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In the WZBC Audio Archive window scroll down to 9:00 AM under Saturday
October 20th 2018.
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in the Windows Media Player move the blue scroll bar to where
Dietrech's audio Report begins (39:33).
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The following is transcribed from the live radio report.
Dietrech Pessin’s
Phone: 617-924-0929
Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting]
Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)
Saturday, October 13, 2018 – Saturday, October 20, 2018
Good morning. Happy fall! We just have a couple of days left of the
Libra sign before the Sun goes into Scorpio on Tuesday. But there are
huge things going on. This is going to be the week that was. Sort of.
We will have another one the week of November 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th.
But for now we are focused on the Full Moon coming up on the 24th.
That is going to be a doozy because the Full Moon will be aligned with
Uranus, which is the planet of sudden abrupt change. That means there
is going to be a lot of wacky things going on. There will be
revelations galore. There will be shake ups.
We seem to have all that that goes on all the time now. It is nothing
new. We are in a constant state of shake up and revelations. Anyway
there will be more of that, but I think there will be more extremes
that we will be dealing with.
We have today a Pisces Moon. During a Pisces Moon a couple of Mercury
Jupiter aspects by parallels that are going on. Mercury is parallel
Jupiter. Then later Mercury is parallel Mars. That is a real step up
in military might. It is definitely about the political forces. There
also…there are troops on the ground would be stepping up their
activities as well. The Pisces Moon is one for having a sympathetic
perspective. having an understanding on the subconscious level and
also it is the sign of escapism. You may escape through drugs,
alcohol, cigarette smoking, eating any of that. You may be faced with…
we are under the canopy of this Mercury Mars energy with having to
make choices about what you can do that helps you to get your center.
Come back to your center. The answer to that is look straight up ask
for help and go with it. Allow the spiritual energy to come in and
help you to be able to find your center. That is supported
particularly with the Moon in Jupiter. That comes up now tomorrow. We
still have this Pisces Moon and that Mercury Mars is exact parallel
Mars in the afternoon at 5:17 PM, but it will govern the whole day as
well. That is usually a Green Light too for taking action in any way.
Then the Moon and the Sun are quincunx. That would be at 12:31 AM
Monday morning. So you just sailed right through Saturday and Sunday
with that Pisces Moon because there is not much else going on besides
the information that is collected from a broad view.
You know what else I think the troops on the ground are that is about
the immigrants that are attempting to cross the border. I think that
they will be…the threat is that they will be met with the United
States National Guard army or something. So that seems pretty true.
The quincunx there is about making adjustments trying to put to work
something that has been railed in for the purpose of organizing a
sense of balance and normalcy which is nothing more out of balance
than a quincunx. And that is the Moon in Pisces quincunx the Sun. it
is exact on Monday morning. It is also a warning that there is a Full
Moon coming. I say warning because this Full Moon is just packed
jammed packed with hyper above board energy.
The Moon is in Aries so that Pisces Moon will be free floating from
12:31 AM on Monday until 2:58 AM on Monday. That is when the Moon
enters Aries. So during the Aries Moon sign the Sun changes signs and
will enter Scorpio on Tuesday at 7:22 AM.
So the implications of that kind of thing when a planet makes a change
during a Moon sign. It means that planet is drawing all the attention
and that part of or maybe all of what you chose to do or attempt to do
can get dropped. So you may wish for that to happen. You may wish to
let something go, Drop something and move on to something else. So you
want to keep your mind on …keep a strong focus and allow yourself to
make choices. Try not to etch things in stone because they are likely
to fall apart. Especially if you are depending on someone else as a
key player to be able to run with the ball. They are going to drop the
ball and take on something for their own purpose and not yours.
The Sun and Uranus are forming what is called a split parallel. That
is on Monday and it governs the whole day. So we are not going to pin
point it down. Its focus is the opposition that the Sun and Uranus
will have. That Sun and Uranus opposition is on Tuesday night at 8:46
PM. So it is rocking and rolling. It is the kind of energy that is
sudden abrupt change and it is in a holding pattern beginning on
Monday all the way through Tuesday. During that time Mars and Jupiter
run a parallel. So they are lined up in declination that is what
parallel means. They are ready to roll and they are also ready to be
aggressive, assertive, and whatever. There is a little bit of don’t
push me around energy with the Moon square Saturn. That is 10:59 AM on
Monday. then we have Mercury and Pluto talking to one another about
things going round and round and round in your head and like have the
feeling 3:13 PM as if there is broken record. That energy is also
about collecting information from those that sit in seats of power and
those that are likely to have some type of information about what is
going on behind the scenes. Or a lot of running around passing notes
in class and trying to gather information from the person who is
really in charge behind the scenes.
Mercury and Saturn form an aspect later in the evening around 9:30 at
night. This aspect is a 45 degree aspect. It speaks to throwing you
off your center being off balance. Giving you a run for your money a
run for your issues. A run for your money might be just what it is
about with Mercury in Scorpio and Saturn is in the sign of Capricorn.
