Sunday, September 25, 2022

Astrology Report by Dietrech Pessin September 24 - October 1, 2022 with Green Light Days


Saturday, September 24, 2022, to Saturday, October 1, 2022

Dietrech Pessin –

Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 7233.

Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.

WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM


There is a lot going on this week. There is a really strange New Moon coming up. This is going to reveal things from a year ago. a good year ago. February, June and December of 2021. There were events that took place that we possibly will find, you can rework them. Or maybe you will be revisited by some of these things. they may pop out like ghost out of a closet. Saturn and Uranus are the culprits. So, I am going to talk about that through the week.

But for today, we have a Virgo Moon. It is great for getting things done, cleaning things up, organizing. This is a terrific opportunity to be able to dive into things, tasks that you have been putting off.

There are a couple of aspects going on with Venus during Saturday, which is really nice for bringing people that you care about close. It ends well with an aspect to Neptune. Although it is dreamy. any romantic interest, it could be fleeting. It is a fantasy. That kind of thing. But it might be a good idea to go and see a fantasy film in a theater. Or listen to some beautiful, beautiful music.

The Virgo Moon is with us right through Sunday until 12:42 PM. There is a Void of Course Moon at 11:27 AM on Sunday until 12:42 PM. The Moon enters Libra at that time.

The Libra Moon has the quality of Pluto involved with it because that is the last punch that it gets before leaving the sign. Where Pluto is so late In the sign of Capricorn, we get that when we have the Moon in Libra, and Aries, and also cancer. So that will change when Pluto changes signs, which will be coming up next year.

But there is a New Moon in the sign of Libra. It takes place at 5:54 PM Sunday. It is at 2° (degrees) and 49’ (minutes) of Libra. It struggles to bring peace to a disruptive factor, while it is opposite a very powerful point; the Saturn and Uranus midpoint. So, this brings up the things that were going on, like I mentioned, last year; February, June, and December of last year (2021). We may have had very disruptive events that occurred. So, what is also a boost to this, not that we need a boost. But Jupiter will pump that up because it is right there sitting with that midpoint of that very strange scratchy pair. I kind of see Saturn and Uranus aspects like sandpaper. They are not comfortable together. They will not allow you to stay comfortable.

The New Moon in Libra strives for comfort. It makes a statement to infuse new energy into this old aspect that has been probably annoying things so much that disrupts things like peace. But it brings peace harmony and balance into the fall. So, I like the New Moon for that.

Also, a reminder about New Moons. If you are planning a wedding, do not plan a wedding at a New Moon. There is too many unseen and unforeseen issues and problems. Plan your weddings closer to Full Moons. So in between the First quarter Moon and the Full Moon are the best times to plan a wedding.

The aspect between Venus and Pluto arrives on Monday morning. This has much to do with asking for money or trying to move forward with plans with a certain budget. So, your budget probably will need to be scaled back with some of the aspects coming up.

The Sun, Mars, and Uranus are all caught up in a net of challenge and drama. This may contribute to some of the difficulties that you are seeing. you may want to build a play room in the basement. But the things that you have to get rid of, the junk that you have to get rid of may be an issue. Well, this Virgo Moon is a good day to dig into that.

Mercury and Venus are not a small event. They come together at 1:58 PM Monday. This is great for trying to initiate the value of great communication skills. Their input is helpful, and it outlines peaceful solutions. There is a long impact of that conjunction, as they parallel later in the week as well.

Sun is opposite Jupiter. that is on Monday 3:32 PM. It shows us where the trouble spots are. Shows us where that Saturn and Uranus have been disrupting and causing problems. How you can work through them. there is the brightest light [that] shines on this point. It brings hope.

There is on Tuesday, there is a Mercury and Jupiter aspect. this one says think about your blessings. Be grateful. Offer support to others.

The Sun and Saturn come in with a tough spot. The boss, the seat of approval or disapproval early Tuesday morning. Maybe that softens up as Mercury and Pluto come in at 8:55 AM. This is a trine aspect, 120 degrees. It is a tool to be acknowledged. Use it for good communication skills that will aid your plans and bring you to your best advantage.

There is a Void of Course Moon with the Libra Moon at 12:20 PM until 7:14 PM. Then the Moon enters the sign of Scorpio. The Scorpio Moon will end well, but it has to wait for Venus to make a change.

The Sun and Venus are joined up on Tuesday night. This one may bring together people on the short term that can help you to forward your goals.

Wednesday and Thursday, Scorpio Moon does have the cooperation of Pluto at the end of the sign. It blends much of the softness of Venus when Venus enters the sign of Libra. So not until then do we have a Green Light. but there is a Green Light after that point. Secrecy is the name of the game when the Moon is in Scorpio. So, you have to watch out for what it is you do not know, what it is you do know, and how to make the best use of the information that you do have. Be careful who you align yourself with. When moving forward with a plan take a professional. Ask a professional’s opinion. if you need to hire one, spend the money and hire a professional to go forward.

Venus is changing signs. That is on Thursday at 3:48 A M.

But then glancing back on Wednesday there is an aspect between Mars and Saturn, which allows us to harness any of the negative energy. It is easy to control this suppression of anger and hostility. It brings discipline, patience, endurance. Resistance at getting things done. Accomplishment and progress in business is what that aspect will bring to practical matters. There are fortunate delays that can come up with Mars trine Saturn.

That Venus aspect where it changes signs on Thursday brings about a Green Light. Venus runs in to rescue all the parties that are coming to the table, who want to be able to advance with their goals. Where there has been disharmony, Venus brings harmony. It does not mean it is a guarantee. It just means there is a good plan to work on things from a better position.

Ceres the dwarf planet that is about caretaking and children and food and feeding people. It enters the sign of Virgo, which is great. This helps take care of those who cannot care for themselves the way they would like to be. So that is a real plus.

The Moon is void of course at 5:19 PM on Thursday, until 12:03 AM on Friday morning,

Then we have a brighter light that comes in with the Sagittarius Moon. It ends on a happier tone. It is a good date night and it is playful. There is a good aspect between the Sun and the Moon at 1:05 PM on Friday. If you want to invite some type of outside event to lighten up the heaviness that has been put upon us so to speak, throughout the week. That is, it for the week.

You can find a copy of this on my website at My phone number is 617-558-7233. This report is also recorded and stored at the website [WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts]. Expanding Awareness go to their hour. You will see this report for two weeks there. I want to thank Kimberly Chin for her transcriptions. Also, I want to thank Julie Stoller and Victor, always for being there. Let's listen to this Black Lilith. I do not know what he said, but it sure does sound interesting. There is a planet point called Lilith and a black star. So, take care. Have a good week. Talk to you next week. Thank you.

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