Monday, May 20, 2019

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin May 18 - 25, with Green Light Days

Dietrech Pessin’s

Phone: 617-924-0929

Text: 617 – 558 – 7233 [Please include your name when texting, so I
know who you are.]

Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, May 18, 2019 – Saturday, May 25, 2019

Good Morning everybody out there on this Saturday, May 18th. It is
intense. The intensity is real. It is a struggle I think trying to
keep the emotional level at a point where it is manageable. It is
because of a big fat Scorpio Moon.

The Scorpio Full Moon takes place today at 5:14 PM. It is at the last
couple of degrees there of the sign of Scorpio. Very intense point.
The point of many stops, stations, planet stations in recent history
of Mercury and Saturn. And there are Jupiter. There are all sorts of
things that happened around that degree. It is bringing things out
into the open, up on the surface, as if we haven’t had quite enough
with a mad man in the White House and the country on the verge of war
and economic collapse. There is all sorts of fears that people have. A
lot of them are real and then the imagination goes off further.

The imagination is a factor of Neptune. Neptune is in the sign of
Pisces cooperating with Venus early this morning in a rather
disruptive manner. Neptune is the planet of illusion and confusion.
It is like playing a game with the walnuts and the pea under the
walnut. Trying to find what is real, what isn’t real.

Venus and Uranus go on later to join one another today, 5/18, at 12:16, 12:17
PM today. Venus and Uranus conjunction has a lot to do with friendship
for one. But this is in the sign of Taurus, so this is about
tradition. Trying to hold onto the things that matter to you. Those
things may be disrupted for various reasons. But there are financial
causes also at the root of this. And then there is a financial shift
that can be seen or foreseen ahead, which could be sending out various
warning signals. There is a lot of impulse buys that could be made.
And then shifts in how you feel, which are hugely under the influence
of this Full Moon, coming upon information that is heavy and intense
and difficult to manage. So the Full Moon is not bringing us any big

Usually a Full Moon is about the end of a matter things that are all
out in the open all the problems are out on the table. That can be a
good thing that you can see what is. Especially getting the facts. But
getting the facts has been very difficult. It is not a good season in
humanity where getting the facts is well received.

So for Sunday also we have a change in Moon signs. It actually starts
late tonight. 9:21 PM the Moon goes into the sign of Sagittarius,
which should be a little happier should bring us a little lift. The
Sagittarius Moon ends with an aspect to the Sun before it leaves the
sign. It is complicated by a lot of quincunx energies. Quincunx is an
aspect I call, "life's messy clean it up".
That can be seen with the Moon to Mars, then
Uranus, then Venus. All those things are about your actions are taken
under consideration of partners and friendship that are suddenly and
abruptly changed in such a way that they may be unrecognizable. With
the Sagittarius Moon sign you get this very broad view of things that
are perhaps not in your immediate circle and outside of your comfort
zone. The quincunx energy that we have continues right though the very
end of the Sagittarius Moon sign which would be on Tuesday when the
Moon and the Sun are forming an aspect at 3:56 AM. And then the Moon
is void of course.

But let’s check for today’s void of course Moon before we go on. It is
actually going to be at 7:15 PM today until 9:21 PM today, tonight.
That is when there will be a void of course Moon when you want to drop
all of your activities. Don’t make any commitments or move forward
with anything in a way that you want to be able to collect, use or
spend later.

For Monday during that Sagittarius Moon sign there is an aspect
between the Sun and Mercury. This is leading up to some type of an
announcement which may be broader, as we get closer to the Sun
changing to Gemini and then Mercury change into Gemini on Tuesday. So
there is some information that leads up to that which will happen on
Monday. So keep you ear to the ground if you are looking to find out
something important. Or some type of plan that you want to make
particularly if it is a plan about travel or about maybe your
property. If you want to make changes in regard to that.

