus and Saturn. [They] were trine early this morning.

Then Venus and Pluto move into an aspect right around now, 9:37 AM. This one is kind of a cranky aspect between the pair. It denotes a minimum or a measured amount of money is needed to be able to accomplish what you want to accomplish and that there is also that very minimum amount of satisfaction as well. Jealousy seems to be a factor with Venus and Pluto when they are in a cranky aspect. And approval is everything. The whole thing about approval in the polls, the political polls. This would indicate that that is not particularly favourable at this time.

Juno is an asteroid. She represents marriage. She is running into a problem with her choices of partnership and pairing. Sort of the United States and the UK (United Kingdom) right now, where there is a blowout and explosion on one side of the cheek. And on the other side of the cheek, there is an agreement to make things happen smoothly with the trade. So it is like whatever. What is it going to be? And the flip-flopping of who are you paired with anyway? This is that Juno characteristic, which is square the Lunar Nodes. so it says a lot of changes in alliances and partnership. This can be on a personal level too. One or both sides may scrutinize the motivation behind any union. So that is an interesting thing. that is exact today.

Then also the Moon and Mercury line up tonight at 7:11 PM. Now, this is a Green Light period that started yesterday. All day today there is a Green Light. That means you can move forward with your goals with the confidence that you can get things done. Even with Mars retrograde, you can still move forward.

The rule about Mars retrograde and lawsuits is this. If you are filing a lawsuit while Mars is retrograde, you lose. So you want to wait until it is direct and that would be on the 27th of August. Then Mercury will go retrograde on the 26th this month. That is July 26th Mercury turns retrograde until the 19th of August. Going to have the combination of Mercury and Mars retrograde along with Saturn, Neptune, Pluto – all retrograde as well. And Uranus will turn retrograde. So it is like the whole solar system is going to be retrograde. So that is going to be fun watching what is going to happen with that.

But the message that the Moon and Mercury bring Saturday, July 14, it might be profound because it lands at a point where the Solar Eclipse in August, August 11th occurs. So keep your ear to the ground and leave your lines open for messages that will come through as well.

Then the last aspect of this Green Light period for this Moon in Leo is at 10:24 AM tomorrow morning. That begins a void of course Moon period. The aspect is parallel to Mercury. That makes this an excellent time for making decisions during this Leo Moon sign. So the void of course Moon will last from 10:24 AM until 1:31 PM Sunday, Sunday. And then you can begin another Green Light period. Pretty much the whole sign is pretty good except for a few landmines that are in there. And I’m going to mark the Green Light period to be super after 11:30 AM on Monday.

But before that, we have some things to cover. So for one for Sunday, there is an aspect between Mercury and Saturn. This one asks you to get your figures in order to be scrutinized by the rule maker. So anything that you are working on, if it needs to be inspected you need to calibrate things perfectly. These are things that are under the domain of Mercury tending the details, and it brings the focus to serious thinking as well. It allows you to get all four corners of your plan or project well situated. The fact that Mercury is at an Eclipse degree says this is very important to get all these details all lined up.


For Monday, July 16th. It has the best Green Light from 11:30 AM until 6:49 AM on Tuesday. The things to watch out for would be Venus and Mars. [They] are looking to gain some cooperation early in the morning. Around 4:00 in the morning when they quincunx. That is life’s messy clean it up. And there are messy things between what it is you are trying to do. And do you have the money to fix that problem? So also if relationships are trying to blend and start there is a monetary concern. Things iron out later actually in the same day with some nicer Venus aspects.

But before noon time there is also Mercury quincunx Pluto. This is still on Monday. That allows you to think your way out of a problem. Most of the details of your plan or your project have been sorted with things like fees of service and registrations that are due. And large containers for debris can be ordered or they can be brought on to the site to remove stuff. And then also meetings with management can map out a plan. The aspect between that pair tends to be a worry wart. So instead of worrying put action behind and a plan. Make a bullet list and take it out of your worry mode and put it into some sort of action mode. And then there is a little bit of fog that clears up and then you should be able to start making pretty decent choices after 4:30.

There is a nice aspect between Venus and Ceres. Ceres is that small dwarf planet that represents nurturing, caretaking, children, mommas and babies, and anyone under the care of a doctor as well. This is about sharing food and comfort. Venus conjunct Ceres bonds people together. Love relationships are founded on a similar sentiment. So there is that caring that nurturing side. Real nice time to bring people into a relationship. It is exact at 5:40 PM on Monday and carries on through the rest.

