Sunday, February 7, 2021

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin with Green Light Days - Feb 6- 13, 2021

 February 6, 2021 to February 13, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
WZBC 90.3 FM on Saturday mornings w/ Victor Robert Venckus a little after 9:00

The following is a transcribed report from the live radio broadcast. 

Good morning it is February 6th 2021. We are almost in the middle of the,
retrograde period that will end on February 20th. So, a lot of people have been
completely annoyed by this one. It is rather intense. As I mentioned last week it is
sat at the point which is called the weakest point or the weakest link in the
Zodiac. That would be the midpoint of Saturn and Neptune, measuring the

So, what we have with the Mercury retrograde it is a challenging time. It is good for many
things which qualify as: redo, renew, review, recharge, “re”everything.
If you can put “re” before it, you can use it to your advantage. You still
have to check for went is a good day.

Interestingly enough the good days add up far more during a Mercury retrograde. I
find this repeatedly each time we are in a retrograde period. So the universe seems
to know better about these things than we do. But I do see that it is in keeping with the
redo, renew, theme You get a second chance, a second time around. You get a second
chance for many things to go after your goals in a better way.

It's the Green Lights that give you that go ahead. To go ahead and do something again
that you have tried before and failed. Gratefully is terrific for finding lost objects. Some of
them just pop up in your path. It is also a good time to dig out old manuals or
tapes to inspire you for a fresh perspective for your work during this period.

Mercury retrograde is in the sign of Aquarius and the Aquarius mind is one that is very
active, intelligent. It can be piercing with unexpected contradictions. Mercury makes it a
really good time to pull your thoughts together. Mercury is the communicator and
connector. Here it insists on making its point. The connections it has made over the past
year are fearlessly proved. 

We'll watch how this week it connects with the planets around the zodiac. Watch how it
seeks to access your needs from Chiron's rebel perspective on Sunday to prove that healing
the old wounds are paramount to progress. Mercury retrograde also aligns with the
brightest minds on Sunday when it joins with Pallas Athena, the asteroid of
great wisdom.

The Sun and Mercury join on Monday. This may bring your plans into focus. Many
plans change at this point. It is the middle of the retrograde cycle. So, don’t count
on anything being the same. Any appointment you may have had, don’t head out
the door for appointments without calling first to see if everything is still a go.
Many plans may change.

Mercury will also square Mars. This is not a good way to start off anything. So,
you definitely want to get past that aspect that is coming up on Wednesday early
morning. So, heading out on Wednesday early morning might be very difficult.
Don’t put your ideas out there trying to convince somebody that your might
makes right or whatever. It is not safe for buying a car or travel with Mercury
retrograde square Mars. Although it is seen as a motivator. Just seal the deal
after this aspect completes at 7:16 AM EST. Also don’t send off any documents
from Tuesday night through Wednesday evening.

Venus is for love and companionship on Friday and Saturday. Venus and retro
Mercury join together. This brings sweet visits. You may be able to see or meet with loved
ones that have been far away from you during this pandemic. Or for other
reasons as well. Maybe you are looking for something that belongs to a sibling. I
am looking for some old family photos. I hope we find them. Introductions and
re-introductions are also possible during this week, especially with that Mercury
and Venus aspect on Friday the 12th.

This week the Moon will go through 4 signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. 
There are Green Light periods. Like I said there are many during a Mercury
retrograde. Here they go. Today:
Saturday at 10:40 PM until 1:16 AM there is a
Green Light in the Sagittarius Moon sign.
The Capricorn Moon sign has a Green Light Sunday beginning 3:52 PM until
Tuesday at 12:22 PM.  That is the business Moon sign of Capricorn.
The Aquarius Moon sign has a Green Light from 8:00 AM until Thursday at 5:25 PM.
the Pisces Moon has a Green Light on Friday. It offers it right through Saturday
until Sunday morning February 14th.

So, pick your day and your energies. People might be more attuned to one Moon
sign than another. If you are traveling or trying to set up something for education
that is the Sagittarius Moon. If you want to deal with business that is the
Capricorn Moon and also family business as well. Aquarius for joining of
like-minded people and friendship. Then Also with the Pisces Moon this is where
you are the most sensitive and caring during that Pisces Moon.

