Saturday, December 3, 2022, to Saturday, December 10, 2022
Dietrech Pessin –
Email: Phone (text) number is 617 – 558 – 7233.
Available for consultation and one-on-one classes.
WZBC 90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts on Saturday mornings with Victor Robert
Venckus, Expanding Awareness, in and around 9:30 AM
Hi this is Dietrech with the astrology report for the week ahead from Saturday
December 3rd until the 10th of December. We have an Aries Moon today, which
is about a lot of get up and go. High energy levels normally, except Neptune is
standing perfectly still turning direct. So, if you have been having a hard time
getting your brain in gear. or your life in gear, your head is fuzzy. How about
sleep? Have you been able to sleep? Are you trying to sleep? what is keeping you
up at night? Well, are there noises? Are there things that are difficult to define?
Difficult to cure? Maybe there is a mouse in the house and that is freaking out.
Maybe there is an animal that is barking. So, a lot of things that are difficult and
hard. Hard to pin down. This is not an easy time with Neptune standing perfectly
still. It will probably be hovering over our heads for the next couple of days. it
rules drug addiction, alcoholism, and substance abuse of all types. eating too
much to the point of making yourself sick. Any kind of thing that is really hard to
break away from. So, when it goes direct, you might have a better chance at all
The Aries Moon today will trine Mercury. Mercury is also going to make a change
this week, as will Venus. Mercury will go into the sign of Aquarius. I mean rather
Capricorn. Venus will also make a change when Venus will go where? It will enter
Capricorn, as well on Friday.
So, as we come out of the so much Sagittarius energy, we are looking forward to
some of the practical energy brought in by the Capricorn. That Capricorn sign for
this Neptune Venus is still in Sagittarius. It will square Neptune 2:12 AM on
Sunday morning. That is going to give us more to think about. It is filled with
illusions and delusions about romantic notions, and maybe your money. You
might be misappropriating. You might be willfully overspending and then you will
be set up for a very difficult situation later.
The things that come up on Monday. The Moon will be in Taurus on Monday. that
happens at 6:38 AM.
On Sunday morning, the Moon enters the sign of Taurus. It seems as though the
Taurus Moon really wants to grab a hold of Venus’ more practical side. But it is
being overly sentimental and romantic. Emotionally dreamy and unrealistic. It
could have an effect on your dreams, as well. Falls in love with fantasy figures and
dissipating love interest. A desire to escape daily stress with fantasy as well.
So, a lot of things you want to watch out for with the fantasy, unless you want to
dress up in a costume and have a good time in a fantasy world in that way. Be
careful about your makeup. That it is not too heavy. There is also the likelihood of
misusing color. So, if you go out and buy something to decorate your home, you
could be bringing home the wrong colors. Again, watch out for that frivolous
Then we have with Mercury. It is going on to make an aspect to it Pluto. That will
be exact on December 4th. Mercury then goes on to square Jupiter. So, what we
have when Mercury is making all these changes, it is delivering messages trying to
bring about some. Well, it goes on. it seeks information, and it announces things.
Like with a foghorn, a megaphone. It has no rules or any kind of manners in
delivering its messages.
There are Green Light times. Actually, for today, on Saturday is a Green Light that
will start at 7:14 PM, after Neptune turns direct. It will run until 4:44 AM. So, if
you want to take advantage of buying something or advancing your goals in some
way, you get a nice Green Light with an aspect that the Moon makes to Jupiter.
Although there could be a lot of few problems with that. So be careful about
advancing too quickly.
Another Green Light starts at 6:37 AM with the Taurus Moon. That one will run
right until 9:50 AM on Tuesday. Right through there is a good Greenlight period
that has a lot to do with money. Taurus has to do with money. Mercury, however,
is square Jupiter. So, your thinking or intentions may be off in a way when you
think too much. Or that you think you have all the information, but actually, you
do not. You need to rethink those things.
With Monday, we have something going on with the Sun and the Moon. There is
a quincunx at 7:50 AM on Monday. That says, there is a problem. Life is messy,
clean it up kind of thing. That is because there is a Full Moon coming. You will
have a lot of busy work to do cleaning that one up. Especially cleaning up money
matters. Moon in Taurus and Sun in Sagittarius going off too quickly without your
ability to manage your purse in a logical way.
That Mercury squared Jupiter also is on Tuesday morning, under that Green Light.
It is at 2:05 AM. So, these are messages maybe that come in the night. or maybe
in another time zone that bring information in that you are likely to be able to use
for your business choices.
Also, the Moon enters Gemini on Tuesday. that is at 3:48 PM.