Venus parallel Juno. This is at 8:45 PM which says if all goes well there really could be a proposal that follows. Now, this can be between countries or businesses, not just people. But it is a very nice people aspect as well, even if it is just about cooperating with those that are in your inner circle.


Tuesday we have that Virgo Moon. Have I mentioned that is a Virgo Moon for all day Monday and Tuesday? The Virgo Moon will start tomorrow at 1:31 PM on Sunday. So that Virgo Moon ends nicely with a beautiful aspect between the Sun and the Moon Tuesday 6:49 AM. So if you want to get things wrapped up and done before then you are golden. This would be the best time during this Mars retrograde to take advantage of this positive green energy.

Tuesday there is a void, of course, Moon 6:49 AM until 3:42 PM. That means take a break. A void of course Moon means things don’t work out quite the way you planned. If you are planning to go into town to see a show, something else may come up along the way. Maybe you run into someone that you hadn’t seen in a long time and your plans go in a different direction. Things don’t go as planned. It doesn’t mean that things will be bad. It means that there is less control. You don’t have the strong control that you do when the Moon is making an aspect to a planet, so that is when it is not making an aspect to a planet. It is called void of course. And that happens before the Moon will move into the next the next sign.

The next Moon sign is Libra 3:42 PM. That is nice for partnership, pairing, agreements. There is a Green Light period from 3:42 PM Tuesday until 8:05 PM Thursday that is terrific. There is First Quarter Moon during that time too. That would be on Thursday at 3:52 PM in the sign of Libra. So you are actively involved in the process of advancing your goals toward partnership or divorce, whichever it is you choose. And the Moon is increasing in light. It is building to tighten the bonds. However, there is that pulsating energy that is coming in from Mars at that Lunar Node and the Lunar Eclipse degree is heating up all things surrounding situations are heating up to a fever pitch. Mars is the active agent as it stimulates and ignites things into its flame.

During the Libra Moon sign, it is relatively free for you to advance your goals. So you want to also note the void of course Moon period during the Libra Moon sign. That would be after the parallel to Neptune. That is 8:05 PM on Thursday until 9:13 PM. That void of course Moon is a short one and it is in the sign of Libra.


Before that, all of the Libra energy is good to go. There are some things about advisors being under scrutiny. 7:02 AM that might be things that are on your worry list Wednesday night. Just let it go it will be sorted out and the end result will be good, as the Moon moves into its final degree later on.


But that Thursday First Quarter Moon is an action Moon. That means things happen on that day. You get the things, you get the approval that you need to go forward. An example would be if you want a license to be able to sell something. The First Quarter Moon occurs at 27 degrees Libra.

You get that on that day. You can take your plans and present them and get them approved on that day as well. We are talking Thursday. That would be the growing point that allows you to put things into your forward bin to be able to go. That will develop full scale out in the open in 9 months. 9 months is the Lunar Gestation cycle I wrote a book about it. It is called Lunar Shadows. You can find it on my website.

Also, the Moon enters Scorpio at 9:13 PM and that is on Thursday. It continues in the sign of Scorpio right through until next Sunday, July 22 at 6:12 AM.


Scorpio Moon is at its most tense point on Friday the 20th. This is when Mars lines up with the Lunar Node. This is going to be brutal in a lot of ways. So that makes Thursday night and Friday morning very haphazard especially when the Moon comes in and bumps it at 8:12 AM. So this is a very loud expression. Mars rules things like hot tempers. Don’t be part of the problem. Walk away. Get your distance. Turn your back. Dogs will be biting. Birds could be biting too. There are people that will think they can run the show with any type of fiery ammunition, so you want to watch out.

On a positive note, you want to get as much done as you can do. Your engines will be running and your goal setting will be great because you will be able to meet your goals with that type of energy. That is pretty much it.
There is an aspect later on in the night with Mercury and Uranus. This is about technology. I just read where they have advanced technology in predicting Earthquakes where they lay lines under the ground in areas that are common for Earthquakes and they are very sensitive now. Can give lots of warning that something is coming, so that is great. That would be the kind of thing Mercury and Uranus are good for.

There is another Green Light period during that Scorpio Moon, although it is going to be intense. If you are going to have to go to court for something always take a professional with you when there is a Scorpio Moon because there is no room for lightweights. You will get squashed. And that Green Light period is going to last right through until 5:17 AM next Sunday. That is it for the week.

Have a great week. Have a good weekend and be safe. Talk to you next week.

