Monday, November 18, 2019

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days Nov 16 - 23, 2019

Good morning. This is Saturday, November 16, 2019. We have the Moon
going through the sign of Cancer, then Leo, Virgo and Libra this
coming week. And the turning around of Mercury, which we are all
waiting for with bated breath. We will see that happen on Wednesday
afternoon at 2:12 PM.

We have with the Cancer Moon today a couple of things that we should
note. Venus and Uranus for one have an intense social interaction that
takes place with that aspect this evening at 7:14 PM. But it governs
the whole day. So things going on throughout the day. Women getting
together having fun. Having an interaction with others that might be
more exciting than most days. The Cancer Moon means there is somebody
on the outside that is invited to an inside group. So if you have been
offered an invitation to an event or some private tea party or
something, I’m using that metaphorically, then you are an honored

So we have lots of artistic energy with this as well during this
Cancer Moon sign. The Cancer sign is the closed group. Those are the
insiders. Venus is in the sign of Sagittarius which is inviting those
who are outside of. And Uranus in aspect to Venus would be a fast
friendship. Or a group of people who feel like they are good friends.
Unconventional would be the name of the game for the day. Unstable
feelings. Wild fashion outfits can come out of this as well. So if you
are going out for the evening you may want to double check what you
look like before you leave. It could be a little too wild, even for

The Cancer Moon never really goes void of course. But the last aspect
of the Cancer Moon will happen tomorrow on Sunday. That would be at
3:14 PM when the Moon is square Mars.

So in throughout this day there may actually be some comment or
conflict. Or difficulty managing or feeling like you are over the top
doing more than you can handle on a lot of different levels. So much
to do, so much you want to do. And so many family demands, demands of
the mate.

The Moon goes into the sign of Leo Sunday November 17th at
4:57 PM. It will be in that sign of Leo until Tuesday evening when it
goes into Virgo. During the Leo Moon what we have is Mars changing
signs. So everything that happens, starting at almost 5:00 at night on
Sunday night until Tuesday early in the morning, is hinged on the fact
that Mars is going to change signs. So Mars is the man. It is the
directive. It is the goal. It is the drive. It is the kind of thing
that supports a forward motion with extreme focus especially when it
goes into Scorpio. It has not been at home in Libra. It may feel
picked on. it may feel like it has to make trouble to get off the hot
seat. So it is going to be a relief to have Mars go into this deep and
darker sign of Scorpio, which Mars is very content with.


The Leo Moon has a couple of aspects. Mercury and Jupiter form an
aspect on Monday afternoon. And then Venus and Pluto do as well. So
this might have to do with some type of information that is broad and
assumed, and has some type of impact on monetary equivalence. So it
might be financially interesting. The Mercury sits at the point where
there was an interesting event back in 2013. So whatever the
indications are…especially financial indications are from back then,
they could be coming back up again. It could have to do also with the
Supreme Court decisions about the DACA kids. So we will see how that
turns out. Things could be dropped because Mars is going to change
signs. People could change their mind. So whatever direction it looks
like it is going in, may not actually be the direction it goes in.


November 19, 2019 that is Tuesday. We have Mars entering the sign
of Scorpio at 2:40 AM. It stays in that sign until January 3, 2020.
So it will be digging deep into subjects. It will be intense. It could
be vengeful. And it also could be kind of radioactive. Mars is going
underneath and churning. Making loud noises in the underworld in the

The Sun and Jupiter have an aspect. This is also on Tuesday, which may
boost some type of positive thoughts or information. It is an action
day because there is a Quarter Moon that day. It is a Last Quarter
Moon at 4:10 PM on Tuesday. That means this is a high action day. That
is related to…that Last Quarter Moon is related to a Solar Eclipse
that happened on August 21, 2017. Do you remember when we were all
looking up in the sky? We could see that here. President Trump was
looking up in the sky standing next to his wife, without having
glasses over his eyes. When we were all told we need to cover up our
eyes. Nope. He could do it without the glasses. So here we are with
some action reaping the rewards of your efforts.

There is a payoff or pay up energy associated with that time frame
beginning back in August of 2017. There is a follow up that was
developed may of 2018. Another date related to this when all the cards
were on the table. That was February of 2019. And then what you have
is the Last Quarter Moon. That will be on Tuesday. It is always an
action day on Tuesday. It is ruled by Mars and that is why for that.

Then the Moon is void of course and that is from 4:11 PM until 8:54 PM
Tuesday. That means don’t do much. You want to go with the flow. See
what comes up and get ready for the next Moon sign at 8:54 PM when the
Moon enters Virgo. It will be in the sign of Virgo until 11:20 PM on
Thursday when it enters Libra. The Virgo Moon is usually a lot of high
energy in regard to detail, getting things done, keeping the ball

Wednesday and Thursday

There is an aspect between Mars and Neptune. That is on Wednesday. As
that comes in near 1:00 in the afternoon. That’s sometimes an
indication that there is a hole in the bucket. So if you are trying to
work on a project and things seem like they are going over budget. You
are probably right. You want to scale back.

Mercury turns direct though on Wednesday. That is the 20th of November
at 12:12 PM. This is terrific piece of news for us. As it has been
digging in very deep and it delivers a report from a search that
includes matters from February 13 on. So this is an excellent Green
Light period if you want to start doing something to forward your
goals. Do it then. Do it after then. So let’s make that particularly
around 2:15 in the afternoon on Wednesday. Let that Green Light help
you out right through until 12:32 PM on Thursday evening. So you get
all of that afternoon on Wednesday and all of the day on Thursday, day
and night to get something done that is important to you during the
Virgo Moon. It is a work Moon. It is also a health Moon if you want to
take care of your health as well.

continuing Thursday

An excellent ending for a Virgo Moon sign happens when the Sun and the
Moon are creating an opportunity aspect. That aspect governs the
entire Virgo Moon. But that comes and begins a void of course Moon at
12:31 PM Thursday night until 11:19 PM when the Moon enters the sign
of Libra. So you do want to use that Virgo Moon to forward your goals.


The Libra Moon has a few complications it has to tend to. First of all
that Libra Moon beginning late night on Thursday goes through the
morning of Friday. And then we will see the Sun leave the sign of
Scorpio and enter the sign of Sagittarius at 9:59 AM. That begins
another Green Light period. So you want to ride that wave during that
Libra Moon where you want to cooperate with others and join in with
some social event of some sort. And that Libra Moon stays with us
right through until early morning hours on Sunday, November 24th.

There are no major events to account for the planets are cooperating.
Although I find these times when the planets are cooperating, there is
probably the least amount of cooperation going on.

Venus note

What we also have is Venus has traveled out of bounds as of a few
days ago on the 13th of November. It remains out of bounds until the
12th of December. So what that means is that your love interest or
maybe your esthetic choices or your purchases or friendships. Anything
having to do with how you spend your money or how you join with others
in friendship or in love relationships may be out of this world. You
could have people come back into your life from a long time ago. And
you could also be reconnecting on another level where you have
feelings that you haven’t experienced in many years. That Venus out of
bounds say things are unusual, off the ordinary. Very often when
people find a love during that time, which can happen with Venus for
sure, it is hard to hold onto that love. Because when Venus comes back
in bounds it is like reality hits and the love life may not produce
quite as much as you had planned. So we will watch for that.

Watch out for your purse. You don’t want to lose all your money to
some grand whim. And also playing the stock market might be kind of
risky during that time too.

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