For Tuesday we still have a Sagittarius Moon just until 3:56 AM. You
could if you wanted to consider a void of course Moon, very brief. A
few seconds long only from 3:56 AM until…well, there is not a void of
course Moon there of any to mention. The Moon is considered exempt
from void of course Moons anyway in the sign of Sagittarius. Venus and
Uranus are parallel, so this is an emphasis of friendship and money
matters that need to come together. You want to be patient with your
friends and be patient with yourself. Give yourself the biggest break
that you can give. Because it is very, very difficult to manage the
things that are going on.

The Capricorn Moon does come in on Tuesday and it is going to give us
some Green Light energy. That will begin after the two planets making
changes make their change. That is the Sun enters Gemini at 4:00AM.
And then Mercury enters Gemini at 6:52 AM. After that we have Green
Light period. That Green Light period will continue right until 6:48
AM on Thursday. That is defined by the Moon making a parallel, which
is an aspect that joins for long term effects or benefits that you can
expect to have some positive results as a result of your action that
you are taking on Tuesday with the Capricorn Moon sign.

The Sun and Mercury join at 9:06 AM. This has to do with some kind of
information or major announcement or maybe there is information that
you need to collect before you can move forward and do the next thing.
Have a plan for some type treatment or some type of financial because
it is a Capricorn Moon. So it has a lot to do with business and
financials. So what your plans are for business or career that might
be something that you are mulling over on Tuesday.

Wednesday is another Green Light day. However, there is a level of
intensity once again when the Moon attempts to cancel out the effects
of Saturn and Pluto. So that is all this type of thing where people in
position of power decide they are not going to pay any attention to
the law what so ever. Trying to cancel out the long arm of the law. So
these conjunctions that the Moon makes 6:23 PM, then 11:58 PM on
Wednesday have to do with like a mini Eclipse. So that is putting out
of our reach or out of our sight those two plants. Which says they
temporarily, as far as our perspective, they don’t exist. It kind of
gives us a little break from those two planets. But they do peek out

Then there is an aspect between Mars and Uranus at 10:46 AM. They are trying to
make a unique plan, a situation, an opportunity that may create also a
glimpse of what is in store at the end of the year when a Solar
Eclipse occurs on December 26th. The Mars and Uranus you may have an
opportunity for a business event that you are planning on or hope to
make connections for on Wednesday. The aspect is exact at 10:46 AM. So
if you want to plan something before to sign or agree or move forward.
You do have a Green Light to do that.

There is a lot of individual commitment with that. Revolutionary
ideas, iron will, accelerated activity, technical creativity, lots of
problem solving and engineering. There is desire to make things happen
or to force a change. You have to think about who is behind all these
changes and what direction is that dynamic leadership going to take,
as there is a focus on individuality and not unity necessarily.


Then for Thursday we still have a Capricorn Moon and it does go void
of course at 6:48 AM. It will be void of course until 1:49 PM also on
Thursday, when the Moon enters the sign of Aquarius. Another Green
Light period. We are blessed. That can last right through until next
Saturday at 8:51 AM when the Moon is in Aquarius. It is sort of in a
friendship mode looking for allies. Looking for people to back them
up. Trying to find unity for good causes. That is pretty much it for
the week.

This Full Moon is called a Blue Flower Moon. I don’t know what the
reference is. I guess we’ve had more Full Moons in this season than usual,
and they are still Full Moons. All the cards on the table. Everything
out in the open. People come together and they can also split apart on
a Full Moon as well. It is a money Moon. The Sun being in Taurus, The
Moon being in Scorpio. So there are a lot of things about money that
conclude and brought up. So good luck with your plans over the week.
Have a good week and we will talk again next Saturday. Thank you.

A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233
[Please include your name when texting, so I will know who you are.]

Private classes are available at $60/hr. Class must not be focused on
your chart but that of others or outer studies.

I’m also available for consultation and questions about astrology.

**The MP3 audio file of this report is posted on the blog section my
website at

***The audio file of this report is also archived on WZBC Radio 90.5
FM ( archives for two weeks.

**** You can also find the MP3 audio file of this weekly report on
sound cloud. All of my radio reports are posted there at: and look for my name, Dietrech Pessin.

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