Also, there is a little Void of Course Moon period with the Taurus Moon from 2:01
PM until 3:48 PM. Although the Moon is never considered void of course in the
sign of Taurus because it is exalted in that sign.
The Gemini Moon sign that comes in on Tuesday, it goes through Wednesday,
and a big portion of Thursday. Actually, right up until Friday morning at 5:13 AM.
This is not a good time for making decisions or making money plans, business
plans. Because your judgment is off. Your information is off. You can go two or
more ways.
You are going to also be waiting for Mercury to change signs. That is Tuesday
morning. rather Tuesday afternoon at 5:07 PM. Mercury goes into Capricorn.
Then your thinking gets more directed towards what is practical. What type of
business deals and business information you can gather and take advantage of?
Although, like I said, it is not a good Moon sign, the Gemini Moon is not a good
Moon sign for conducting any kind of business.
The Sun is square Juno, which is a partner indicator. That is on Wednesday. That
says, your relationship with your partners are also contributing to making poor
decisions. Or aggravated decisions in some way as well.
Another aspect that the Sun makes is crazy Uranus comes in 5:34 PM. But all day
on Wednesday, that Sun quincunx Uranus is going to be creating problems.
Because it is on the heels of that Full Moon. the Full Moon is on Wednesday at
11:07 PM. It is very near this Solar Eclipse that we had in June of 2021. So, a lot of
things are coming to a head. This Full Moon will create enough aggravation to be
able to bring things. Cart all the cards out on the table. All the information is out
there. Things are exposed. Should be very interesting in regard to information.
That Gemini Moon is with us through Wednesday night into Thursday.
The Sun is opposite Mars. That will be on Thursday at 12:41 AM. That ought to be
an incredible picture in the sky. It is an occultation, which is exactly at 11:18 PM.
That will be quite a sight to see. You should be able to see it just by looking up in
the sky. If you have a little telescope, you can take a picture of it. I saw where you
could put the camera right to the lens of the telescope and it will take a picture of
As I said, the Full Moon is 11:07 PM. Moon conjunct Mars 11:18 PM. We are
talking Wednesday.
Then the Sun opposite Mars overnight there Thursday morning, 12:41 AM. That
will be with Mars at 16° of Gemini. It is retrograde. It is out of bounds. It is acting
crazy and wacky. All kinds of problems can be attributed to Mars out of bounds
and Mars being retrograde.
Then here we are with that Sun opposite Mars. We are in for a doozy with this
Full Moon that is going to take place overnight Wednesday and into Thursday. So
be very careful traveling or being in motion or getting into arguments with others.
Also do not get into aggravated situations out in public or even on the road. Do
not engage in any road rage activities.
Things could really go in a bad way. I would stay home. Stay out of markets. Stay
out of public areas until this energy passes. That would be with the following
quincunx of the Sun and the Moon, which is after a Full Moon period. That would
be on 4:30 PM next Saturday. If you want to clear the decks around that time.
Although, it is not all bad. You could write something. You could publish
something. You could present something. That could also work in your favor.
But for Thursday, there is a void of course Moon, actually Friday morning. 5:13
AM until 2:48 AM. The last aspect that that Gemini Moon makes is square to
Jupiter. So, things are done in a big way.
Then the Moon will enter Cancer Friday, December 9th at 2:48 AM. That will run
right through the weekend, next weekend. But there will be a Green Light with
the Cancer Moon. But we have to wait until Venus changes signs first. She is
holding everything up. Venus is square Jupiter. That is Friday morning of 7:54 AM.
So that is that abundance of enthusiasm goes over the top. Your plans also are
over the top.
When Venus goes into Capricorn, things get a little more practical. 10:53 PM is
when that happens. The Cancer Moon will continue through the weekend with a
Green Light, if you want to take some action for your plans after that time. We
will talk about next Saturday, next Saturday. Okay, that is it for the week.
You can find a copy of this on my website at You can reach
me by phone at 617-558-7233. We can also replay this recording on Victor's
archives, WZBC (90.3 FM Boston Massachusetts). It is there for two weeks. You
can again, read it. It will be transcribed by Kimberly Chin. Thank you very much,
Kimberly. I think that is pretty much it for the week. Hello to Julie. Hello, Victor.
We will talk again next week. Give me a call 617-558-7233. You might want to buy
somebody a reading for Christmas, which would be a good idea. Victor also does
readings too. So, give him a call. Thank you. Bye for now.
by Dietrech Pessin - Author of Lunar Shadows III at AMAZON.COM on Twitter/@Dietrech & email:
Monday, December 5, 2022
Astrology by Dietrech Pessin Dec 3 - Dec 9 2022 with Green Light Days
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