Sunday, August 18, 2019

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Aug 17 - 25, 2019 with Green Light Days

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Weekly Astrology Report WZBC radio 90.3 FM every Saturday morning in
and around 9:30 AM (Victor Venckus WZBC radio host)

Saturday, August 17, 2019 – Saturday, August 24, 2019

Good morning. Today is Saturday, August 17th. The Moon is in Pisces.
The Pisces Moon has a couple of things going on. Mars and Saturn are
making an aspect this afternoon, which would create some kind of
change in hard work. Or a problem that needs to be tended to that will
be resolved probably later on, but before the weekend is over. It is a
sesquiquadrate,135 degree aspect. This aspect usually reveals that there are
problems, hidden problems that need to be tended. There is an aspect
between the Sun and Uranus which will help those things to be resolved
with the latest technology and things that can bring a quick resolve
to any kind of issue.

The Pisces Moon has something that needs to be dropped or changed
because Mars is changing signs. That would be tomorrow morning at 1:18
AM. Mars goes into the sign of Virgo. Mars works very hard when it is
in the sign of Virgo. It likes to have a lot of cooperation. It gets
its attention from tedious interest. It is also very sexual in the
sign of Virgo interestingly enough. It can be focused on pornography.
It can be focused on things that are not necessarily of the highest
good. There is a change from Mars coming out of Virgo not until the
4th of October. But what it does is it truly does help to get the work
done and get others to cooperate with you as well. So that having an
impact on tonight might say that your plans that you have with one
person or another maybe dropped or changed because may be their
interest is different. There is interest change. They go on to
something different.

There is what might be a void of course Moon from 5:56 AM tomorrow
morning until 12:33 PM tomorrow when the Moon enters the sign of
Aries. I don’t really consider the Moon void of course in Pisces. But
you can use that period if you like.

There is a little Green Light period during the Pisces Moon overnight
tonight. If you are up and you want to do something interesting to
forward your goals with the Pisces Moon, it might be something
spiritual. It might be something. Prayer or meditation would be very
positive. Extremely so because the Moon is headed for a parallel to
Neptune. So between 1:18 AM and 5:56 AM this is an excellent period to
send your prayers out.

Also there is a great Green Light period that does start for a couple
of days starting on Sunday at 12:33 PM during the Aries Moon. That
will run right until Wednesday at 12:06 AM. So if you have plans for
Monday or Tuesday you are in really good shape.

There are a couple of things going on that I should mention. Jupiter
on Monday will be 30 degrees behind Saturn. So this indicates that
there is much work yet to be done in the areas of immigration and
education, school loans, and things like that. And the Sun and the
Moon respond with a list of things to do that need attention. The Moon
wants to clean things up quickly. But maybe too quickly. So you want
to be mindful about trying to rush through things that you may have to
come back and do over again. Because of the fact that Saturn is
standing very still and will remain so for the next month because it
is retrograde. It will turn direct September 18th. So we want to watch
out for what Saturn calls for.

The Moon will be making a 90 degree aspect to Saturn on Monday at 5:56
PM. This may bring about the end of a bit of a low mood that could be
sinking in the afternoon on Monday. So that should be lifted by 6:00
PM. And then there is something perhaps to look forward to or feel
that you can relax about. Also just after that when the Moon is trine
Jupiter, so it ends nicely.

The Aries Moon continues with all sorts of good things. Venus and
Uranus join with a parallel bringing friends together for a unique
purpose. Little bit later, but first thing in the morning Moon square
Pluto. So a lot of things on your mind when you get up on Tuesday
about what you have to do. What order are you going to do them in? And
who you need to pay and organize all along the way.

But the Venus and Saturn are in an aspect on Tuesday at 8:14 PM. This
one hurts your pride or your financial picture, but it works out in
the end. But you have to be careful along the way because it is
involving that slow moving Saturn. Venus seems to be picking a winner
but Saturn tosses an obstacle in the path. But any bad moves from the
top are regrettable. And they will be reversed next month.

As it turns out for the events and whatever your goals are on Tuesday,
even Monday. Monday and Tuesday right through until 12:06 AM Wednesday
morning. All things will end well. So that would be my pick if want to
advance your goal. You have got a good Green Light there.

