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Saturday, July 14, 2018, The Moon is in Libra and with Mars retrograde, it is the best time to take care of any and all matters needing to be cleaned up, fixed and found. You may find you take the time to stop and work something out that has long been out of order. This could be a task that once seemed daunting now seems approachable. Saturday, July 14 shows a Green Light for your projects or shows right through until 10:23 AM Sunday 7/15. This is a time to get ready for the big show July 27 at the Lunar Eclipse.
Dietrech Pessin’s
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, July 14, 2018 – Saturday, July 21, 2018
Good morning. We have a whole bunch of astrology going on as usual. One of the things that are kind of easy to note right now is the chaos that is going on. Mars is retrograde. Mars is the planet of action, and your drive, and your work and anything having to do perhaps with vehicles, mechanics, anything that you would like to see working and functioning well. One of the things that you can expect to find is more energy to do stuff. You might burn out fast. However, you will be able to tackle problems that you felt as if you couldn’t tackle before, even the largest things. Like an overgrown backyard that has been overgrowing for 3-4 years. You may say, “This is when I’m doing this.” I’ve seen where people have taken on large projects that they only dreamt about before or agonized over.
So this is the time to do that. Also, you can notice things and then get right on them rather than the old way of procrastinating. So Mars retrograde can be very productive and you might find that it more efficient than other times as well.
Someone asked yesterday, ‘Why are there so many Eclipses?” We just had a Solar Eclipse on Thursday. We have a Lunar Eclipse coming up on the 27th of July. It is a total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius. And then there is a Solar Eclipse in Leo that is coming up on August 11th. Here is the reason. Because there is a total Eclipse for one of them.
And in this particular case, it is the Lunar Eclipse, that means the New Moon before it and the New Moon after it will both be Solar Eclipses. However, they are only partial Eclipses, the Solar Eclipses because they are not lined up with the Earth the way the Moon is going to be with Mars. That Lunar Eclipse coming up on the 27th of July is going to be a real loud banger. It is incredible the way that it is square to Uranus for one thing. Mars is in the sign of Aquarius. That is the sign of friendship and the collective consciousness and anything having to do with the environment. And the Uranus quality to it is going to make things suddenly and abruptly change.
Well, Uranus is in the sign of Taurus, which is about economics so the whole economic picture can be greatly changing as well as we come into that. But everything that we do now leads up to a show that you may have or some project that you may have. Some deadline that you are trying to set for yourself set it for the 27th of July and you get the momentum of the Universe behind you to help you to finish and put all your cards on the table. And be out in the open with what your project or your show or whatever your plans are that will be supported by the Lunar Eclipse.
Saturday, July 14, 2018
For today we have the Moon in Leo. That Leo Moon early, early this morning 1:11 AM was lined up with Mars. So that was kind of a little preview of a Lunar Eclipse to come yet a few weeks away.
You can also notice today where a lot of things that you wanted to take care of may have started off more easily. You might have felt as if you were more rested this morning than other mornings when you had lost all that sleep the night before. That is Venus and Saturn. [They] were trine early this morning.
Then Venus and Pluto move into an aspect right around now, 9:37 AM. This one is kind of a cranky aspect between the pair. It denotes a minimum or a measured amount of money is needed to be able to accomplish what you want to accomplish and that there is also that very minimum amount of satisfaction as well. Jealousy seems to be a factor with Venus and Pluto when they are in a cranky aspect. And approval is everything. The whole thing about approval in the polls, the political polls. This would indicate that that is not particularly favourable at this time.
Juno is an asteroid. She represents marriage. She is running into a problem with her choices of partnership and pairing. Sort of the United States and the UK (United Kingdom) right now, where there is a blowout and explosion on one side of the cheek. And on the other side of the cheek, there is an agreement to make things happen smoothly with the trade. So it is like whatever. What is it going to be? And the flip-flopping of who are you paired with anyway? This is that Juno characteristic, which is square the Lunar Nodes. so it says a lot of changes in alliances and partnership. This can be on a personal level too. One or both sides may scrutinize the motivation behind any union. So that is an interesting thing. that is exact today.
