Saturday, November 14, 2020 – Saturday, November 21, 2020
Hi. This is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead from November 28th until the 5th of December. We are in an Eclipse season. We have a Taurus Moon today and it is swelling toward that Lunar Eclipse that is coming up. So, the preparations you are making now will be useful for the activities over the next week and beyond. We are in this Eclipse season that Begins with the Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on Monday. Then there is a Solar Eclipse on December 14th 2020 in Sagittarius when our perceptions will be expanded. This is when we learn the decision of the electoral college and who the winner is of the Presidential election. We then move on to a new administration in the White House.
For this weekend there is a fog that must lift before we can muster the energy to clean up and set straight the loose ends of this season. This fogginess is it can bring a lot of wet weather. Or could bring whiteouts, white storms. Certainly, we always have an opportunity for that somewhere. But in our minds, it is very hard to focus. Really hard to get your engines going. You might feel derailed. you might feel just washed out. You may be losing your words, losing your muscle strength, losing drive. That is all Neptune. Neptune is also responsible for our dreams. So, you might be dreaming more. So, write those dreams down. They could be interesting. Give Victor a call. he interrupts dreams.
There can be a lot of things that we focus on with this Gemini theme coming up. Siblings for one thing and valuable communications. Information that has been pending is now available to you. You may be deciding out about matters that may have been a concern in your neighborhood. If you have been waiting for the focus to be able to write or arrange meetings to forward your goals. Then you are looking for a time when Neptune has turned around and moved forward. It will happen on the 28th, today at 7:36 PM. But it not going to be over then. That is when the station when the energy is the strongest, so you are still going to be dealing with sorting through things. it is very spiritual if you take advantage of that. Almost every problem is best served by dealing with your highest good. Dealing with things straight up through prayer and meditation to be able to get what you need done in the best way possible. If you are trying to release yourself from addictions and addictions from anything. You can have money problems or ice cream problems or alcohol and drug problems. Neptune is the one that causes those things. Or let’s put it this, way astrologically speaking, it is present when those problems are large. So, you can use this energy to work on those things.
As Neptune moves direct, we move into a better life and try and make better use of your energies in a way that you are not derailed. The fog causes such distraction and the distractions are just so annoying. You want to watch where you are going every step that you take.
There is a really nice aspect between the Sun and Jupiter also today. That is a lucky break. It may bring you a winning ticket in some way. But don’t sign on the dotted line until after 8:00 PM tonight. that is after that Neptune turns direct. So, there is a Green Light then after that period.
Neptune has been retrograde since June 23rd this past 2020. There was another surge of the virus going at that time. Neptune is famous for viruses and spreading things that you cannot see. So, if you are fighting addiction or seeking a good hiding place, a good hiding spot in a crowded house, Neptune is the planet that will help you disappear, if you like. It sits at the very sensitive degree of 18 Pisces that delivered a Solar Eclipse in 2016. That is very interesting. So, as we close the chapter that was started with a Neptune station and an Eclipse in Pisces. (Neptune rules Pisces) Then we seem to wake from a terrific concussion that has held us locked in a barrage of insane messages for 4 years. So, this Neptune event can offer the way out of the dark place, which is excellent. But it is a slow return to normal routine. It is not a quick fix.
Mercury and Jupiter make an aspect at 9:50 PM. It is a 60-degree aspect, which is really great for collecting good information. This is something that comes in handy with the decisions that you will be making over the next few weeks. Mercury is in Scorpio so it is digging deep in to finances and subjects such as after life decisions, burial decisions and anything having to do with plans, executive plans, in regard to serious family matters.
Then that would move us into Sunday, November 29th and there is a Green Light. That Green Light really started, oh about I would say by 8:00 on Saturday night. Run that right through until 7:48 in the morning. It could go beyond that, but we are in the sign of Taurus. Taurus has the 7 weeping sisters at the end of the sign. Saturn is hanging around touching off that degree. By a nice aspect, a trine aspect but I still don’t like to push it. It could come up with something too sad to deal with. So, I would say you have a Green Light up until 7:48 AM on Sunday morning.
There are some tricks in the middle of the night and early, early morning with the Sun and Uranus. So, you want to watch out for what kind of funky stuff is going to happen around that time.
Then the Moon is free floating from 7:48 AM on Sunday until 11:15 AM. It is said that the Moon is never void of course in the sign of Taurus because it is exalted in Taurus. But like I said, I caution because of the 7 weeping sisters there, the Pleiades.
