Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Astrology Report for August 31 - Sep 6, 2019 by Dietrech Pessin

Good morning. It is a Sunny day here. Isn’t it? Supposed to be.
Anyway, we have a lot of Mars energy going on. There is the speeding
up of activities, and things that break that need to be fixed right
away. And all sorts of efforts that need cooperation with others. We
had an intense New Moon yesterday. That New Moon was clustered around
Mars and Venus and Mercury. We have been in this Mars energy with the
Sun for the past week and it continues right through Labor Day.
It would be until mid-week before it dissipates. It is crazy
energy. The kind of attacks, strange attacks. I got attacked by a bug
in my face the other day, and it was just such a Sun Mars energy. It
is like, “Oh boy.” That drove that energy right home. Things like
trying to take care of vehicles. Getting the tires, so that they are
perfectly safe. Be careful about traps: Police traps for speeders,
people speeding. One of the biggest things with this Mars and Sun all
in Virgo. Virgo is the sign of your health. So this would be about
viruses. Things like if you are traveling being exposed to things like
measles and other viruses. Perhaps things like mosquito bites and the
viruses that come with those. So it can be difficult to manage health
things. But be mindful of it and take whatever precautions that you
can when you are out there.

The Virgo Moon will be with us right up until 7:08 PM tonight. There
is a void of course Moon before that that starts at 1:15 PM today. And
it is an aspect that aligns with Neptune. That basically says that
your efforts and your interest in the quality of what it is you are
doing and want to do has kind of a consolation prize to it. Or it may
be a temporary fix. You may try to work something out and you find
that it is just, it needs to be done again later. Taking care of your
health. Planning a health plan. Be careful not to be overzealous. Just
take it slow and easy and you will get there faster.

The Libra Moon comes in. Libra Moon is more interested in establishing
a cooperation with others and a partnership in all your activities.
This is where you want to hash out agreements. We have a Libra Moon.
It is very good. It is a Green Light period the whole time. That would
run through most of Monday. I’ll give you the time when the change
come up with Monday. But I want to say that there are legal matters
that you can tend to. You can balance the scales all over. People are
more open to social activities during the Libra Moon so it makes this
weekend social and fun. There can also be a decisiveness instead of
that waffling back and forth. But peace at all costs. That is what
seems to be the message here. And there are so many things coming
together where people are coming together, trying to pull together,
and make change and bring a permanent affect to very difficult and
waffling energies.

Sundays Libra Moon sign has a couple of really nice aspects. One is
Mercury trine Uranus. And then Venus is trine Saturn. 10:10 AM and
then 2:49 PM. So there is some information that comes in that has the
quality of unique and unusual methods. It is about friendship.
Bringing friends together for something that is long term and
practical with the Venus and Saturn. And it says money matters could
be more practical and better sorted out on Sunday as well, if you want
to go over your finances and figure out what you can and cannot

The Sun comes in to conjunct Mars September 2nd. Now we had all this
Mercury Mars and Sun Mars stuff back in June and July. And a lot of
things broke down and went awry and messages were crazy. So it is a
little bit of revisiting that insanity during the Libra Moon. But with
all this Sun conjunct Mars, the aspect between those two planets is
6:42 AM Monday. It is rather haphazard. But it also a good motivator.
It puts a fire under the pot. And I hope it doesn’t burn things up too
much. Fire is a key word for that aspect. You would be able to get
things going perhaps that you have not been able to get going before.

Venus is square Jupiter during the Libra Moon. So that is a message
that basically says that you’re over the top. You have invested too
much. Planned too much. Too high of an expectation and it may fall
flat. The Moon is void of course from 3:26 PM on Monday until 7:35 PM.
And that is after the Moon makes an aspect to Neptune. This one is
about water. It is probably about the Hurricane [Dorian}. This would
also with Sun and Mars is a lot of work a lot of clean up. Big plans
for cleanup. You can use that energy to clean the basement or go
through whatever it is that you need to clean up and get freshened up.