Then also the Moon and Mercury line up tonight at 7:11 PM. Now, this is a Green Light period that started yesterday. All day today there is a Green Light. That means you can move forward with your goals with the confidence that you can get things done. Even with Mars retrograde, you can still move forward.
The rule about Mars retrograde and lawsuits is this. If you are filing a lawsuit while Mars is retrograde, you lose. So you want to wait until it is direct and that would be on the 27th of August. Then Mercury will go retrograde on the 26th this month. That is July 26th Mercury turns retrograde until the 19th of August. Going to have the combination of Mercury and Mars retrograde along with Saturn, Neptune, Pluto – all retrograde as well. And Uranus will turn retrograde. So it is like the whole solar system is going to be retrograde. So that is going to be fun watching what is going to happen with that.
But the message that the Moon and Mercury bring Saturday, July 14, it might be profound because it lands at a point where the Solar Eclipse in August, August 11th occurs. So keep your ear to the ground and leave your lines open for messages that will come through as well.
Then the last aspect of this Green Light period for this Moon in Leo is at 10:24 AM tomorrow morning. That begins a void of course Moon period. The aspect is parallel to Mercury. That makes this an excellent time for making decisions during this Leo Moon sign. So the void of course Moon will last from 10:24 AM until 1:31 PM Sunday, Sunday. And then you can begin another Green Light period. Pretty much the whole sign is pretty good except for a few landmines that are in there. And I’m going to mark the Green Light period to be super after 11:30 AM on Monday.
But before that, we have some things to cover. So for one for Sunday, there is an aspect between Mercury and Saturn. This one asks you to get your figures in order to be scrutinized by the rule maker. So anything that you are working on, if it needs to be inspected you need to calibrate things perfectly. These are things that are under the domain of Mercury tending the details, and it brings the focus to serious thinking as well. It allows you to get all four corners of your plan or project well situated. The fact that Mercury is at an Eclipse degree says this is very important to get all these details all lined up.
For Monday, July 16th. It has the best Green Light from 11:30 AM until 6:49 AM on Tuesday. The things to watch out for would be Venus and Mars. [They] are looking to gain some cooperation early in the morning. Around 4:00 in the morning when they quincunx. That is life’s messy clean it up. And there are messy things between what it is you are trying to do. And do you have the money to fix that problem? So also if relationships are trying to blend and start there is a monetary concern. Things iron out later actually in the same day with some nicer Venus aspects.
But before noon time there is also Mercury quincunx Pluto. This is still on Monday. That allows you to think your way out of a problem. Most of the details of your plan or your project have been sorted with things like fees of service and registrations that are due. And large containers for debris can be ordered or they can be brought on to the site to remove stuff. And then also meetings with management can map out a plan. The aspect between that pair tends to be a worry wart. So instead of worrying put action behind and a plan. Make a bullet list and take it out of your worry mode and put it into some sort of action mode. And then there is a little bit of fog that clears up and then you should be able to start making pretty decent choices after 4:30.
There is a nice aspect between Venus and Ceres. Ceres is that small dwarf planet that represents nurturing, caretaking, children, mommas and babies, and anyone under the care of a doctor as well. This is about sharing food and comfort. Venus conjunct Ceres bonds people together. Love relationships are founded on a similar sentiment. So there is that caring that nurturing side. Real nice time to bring people into a relationship. It is exact at 5:40 PM on Monday and carries on through the rest.
Venus parallel Juno. This is at 8:45 PM which says if all goes well there really could be a proposal that follows. Now, this can be between countries or businesses, not just people. But it is a very nice people aspect as well, even if it is just about cooperating with those that are in your inner circle.
Tuesday we have that Virgo Moon. Have I mentioned that is a Virgo Moon for all day Monday and Tuesday? The Virgo Moon will start tomorrow at 1:31 PM on Sunday. So that Virgo Moon ends nicely with a beautiful aspect between the Sun and the Moon Tuesday 6:49 AM. So if you want to get things wrapped up and done before then you are golden. This would be the best time during this Mars retrograde to take advantage of this positive green energy.
