Saturday, August 4, 2018

Astrology Report for August 4 -11, 2018 with Green Light Days

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There is a Green Light all day and through tomorrow until the evening.

Dietrech Pessin’s
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, August 4, 2018 – Saturday, August 11, 2018

Good morning. Well, we have a lot of interesting things. One of the things is Mercury is retrograde and Mars is retrograde. But so is Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto. We have a whole sky full of retrograde planets. This may be a time that is great for going back over things in the past or anything that you have tried in the past to accomplish and you weren’t able to do it. Try it again. Now the time is golden to do that.
We have a Green Light today all day long right through though to tomorrow. That Green Light will end at 8:14 PM and then we will have a little void, of course, Moon until 9:31 PM tomorrow. But for today during this Taurus Moon nice Moon for connecting with others enjoying a meal. There is the Last Quarter Moon in Taurus at 2:17 PM. It is a money day. This is a day that you may find there is a check in the mail for you if you have been expecting something.

Also, it is a really good day to pay things off. If you have a loan or some type of a bill pay things off when the Moon is in Taurus. It is a significant bill. It is not just like paying the phone bill or something like that. But I would think it is more money in than money out. Although it could be a big spending day.

What we have here during this Taurus Moon good time for making a wonderful dinner sharing a meal with others and also perhaps discussing your financial future. There are no major aspects to mess up the day in any way.



Tomorrow there is one early in the morning. Mercury is quincunx Pluto at 1:14 AM. So that may be stories overnight. I know there is a lot of news about trying to contain fires and help people to find their family members. There are all sorts of things that the Taurus Moon sign is sensitive to. Things of the earth. If you wanted to plant things to beautify your garden it would be beautiful for that. So Sunday is a lovely day for that August 5th.



August 6th we have the Moon enters the sign of Gemini. Actually on the night of Sunday night 9:31 PM Moon goes into Gemini. It is waiting for a few changes. One of the changes will be that Venus will change signs. So you can’t make any decisions that you can count on in the future because of the fact that the Venus changing signs may indicate that there is something that needs to be tended to. Something that is particularly money oriented or relationship or something that may have to do with peacemaking. Perhaps major deals around money. That would be the Venus changing signs at 7:27 PM on Monday.

At the exact same time, the Sun is square Jupiter. So this is an interesting thing. It is at a very loud degree. The Venus entering Libra is expressing itself in a way that all the world to see money matters. It is almost as if the pockets are being opened for the world to see. All of the private things to be seen. Gee, that could be all about Paul Manafort, maybe. I don’t know. That kind of thing peering into someone’s finances. The Sun square Jupiter. Jupiter is the investigator in the investigative sign of Scorpio. It is also in the sign of trust and mistrust and humiliation. And things such as the discovery of things beneath, way beneath the surface. The Sun bumping into it by a 90-degree square can be sort of pointing to where there are topics that need to be further analyzed and anything that needs to be exposed later when we have the Sun in aspect to Jupiter. It could also be a bit of a lucky streak. Although it could be very temporary.

So for the rest of Monday after Venus changes signs we are waiting for something else to happen during the Gemini Moon. So the Gemini Moon says there is a lot of stories lots of things coming out into the surface Monday, Tuesday.


Then Uranus turns retrograde until January. That would be August 7th 12:49 PM. That would begin the void of course Moon on that day, which runs until 12 AM on Wednesday morning. So Uranus turning retrograde is about sudden abrupt change. Things that are wacky and crazy. It does not necessarily mean that Uranus is holding back. It may be…well, it does mean it is holding back. It is holding something in our visual field. It is holding something very strongly under our feet. It could be shaking, ground shaking types of events. And then coming thereafter as we wait for the end of the week, there is a Solar Eclipse on the way next Saturday. So the Uranus retrograde is very powerful and very potent.

Right after that Venus and Mars are making a trine. That may be positive for personal relationships. But as it is under this influence of the Uranus retrograde station…well, you know people could meet and get married the next day. Who knows? It is a very sudden energy involved with that Venus and Mars. Venus is love and Mars is action.

And putting the two of them together in a trine is a harmonious quality for the lover’s aspect. The other thing is about the flow of money. So it could create a positive flow of money in a spontaneous way. So we hope that that is good for all of us, so not just the very rich.