*You can join the Sunday class online and even participate online. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of the class.
**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at Lunar_Shadow.com.
***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM (WZBC.org) archives for two weeks.
**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted here at https://soundcloud.com/orbzero and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days July 7 - 13, 2018

Listen to the live radio report here:

The Green Light Period this week begins on Friday, July 13 after 1:32 PM until Sunday, July 15 at 10:23 AM when the final aspect for the Leo Moon is parallel Mercury. This indicates good news. This is also positive for agreements and signing documents. Meeting people of importance to your goals is also positive. Communications of all types are better served during this particular Leo Moon.

Class tomorrow at noon in Watertown can be accessed online by signing up by email: dietrech.pessin@gmail.com; or call 617-924-0929; or text at 617-558-7233 (include you name).

We will be studying the charts of the events surrounding the crisis for the boys trapped in a cave in Chiang Rai, Thailand at 19N54 and 99E50.

They went missing on June 23, 2018, after soccer practice. There are twelve boys and their 25-year-old coach. Over 1000 people have joined the effort to get them out of the cave. They travelled 2.5 miles into the cave on an outing lead by their coach.

Space is limited. Please reserve your spot. Class begins at noon - 2:00 pm

We will not have the charts of the boys trapped but times of events surrounding their crisis.
Any data that you can contribute with times and information about the crisis is greatly appreciated. There is one birthday given for a boy who turned 16 on the day the entered the cave, June 23.

The transcribed version follows:

Dietrech Pessin’s Lunar-Shadows.com
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, July 7, 2018 – Saturday, July 14, 2018
Good morning. Happy Birthday, Victor!

We have an exciting week ahead. There is a Jupiter station. Jupiter is turning direct after being retrograde since April. There is a Solar Eclipse as well. One of two Solar Eclipses that will have this summer. The big headliner for Eclipses would be that Lunar Eclipse that will occur on the 27th of July. But this is a Solar Eclipse that is going to happen on the 12th of July.
We have so many things to talk about and also I want to ask those that attend class or would like to attend class, it is tomorrow on Sunday. It is going to be about the missing soccer team in Thailand. We are going to do a forensic search there. Call me. it is going to be very exciting if you want to participate in this class.

For today we started out with an Aries Moon. That Aries Moon turned to Taurus at 8:50 AM, 8:51 AM. It was looking very, very good. But the end of the matter for this Taurus Moon, the Moon will square Venus and that means this is a money trap. It also means that Venus will be at the very last degree of Taurus when that happens. That particular point is at the Seven Sisters, the Seven Stars of the Pleiades. The ancient phrase that goes along with that particular spot of the zodiac is “something to cry about” because they are called the Seven Weeping Sisters. So we hope that there is something to be happy about when Jupiter goes direct.

I think for now there are a lot of people praying for that soccer team to get out. They are two and a half miles into that cave. Two and a half miles along a very wretched path in that cave in Thailand.

There is some assistance with the Sun split parallel today to Saturn. So this is a seasoned pro that weighs in, but they are not there for the long haul. But there is some help that could bring some input there. If you wanted to ask someone in a position of authority for their opinion that is an excellent way to use this energy. As well as taking on something that has long needed to be done. Something…maybe you want to clean your basement out or something. who knows. But the Sun is split parallel to Saturn and that will have an influence over the entire afternoon and evening.


For Sunday we have a couple of things going on. Sun and Neptune form a trine. This is a very dreamy and romantic and spiritual type of energy 10:42 AM. This is the type of aspect that brings about visions and envisioned principles as well. So if you are someone who is considered a visionary this is your aspect. It is definitely great for taking a nap, but you may also may want to channel something that is really productive. With the Sun in Cancer, the family is the focus. It is making a grand trine to Jupiter as well. And Jupiter [is] standing still. I’m very hopeful for these boys in the cave. Perhaps there really is something positive that can come out of it or a lot positive like 12 kids plus a coach.

Mercury is square to Jupiter on Monday while the Moon is in the sign Taurus. And that is a know-it-all aspect. So there is some information out there that is worth heading. If you can get past the arrogance of delivery. This also speaks to methods that can be used for deeper studies. and it is also tossing out some old notions that didn’t work or stories that were not necessarily true. There is broader thinking, which may lead to more information later. Trips that are started with this Mercury square Jupiter make unplanned changes along the way so you want to be careful. That aspect is really early in the morning on Monday. So if you got up later and started out later you would be in better shape.

And for Monday, July 9th, even for Sunday and Monday, the Moon's final aspect being a square to Venus says this is not a good day to buy anything or sign anything. It doesn‘t end well. There looks as if there is a problem. There are many problems involved with it and something gets dropped. So that aspect between the Moon and Venus happens at 12:09 PM. After that, it is a little bit better.