Then we have a Moon sign change and that would be at 12:37 AM on
Wednesday. When the Moon enters Taurus. During this time you are going
to drop all or part of your project because the leader or the star
will go on to something different. This is where you are going to see
changes come about. First from Venus, and then Saturn Venus will
change signs on Wednesday at 5:07 AM.

Then on Friday the Sun will enter Virgo at 6:02 AM. And it will be
finished with its summer time fixed energy as the Sun leaves to clean
things up later. Venus leading the way into Virgo goes in and
scrutinizes what is necessary to keep the funds flowing and keep
relationships running smoothly as well. Physically there are a lot of
things that need to be tended to. Helping others. also tending to a
lot of medical issues for yourself. This would be a good time period
with the Sun going into Virgo for tending physical ailments and
problems and getting things taken care of.

Venus travels through Virgo until September 15th, which is going to be
a very interesting Full Moon day. But that Virgo Venus starts at 5:06
AM on Wednesday. The information that you hear or what you gather or
how you exchange ideas on Wednesday should be interesting and
positive, with Mercury and Jupiter in a really nice broad trine.

There is something unique and unusual later in the afternoon when we
have the Moon and Uranus lined up for some quirky energy. So watch out
for that.

All of this energy is for the Taurus Moon sign. It focuses on the fact
that there are going to be big changes. And you shouldn’t invest all
your energy in what you know, have, and want to do for Wednesday and
Thursday. You do find that there is a lot of support for your ideas.
Even though you really should wait for a better day.

The Sun and Saturn form an aspect on Thursday. This is at 4:42 PM. So
Saturn asserts its strength from tradition. And the Sun says that it
is the boss. So there is a conflict there. and there is something that
needs to be worked out ironed out or smoothed down.

Mercury and Neptune later on stir up a big wind. There is a lot of
confusion. There could be some wild weather to mind during that
Thursday evening when Mercury and Neptune are quincunx. That is life’s
messy clean it up. Those are the branches and the water and whatever
it is that gets stirred up. Mercury has wings on his feet.

The Sun enters the sign of Virgo 6:02 AM on Friday morning. Right
after that the Moon sign in Taurus has just a couple of things left to
do. One of which is to make an aspect to Saturn. So the constant
energy of Saturn is being dominated throughout this period. And the
Moon will be at the Pleiades, the Seven Stars at the end of Taurus.
The key words for that particular degree are something to cry about.
So you want to be careful about taking on something that you feel
strongly vested in. I would say release your investment in things
until there is a better day.

Then the Gemini Moon comes in 10:34 AM. This would be on Friday. That
Gemini Moon is in pretty good shape. Shows that there are two or more
options for relationship matters. There is a strong motivation to take
action while there are reports or heavy details, which could cause
some worry. So a lot of things that you would like to do, you need
more information. A partner from the past may drop their support or a
new one may offer to help. But there is also new… There are new
efforts and new jobs that do come up as well.

There may be a very good match, which generates quite a bit of talk.
When you are moving quickly or when you are driving be very careful
you don’t drive yourself right into a speed trap or something worse.
So it is best to slow down during this Gemini Moon sign. And align
yourself with the right tracks and be ready to put all or part of your
project into the rules. Because those rules could be bogging you down
later if you don’t follow them.

When all is said and done you have an excellent record. Your goals can
be met with this Green Light during the Gemini Moon sign. That Gemini
Moon will be good right through until Sunday 2:58 AM August 25th. So
that is an excellent time to forward your goals. Make those
connections. Call people that you have been trying to reach for a long
time and generate some new ideas.

The Last Quarter Moon comes in this week at 10:56 AM on Friday. and
the Last Quarter Moon will be a zero degrees of Gemini. So something
loud and clear is broadcasted, as information that you hear could be
Important. But check for gossip because as we are very used to most
everything we hear is not true. Or it could be verified in some other
way. So be careful about believing everything you hear. That is it for
the week. (48:35 STOP) Have a really good one. And we will talk again
next Saturday. Thank you.

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