Looking at Saturday, February 6th there is a Venus conjunction to Saturn in
Aquarius. It defines the social structure in nature. Venus persuades her desires
and will coax Saturn to the values that she has of a broader scale. Such as with
society at large. Tradition is considered, but it resists the closeness of Venus’
softer side. To find love you might reach out to a group affiliation that shares your
own values. Getting close to cuddle may have to wait until Venus enters Pisces,
Feb 25.

Whereas Venus’ behavior might appear to be on her best behavior when arm in
arm with Saturn. Its mindset is to hold onto feelings and wait for an appropriate
time for love. So not to rush into anything, but don’t worry the whole mood
changes soon after. This aspect between Venus and Saturn is about long-lasting
friendship and love is for practical reasons. The aspect marks the onset of a
year long cycle between the pair and remains a guiding factor even when the rebel
energies merge. And they do, not long after.

So, that aspect between Venus and Saturn is early in the morning on Saturday.
And then the rebel energy emerges with Venus and Chiron. So, this one the mood
changes regarding Venus. It only appears to break away from all of its commitments
with Saturn. Not really. Not totally. It just wants to go out and stretch and be free for a
while. It is a bit wild with Chiron showing Venus her rebellious side.

Then also later Venus will make a connection to Jupiter, which is well traveled.
The grass is always greener with Jupiter. Then there appears in the evening hours
of Saturday, February 6th that everything is upside down inside out. That is
resistance, rebellion, reversals. Take special care on Saturday night with your
friendships and your most valued relationships, as Venus goes off on a wild spree
with Uranus. May lose a friend by 10:32 if not careful. That is at night.

You may have invested much energy or more into a relationship that now seems
to have very deep problems in principle. Let it go without trying to resolve it,
without a lot of conversation about it. Try to let it go and there may be something
that emerges on its own that can turn things around. All ends well by the time
that Mercury speaks to the Moon at 1:16 AM Sunday morning. In the end Venus
relies on what has sustained her in the past. Venus sees that the wild way quickly
gets old.

So, then there is that little Green Light period that comes in at 10:40 PM. And it
runs right through until 1:15 AM Sunday morning during the Sagittarius Moon.
Then there is what could be called a void of course Moon period
from 1:15 AM on Sunday until the Moon enters the sign of Capricorn at 3:52 PM.
So, the Sun and Mercury have investments with Vesta. There is a lot of
adjustments to be made there. The Moons final aspect during the Capricorn
Moon is a 60 degree sextile to Pluto. That is really good for business. Also, for
humanitarian purposes the Sun is in the sign of the humanitarian along with the
thoughts of retro Mercury.

Mercury retrograde shows it has done its homework with the brightest of minds.
Mercury will join with Pallas Athena to gain the brightest perspective and be able
to talk and exchange ideas with those in the field and beyond. The link between
the Sun and Neptune could bring a sizable storm. This is for Sunday, maybe even
for Monday as that aspect will linger.

Monday, February 8th that Capricorn Moon continues. It is a Green Light. The Sun
and retro Mercury join for their conjunction that they have midway through the
Mercury retrograde period. So, appointments may be dropped or changed. You
could change your mind. Be sure to call first. Don’t assume any plan is safe from
changes. That is on Monday. It is interesting to see how the preparations for Mr.
Trumps impeachment will look with that kind of aspect there.

Pluto and Ceres have an opportunity to strike a deal. Now that pair is famous for
some very deep and intense matters and soulful things that have occurred between
those two. Pluto abducted Ceres daughter and kept her underground while Ceres let
the Earth suffer, cutting off its crops. People were starving.  It was only until Jupiter
created a deal between the two for Ceres to have her daughter for 6 months of the year,
and Pluto could keep the daughter underground in the under world for 6 months of the
year. So, there is an opportunity to strike a gut-wrenching deal. One you may feel you
have to sell your soul to the devil. Actions may be taken or applied for the benefit of all.
Therefore compromise is a paramount. Whereas the food, the replenishment of food and nurturing
of others is able to expand after that point. This all happens late night on Monday, 11:24 PM,
but, has an impact also on Tuesday, February 9th.

That Capricorn Moon brings that second impeachment of Donald Trump Tuesday. The trial
was not rushed in the sign of Capricorn. All the ducks are in a row. Everything is
done right as best as possible for congress.