Tuesday there is a void, of course, Moon 6:49 AM until 3:42 PM. That means take a break. A void of course Moon means things don’t work out quite the way you planned. If you are planning to go into town to see a show, something else may come up along the way. Maybe you run into someone that you hadn’t seen in a long time and your plans go in a different direction. Things don’t go as planned. It doesn’t mean that things will be bad. It means that there is less control. You don’t have the strong control that you do when the Moon is making an aspect to a planet, so that is when it is not making an aspect to a planet. It is called void of course. And that happens before the Moon will move into the next the next sign.
The next Moon sign is Libra 3:42 PM. That is nice for partnership, pairing, agreements. There is a Green Light period from 3:42 PM Tuesday until 8:05 PM Thursday that is terrific. There is First Quarter Moon during that time too. That would be on Thursday at 3:52 PM in the sign of Libra. So you are actively involved in the process of advancing your goals toward partnership or divorce, whichever it is you choose. And the Moon is increasing in light. It is building to tighten the bonds. However, there is that pulsating energy that is coming in from Mars at that Lunar Node and the Lunar Eclipse degree is heating up all things surrounding situations are heating up to a fever pitch. Mars is the active agent as it stimulates and ignites things into its flame.
During the Libra Moon sign, it is relatively free for you to advance your goals. So you want to also note the void of course Moon period during the Libra Moon sign. That would be after the parallel to Neptune. That is 8:05 PM on Thursday until 9:13 PM. That void of course Moon is a short one and it is in the sign of Libra.
Before that, all of the Libra energy is good to go. There are some things about advisors being under scrutiny. 7:02 AM that might be things that are on your worry list Wednesday night. Just let it go it will be sorted out and the end result will be good, as the Moon moves into its final degree later on.
But that Thursday First Quarter Moon is an action Moon. That means things happen on that day. You get the things, you get the approval that you need to go forward. An example would be if you want a license to be able to sell something. The First Quarter Moon occurs at 27 degrees Libra.
You get that on that day. You can take your plans and present them and get them approved on that day as well. We are talking Thursday. That would be the growing point that allows you to put things into your forward bin to be able to go. That will develop full scale out in the open in 9 months. 9 months is the Lunar Gestation cycle I wrote a book about it. It is called Lunar Shadows. You can find it on my website.
Also, the Moon enters Scorpio at 9:13 PM and that is on Thursday. It continues in the sign of Scorpio right through until next Sunday, July 22 at 6:12 AM.
Scorpio Moon is at its most tense point on Friday the 20th. This is when Mars lines up with the Lunar Node. This is going to be brutal in a lot of ways. So that makes Thursday night and Friday morning very haphazard especially when the Moon comes in and bumps it at 8:12 AM. So this is a very loud expression. Mars rules things like hot tempers. Don’t be part of the problem. Walk away. Get your distance. Turn your back. Dogs will be biting. Birds could be biting too. There are people that will think they can run the show with any type of fiery ammunition, so you want to watch out.
On a positive note, you want to get as much done as you can do. Your engines will be running and your goal setting will be great because you will be able to meet your goals with that type of energy. That is pretty much it.
There is an aspect later on in the night with Mercury and Uranus. This is about technology. I just read where they have advanced technology in predicting Earthquakes where they lay lines under the ground in areas that are common for Earthquakes and they are very sensitive now. Can give lots of warning that something is coming, so that is great. That would be the kind of thing Mercury and Uranus are good for.
There is another Green Light period during that Scorpio Moon, although it is going to be intense. If you are going to have to go to court for something always take a professional with you when there is a Scorpio Moon because there is no room for lightweights. You will get squashed. And that Green Light period is going to last right through until 5:17 AM next Sunday. That is it for the week.
Have a great week. Have a good weekend and be safe. Talk to you next week.
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**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at
***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.
**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted here at and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.
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