Monday, November 9, 2020

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin Nov 7 - 14, 2020

Green Lights this week begin on Sunday November 8 at 8:45 AM until 6:05 AM Monday during the Leo Moon sign. Use this to advance your goals to make a positive impact on those things and ideas you show.

Green Light Tuesday at 5:00 PM until 9:50 AM Wednesday during the Virgo Moon to get all the work done. Clean up and make room for a fresh start.

Green after Mars turns direct at 7:36 PM until Sunday November 15 at 6:12 AM. This one is during the Scorpio Moon sign to handle mortgages signings, healthcare, human resources, taxes and psychological matters and more. All the deep subjects are found in Scorpio. Research until you can find what you are looking for. This Green Light runs through the New Moon period which is a Dark Moon period. Wait before entering into anything as you may need to gain more information


Here is what is happening this week:

The Sun and Mars contact with a 150º crisis aspect that is amplified by the Sun at a critical degree of 15º  Scorpio. That degree taps the world axis giving the planet notice to stop what you are doing and deal with the proverbial “it”. This is a very hard work aspect; taking on the largest tasks of the year or more.

With one of the larger events this year approaching you may find yourself seeking broader levels of support for your efforts. These are not ordinary times and the jobs are not routine. If you are seeking a job, broaden your search and become clear about how much you wish to take on. By this time you have enough clues as to what this energy brings that you are best to strengthen and boost your systems, technical and biological.

 Mars is barely moving as its stand still will occur on Nov 13 to turn around and move in the direction it has recently covered since September 9, 2020.


Monday November 9, Venus and Mars oppose one another. Both are in their home signs which gives them strength but Venus has the advantage because Mars is retrograde meaning it is being held back. During this time the division of the country widens. Prominent people become targets as others speak their distain for the current US social and political climate.  The peacemaker reaches out to engage others to heal with Venus in aspect to Chiron.

Tuesday, Nov 10, the Sun is 120º trine to Neptune offers an amnestic dose to soothe the anxieties that we have been juggling over this past year. With this aspect you may meditate and pray for peace and unity. Bring your heart in all your affairs.

Nov 10, Pluto // Ceres strikes a deal that will that will involve the world at large. Matters such as the virus, climate change and the US 2020 Election sorts through the assets for the future of the planet. The plan is divided and will force people to choose between lives. What kind of care are you receiving and how are you protected in case of a major catastrophe or health crisis? This aspect between Pluto and Ceres indicates the largest number of people under the care of a doctor across the globe.

Nov 10, Mercury re-enters Scorpio to deliver the message we have waited to hear. The topics are deep and serious. In our own lives take on the tasks of wills and taxes. Manage your goals within your financial limits. Use your best consultants to help you to prioritize.

Nov 10, Venus and Mars have a temporary stay in their battle Tuesday.

Nov 10, Mercury and Ceres lay out a plan for calm and health.

Nov 11, Mars and Ceres create fires, increases fevers and droughts. Food is scarce for many.

Nov 11 & 12, Venus and Neptune are presented with a shift in perception on Wednesday Nov 11. To clean up a mess there is a wave of calm that may persist.

Nov 12, All this leads up to the largest surge of the COVID-19 virus with the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto.  I have been sending this message since April when we had the first surge; the second spread was on June 30 then more in August; here we are at the final exact alignments of this powerful duo on Thursday, November 12. In our personal lives we may charge through the center of the walls that were placed on our path; whether by self-design or those imposed upon us. This aspect is about the path; your path; the country’s path; the global path. Align with those that can support you with your goals. This is a broadening of your understanding of our world, above and below. This is a great opportunity to “let-go and Let the Universe take the reins.

Nov 13, Mars is the match that starts the fire. At 7:35 PM on Friday November 13, Mars turns direct. It extends a foot forward in a march that defines any mission. Boost your immune system as Mars increases viral loads and causes a run- down condition. Muscles are easily pushed over the limit and headaches develop out of extreme tension. Headaches have been more prevalent over the past year as our stress levels and lack of activity changed our routines due to COVID-19.  

 This is life changing as time as we approach the Great Jupiter and Saturn conjunction at zero Aquarius, on December 21, 2020. Some have coined it as “The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius”.

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