Sunday, January 16, 2022

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin January 15 -22, 2022 with Green Light Times


Saturday, January 15, 2022 to Saturday, January 22, 2022

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 - 558 – 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus in and around 9:30 AM


Hi, this is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead from January 15th until next Saturday. that is the 22nd next Saturday.

This is a week that is filled with a lot of chaos.  Uranus will be turning direct.

But yesterday Friday the 14th, Mercury went retrograde in a square aspect to Uranus. So, this is when the drivers are deciding quirky ways of turning.  Maybe turning around in front of you. Or were behind you in such a way that could be confusing and cause accidents. So, you want to be really careful with Mercury and Uranus aspects.

Mercury is in Aquarius. Uranus is in Taurus. That is a very difficult aspect of communication as well. People could be arguing more than not. Mercury is retrograde until February 3rd. Although it will not be square Uranus the whole time. This week would be the time to be extra careful because Uranus turns direct also coming up this week.

Another thing that happened was Ceres turned direct. That allows some of the things now that have been blocked. Some avenues for passage are being smoothed open to allow some forward motion in areas that have been restrained.

This also is about caregivers and nurturing the things that are about taking care of others. Those that are not capable of taking care of themselves.

Ceres at a position where a Lunar Eclipse had taken place, November 19th really does address the caregiver. For those that have been or had been caring for people in the fall, now the focus is on the caregiver. So, you must give your best attention to the caregivers as they need extra support.

Also, the Gemini Moon that we have today is in a position where it is 150° away from the Sun. So, there is a Full Moon coming. That is what that is saying.

Something captures your attention and demands your attention. It is for you to take action in order to keep the ball rolling. Something unrelated to your plans. It would allow some. It is like someone throwing a rock through your window. Or you were not planning on that while you are having your little tea party. But you have to stop and clean that up. And go check out and see who brought that on.

So that is what a quincunx is like; life's messy clean it up.  The Moon does that with Pluto later on in the middle of the night.

At 11:10 AM the Gemini Moon ends its trek when it goes into the sign of Cancer. The Void of Course Moon during the Gemini Moon would actually be from 1:10 AM Saturday morning until 11:10 AM, also Saturday morning, today. The Cancer Moon has its eye on the Full Moon on Monday. So that will be some more excitement.

The Sun is conjunct Pluto on Sunday. This is intensely focused on business, the end of any kind of business.  The Sun conjunct Pluto is about joining forces with those that are in a position of power.  That position of power can be misused also. A student and I were talking about the power of Pluto. People often think that the outer planets do not have a lot to do with personal business or personal lives. And it sure does, very much. Pluto will have a deep transformation to your life when it impacts the planets in your chart.

Mercury and Mars have an aspect that comes up at 3:50 PM tomorrow on  Sunday. That aspect can be argumentative and difficult to break away from the tendency to want to fight it out.

The Moon is opposite Venus also to 2:42 PM. This indicates that there is something very expensive or something of great value. Or something that you place a higher value on. It is a retrograde Venus. So, it really may be something that you place a higher value on it than it is worth.

Then Monday comes in with a Cancer Moon. Venus and Saturn are in an aspect. That is saying what you plan to buy is more expensive than you can afford. So, watch out for that. It has an impact on the whole day.

The Full Moon comes in at 6:48 PM that is a 27° 51ˊ Cancer. This Full Moon faces serious family matters, which include wills and other final arrangements. People gather for these heavy topics. You may talk about dividing the homestead between family members before you depart. The small children are of greater concern. Security and safety are also primary, as Homeland Security is as well.

That Full Moon is pretty much the last aspect of the Cancer Moon from 6:48 PM. It might be considered void of course, although the Moon in its own sign is really never void of course. That would end at 11:02 PM when the Moon enters the sign of Leo. The Leo Moon is a busy boss. There will be a happier tone on Wednesday when the Leo Moon sees the Sun Enter Aquarius. Then it hits for a really nice aspect to Venus. So, it is going to bring us a Green Light at the end of the Leo sign. But not yet. That Leo Moon on Tuesdays is very excited to have Uranus back from a five-month retrograde stint in Taurus. So, it really put us on a seesaw of difficult times especially when it was opposite Saturn and square Uranus. That Leo Moon really had its hands full. Its stage is full of players to try and keep the excitement going round and round with Uranus.