And then there is that void of course Moon from 12:49 PM on Tuesday until 12:00 AM on Wednesday. Then the Moon enters Cancer. The Cancer Moon is sensitive. It is about those that are considered insiders. If you are invited somewhere you might be very much considered an insider. You may want to join. Anytime when the Moon is separating from Saturn may indicate that there is something from which to pull apart. Maybe there is information about people who are separated from you, people who are from the family members that are not there.

The Sun is quincunx Neptune. That is at 7:09 AM. There is something that is a smokescreen, something confusing, something filled with illusion. But it is also the possibility of putting to work some spiritual practice that you are engaged with that is a positive for you.

Then the aspects later…it would be a very important conjunction between the Sun and Mercury. This could be an announcement. This could be something that you’ve been waiting to hear. It also could be where Mercury is still retrograde until the 19th of August. It could be an indication that your appointments are cancelled or changed. Plans need to be looked into and tweaked before you move forward. I would do that with everything. Double check everything. Don’t assume that your clock is even correct. My cellphone told me that I had another 15 minutes before I went on the air, which was not true. That is connected to cell towers. So don’t believe anything. Double check everything. That would be for Wednesday the 8th.


The 9th there is a Cancer Moon still with us. This would be about engaging with others or trying to make your home environment something that is comfortable and peaceful. Money and security would be a topic as well.
Venus is quincunx Uranus at 7:56 AM on Thursday. Beware of losing your purse. I would say if it is that early in the morning take care on Wednesday night in regard to things like that. You could lose your purse over the internet if you are shopping. So you want to beware of those things. And also for perhaps breaking something of great value or overvaluing something as well.

Then Venus goes on to square Saturn at 9:34 PM. So this means when they are making aspects so close on the same day that Uranus and Saturn are also in an aspect. And they are. They are in a trine at 120-degree trine. It is not exact yet, but they are operating as they are trine.

Venus square Saturn could be something that hurts. It is during the void of course Moon, although the Moon is never void of course in the sign of Cancer. That would continue on until Friday morning at 12:18 AM. But the Venus square Saturn at 9:33 PM would be the time to recline and not the time to engage with new loves or any type of social event. It might come up very sour. Anything having to do with a woman in a prominent position, who is aspiring to the top might find also that there is a block. And there is a trip, as being tripped up kind of thing during an aspect like that. But perhaps nothing big will come of it.


Then with the Leo Moon that comes in on August 10th we have…we are waiting for the Solar Eclipse that comes in the next day. However, the Moon will be opposite Mars. So every time the Moon and Mars join together it is a very big deal. And then the Moon is square Uranus. So the Moon is opposite Mars at 1:12 AM on Friday. And then the Moon is square Uranus at 4:21 AM. So in the middle of the night in this neck of the woods things are hopping and popping. The dark of the Moon pretty much will begin right in the beginning of Friday just after midnight. And we will have the dark of the Moon right through the completion of next weekend.

For the rest of Friday Mercury and Uranus are very, very bright. Thinking very hard. Two of them retrograde going back over old data, old information trying to dig up a pattern. Trying to connect the dots in a very brilliant way. That aspect governs the entire day. If you are buying computer equipment…hmm during all this retrograde…I might hold off until after…at least until after Mercury turns direct on the 19th. But you may be investigating something or cars something like that. With the tariffs, car purchases are going to be very, very expensive in a very short order. So if you can get a good deal on a car now, maybe you want to take it.

Then for the rest of Friday the Moon in the evening making an aspect to Mercury where there might be some type of information or an announcement that is made late in the night. Then that would conclude the aspects for the Leo Moon until the Solar Eclipse the next day.


So on Saturday August 11th the Solar Eclipse will take place at 5:57 AM. That Solar Eclipse will take place at 18 degrees of Leo. And if you are…let’s see where that might be visible because it is on the early side…Canada, Greenland, Iceland. I’m not sure if it is in North America. Most northeast of Canada. So we are probably going to miss that one too. But in 6 months we get to see some eclipses. So there is always another eclipse on the way. This will be the last of three. That would be the second Solar Eclipse of the summer and there was a Lunar Eclipse that we had just recently on the 27th of July. That is it for the week.

Have a great week and we will talk to you again next week.

*You can join the Sunday class online and even participate online. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of the class.

**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my website at
***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5 FM ( archives for two weeks.

**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on soundcloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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