The Astrology Report for Oct 23 - 30, 2021 on Sound Cloud
Saturday, October 23, 2021 to Saturday, October 30, 2021
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM
Hi, this is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead. It is Saturday October 23rd. We are losing that Libra Sun, which might be a good thing at this point. There is too much conflict with the square that it made to Pluto. But there is a really interesting thing that goes on. So that that happened at 12:51 AM that the Sun entered the sign of Scorpio. It will be there for a month.
Then 3:57 AM the Moon entered the sign of Gemini. So, the Gemini quality of the day is relevant to the fact that Mercury and Uranus are making a link 150° link, which is very Mercury Retrograde like. So, if you have been feeling like Mercury is still retrograde, even though it had gone direct on the 18th, you are right about the feeling. It is not retrograde. However, the quincunx that it makes to Uranus makes this very, very difficult. Upsets the applecart and in a big way. Things are not working. Victor is having problems with the console, and that is very much explained by this kind of energy.
It is exact again tomorrow at 1:44 PM. But let me tell you when this all started. It was on September 10th, that Mercury was quincunx Uranus. Then Mercury went retrograde on September 27th. Then it went into a quincunx again with Uranus on the 12th of October. And then the last hit is tomorrow, on the 24th of October.
So, it is really hard for us to get our stuff together. It is like gathering a whole bunch of stuff and you are dropping things along the way. You have to pick them up, get them going, get going again. And you are dropping them again, and you are picking them up again. But it is also about perspective. What is in your basket? what is it that needs more information, more tending to? Mercury is about contracts and about connections with others information. Information that you need to be able to advance, if you are working with your technology. I would wait until after Sunday before buying a new cell phone or a new computer.
With all the solar flares I have been pulling the electrical cord out of my laptop every time after I use it. And not leaving things plugged in to my cell phone and other technology. I have lost computers with solar flares in the past. So, you need to be mindful of how technology attracts this kind of chaos. It definitely brings an element of surprise. Something you must tend to.
Mercury is in the sign of relationships. Libra and Uranus are in the sign of your values. So, can you direct the conversation to something that is productive. Or does it lead to misunderstandings of what you actually meant. And where Mercury will oppose Uranus in the near future, which is actually going to be November 13th, you could inadvertently be set up for a showdown of some type. So be careful about letting things escalate.
At that time, November 13th matters will be presented in a more clarified fashion. So, watch out for Mercury Uranus. It is also haphazard when driving. The Moon is in the sign of Gemini. You could get all confused about things. See things. It is perspective. Remember look around check twice. Check three times.
So, the end of this night, Saturday night. We are getting past that Full Moon. There was a quincunx in the morning, early in the morning today with the Sun. That indicates that there are still things to be cleaned up. That is kind of like you had an accident before the Full Moon, and then Oh boy, look at what happened. Then you got to call the adjuster after the Full Moon. So, this is that point. You want to find out what the net what the damages are.
Vesta and Venus are making an aspect that is trying to sort out the nature of finances. So not quite ready yet for prime-time on that one. The evening might have to do with some type of healing. Some type of uniting your emotions with some kind of better healing methods.
The Mercury Uranus we were talking about is at 1:44 tomorrow. So, you want to be extra careful as you travel around. If you have plans, maybe you want to plan for something after that is actually exact. Although it does influence the whole day.
Mars is making 135° aspect to Ceres. This is one of those aspects that also causes some problems. It is like Mars will go. Mars is in Libra. It is been a problem there. It will light a fire in the middle of a room and run out without taking responsibility for it or trying to put it out. It just loves to see everybody up in chaos. It sounds like someone I know.
There is there is a whole bunch of Mars Ceres things. It goes back to the maybe the bottleneck cargo that we have in Los Angeles. Something that needs to get lit up, pushed into the right direction.
Then for Monday that Gemini Moon, all sorts of information flying around. It is a Green Light too if you want to use Monday morning for signing things and getting things ready to get mailed out or mailed in. The Green Light ends with a trine to Mars at 10:11 AM. With the Gemini Moon sign.
There is a quincunx just before that to Pluto early in the morning. So, there might be some heavy information that needs to be minded before you actually do any signing. So be careful about who you are giving control to. You could also say that there is a Green Light for Sunday. I would say after that Mercury and Uranus aspect on Sunday.
So going back over Sunday, there, I would say you know after 2:00 right through until 10:11 AM on Monday. The Moon enters the sign of Cancer after a void of course Moon period that will go from 10:11 AM until 5pm. So, most of the day on Monday working hours, there is a void of course Moon.