So it is business minded. There may be a little difficulty as if you
are over drawn or you are about to be overdrawn. And you may get
notice that you have reached your limit. So Saturn is about the limit
Then on Tuesday in comes Mercury parallel Venus. There is some good
news in there. There is some cooperation between those two. They are
both in Scorpio. Venus in Scorpio is not happy. That is as if you
are…the quality of Venus in Scorpio…it is like cookie monster. Cookie
monster wants to eat the sweet cookies but is a monster about it. So
there is a really kind of icky-itchy energy with that. The parallel
between those two might get you together with somebody who would like
to talk money or close a deal that sort of thing.
Then we have the Sun entering the sign of Scorpio at 7:22 AM. That
will be in that sign for a month. A lot goes on with that on Tuesday
during a Scorpio Moon and there are a couple of things. The Sun is
headed right for an opposition to Uranus at 8:46 PM on Tuesday. This
is a great big uh-oh. Sudden abrupt change. Great realizations and
reckonings. Rebellious energy. A huge breaking away. Breaking a leg,
just breaking loose the rebellious energy is so dominate that people
get caught up without thinking about something practical. Fortunately,
when it is all done next weekend the Sun is going to make an aspect to
Saturn which reins in something more stable and more practical. I
wonder if there will be things that will shake the Earth literally.
Being just Sun opposite Uranus, not every time that happens is there
some Earth shaking thing. But in this particular instance the Earth is
about to line up with Pluto who is at zero latitude. And also the fact
that the Lunar Node will switch signs. so we are headed for that. So
that makes the energies more huge. So the Sun is going to square the
Lunar Nodes. The Lunar Nodes are the coming and going of people in
your lives. That is to help and support you. And the Sun square that
point says, uh-oh things are not lined up the way you wished. It is at
a crisis point.
So we do have on Wednesday something that does tie some loose ends.
That is Venus sextile Saturn. That tries to tie together the financial
ends that we have.
Then there is a change of Moon signs. The Moon will be void of course
on Wednesday from 4:38 AM until the Moon changes signs at 10:33 AM.
(52:00 STOP) And then also as I am just now turning on my recorder. If
anyone else has a recording of this let me know.
So what we have with the Taurus Moon sign is the opposition between
the Sun and the Moon on Wednesday at 12:45 PM. That Full Moon takes
place at 1 degree of Taurus. That is right where Uranus is. So that
is what I am talking about. That is what all this high pitched
incredibly charged energy is all about. It is about the Full Moon
conjunct Uranus. Uranus is in the sign of money and the sign of
stability and anything having to do with our finances. I would think
it is going to bounce this stock market around and other financial
institutions as well.
Then we have the Sun square the node exactly at 3:27 PM. There is
likely to be some big traffic event or something that will describe
that type of energy as it moves into and then out of that square.
There are no Green Lights during this period by the way.
On Thursday we still have a Taurus Moon a lovely Venus Jupiter energy.
Now that reminds me of the lottery that is so huge. So I wonder if no
one has won the lottery the day that it might be won would be either
Tuesday night or Thursday. I’m sorry that it crosses the date line
there. But there is an emphasis on Venus making something right.
What we have Friday October 26th the Moon is still in Taurus. Venus
will join the Sun at 10:16 AM. This is called the inferior conjunction
that is when Venus is retrograde. And if you are paying attention to
the Venus retrograde period it ends on the 16th of November. So we
still have a lot to go. It means it is at its halfway point. It may
have a lot to do with trying to nail down the things with significant
others or any type of agreement or legal matter. You are at that
halfway point. The Moon is opposite Jupiter with that Taurus Moon.
Jupiter is in Scorpio. It doesn’t have that much longer in the sign of
Scorpio. It will change signs on November 8th. So Jupiter in Scorpio
is likely to be digging up things and reporting back things. Maybe it
is the FBI report that they are working on the trump administration.
Maybe it is that sort of thing that gets reported.
Then we have a free floating Taurus Moon from 10:48 AM until 3:41 PM
and that is the time when the Moon enters the sign of Gemini. The
Gemini Moon has a lot of quincunxes. So that we have after the Sun and
the Moon are opposite on the Full Moon. Then the Moon is headed for
another quincunx. That would be like you had an accident during the
Full Moon. You have to call in the insurance adjustor. Or a storm
crashed into the house and that insurance adjustor has to come and
check things out. And if you are selling a house or something like
that the inspection would be an important thing. Probably before this
time of 9:56 PM on Friday. That is when you are likely to feel like
you have to hire people pick up the pieces and what not.
Then the Moon is also just traveling through the sign of Gemini right
through next weekend, all weekend next weekend we have that Gemini so
people are talking lots of information being passed back and forth.
That is what we have for the week ahead. (56:49 STOP) Have a great
*You can join the Sunday class 12:00 noon time in Watertown and even
participate online. People have been joining from all over the
country. If you contact me by phone or email. Got to my website for
information about that. Anyone who joins the class gets a copy of the
class. I’m also available for consultation and questions about
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