Mars will turn retrograde (28 Aries) on Wednesday for more than two months. It will be retrograde past the November 3rd Election as will Mercury. Although Mercury will turn direct right on the 3rd.(looks like a recount). Neptune (cast great confusion) will also be retrograde through November. Chiron, the wounded healer is also retrograde until Dec 15, 2020 within the day of the Solar Eclipse on Mr. Trump's Sagittarius Moon (home).
Currently Jupiter (expanded awareness is limited to particular focus) is retrograde until next weekend, September 12. Saturn is next to turn Direct in Capricorn on September 29. Pluto, the planet of the masses, will turn direct on October 4, 2020. Mercury turns retrograde at 11:40 Scorpio on October 13 - Nov 3, Mercury turns Direct at 25:53 Libra.
I find that the Mars station in Aries, although problematic, can be highly creative.
It also can help clear away the piles of clutter that have been accumulating for quite some time. This may also help to correct some annoying problems in our daily lives, perhaps out of sheer exasperation. Being "fed up" will get it done. It is time to RE-DO in a big way.
You may feel lonely at times with the state of our society under the dome of the pandemic and wish to have closer relationships (seeking the polar opposite, Libra) but patience is the only suggestion as we wait for a safer environment. This retrograde may actually offer some good ideas that may work. They may actually get worked-out.
The slow and methodical methods to problem solving is the most productive instead of rushing through.
The vaccine for covid is something that is being rushed through, perhaps for political advantages. It will be interesting to see who receives the first batches.
Do those in higher places wait it out to see the results? If the worst thing that could happen is that it doesn't inoculate at all, rather than delivering very odd side effects.
Of course if it is not effective then that can cause a greater surge of the virus. The planets that are present at the time of the greatest surges are Jupiter and Pluto conjunctions. The pair made their first conjunction April 4th giving us the first major surge. June 30th brought the second surge.
The third began with a parallel between Jupiter and Pluto, mid August when the kids were going back to school. The final conjunction occurs November 12 within hours of Mars turning direct.
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