Void of course Moon means that the plans that you make or the things that you do, do not work out exactly the way that you think they should. They could be dropped or changed for whatever reason. So, you want to go back and mind the things that you did. Like if you drop something in the mailbox, you may have to track it, down. I accidentally dropped a whole bank deposit in the mailbox that did not belong in the mailbox. And I had to track it down and eventually got that back. But oh, what a hassle that was.
So, there is an aspect on Tuesday with this Cancer Moon. The Cancer Moon will go until Thursday at 5:07 AM.
But for Tuesday there is a little bit of a heavy mood at 7:21 AM when the Moon is quincunx Saturn. So, you get up to do your usual getting ready for your day. And Saturn offers you some unrelated responsibility that you have to drop everything tend to it. It could make you late for work. So, you could plan ahead and see if you can get past some of what is thrown at you on Tuesday morning. So that if you are leaving the house and driving, you could be sent down a different road on a detour.
And then family members come together on Tuesday for some announcement about a couple. Maybe there is an engagement or maybe there is a joining with those. It could be with new lawyers or something.
Juno is the character with the Sun. They join together for long term. So, we will see who comes into the family under that aspect. The Cancer Moon is all about family. So that we have Tuesday and Wednesday. Venus is square Neptune under that Cancer Moon. So, there is an illusion about this romance. Is it the real deal? with the Sun in Scorpio, maybe it is someone that is more interested in the family, family jewels instead of instead of love. So, there is some kind of important thing, important information, important fact, that is revealed later on about the nature of this relationship.
There are important documents that you might find are available, if you can get your hands on them in time. With Mercury parallel Neptune the weather might also be a factor about how things run on Wednesday, Wednesday night. Something comes in Wednesday night. This also could be a creative inspiration. Maybe you need to postpone going to bed and take advantage of whatever this Mercury Neptune is trying to bring you. Something, some spiritual information. Maybe you want to meditate before you go to bed to bring in as much of that wonderful information that you can.
Then the Moon is square Mars as the final aspect to the Cancer Moon at 2:01 AM. Then there is a bit of a void of course Moon, which the Moon is really never void of course in Cancer. But it changes to the sign of Leo. that would be at 5:07 AM on Thursday. It is in Leo Until next Saturday.
There is an opportunity to light up the day right in the middle of the afternoon. 3:15 PM. Venus and Jupiter are happy. There is a sextile. I do not know how you want to play that out in a nice way. It looks adventurous. It looks like you might want to take the afternoon out and go and see the beautiful leaves or romp on the hills. It is a very nice aspect with Jupiter is now direct. Moving forward with some ideas that you might feel that you want to join others. You might feel that you want to take a class. Maybe in an astrology class or some type of class to expand your awareness.
There is a Last Quarter Moon on Thursday 4:05 PM. This Last Quarter Moon takes place in Leo. The Sun is in Scorpio with that. It might bring back someone who might be charming from the past. Also, your creative work may be evaluated. This could be something that is a positive.
Sun and Neptune are making an aspect. It seems to intervene in the crisis at the port on the west coast. There may be some type of monetary advancement suggested that it is possibly rejected.
There is at 7:02 PM kind of a heavy mood around dinner time on the East Coast or late afternoon on the West Coast with Moon opposite Saturn. It will lift by definitely by 7:30. So do not take it to heart too much.
Then Friday we are still having a Leo Moon. You do not want to contract under the Leo Moon. You do not want to agree to anything or commit to anything because of the fact that Mars will change signs on Saturday. So, that means you drop all or part of your project under the Leo Moon. So do not go there with trying to present. Do not present your projects to people. They may not look at it. They may take it. Who knows what happens? But do not commit to anything Friday night.
There is something that you did not see about a person which you may be may find confusing or distressing. Your questions that you have could increase the tension. So better to sing along and let bygones be bygones with that energy on Friday night. That is, it for the week. It is going to feel like an uphill battle coming into the following weekend because the Sun square Saturn. So, look out for that. Get as much done that you can. After next weekend things will lighten up. I am sure. So that is it for the week.
You can find a copy of this on my website at And you also can find the transcribed copy by Kimberly Chin. Thank you so much. And it is archived at WZBC (90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts) for two weeks. My phone number 617-558-7233. Call me for consultation or one on one classes. Okay, have a great week. Thank you very much.
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