12:58 PM is when the Moon will go into the sign of Gemini. The Gemini Moon is all about information, talking, thinking. This one has a couple of changes in it. Venus changing signs for one thing at 10:32 PM on Monday night. So Venus entering Virgo will be there until August 6th and it has a greater appreciation for the task well done. Venus loves to see a great level of expertise and hard work that is done. Hire somebody who may have the same critical eye that you have.

And love relationships that begin may be born out of common tasks, such as work or some type of practice. Maybe exercise or yoga, and also money that is made from labour. It is labour well-loved. So people who really love what they do. It is a good time to hire a professional or even a worker of any type because you will find someone who is actually invested in and loves what they do. That is after 10:30 at night on Monday so running all the way until August 6th.


For July 10th that is when we have that big turnaround for Jupiter at 1:02 PM. This is about releasing matters that have been deeply buried. This can be a great support for the Thailand soccer team. It can also be a great support for anything judicial and also have some changes that are being promised in regard to justice on all levels. Any investigations may deepen and widen and open up or be revealed what actually is going on. Jupiter in Scorpio is also about finding money perhaps that is attached to larger groups and organizations. And also anything having to do with human resources or insurance companies, checks that you have been waiting for. Those things can probably be released to you by the 10th. Now we will be in the dark of the Moon pretty much. But finishing up on that Gemini Moon when Jupiter turns direct.


That Gemini Moon will be void of course after a square to Neptune at 4:00 in the afternoon on Tuesday. So this brings about perhaps blind spots caused by fog or rain or sandstorms or something like that. So that void of course Moon will last right until 1:59 PM on Wednesday when the Moon enters the sign of Cancer.

The Cancer Moon is where the Eclipse will take place, but what that Eclipse is doing is making an opposition to Pluto. Pluto is the ruler of the underground. This is an indicator of shining light on things that are buried very, very deeply. Again it seems to point to the boys in the cave. This is going to be enlightening in a lot of ways. Even though it is a New Moon we will be in the dark of the Moon. It is a very dark mission in that cave. It is extremely hazardous already and a Navy Seal has lost his life on this mission already. so it is very, very dangerous.

For us for a New Moon in Cancer…might be things that you might be starting up about family. There might be lots of births under this, lots of pregnancies. Also, family reunions that come together, families that come together. Might be seeing people that have been among the missing for a long time. Or also missing those that have recently passed that are very important family members. All family members are important.

There are also some good news things with Venus trine Uranus and that would be on Wednesday at 11:26 PM. That aspect holds on tight to a parallel to Uranus that runs its energies right through until Thursday morning around 9:00 in the morning. So perhaps there is some money to be found, some love to be found, some pleasant times visiting or being part of the clan.

The dark of the Moon does start on Thursday. I would say probably Wednesday afternoon where this is a Solar Eclipse will be in the dark of the Moon right through until the Moon is visible. So when you can see the Moon in the sky at night, a sliver of the Moon, which might be July 14th then we are out of the dark of the Moon. The Solar Eclipse takes place at 10:47 PM. It is a partial Eclipse. It won’t be visible here.

For Friday the change of the Moon sign…and the Solar Eclipse is actually [the] start of the void of course Moon, if we considered it void of course in Cancer, which I do not.

The Moon sign does change at 1:31 PM on Friday and the Moon will go into the bright and happy sign of Leo. And there is a Green Light. That is the first Green Light of the week. That would go from 1:31 PM on Friday right through until Sunday at 10:23 AM and that is on July 15th.

Reading the rest of Friday’s energy. We have Mercury split parallel Jupiter. This one is more positive news. It is optimistic and it broadens the field, the playing field for many new options. That takes place in the afternoon but it really does govern all of what we will be doing, listening to, hearing on Friday.

For the remainder of Friday evening, the Moon is quincunx Saturn at 8:54 PM. So there might be something that you have to stop and adjust or maybe you just lose energy and have to retire earlier than you expected on Friday evening. But you perk up a little later if you want to go back out. And that is it for the week.
Have a great week. Have a good weekend and be safe. Talk to you next week.

*You can join the Sunday class online and even participate online. if you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of the class.
**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at Lunar_Shadow.com.
***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM (WZBC.org) archives for two weeks.
**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted here at https://soundcloud.com/orbzero and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

Lunar Shadows III - Amazon.com - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: igloopublishing@gmail.com

Lunar Shadows III - Amazon.com - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: igloopublishing@gmail.com
email: dietrech.pessin@gmail.com