Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin October 10 – 17, 2020 with Green Light Days
It’s a week we’ll remember coming up. What we have to look out for many rough spots throughout this week and the collisions set up by organized groups. These White Supremacist groups are similar to the gang that attempted the kidnapping of Governor Gretchen Whitmer born August 23 1971 in Lansing Michigan. She is a 29º Leo as her Sun lands on Mr. Trump’s Ascendant which puts her in his range finder. The Libra Sun and retrograde Mars in warlike Aries, face-off in a loaded opposition. It is loaded with the ammunition provided by Pluto, the God of the underworld. This is both a highly trying time and a highly motivated time. If you are aligning with groups or demonstrations these aspects have push and endurance of any well-organized group with a mission.
For our personal use it is the mark of limitless power and energy. You can take on any large task with any level of support your wish. It is the kind of motivation that takes to remodel or renovate. However, be mindful of your muscles and don’t over exert.
Things to avoid this week besides crowds and demonstrations would be large markets. Always protect yourself with a mask and begin adding plastic gloves. The virus is rising again and will swell by November 12, 13, 2020.
You may find you are derailed at times by the cloaked activity around you perpetrated by Neptune’s influence with the Sun beginning Sunday with the 150º quincunx of the Sun and Neptune. This aspect is confused and disorientated and hovers with a blind-spot. It can be very dangerous. Look right, left and behind when in motion. The weather is likely to be wet and wild.
Monday presents a Big One with Jupiter and retrograde Neptune in a 60º aspect that can offer an opportunity for community connection of support. This is also a boost to the spiritual energies that you can ride along to expand your awareness and prayers for peace and healing. We can use this as a call to unite against the unfriendly hateful motivated energies with the power of prayer, love and peace. Apply this Jupiter – Neptune influence Sunday night through Monday morning. On a personal level you may expand your relationship with your Guides and be restored to your center. Be inspired by the love all around us.
Shop Wednesday after 3:00 PM during the Virgo Moon and Mercury Retro period.
The chart of the New Moon at 3:31 PM Friday is opposite retro Mars is tightly square to the Big Three in Capricorn. This configuration may bring huge disruptions in the landscape. It may aggravate those in charge and ignite battles. It also shows retro Mercury in Scorpio and retro Uranus opposed to upset the communication and transportation system. Venus opposite Neptune can dissolve your resources. The power of this New Moon can be activated Thursday into Saturday. Beware of many disruptions. Stay away from any conflict. The path of this New Moon will bring more to the surface in nine months. There is so much going on behind the scenes. If you must file for bankruptcy do this on during the Green light on Wednesday.
From Noon Wednesday until 10:52 PM there is a Green Light during the Virgo Moon. Use this time to shop or forward your goals.
I love this from a friend, Stay Positive, Test Negative.
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Saturday can be emotionally difficult for some especially regarding family matters. The toughest spot is at noon until about 12:30 PM But later Venus and Uranus form a friendly evening with good food and companions in our new way of social distancing. &;08 PM Venus trine Uranus.
The Moon enters Leo Saturday at 8:34 PM thru to 12:56 AM Tuesday. This is where the happy Leo Moon can be disrupted by the quincunx aspects to the heavy three in Capricorn, Jupiter, Pluto then Saturn. On a good note, you may find specialty work.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Sunday During the Leo Moon the Sun begins its collisions with the Big three, starting with Sun Square Jupiter at 9:34 AM. This is a large dose of over optimistic energy.
This is a blind spot beginning early on Sunday that culminates by 11:30 AM Sunday. It is a blanket of fog on all levels so be very careful in motion all week.
2:33 PM Sunday Venus is in an uncomfortable tight spot with Saturn. Spending your money can be a mistake on Sunday.
Monday, October 12, 2020
Feb 20, 2020 #1;July 27, 2020 #2 Monday 10/12 is #3 for Jupiter & Neptune sextile.
The final aspect of the Leo Moon isn't pretty when quincunx Saturn Monday at 5:17 PM. You are sent back to do the work over. The authority figures are not kind with their criticism.
The Moon is void of course at 5:18 PM on Monday until 12:56 AM Tuesday.
Monday 11:25 PM. Hidden forces make a battle plan with Mars and Pallas.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
12:56 AM Tuesday thru 1:54 AM Thur. The Virgo Moon is happy to host its own ruling planet Mercury to turn retrograde at 9:05 PM Tuesday night. After that we have our first Green Light of the Week. The Green Light continues through Wed at 10:53 PM.
Bad and dangerous. 7:25 PM Sun Opposite Mars while all square to Pluto & Saturn.
Oct 13, Mercury turns retrograde at 9:05 PM Tuesday night until November 3rd.
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Wed 11:16 AM Take extra care, can be dangerous.
The Moon is v/c from 10 53 PM Wed until 1:54 AM Thursday.
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Oct 15 at 1:54 AM the Libra Moon continues until next Saturday 10/17, at 1:05 AM. The New Moon occurs on Friday in Libra at 23:53 Libra. The dark Moon period beings on Thursday afternoon through Saturday Oct 17 evening. A Dark Moon period indicates you are in the dark when making choices and major decisions.
Friday, October 16, 2020
Steer clear of trap and anger building issues from 7:19 AM until 6:11 PM Friday Oct 16.
The chart of the New Moon opposite retro Mars is tightly square to the Big Three in Capricorn. It also shows retro Mercury in Scorpio and retro Uranus opposed to upset the communication and transportation system. Venus opposite Neptune can dissolve your resources. The power of this New Moon can be activated Thursday into Saturday. Beware of so many disruptions. New Moon at 23:53 Libra at 3:31 PM
Moon square Saturn will emphasize who is in charge and shows the limits of the day.
There is a tiny Green Light period from 6:30 PM until 7:26 PM Friday.
Saturday & Sunday are Green all day if you want to plan ahead.
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Green Ligt from Saturday at1:05 AM until 7:56 Sunday 10/19.
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