Then the Moon goes in to Gemini 11:16 AM. It is headed for the Lunar Eclipse on Monday. There will be a list of things to do, a mile long. So, traveling around town seems endless. Listening to your vehicle for any weaknesses. Don’t ignore them. Sibling support might be on the top of your list. Reach out in safe ways of our times with your masks and your distancing, social distancing. Don’t take that lightly during a Lunar Eclipse sign. You definitely could be a target for the virus if you ignore those rules. Even bringing things into the house. Check the mail. wipe stuff down. Let’s take this over the Eclipse season that we are really extra vigilant.
As far as shopping maybe you want to shop today or really early on Sunday morning. Not a lot of Green Light after that going on this week. But as far as the Gemini Moon that comes in, you want to try and reach out to others. take as many calls as you can to set up a contact list for outreach for things that you want to do that are important to you. Something upsets the flow when the Moon is 150 degrees to Saturn. That says troubles ahead if you don’t honor the stop signs and that is a Gemini message.
Here we go for Monday, that Eclipse is at 4:29. Make that 4:30 AM. I don’t know if we will going to be able… that would be not Sunrise yet. The Moon is opposite to the Sun and I didn’t check to see whether the Moon would be on the horizon or not. So as far as visibility possible it is something that it is something that we could see around here. I’ll have to check with that. You can call me or I will let you know about that later.
There are things to watch out for. Oh, with this Eclipse you may find there is connections to June of 2019 and then March of 2020. Here is when all the cards are on the table. Everything is out in the open and you get a real good idea. you get final words for instance or final piece to a puzzle. and then it leads to August 30th of 2021 when you reap the rewards of your efforts for whatever is going on now. This actually could be a time when we move around more freely. Not now but in August Unfortunately. not so quick because that virus is spreading like crazy right now. So, you can gradually rejoin normal activities. Plan for August if you wanted to take a nice long trip somewhere. Maybe some foreign travel. The last time we had a Lunar Eclipse at this degree was in November 2012. That is when the Obama and Biden ticket was reelected. So, there are no accidents astrologically speaking.
Venus and Uranus, they have a quirky aspect. They come together for short term thing. Like a stock tip. You want to invest something one time only. Don’t sign up for long term and you could get lucky with that. Also, for friendship you might also make a plan. It is early in the morning on Monday and it might have something to do with things. People that come together for a single purpose. Maybe there is a party of some sort. Do it online.
Then what we have later on the Sun and the Moon coming together it is more Lunar Eclipse activity at 1:51 PM. This might have to really bring something out into the open that is very interesting for us to learn.
Mercury and Saturn make an aspect. It is a sextile 60 degrees. It is positive. It is a signal from those who set the rules of your desired process. That there is something good about it coming up in the future. But it is not time to sign anything. You want to get down to business, write an important document, gather the best advice for your goals. Just don’t sign anything until after all is said and done and there are some serious problems to sort out when there is an all stop ahead coming up with a Moon Saturn an aspect before the Moon leaves the sign of Gemini.
But for the most part there is something that you need to watch out for. Mercury is going to change signs. This will be on Tuesday 2:51 PM. So, everything that you are planning to do before that could get dropped. So, you want to know that in advance. Mercury has the most important documents and it is hiding them from view. These are Scorpio documents. These are things: death sex and taxes. These are the dark issues of life. These are what are being buried, so you want to have to look beyond that. That would be after Mercury changes signs and goes to the sign of Sagittarius. That is more open. it is more honest. It is out there for all of us to view. there are not a lot of traps that are set after that time. But do watch out for those traps before that. Any advice that you are seeking would be a good time to seek some advice after, make it after 3:00 in the afternoon.
That Gemini Moon will be void of course after it makes a nasty aspect to Saturn at 7:37 PM. The void of course will go until 12:33 PM EST. so that Moon Saturn aspect is a quincunx. So, you are going to have to deal with something, clean it up if you are not reading all the signals ahead of time and keeping everything in good order. I don’t know whether it will be a storm but you know those Sagittarius and Gemini polarities. Very often because they are ruled by Mercury, which is ruler of the wind would stir up the wind in a big way. Would be a wind storm brings down branches and things. so be careful with travel. Don’t travel during the Lunar Eclipse if you can help it. Right through until Tuesday night like that.