Saturn and Chiron, they also broker a deal. This might be a day to break from
tradition in a measured manner. That aspect is early in the morning. So, there
may also indicate that the rules have entered into a new society. This point
represents the energies of both Saturn and Uranus actually. There are rule
breakers that push beyond the establishment for freedom of expression and
originality. The need with this aspect brings the opportunity to fall in line.
Although don’t bank on it because Chiron is about breaking outside that line.
There is a unique acknowledgement where rebellion has brought us now. With an
impeachment hearing this aspect clearly defines the impact of that rebellion of
January 6th.

Later 12:22 PM Moon and Pluto conjunct for the last aspect during the Capricorn
on Tuesday. So, whatever started during the impeachment may take a shift of the
Capricorn Moon sign. indicates a positive outcome for those things that began
before this point of 12:22 PM on Tuesday. If you are working on a family business
or wills or insurance documents this is a positive aspect for those events. Pluto
shows where it has agitated, intimated, and overwhelmed others so that one can
be in charge. That sounds like the case that the government is presenting against
Donald Trump.

The Sun joins up with Pallas Athena during this void of course Moon. The void of
course Moon starts at 12:22 PM Tuesday runs until 8:20 PM that is the beginning
of the Aquarius Moon on Tuesday night.

Wednesday the Aquarius Moon sign has some difficulty especially headed into Mercury’s
square Mars. There is some appeasement where Venus and Mars join trying to
offset some of the difficulties that they are sure will come about with that
Mercury square Mars. You want to move past this battle before making any
decisions. It is very accident prone. It is early in the morning. Make your morning
commute and morning communications. Make them short and sweet. Don’t get
into any arguments. Let them be uneventful as best you can.

After that we get into a better mood after a bit of a heavy
mood when the Moon in Saturn is at 7:42 AM Wednesday. But it is very bright as
the day moves on. It even ends with a Moon conjunct Venus then Jupiter 5:10 PM
and 6:28 PM. So, that is looking pretty good as if there is something to celebrate.

You want to watch out at 8:51 AM, Wednesday when the Moon is square Uranus. So, watch
out for that one. You don’t want any long-term problems with that aspect being
quirky and accident prone as well. That was all on Wednesday.

So, Thursday February 11th we have the Aquarius Moon sign. It is a Green Light.
Venus and Jupiter celebrate by 10:00 AM again with their conjunction. Those of
like-minded values join to endorse what they have in common. This aspect speaks
to the needs of the people at large.

The Moon and Mars make an aspect. There is a New Moon coming in. the Moon
and Mars try to get together to put efforts, strong efforts forward. The New
Moon takes place at 2:05 PM. that is at 23 degrees of Aquarius.
It is a fresh new
start with blessings from both Venus and Jupiter. It reaches back into the summer
of 2008 for some reference to its links to now. I remember a terrible economic crisis
that was the first thing the new president had to manage after election. Matters begun
with this New Moon share a positive outcome.

The dark Moon phase does end on Friday. The New Moon is on Thursday at 2:05
PM. we have that dark Moon ending around Sunset on Friday. That means you
don’t have enough light of the Moon to make your plans and decisions with good
sense. If you could see the Moon on Friday evening after sunset, watch the
evening progress. If you can see the Moon, then it gives you an understanding
that there is enough light of the Moon to guide you on your way.
There is a void of course Moon period on Thursday from 5:25 PM until 2:33 AM
on Friday. Then we have a Pisces Moon headed for a nice parallel to Neptune.
That is the last thing that will happen for this psychic Pisces Moon sign. Great for
your intuition, decision making. Looks as if there could be a lot of help for people
that have been shut in. make sure you look in on them. It is also good for important
health concerns. Take care of your muscular structure as Mars and Saturn are involved
in the events during the Pisces Moon. Situations can be temporary.

Friday is a Green Light day, as is Saturday, February 13th , and also into Sunday
morning. There is something to celebrate about Friday night when Venus and
Jupiter join for a long-term reason to celebrate about something. I hope we all
agree with which side of the fence that celebration leads us to. That is, it for the
week. Have a great week. Stay safe. Call if you need an astrological perspective at

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