Mercury asks Chiron, that emotional healer, for some tips on how to get through this difficult period when Uranus is making its station at 10:25 am on Tuesday. It held true to its promise to square Saturn at Christmas. Now it holds a punch for the Mercury Retrograde station at the start of this weekend when Mercury and Uranus were square on Friday.

Then Uranus plans a tag date was with a Solar Eclipse in May for a stack of surprises. Uranus is a busy renegade planet that never ceases to AMaze us. Be mindful that not all surprises are like birthday parties. So, you want to take special care whenever we are dealing with Uranus.

Tuesday is ruled by Mars as I have said over and over. That makes it a Mars day. Then Mars comes in and makes an aspect to Uranus at 1:10 PM. Well, that is in the chart of the Uranus direct station. So, it is filled with aggravation and difficulty, and violence. So, you want to be careful on Tuesday, January 18th.

The Moon is square Uranus at 8:11 PM giving a twist to Tuesday night plans too. Then the Moon finishes off the night when it makes an aspect to Mars. So not a happy day on Tuesday.

Wednesday. is a little better at night. But during the day, well there are a couple of things to note. Mars is in aspect with Pluto. Mars is the soldier. Pluto is the drill sergeant. They are not happy with the plan that is put before them. So, there is a lot of fighting back.

Then that Leo Moon at 9:38 PM sees the Sun enter the sign of Aquarius. This will brighten up the remainder of the Leo Moon with a Green Light period until 8:35 AM on Thursday. So, you want to use that period to advance your goals.

There is not a lot of Green Light this week. So that is a little bit of it though. There will be more.

Mercury retrograde always has a lot of Green Light periods. Mercury Retrograde is good for a lot of things like redo, renew, review, reconnect. It is always great for reconnecting with friends that you have lost a long time ago. Anyone you are trying to find; reach out during the Mercury Retrograde. You may get lucky and find them, even if it is been many years past. And where it is connected to Uranus, it might have years, as much as 84 years or 42 years, less than 21 years. Anything divisible by Uranus. Divide Uranus’ cycle of 84 years, and you might see some results for finding and connecting to people that you have lost contact with long ago.

Then, for Thursday, the Leo Moon is void of course, after it makes a lovely aspect with Venus. Retrograde Venus that is. That is from 8:35 AM until 9:01 AM. The Moon is void of course in that period. So, it is early morning. Take advantage of that one time. So do the best you can with trying to make things work for yourself.

The Moon enters Virgo at 9:01 AM until next Saturday, January 22nd. It is not the one to advance your goals, as it has a square to Mars at the end. Mars bites. So let that one settle.

The Moon is quincunx the Sun and that would be a 10:01 AM on Thursday morning. This ends that Full Moon period of the Cancer Full Moon that we have coming up. So, this is time to call the adjuster for the Full Moon damages that were incurred during this Full Moon. Some of those damages might be to family members, so you may want to be really careful and handle family members carefully and lovingly.

There is also the Moon is opposite Jupiter. This is an interesting one Thursday, January 20th. It marks the expanded view of Biden's first year in office. The Virgo Moon puts our awareness to the Coronavirus being the primary focus of this past year. Also, about how we want to free ourselves up from that get loose or break loose and do something different than chase or run away from this virus.

There is some wild weather that comes in on Friday, with Mercury and Neptune early in the morning. Then there is an investment that you may become aware of on Friday, right before noontime. That is to say, there is a word about an investment, but it is not worth it. So do not bite.

Mars and Ceres form a quincunx. So, keep away from fire. Keep babies and pets away from large animals. Also, be very careful when you are in motion. As Ceres could create serious aspects. That Mars is in Sagittarius, which can overextend your muscles. Ceres could bring about a need for physical therapy.

Mercury and Jupiter form an aspect at the end of Friday at 11:00 PM. Something you say is off and you may regret it. So that is that Mercury Retrograde. It has kind of a big mouth with Jupiter. And that pretty much ends this for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at You can call me if you have questions about astrology or if you want to make an appointment. Or if you want to study astrology, I teach one on one classes. That phone number is 617-558-7233. If you'd like to read the report, Kimberly Chin transcribes it for me. that will be available on my website at That is lunar shadows, put a hyphen in the middle. also, you can reach me now at 617-558-7233. it is best if you text me. text messages get my attention quickest. And that is it for the week. And let's turn that back over to Victor. Bye for now.

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