Then that Cancer Moon comes in. we have that for a couple of days beginning 10:33 PM on Tuesday night. It has a lot of problems. It is a rough sign and it will be rough. Well it has been rough for the past year, two years because it has had to oppose all those big heavy planets in Capricorn, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto. Very difficult oppositions to overcome. Meaning difficult obstacles to overcome. So, you have to be mindful of what you take on. Take good notes and deal with things when the Moon is in a better sign.
Moon is making a parallel to ceres. No. It is Mercury that does that. Ceres is the caregiver, caretaker. The one that has you under the care of a doctor or strong messages that come on Wednesday morning. This is 8:18 AM. Could happen earlier. Parallels last for a long time. starting in the middle of the night all the way through the day. So, listen to your children and your pets. They have a strong message that they are trying to get across. Don’t be too busy to pay attention. Mercury also rules vehicles so listen to the sounds of your vehicles. This is a time to sharpen your communication skills. That is what the children and the pets are doing. They are trying to take care of what is needed the most or ask for your help about those things.
Then 3:54 PM Saturn lines up with the smartest mind in the field. So, these are the authority figures are meeting up with the wise ones and they are developing plans for the future
Wednesday, December 2nd. This is a good aspect for getting things in order when you know you have got the best team to help you plan your future.
The Moon is quincunx the Sun 8:28 PM. this is when life’s messy, clean it up. This comes related to the final events the stragglers of the Lunar Eclipse. It is like the phone call from the insurance company. The insurance adjuster or anyone that you need to report things to or have someone help you assess damages. Save all your receipts. Don’t let anything go.
Thursday, December 3rd. Mercury is cranky making an aspect with Mars. Conversations turn into disagreements, then to arguments. Mercury to Mars. then the Moon in Cancer square Mars. These are arguments between family members. Try to back away. Make your point after the Moon leaves Cancer on Friday, if you can. So, if you see things heating up, cool off and just put things in a different light so that you are not engaged in some ridiculous argument. The Moon is opposite Pluto. This is the Cancer Moon does all this. It is going to happen every time the Moon comes into Cancer. Every 28 days it is going to do this. It is the Pluto opposition that the Moon is rigged with trouble at 7:21 PM. It is a trouble maker. It is a control thing. So, turn the reins over to somebody else. let them take control and you can just sit back and watch. Rearrange it after it is all said and done if you like, but don’t get involved in it. Mercury and Saturn form a parallel they agree to take this on for a long-term plan. That is Friday, December 4th. So that aspect will last all day long. Maybe you are making a decision about what kind of car to buy or something like that. Cancer Moon isn’t really about cars. It is more about what are you going to do with your aging parents or what about the children’s education. What are you going to do about the daycare and your jobs, you work? That sort of thing. So, it is a positive aspect. So, it helps you get your ducks in a row in a decent way.
Then the last thing that the Moon does while it is in Cancer is oppose Saturn. So, if you are trying to convince your mother or your father that they should move into a safer living situation, good luck with that. Try to convince them that they are old. They are not going to believe you.
Then the Moon is free floating. Again, the Moon is never considered void of course while in the sign of Cancer because it rules that sign. So, from 5:29 AM until 7:52 AM you have a free-floating Moon that will then change its mind on Friday when it enters Leo at 7:53 AM until 2:46 PM on Sunday December 6th.
The Leo Moon wants to make room for better relationships, but it fears a bad report card that causes the push back. Hmm you know I think this is all this transferring information from one administration to the next. There is a lot of fear around that going on. A lot of childish reactions also. Leo is the sign of the child and it is also the sign of the executive branch and also the star of the show.
Friday all is moving in a fine direction until the jack in the box pops out to surprise you at 9:37 PM on Friday night. So just as you are ready to settle in you’ve got to deal with something that is some sort of surprise an unusual thing. Could be between you and a friend. Uranus is in the sign of Taurus. It is very often about money when it is in Taurus. so be careful how you spend or how you agree to spend over these couple of years when Uranus is in the sign of Taurus, the money making sign. So, every time the Moon is in Leo or Scorpio or Aquarius it is going to make these nasty aspects to Uranus. That is pretty much it for the week.
There is only one Green Light period. it will start today Saturday November 28th around 8:00 PM and run right through until Sunday morning at 7:48 AM. That is not much of a good period over a weekend there. But compose your emails, send them off. Maybe do what you can without making direct contact. Be careful. Listen to all of the warnings. Read all the signs. Lunar Eclipse week is very difficult week especially in the sign of Gemini, the messenger. So, what are the messages? What are the things about you and your siblings that you want to settle and clear before the next stage, important stage in your lives?