Uranus and Ceres. Ceres is that dwarf planet that rules food and
nurturing and caring. They are in an aspect that is upsetting the
apple cart. That would be on Monday night. So the Scorpio Moon comes
in Monday night 7:35 PM. The end of the Green Light period is at 3:26
PM on Monday. The Green Light would have started 7:07. Is it tonight
when the Moon goes into Libra? Let me see. 7:08 tonight the Moon goes
into Libra. So that is a Green Light period that will last right
through until 3:26 PM on Monday.

Then the Scorpio Moon has an aspect a nice aspect with Pluto. And then
a difficult aspect with Saturn. So there are some mixed messages that
comes along. The aspect also between Mercury and Mars is about saying
something, bringing it together. Revving it up. Pushing some ones
agenda for the purpose of some type of aggression.


And the Tuesday Scorpio energies are focused around Sun conjunct
Mercury 9:40 PM. But it does govern the whole day because Mercury is
conjunct Mars in there as well. That is earlier in the day. That is
before noon time. There is a lot of high energy during the Scorpio
Moon sign.

Scorpio Moons. This is when you don’t miss a trick. There is a lot of
tendencies to direct your emotions inward. And people react to
psychological slights, real or imagined. And payback is getting even
and can be the mode of behavior that can be difficult to sort through.
Threats are a tactic of reaching one’s objective with the Moon phases
in Scorpio. Often there are issues regarding other people’s money that
you are trying to sort through. It is a money sign. There may be a
check in the mail during that money sign, but it may be your check
going out to pay something else.

Sexuality is definitely on the surface with the Scorpio Moon. There is
a lot of brooding and ugly behavior that is common with this. Scorpio
Moons are very passionate and their frustrations would bring about a
need to engage in things that might actually be risky. It does rule
things like birth, death, estates, insurances, pregnancies. Anything
having to do with life and death matters, as well as loans. The
Scorpio Moon is with us right through until 11:08 PM on Wednesday. It
is not a good Moon sign for engaging or signing. It is too difficult.
It has too many traps in it.

And then the Sagittarius Moon comes in 11:08 PM on Wednesday night.
That will run right through until 6:37 AM next Saturday. The
Sagittarius Moon has a couple of things that are good. And a couple of
things that are difficult. One of the things going on is First Quarter
Moon in Sagittarius at 11:10 PM on Thursday. This one is directed at
moving the energy outward. Seeing how you can find a way to escape an
issue and probably put off some type of responsibility. It is action
oriented in the First Quarter Moon where you are actively involved in
the process of moving forward with your goals. So that could involve
higher education or a plan for travel or something like that.

For Friday September 6th, again the Sagittarius Moon is not
necessarily good for signing anything or agreeing to anything long
term, as Friday shows the Moon is square Venus. So that tightens up
money or it may make you feel as though you can spend money that you
actually don’t have.

There is an aspect between Venus and Pluto later on in the evening.
This one probably turns the energies more toward a sensual energy
where also money matters are being held tightly. Trying to find ways
to spend money in a way that could be more satisfying than not.

Throughout the night on Friday the Moon is headed towards an aspect
with Uranus. And then Mercury and Neptune are opposite. This would be
September 7th. So I don’t know if that hurricane is still applying,
but this Mercury opposite Neptune really does stir up the wind. So
does Mercury Mars. And that is what we are seeing all this week. All
this Mercury Mars, Mars and Sun. So I would say September 3rd the wind
is really higher winds on Tuesday the 3rd. So that would stir up the
hurricane in a big way. That is it for the week. (47:07 STOP) Thank
you. Have a good week.

If you need to talk to me call me at 617-924-0929. Or you can call me
or text me at 617 – 558 – 7233. [Please be sure include your name when
texting to 617 – 558 – 7233, so I will know who to respond to.] You
can call me on that line too.

A text message is a great way to reach me. Text: 617 – 558 – 7233
[Please include your name when texting, so I will know who to

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Lunar Shadows III - Amazon.com - Bulk orders contact: Scott and email: igloopublishing@gmail.com
email: dietrech.pessin@gmail.com